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Guyana Times does not seem to be publishing everyday. But I found this article on its online version which I think is fair and balanced.

Can the Centre hold?

By Ryhaan Shah

Why would a newly elected Government coming in a wave of goodwill and with campaign promises of positive change, set about, and deliberately so it seems, to destroy it all?
Since coming to office last May, the Ganger Government has done nothing but upset and enrage the general population with their actions and policies. They have upset sugar workers, rice farmers, trade unionists, public servants, the Guyana Bar Association, Red Thread, the GHRA, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, and TIGI.
They have taken away utility subventions from the elderly and created none of the promised jobs for our youth nor included them as significant participants in the new government.
Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan insists he has done nothing illegal by awarding the mayoral and chairmanship positions to only Coalition winners in constituencies where there were ties with the PPP/C. Legality aside, this was a prime opportunity for Government, who were so highly critical while in the Opposition, to act fairly. But this was beyond them so the PPP/C rightly took the matter to court.
In handing down the writs to stay his hand, Justice Diana Insanally said that Bulkan’s decision was “made in bad faith, is unreasonable, arbitrary, capricious, … malicious, vindictive, unlawful …”
Justice Insanally’s words could be applied to just about every decision taken by Government to date. Trade union leader Lincoln Lewis in a recent letter to the press stated: “There are reports of state and government officials acting as a law unto themselves with little or no regard for tenets of good governance that ought to be guiding their conduct.”
In a recent column in Stabroek News, economist Tarron Kemraj disclosed that the forensic audits done by Government into the PPP/C Government’s finances “found little evidence of widespread government theft ….” He added that a redistribution of state resources amounted to “nepotism and bad governance” and that these and other irregularities fed the perception that the previous Government was corrupt.
The imbroglio over the relationship of Minister of State Joe Harmon with businessman Brian Tiwari and Chinese logging company BaiShanLin drew fire from Transparency International Guyana Inc which stated that the Minister “is confirming that the government has been using its position to employ and reward, out of state resources, its supporters and donors.”
Harmon’s prepared statement defending his conduct dispels none of the perceptions of governmental excess and wrongdoing and smacks more of a cover-up.
Nigel Hughes has deferred his resignation as AFC Chairman which came on the heels of a party statement calling for a curb of Harmon’s powers. In resigning, Hughes said that the chairmanship had become “untenable”.
Added to the troubles within the AFC camp are rumours of internal PNC/APNU squabbles over the allocation of the post elections spoils.
President David Granger’s reputation as a strongman could well be tested as he tries to hold everything together especially since his Government has lost the Indo-Guyanese support which the AFC brought to the Coalition. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese vote that gave the Coalition its slim lead in the general elections have mostly returned to the PPP/C.
This will probably be written as the biggest tragedy in the Coalition’s legacy. That Indo-Guyanese were willing to take that chance and vote for a Government led by the PNC/APNU, knowing full well their Burnhamist past, was a notable move away from Guyana’s race politics.
However, the Granger Government never set about to nurture that new support which would have encouraged more Indo-Guyanese to join them. In fact, they proceeded to do quite the opposite and Granger’s total disregard for the Cummingsburg Accord made it clear that the AFC was simply used for its Indo-Guyanese constituency in order to get them a victory.
With that support gone, the Coalition Government is nothing but a sham. By all accounts, Guyana is now being governed by a minority Government with the PNC/APNU retaining only their hard-core supporters which would put them at much less than 40% of the electorate.
Thus far, the Granger Government seems more intent on exacting vengeance against the PPP/C and its supporters rather than pursuing positive policies for Guyana’s progress.
The country is skittering from one scandal to the next, from one crisis to the next and every bit of goodwill has been squandered. Peace and prosperity always go together and there will be no progress while the country is in a constant state of uproar.
To paraphrase the poet WB Yeats’ famous lines: Can the centre hold when everything is falling apart?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Very good article.  The golden question is why Granger and his coalition government are on a purposeful path of destruction when they had a chance to make such a difference as they had promised on the campaign trail.  I think the answer is that they are just lazy and they really don't care.

They found a treasury overflowing with gold and decided to reward themselves handsomely.  Now they have come to realize the responsibilities of running a country and its not as glamorous it had seemed.  I believe they will walk away happily in 2020, if not before that, as long as their pockets are filled.  Let the PPP worry about rebuilding Guyana when they return to government.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

President David Granger’s reputation as a strongman could well be tested as he tries to hold everything together especially since his Government has lost the Indo-Guyanese support which the AFC brought to the Coalition. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese vote that gave the Coalition its slim lead in the general elections have mostly returned to the PPP/C.

Since when LGE are the benchmark for General Election,some of these analyst does not seem to get it.Indian votes alone cannot cut the mustard for the PPP to win.



Django posted:

President David Granger’s reputation as a strongman could well be tested as he tries to hold everything together especially since his Government has lost the Indo-Guyanese support which the AFC brought to the Coalition. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese vote that gave the Coalition its slim lead in the general elections have mostly returned to the PPP/C.

Since when LGE are the benchmark for General Election,some of these analyst does not seem to get it.Indian votes alone cannot cut the mustard for the PPP to win.



Can you do me a favor and re-read this article?  It's not about LGE.  By taking one sentence out of the article you are losing the context of what the writer is saying and therefore your comment has become misconstrued!

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

President David Granger’s reputation as a strongman could well be tested as he tries to hold everything together especially since his Government has lost the Indo-Guyanese support which the AFC brought to the Coalition. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese vote that gave the Coalition its slim lead in the general elections have mostly returned to the PPP/C.

Since when LGE are the benchmark for General Election,some of these analyst does not seem to get it.Indian votes alone cannot cut the mustard for the PPP to win.



The LGE may not be a benchmark, but by all indications, the AFC has lost whatever Indian support they may have gained. Its probably difficult to ascertain this from the LGE. 

However, the coalition is showing it is capable of making mistakes after mistakes, even with just over a year in office. Whats going to happen over the next 4 years, if this is a trend?

The PPP may not be able to win a national election on its own, it has to cultivate relationships with other parties, including the AFC, or others that may rise in the future. Given the race problem, Afros will not vote for the PPP. But Granger is making it easy fr the PPP to mobilize its forces.  

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger’s reputation as a strongman could well be tested as he tries to hold everything together especially since his Government has lost the Indo-Guyanese support which the AFC brought to the Coalition. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese vote that gave the Coalition its slim lead in the general elections have mostly returned to the PPP/C.

Since when LGE are the benchmark for General Election,some of these analyst does not seem to get it.Indian votes alone cannot cut the mustard for the PPP to win.



The LGE may not be a benchmark, but by all indications, the AFC has lost whatever Indian support they may have gained. Its probably difficult to ascertain this from the LGE. 

However, the coalition is showing it is capable of making mistakes after mistakes, even with just over a year in office. Whats going to happen over the next 4 years, if this is a trend?

The PPP may not be able to win a national election on its own, it has to cultivate relationships with other parties, including the AFC, or others that may rise in the future. Given the race problem, Afros will not vote for the PPP. But Granger is making it easy fr the PPP to mobilize its forces.  

If this trend continues, the WPA may also have serious issues with the APNU...

I wont be surprised if the coalition runs Guyana like a dictatorship...their actions so far seems to be heading in that direction. 

Last edited by VishMahabir
Django posted:

President David Granger’s reputation as a strongman could well be tested as he tries to hold everything together especially since his Government has lost the Indo-Guyanese support which the AFC brought to the Coalition. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese vote that gave the Coalition its slim lead in the general elections have mostly returned to the PPP/C.

Since when LGE are the benchmark for General Election,some of these analyst does not seem to get it.Indian votes alone cannot cut the mustard for the PPP to win.



Django bai. I agree that LGE is not equivalent to GE but I disagree that the PPP can only win if the Indian population represents more than 50% of the voting population. I expect that even non-Indians would choose the PPP instead of white mouth. I am sure that non-Indians like cool stuff too.

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger’s reputation as a strongman could well be tested as he tries to hold everything together especially since his Government has lost the Indo-Guyanese support which the AFC brought to the Coalition. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese vote that gave the Coalition its slim lead in the general elections have mostly returned to the PPP/C.

Since when LGE are the benchmark for General Election,some of these analyst does not seem to get it.Indian votes alone cannot cut the mustard for the PPP to win.



The LGE may not be a benchmark, but by all indications, the AFC has lost whatever Indian support they may have gained. Its probably difficult to ascertain this from the LGE. 

However, the coalition is showing it is capable of making mistakes after mistakes, even with just over a year in office. Whats going to happen over the next 4 years, if this is a trend?

The PPP may not be able to win a national election on its own, it has to cultivate relationships with other parties, including the AFC, or others that may rise in the future. Given the race problem, Afros will not vote for the PPP. But Granger is making it easy fr the PPP to mobilize its forces.  

If this trend continues, the WPA may also have serious issues with the APNU...

I wont be surprised if the coalition runs Guyana like a dictatorship...their actions so far seems to be heading in that direction. 

Let them follow that direction they will be gone come 2020,l hope the will not try election rigging.


The PPP has always won election with percentages beyond the Indian base, as such, it did have broad support outside of its Indian base.  The coalition won by 1% with the AFC Indian/other votes!

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger’s reputation as a strongman could well be tested as he tries to hold everything together especially since his Government has lost the Indo-Guyanese support which the AFC brought to the Coalition. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese vote that gave the Coalition its slim lead in the general elections have mostly returned to the PPP/C.

Since when LGE are the benchmark for General Election,some of these analyst does not seem to get it.Indian votes alone cannot cut the mustard for the PPP to win.



The LGE may not be a benchmark, but by all indications, the AFC has lost whatever Indian support they may have gained. Its probably difficult to ascertain this from the LGE. 

However, the coalition is showing it is capable of making mistakes after mistakes, even with just over a year in office. Whats going to happen over the next 4 years, if this is a trend?

The PPP may not be able to win a national election on its own, it has to cultivate relationships with other parties, including the AFC, or others that may rise in the future. Given the race problem, Afros will not vote for the PPP. But Granger is making it easy fr the PPP to mobilize its forces.  

They can only pull it off without another party if they get a majority of Amerindian and some Afro votes,and if...all the Indians are back in their fold.

Django posted:


They can only pull it off without another party if they get a majority of Amerindian and some Afro votes,and if...all the Indians are back in their fold.

That is not improbable. Indians aren't the only Guyanese who like cool stuff.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger’s reputation as a strongman could well be tested as he tries to hold everything together especially since his Government has lost the Indo-Guyanese support which the AFC brought to the Coalition. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese vote that gave the Coalition its slim lead in the general elections have mostly returned to the PPP/C.

Since when LGE are the benchmark for General Election,some of these analyst does not seem to get it.Indian votes alone cannot cut the mustard for the PPP to win.



Can you do me a favor and re-read this article?  It's not about LGE.  By taking one sentence out of the article you are losing the context of what the writer is saying and therefore your comment has become misconstrued!

Since coming to office last May, the Ganger Government has done nothing but upset and enrage the general population with their actions and policies. They have upset sugar workers, rice farmers, trade unionists, public servants, the Guyana Bar Association, Red Thread, the GHRA, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, and TIGI.
They have taken away utility subventions from the elderly and created none of the promised jobs for our youth nor included them as significant participants in the new government.


Masking the intended purpose is not very smart.



ksazma posted:
Django posted:


They can only pull it off without another party if they get a majority of Amerindian and some Afro votes,and if...all the Indians are back in their fold.

That is not improbable. Indians aren't the only Guyanese who like cool stuff.

True bhai, who doesn't want to have good life.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Very good article.  .

You don't even understand what is being written.  Like a good PPP slave you just uncritical genuflect in front of that sad political party.

No wonder they boast that they have "consolidated the East Indian support base", even as they refuse to admit that since 2011 they have been quietly shutting down Demerara sugar operations, and only stopped because they feared the political fall out of this.  Had they won the election last year factory and estate closures would have continued.

ba$eman posted:

The PPP has always won election with percentages beyond the Indian base,

The PPP won 60% of the Amerindian vote, thanks to the power of incumbency.  Ditto with the few black and mixed votes as well.

In 2020, having lacked the ability to buy votes for 5 years where will they be?   No wonder Jagdeo screams that the PPP "consolidated the East Indian support base", as apparently he doesn't think that he can get support.

So Lethem and Mabaruma slip from the PPP!

The only thing that the PPP can hope for is for APNU AFC to turn out to be as incompetent and as corrupt as they turned out to be.  APNU supporters aren't slaves as so many PPP supporters are, so will not vote if not happy

ksazma posted:

Django bai. I agree that LGE is not equivalent to GE but I disagree that the PPP can only win if the Indian population represents more than 50% of the voting population. I expect that even non-Indians would choose the PPP instead of white mouth. I am sure that non-Indians like cool stuff too.

The LGE showed that the PPP is losing ground in Amerindian areas, and was demolished in the PNC strongholds.

All the PPP accomplished was to win the same 48 NDCs that they won in 1994.

With all the screaming we have seen no evidence from the PPP that they received votes outside of their strongholds.  And this despite the fact that many feel upset with APNU AFC and so refused to vote.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Very good article.  .

You don't even understand what is being written.  Like a good PPP slave you just uncritical genuflect in front of that sad political party.

No wonder they boast that they have "consolidated the East Indian support base", even as they refuse to admit that since 2011 they have been quietly shutting down Demerara sugar operations, and only stopped because they feared the political fall out of this.  Had they won the election last year factory and estate closures would have continued.

Do me a favor.  Don't take three words out of what I wrote and attach lies to it.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

. The results of the recent Local Government Elections confirm that the 11% Indo-Guyanese



The fact that the PPP only won 2 city council seats in G/town, and these only in "top ups" as they won no constituencies, suggest that the PPP has lost ground in G/town.  In 1994 they won 8 city council seats.

The Nagamootoo lost his 2011 votes in Regions 5 and 6.  Terror of "black man rule" ensured they fled right back to the PPP.

I seriously don't think that the PPP "won" back any votes that they lost in 2015.  Especially given the abysmally low turn out.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Very good article.  .

You don't even understand what is being written.  Like a good PPP slave you just uncritical genuflect in front of that sad political party.

No wonder they boast that they have "consolidated the East Indian support base", even as they refuse to admit that since 2011 they have been quietly shutting down Demerara sugar operations, and only stopped because they feared the political fall out of this.  Had they won the election last year factory and estate closures would have continued.

Do me a favor.  Don't take three words out of what I wrote and attach lies to it.

The rest says nothing more, with certainly no critical analysis so I didn't bother to post it.

VishMahabir posted:

Guyana Times does not seem to be publishing everyday. But I found this article on its online version which I think is fair and balanced.

Can the Centre hold?

Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan insists he has done nothing illegal by awarding the mayoral and chairmanship positions to only Coalition winners in constituencies where there were ties with the PPP/C.

Aside from Mabaruma where did Bulkan have the authority to award any thing to any one.

FACT.  The election of the Mabaruma mayor ended deadlocked after several votes.  FACT.  The mayor is elected by the councilors and NOT bey direct vote.  FACT.  The Minister exercised his tie breaking vote.

The PPP deserves this by focusing on being the "coolie people party", too busy "consolidating the East Indian support base" to bother with other others.

The result is that the coalition now won Lethem outright (traditionally a very anti PNC location) and couldn't break the tie breaking vote by Bulkan.

So let them continue to scream that they "won" the LGE.

VishMahabir posted:


 If this trend continues, the WPA may also have serious issues with the APNU...


The WPA already has issues with the coalition. Read the letters and articles by WPA officials Tacuma Ogunseye and Dr David Hinds. Will the WPA instruct its lone coalition MP and Cabinet member Dr Rupert Roopnarine to walk out of APNU? IMHO, not likely. 

Gilbakka posted:
. Will the WPA instruct its lone coalition MP and Cabinet member Dr Rupert Roopnarine to walk out of APNU? IMHO, not likely. 

Once the PPP remains headed by Jagdeo this isn't going to happen.  I suspect ditto for the AFC.


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