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Former Member

Granger’s place in Guyana’s history at stake – Members of US Congress

Jun 05, 2020 News 2 , Source - Kaieteur News - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...bers-of-us-congress/

Five members of the law-making US congress have written incumbent President, David Granger, about the acceptance of the recount results. According to the letter released yesterday, at stakes for Granger now is a place in the country’s history books. of Congress: Paul Cook, Donna Shalala, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Darren Soto, Alcee Hastings

The letter would follow other statements from US officials, including from the State Department, calling for the elections process to be followed and the results accepted by all.

It has been a month since a national recount is underway with more than 90 days since the March 2 elections.

The incumbent Coalition, led by Granger, is facing a loss in its first term, with the next government to hold reigns on the emerging oil and gas sector. at stake: President David Granger

However, there is deep worry that the Coalition is not going to easily give up. They have been accused of throwing up hurdles all along the way, and on Wednesday said results so far from the recount are not credible.

The letter from the congress members were signed by Alcee Hastings, Paul Cook, Darren Soto, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Shalala.

“As the recount of Guyana’s disputed March Presidential election continues, we write to commend your commitment to honor the results and your attempts to address the concerns of the Guyanese people. We remain hopeful that the recount will be conducted in a fair and transparent manner, instilling confidence in the results and Guyana’s democratic institutions with the support of credible international observers that can verify the integrity of the process and the final result,” the congressional members said.

They acknowledged that the Coronavirus pandemic continues to pose challenges for all countries.

“…and we understand that you have taken many unprecedented steps to slow the spread of the virus, including closing your airport. Even so, all countries implementing measures to mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus have also acknowledged that some work is so essential that it must continue.”

According to the US representatives, the legitimacy of elections are essential to the health of democracies everywhere and credible international observers will ensure that the people of Guyana and their friends around the world can trust and be proud of the final result in the ongoing recount.

“Your leadership role during the recount process is critical to Guyana’s continued respect for the rule of law. Your place in Guyana’s history will be secured by ensuring an internationally-recognised Declaration of Results consisted with the laws of Guyana,” the letter said.

The correspondence would be part of a growing number of calls by the local and international community for the Granger-led coalition to recognize the recount.

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic is claiming that it has won the elections, by more than 15,000 votes.

The PPP/C lost the elections in 2015 after 23 years in power.
Guyana is facing tough times, like the rest of the world, with the borders and airports closed because of the virus.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger will go down in history as a participant in the 1973 election heist following orders.  He will go down as the architect of the 2020 attempted heist giving the orders.

His place in history had been etched.

@Former Member posted:

Granger will go down in history as a participant in the 1973 election heist following orders.

 He will go down as the architect of the 2020 attempted heist giving the orders.

His place in history had been etched.

Another piece of false information, are you programmed ?

@Django posted:

You said he was a "participant in the 1973 election heist" can you prove that ?

he was the architect of stuffed ballot boxes being switched by the GDF on their trucks. he was also responsible for complicit in the shooting of the two PPP martyrs at #64 village. History will judge him very harshly.

@Django posted:

You said he was a "participant in the 1973 election heist" can you prove that ?

Yes he was. I was at the heist where he was stationed. Maybe he was the Young officer who ran up to the PPP polling agent and held a gun to his head. 

When I confronted his nephew about it in 2011, his response was his uncle was a junior officer and not in a decision-making role.  You try to figure the rest.

@Former Member posted:

Yes he was. I was at the heist where he was stationed. Maybe he was the Young officer who ran up to the PPP polling agent and held a gun to his head. 

When I confronted his nephew about it in 2011, his response was his uncle was a junior officer and not in a decision-making role.  You try to figure the rest.

You are making up stories, plain and simple.

I don't like to state my conversation outside of the forum, will do this time.

Earlier today i had a conversation with some one who interviewed  Granger before he became President ,the question was put ,which was denied.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

he was the architect of stuffed ballot boxes being switched by the GDF on their trucks. he was also responsible for complicit in the shooting of the two PPP martyrs at #64 village. History will judge him very harshly.

Who told you so ? can you provide the information ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Who told you so ? can you provide the information ?

Me phambily and phrends tell me dah. Me guh believe me phambily before anybady else. Fuh me provide infamatian you guh have fuh supeena me and me phambily.

@Former Member posted:

Me phambily and phrends tell me dah. Me guh believe me phambily before anybady else. Fuh me provide infamatian you guh have fuh supeena me and me phambily.

Good for you . See the addition to my post to Baseman.

@Former Member posted:

Me phambily and phrends tell me dah. Me guh believe me phambily before anybady else. Fuh me provide infamatian you guh have fuh supeena me and me phambily.

Why did the PPP not prosecute him? This is all hearsay.

@Django posted:

You are making up stories, plain and simple.

Here you go. You shameless person.  I saw what I saw.   In 2011 his nephew was on the AFC FB page constantly. I let him know what I thought of his uncle.  That was his response.

So go to hell if you cannot face the truth.  You are just a shameless fraud like the rest of your PNC cohorts.  Confronted with the truth, then you scurry.

@Former Member posted:

Here you go. You shameless person.  I saw what I saw.   In 2011 his nephew was on the AFC FB page constantly. I let him know what I thought of his uncle.  That was his response.

So go to hell if you cannot face the truth.  You are just a shameless fraud like the rest of your PNC cohorts.  Confronted with the truth, then you scurry.

You are a LIAR ,i have to state it.

@Former Member posted:

Thiefman nevah sey dem thief.

His nephew never even deny.  All he said his uncle was a junior officer and not in a decision making role.  That’s why I used the words “following orders.”

@Former Member posted:

You are a fraudster.  I saw the 1973 stealing at the school.  So STFU and run and hide.  

I am saying it again ,you are a LIAR ,recognizing Granger hijacking ballot boxes ,you can be skinned up easily.

Never have to run and hide, never defraud anyone . Keep the the bullshit for who believes you.

End of Conversation.

Last edited by Django

Letter: Granger’s role in the 1973 rigged elections must now be questioned again

July 17, 2019  , Source -

The late Malcolm X, a courageous advocate for the rights of Black Americans once said, “I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he’s wrong, than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil.”

Following the defeat of the Granger-led APNU+AFC Administration on December 21, 2018 by a vote of no-confidence, it is now clear that when it suits the President and the government to ignore constitutional precepts, it is prepared to do so. On the one hand, the President says he respects the ruling of the CCJ and the Constitution, “As far as I’m concerned, I have always operated within the ambit of the Constitution… I have never gone outside of the Constitution.” But then based on his actions, he is engaging in deliberate tactics to stall the appointment of a new Chairman of GECOM and to further delay elections which should have taken place four months ago.

But regardless of how innocent he thinks he is, or wants us to believe, there are documented evidence of the President’s blatant disregard for our Constitution from the moment the APNU+AFC formed the government in May of 2015.

Article 226(1) of the Constitution states: “In the exercise of its functions under the Constitution, a Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority”.

In May 2015, the then Junior Social Protection Minister Simona Broomes instructed the Secretary of the Public Service Commission, that “all interviews and meetings of the Commission are to cease forthwith until further as instructed by His Excellency, the President, David Arthur Granger’s notice”.

This was challenged in the High Court, and Justice Chang ruled that the Public Service Commission, a Commission established by the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, in the exercise of its functions shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority. The Chief Justice called it a violation of Article 226 of the Constitution of the Cooperative of Guyana, and ruled that it is unlawful, null, void and of no legal effect.

Then in June, 2016, the President again deliberately violated the Constitution when he instructed Minister of State Joseph Harmon to issue a directive to the Police Service Commission (PSC) in his name, instructing the PSC to halt the police promotions process. This vulgar and authoritarian attempt by the President to trample upon the independence and functional autonomy of the Police Service Commission, a constitutional agency, was again challenged in the High Court.

Again on October 8, 2016, in a public statement released to the press, trade unionist Carvil Duncan said that he was asked by President David Granger in February of that year, to resign as Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC) and from other constitutional commissions. Duncan related that he was invited to meet with the President and the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, and was asked to submit his resignation. Harmon, he said, offered him a suitable financial package for his exit. And during the course of the meeting, Duncan reported that the President said no less than 3 times, “that he does not want any blood on his carpet.” Having rejected their offer, the Government  embarked upon a manifestly unlawful course of action. While certain criminal charges were pending in the Magistrate’s Court against Duncan, the Government decided to trigger a constitutional process to remove him from office. Without a hearing, President Granger set up a ‘kangaroo tribunal’ to remove the embattled trade unionist as chairman of the Public Service Commission. But by virtue of being chairman of the PSC, Carvil Duncan was ex-officio, a member of the Judicial Service Commission and the Police Service Commission, institutions created by the Constitution and endowed with the fundamental role and function of guarding against executive abuses.

As Chairman of the PSC, Carvil Duncan enjoyed all these constitutional protections.

It is obvious that this President demonstrates absolute disrespect and disregard for the letter and spirit of the Constitution, and continues to contravene its provisions with impunity.

His unilateral decision to appoint the 84-year old retired Justice James Patterson, a man with ties to the PNC, as the GECOM Chairman, lead to the CCJ ruling that the process of his appointment was flawed. But Granger is determined to stay in power at all cost and is hell bent on once again unilaterally appointing a new GECOM Chairman with one thing in mind… to rig the next General and Regional Elections whenever it is called. This troubling behavior evokes memories of Guyana under the dictatorship of the PNC, whose leader David Granger idolizes till now.

According to leaked confidential diplomatic cables sent on July 19, 1973 by the US Embassy in Georgetown to US Missions in Trinidad, Barbados and Jamaica, expressing amazement at the level of bare-faced, blatant rigging that took place during the 1973 General Election,  “In attempting its forecast of this election (Ref A), Embassy had not really expected PNC to abandon all pretense of honest election. In event, however, this is what appears to have happened. Whether out of fear, confusion, inefficiency, exuberance or sheer lack of coordination, rigging does seem to have gotten out of hand.”

“From all reports, ballot boxes were delivered by a variety of means Monday night to Guyana Defense Force (GDF) Headquarters in Georgetown where they remained under armed guard for upwards of 10 hours before vote counting began. PPP evidently succeeded only too well in alarming PNC by its last minute exhortations to its followers to prevent removal of ballot boxes to three central counting locations. (Evidently), plans to engage in ballot-box stuffing and switching while boxes being delivered, as had apparently been the original intention, were abandoned and stuffing and switching seems to have taken place while the boxes (were) held at GDF Headquarters before delivery to three counting locations”

Readers may recall I had repeatedly demanded that David Granger account for his roll in the 1973 seizure of ballot boxes by the GDF which gave the PNC a two-third majority in Parliament. On election day 1973, GDF soldiers opened fire at No. 63 Village on the Corentyne, killing 45-year-old Parmanand Bholanauth and wounding several others. Jagan Ramessar, a 17-year old youth was seriously wounded during the shooting, but instead of taking him to the hospital, the police and GDF soldier transported him to the No. 51 Police Station where they refused to provide him with medical attention. He died there after being further physically brutalized by police and soldiers. This is the same rigged election referred to earlier in one of the leaked diplomatic cables sent by the US Embassy in Georgetown. As such, Granger’s role in the 1973 rigged elections must now be questioned again.

David Granger never fully explained his involvement in the seizure of those ballot boxes although he was at the time a political liaison officer to Forbes Burnham. In his capacity, how could he not have known of the PNC plans to rig the election? Surely Burnham would have relied on his support to subvert the army. He later defended the killings of those defenceless civilians by his GDF squaddies in a March 18, 2011 article in the Guyana Chronicle, “Granger endorsed the soldiers’ actions on elections day 1973”.

According to the article, “In 2003, in Chile, Mr. Granger presented a paper entitled “Civil Violence, Domestic Terrorism and Internal Security in Guyana, 1953 – 2003”, wherein he referred to the sinking of MV Sun Chapman when 40 African Guyanese were killed as “the most alarming slaughter of the ‘disturbances’ between the period 1953 – 2004.

Yet, nowhere in this work were the beatings, rape and murder of hundreds of innocent Indian Guyanese residing in Wismar ever mentioned. Indians were forced out of their own homes, which were then permanently occupied by the perpetrators; yet this was not considered in Granger’s writing of the history of civil violence in Guyana.

If this is not blatant racism and intellectual dishonesty on the part of Mr. Granger then what is?”

Isn’t it ironic that on June 27, 1974, a US diplomatic cable on the Guyana National Service described the then GDF Major David Granger as having the reputation of being an ideologue and “anti-East Indian racist.”

But the Chronicle article continued, “How can shooting and then allowing two men to bleed to death simply because they demanded that the ballots be counted at the place of polls rather than taken away by the GDF be endorsed as “splendid” and “discretionary” behaviour?

Where was the “discretion” in murdering these two young men for protesting their democratic right to have their votes counted? What was “really credible” in the army taking the ballot boxes to the GDF base?”

Listening to the rhetoric emanating from David Granger and some of his ministers, it is obvious they have no intention of obeying the rulings of the CCJ and Article 106(6) and 106(7) of our constitution.

I welcome the joint statement by Western Diplomats urging the expeditious adherence to the rule of law and the relevant provisions of the Constitution, but they need to follow this up by inflicting severe personal sanctions such as revocation of visas and the freezing of all foreign bank accounts for “all invoked actors” who seem determined to take this country down the same road as Venezuela, a country led by a dictator, whose corrupt policies have now caused the once oil-rich nation to be bankrupted and lawless. Guyana must never be allowed to return to those dark days under the PNC/APNU dictatorship.

The consequential orders from the CCJ are as clear as daylight: Articles 106(6) and 106(7) have been triggered. The President and his Cabinet must resign but remain as a caretaker government with diminished powers to provide essential services and to prepare for elections. No more “ministerial outreach” to squander taxpayers money on political campaigning; no more borrowing to add to the national debt; and no awarding of major contracts. And above all, elections must be called within three months, that is, by September 18, 2019 period!

HARRY GILL, PPP/C Member of Parliament


@Former Member: Case closed. Granger is a criminal. Thanks D_G

David Granger never fully explained his involvement in the seizure of those ballot boxes although he was at the time a political liaison officer to Forbes Burnham. In his capacity, how could he not have known of the PNC plans to rig the election? Surely Burnham would have relied on his support to subvert the army. He later defended the killings of those defenceless civilians by his GDF squaddies in a March 18, 2011 article in the Guyana Chronicle, “Granger endorsed the soldiers’ actions on elections day 1973”.

@Django posted:

Harry Gill is a PPP parliamentarian, what can one expect him to say.

One can deduce, that Granger was at the National Service during the 1973 elections

Deduce - Not for me.

At that time, Granger was in the army and was involved with the activities noted in the article.

I was then employed in a senior position in the government.


The 193 Election was stolen.  I witnessed GDF soldiers took the ballot boxes from Annandale high School and then took them to Buxton, where they switch the ballot boxes with their own.    When the boxes were opened for counting, they found ballots wrapped with rubber bands.  There 4 extra votes.  

@Former Member posted:

National Service was established in 1974.

David Granger was in line for the throne and Burnham brought forward Norman Maclean ( a non military man ) for the Chief Of Staff. Do more digging, you gone find this out. And envoke the Kabaka jumbie and ask him why... me nah know. 

@Former Member posted:

Deduce - Not for me.

At that time, Granger was in the army and was involved with the activities noted in the article.

I was then employed in a senior position in the government.

Granger was head of the National Service up to 1974 ,was he not ? most folks knows you work for the gov't after studies in Eastern Europe.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

David Granger was in line for the throne and Burnham brought forward Norman Maclean ( a non military man ) for the Chief Of Staff. Do more digging, you gone find this out. And envoke the Kabaka jumbie and ask him why... me nah know. 

Banna i know why Burnham choose Mc.Lean ,as a matter of fact he trusted no military persons then.

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@Django posted:

Banna i know why Burnham choose Mc.Lean ,as a matter of fact he trusted no military persons then

Burnham must have trusted you so much.... 

David Granger has no leadership qualities... plain and simple. 

@Django posted:

Granger was head of the National Service up to 1974 ,was he not ? every one knows you work for the gov't after studies in Eastern Europe.

Granger was not at the National Service during the 1973 elections.

@Former Member posted:

Burnham must have trusted you so much.... 

David Granger has no leadership qualities... plain and simple. 

How i am involved with Burnham ?

That's for you all PPP-ites ,he went to England and study in 1965. Can you tell if the lord and savior of Indos graduated from Russia.

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@Django posted:

How i am involved with Burnham ?

That's for you all PPP-ites ,he went to England and study in 1965. Can you tell if the lord and savior of Indos graduated from Russia.

You claimed to know why Burnham choose MacLean. Your comments is like you had dinner with the Kabaka and he tells you the secret . watch what you  wrote. You even know Burnham didn’t thrust any military person. 

Now we went from Burnham to Russia. Why why why. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You claimed to know why Burnham choose MacLean. Your comments is like you had dinner with the Kabaka and he tells you the secret . watch what you  wrote.

Now we went from Burnham to Russia. Why why why. 

Banna that's what's known at the time ,try to be more professional .  You stated your views about Granger leadership  ,hence  inquiry about the lord and savior.

Last edited by Django

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