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Cheddi Jagan Jr. endorses Granger for President; says it’s time for change

The very outspoken, Dr. Cheddi Jagan Jr. called a press conference at his Charlotte Street dental clinic to announce that he believes David Granger is the right man to move Guyana forward and therefore he has endorsed Granger for President.

Cheddi Jagan Jr. endorses Granger for President; says it’s time for change

The only son of late Guyana Presidents, Dr. Cheddi and Janet Jagan has officially offered his endorsement and support for the APNU+AFC Coalition.

The very outspoken, Dr. Cheddi Jagan Jr. called a press conference at his Charlotte Street dental clinic to announce that he believes David Granger is the right man to move Guyana forward and therefore he has endorsed Granger for President.

Dr. Jagan grew up in the People’s Progressive Party under his parents who were its co-founders. He said it was not easy to turn away from the party of his parents but Guyana is at a stage where change is needed and he has had enough of the current People’s Progressive Party and its way of running the affairs of the country.

He said the PPP of today is not the PPP of his father Dr. Cheddi Jagan. He noted that the party has moved away from its principles since his father’s death and it is no longer about the ordinary Guyanese. Dr. Jagan said the current PPP administration has done very little to bring the country together and has moved away from being accountable to the citizens.

"It is time to give somebody else a chance. They have had their chances. They have had 23 years of chances and look at the condition of this country. Yeah we got a Marriott but where is the good drinking water? Where is our city going? We have a five star hotel and a one star city”, Jagan said.

Dr. Jagan said he read the APNU+AFC’s manifesto and is very impressed with their plans and policies and believe the coalition is showing a commitment to move the country forward in the right direction. He added that he has always been a supporter of coalition politics because it is what is needed in today’s political world.

β€œWe need change. I have read the manifesto of the opposition and I agree with what they are saying they will do in the first 100 days. I support it.”

He dismissed concerns about Mr. Granger’s military background and said if there is anything that Guyana needs right now is discipline and a commitment to move forward.

According to Dr. Jagan, his father, the late Cheddi Jagan, was a very disciplined politician who was very committed to the people. He said of all the current political leaders today, David Granger is the one who mirrors his father’s discipline and commitment to the people.

In 2011, Dr. Cheddi Jagan Jr. supported the PPP but he said it became clear just a few months after his support and the party getting into power, that there was no commitment to change the way business was done in the country.

He said during a meeting with President Ramotar and other party officials, he encouraged the President to form a unity government and make Granger his Prime Minister. He said the PPP never budged on that suggestion and it was dismissed.

Dr. Jagan told reporters as he sat in front of a portrait of his father, the late Cheddi Jagan and his godfather the late Forbes Burnham, that Guyana needs unity and the APNU+AFC coalition seems better able and prepare to deliver that to Guyana.

He encouraged young people to go to the polls and vote and do like him and vote for the coalition.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Doesn't mean a thing. Trying hard to be relevant.


From what I seeing and hearing, Indians doan really care for the legacy or memory of CBJ.


As long as they have a racists to lead them against the Blackman, dey happy as pigs in shyte.

Siggy, we must not lump all Indians together.

There are Indians who never think in racial terms.

There are Indians who never liked Jagan.

The point is: Independent-minded Indians, undecided ones too, are more likely to be receptive to Joey's endorsement.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Doesn't mean a thing. Trying hard to be relevant.


From what I seeing and hearing, Indians doan really care for the legacy or memory of CBJ.


As long as they have a racists to lead them against the Blackman, dey happy as pigs in shyte.

Things have changed. The ones that still back the PPP are in the whole the same ones who have benefited from the corruption and murders. The farmers have been left to fend for themselves or rely on reparations. Many of these people ended up as small time farmers after Burnham ran them and their previous generation out of government controlled jobs. They were expecting the PPP to improve their lives, but Jagdeo and his gang had other ideas. Now, those who worked the land are finally getting the message that the PPP only works for a handful of people.

The very outspoken, Dr. Cheddi Jagan Jr. called a press conference at his Charlotte Street dental clinic to announce that hebelieves David Granger is the right man to move Guyana forward and therefore he has endorsed Granger for President.


Usual ramblings to secure some attention.


Joey Jagan bolted from the PPP when his mother didn't give him a Ministerial position.  Moses Nagamootoo bolted when he didn't get the Leadership of the PPP.   What else do you want?  The Alliance didn't ask Joey to endorse  Granger.  Joey is trying to make it look like he is somebody.  He yelled at kids who cried in his clinic.  The man is a pig.  

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Joey Jagan bolted from the PPP when his mother didn't give him a Ministerial position.  Moses Nagamootoo bolted when he didn't get the Leadership of the PPP.   What else do you want?  The Alliance didn't ask Joey to endorse  Granger.  Joey is trying to make it look like he is somebody.  He yelled at kids who cried in his clinic.  The man is a pig.  

That is a LIE.


But watch carefully, Joey is slowly become the son of Moses Nagamootoo.


I would not be surprised if Joey becomes the Junior Minister of Agriculture under a Senior Minister - Moses Nagamootoo.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Joey Jagan bolted from the PPP when his mother didn't give him a Ministerial position.  Moses Nagamootoo bolted when he didn't get the Leadership of the PPP.   What else do you want?  The Alliance didn't ask Joey to endorse  Granger.  Joey is trying to make it look like he is somebody.  He yelled at kids who cried in his clinic.  The man is a pig.  

That is a LIE.


But watch carefully, Joey is slowly become the son of Moses Nagamootoo.


I would not be surprised if Joey becomes the Junior Minister of Agriculture under a Senior Minister - Moses Nagamootoo.

Joey has a great future if he behave himself.  Joey got the blood and fiya of Jagan, all he has to get is the discipline of Moses.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Joey Jagan bolted from the PPP when his mother didn't give him a Ministerial position.  Moses Nagamootoo bolted when he didn't get the Leadership of the PPP.   What else do you want?  The Alliance didn't ask Joey to endorse  Granger.  Joey is trying to make it look like he is somebody.  He yelled at kids who cried in his clinic.  The man is a pig.  

That is a LIE.


But watch carefully, Joey is slowly become the son of Moses Nagamootoo.


I would not be surprised if Joey becomes the Junior Minister of Agriculture under a Senior Minister - Moses Nagamootoo.

What does Joey know about agriculture?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The very outspoken, Dr. Cheddi Jagan Jr. called a press conference at his Charlotte Street dental clinic to announce that hebelieves David Granger is the right man to move Guyana forward and therefore he has endorsed Granger for President.


Usual ramblings to secure some attention.

Ok, you got my attention. Did you take your meds?


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