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Former Member

[] – As the public outcry continues over the shooting incident during the People’s National Congress Reform’s 18th Biennial Congress, attention has now shifted to the Party and its Leader, David Granger’s access to armed security personnel and arms and ammunition.


iNews was reliably informed that Granger, in his capacity as Leader of the Opposition, allegedly gets eight (8) armed security personnel paid for by the State.

Personnel are assigned to his home, office and for his personal security detail. The cost of these armed security personnel per day amounts to millions of dollars per month.

Efforts made by iNews to make contact with the Opposition Leader, were unsuccessful. However, Shadow Security Minister and Former Commissioner of Police, Winston Felix confirmed that there is Security station at the Leader’s Home and Office, similar to that of Ministers of the government and the President.


excerpts from inews

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Administration has no reason not to hold Local Govt. Elections

August 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


- Ramkarran  

There is no reason why the Government cannot now proceed to hold Local Government Elections, since a decision on whether to hold General Elections is not likely to be taken until next year. This is the view held by former Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) stalwart, Ralph Ramkarran who opined too that Local Government Elections can be held in the second half of the year. According to Ramkarran, the holding of Local Government Elections would be a wise option since it would divert attention from some unwelcome issues.

Ralph Ramkarran

Ralph Ramkarran

“It will also occupy the energies and resources of everyone until the end of the year…This is the sensible thing to do and it will relieve the Government of a lot of pressure from the Opposition, civil society and the diplomatic community.” Ramkarran made his views known in his latest piece posted on his media outlet over the weekend. He said that the Opposition’s agenda in the meantime, if it was ever a coherent one in the first place, has fizzled out. Ramkarran pointed to the fact that the Opposition has rejected major infrastructural work such as the Amaila Hydroelectric Project and the Airport Project for no good reason. “It has been forced to support enough of the budget to keep the Government alive…Those portions that it rejects, the Government implements anyway by spending sums not initially approved.” He observed too that the Bills that were passed in the National Assembly have not been assented to by the President and the Opposition’s parliamentary resolutions have been ignored. The Public Procurement Commission has not been appointed, while the Alliance For Change’s No Confidence Motion appears stillborn. “Apart from voting down the Government in the National Assembly, it (Opposition) now has no other strategy,” according to Ramkarran. He posits that the Opposition now has the challenge of devising a new strategy. “Enormously popular, with a great mobilizing capacity, would be the call for national unity through a coalition government, if placed at the top of its political agenda…It must have dawned on the Opposition, and all Guyana by now, that full emancipation and liberation cannot be achieved unless all are fully represented in and have a stake in the governance of Guyana.” He said too that the Opposition must know that the majoritarian impulse in liberal democratic theory is obstructive of the ‘legitimate expectation(s)’ of large minorities in any country. Ramkarran observed that if one section of Guyana feels excluded from governance, the other section(s) is insecure and the whole of Guyana is destabilized. “We experienced just that in the 1970s and 1980s.” Ramkarran posits that the demand for a system of governance in Guyana which empowers all Guyanese must be elevated squarely onto the top of the political and civic agenda as the dominant political and civic issue of the day facing Guyana, requiring a united, national effort.


That Bill ( 0f 2009) sought to provide for certain facilities and services to the Leader of the Opposition at the expense of the State.


These services include: rent free, furnished office accommodation, medical attention including reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by the Opposition Leader and dependent members of his family, full-time security service at his official place of residence, services of a research and clerical assistants, a secretary, a chauffeur, a personal security officer, a gardener and two domestic servants and vacation allowance as is applicable to a Minister.


I do not see anything wrong with this (security) and vacation allowance. The man is the opposition leader.  Nevertheless, these politicians should take an example from both Rodney and Dr. Jagan and go clean their yards every Sunday. 


The joint opposition approve monies for security for Granger, but cut allocations for the head of state bodyguards under allocations for the office of the the ironic?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition approve monies for security for Granger, but cut allocations for the head of state bodyguards under allocations for the office of the the ironic?


Conscience, ignore them. They are a bunch of cowards, they cannot stand up to Granger.  Granger rigged and they are afraid to speak out.


They are led by a cockeye and a Neemakharan. Do you expect any better ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition approve monies for security for Granger, but cut allocations for the head of state bodyguards under allocations for the office of the the ironic?


Conscience, ignore them. They are a bunch of cowards, they cannot stand up to Granger.  Granger rigged and they are afraid to speak out.


They are led by a cockeye and a Neemakharan. Do you expect any better ?

You are an ass hole. You have no credibility nor integrity.


Please answer these questions for me:

  • Why is it that the taxpayers of Guyana have to provide paid security for politicians, whether past or present? That it happens in every country does not make it right. People are conditioned by politicians to believe everything they say. 
  • What is it that they have to protect/hide? From Whom? 
  • What is it that they have to fear, if they claim that they are so immensely popular?
  • They tell us about "Freedom", yet are they free?
  • Do they fear that the people who elected them may beat/shoot/or injure them?
  • What makes them so important that they, who are the employees of the people who elected them, need such rich protection?
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Please answer these questions for me:

  • Why is it that the taxpayers of Guyana have to provide paid security for politicians, whether past or present? That it happens in every country does not make it right. People are conditioned by politicians to believe everything they say. 
  • What is it that they have to protect/hide? From Whom? 
  • What is it that they have to fear, if they claim that they are so immensely popular?
  • They tell us about "Freedom", yet are they free?
  • Do they fear that the people who elected them may beat/shoot/or injure them?
  • What makes them so important that they, who are the employees of the people who elected them, need such rich protection?

How come you never ask same question about Mr Bobby and Marriott

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Please answer these questions for me:

  • Why is it that the taxpayers of Guyana have to provide paid security for politicians, whether past or present? That it happens in every country does not make it right. People are conditioned by politicians to believe everything they say. 
  • What is it that they have to protect/hide? From Whom? 
  • What is it that they have to fear, if they claim that they are so immensely popular?
  • They tell us about "Freedom", yet are they free?
  • Do they fear that the people who elected them may beat/shoot/or injure them?
  • What makes them so important that they, who are the employees of the people who elected them, need such rich protection?

How come you never ask same question about Mr Bobby and Marriott

 I would not dignify your response with an answer. I suggest that you know better. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition approve monies for security for Granger, but cut allocations for the head of state bodyguards under allocations for the office of the the ironic?

Important to remember.

Originally Posted by Wally:

I do not see anything wrong with this (security) and vacation allowance. The man is the opposition leader.  Nevertheless, these politicians should take an example from both Rodney and Dr. Jagan and go clean their yards every Sunday. 


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition approve monies for security for Granger, but cut allocations for the head of state bodyguards under allocations for the office of the the ironic?


Conscience, ignore them. They are a bunch of cowards, they cannot stand up to Granger.  Granger rigged and they are afraid to speak out.


They are led by a cockeye and a Neemakharan. Do you expect any better ?

Yuji22, It is not nice for you to refer to Ramjhattan as "cockeye". You never know what tomorrow has in store for you.  Don't be unkind to a fellow human being.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guyana, similar to other countries, provide security and other services to opposition leaders.

I know that, but does that make it right?

Indeed it is right.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Guyana, similar to other countries, provide security and other services to opposition leaders.

I know that, but does that make it right?

Of course it is right. Do you have any idea how many opposition leaders have been assassinated by the ruling party in many countries?


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition approve monies for security for Granger, but cut allocations for the head of state bodyguards under allocations for the office of the the ironic?

Cut funds for more BUTT PLUGS  


OP security was cut because of GINA and NCN (all under OP budget).


The AFC asked them to de-link and Ramutar seh NO WAY.


Why you all crying victim now when the big and bad man is Ramutar?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Please answer these questions for me:

  • Why is it that the taxpayers of Guyana have to provide paid security for politicians, whether past or present? That it happens in every country does not make it right. People are conditioned by politicians to believe everything they say. 
  • What is it that they have to protect/hide? From Whom? 
  • What is it that they have to fear, if they claim that they are so immensely popular?
  • They tell us about "Freedom", yet are they free?
  • Do they fear that the people who elected them may beat/shoot/or injure them?
  • What makes them so important that they, who are the employees of the people who elected them, need such rich protection?

How come you never ask same question about Mr Bobby and Marriott

 I would not dignify your response with an answer. I suggest that you know better. 

Budzo Singh said: Among the most notable of the questionable transactions done in 2010 by NICIL was the transfer of government land at Liliendaal and Pattensen, East Coast Demerara, to NICIL.
This land, 103.88 acres, was in turn sold to National Hardware Guyana Limited for $600M.
According to Ram in analysis, there is nothing that would have prevented the government from selling the property to National Hardware and placing the money directly into the Consolidated Fund.
and the 3.88 acres where did that go? did that go to Jagdeo? who exactly got the 3.88 acres here?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition seems afraid of Granger, no one who sits on the opposition benches dare to speak about Granger's state benefits.


What hot sh!t you talking here.  No one is afraid of Grainja.  He is on his knees political.  He is finished.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The no confidence motion is the joint opposition last straw in an attempt to remain relevant. 

Ha ha ha....they have the PPP crooks on the run. First, that fat toad Ramorar has two less years to screw our nation. Secondly, they will at minimum keep the PPP in the minority and the the bonus would be to shut down the PPP again with a no confidence vote next time again. DO you think Anil, or Robert or Plumpy make a good candidate? Then there is the outside chance....very good given the census numbers....that the PNC wins. It will be my pleasure to watch them jail a bunch of crooks not to mention all those PPP sons and daughters and aja and agee etc having to seek employment on thei rown merit...not a good sight I can assure you.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition seems afraid of Granger, no one who sits on the opposition benches dare to speak about Granger's state benefits.


How much is Granger pittance vs the 200 Million pension package for flu boy?


Tell we di numba nuh? like you scared?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nothing wrong with the state paying for the opposition leader's security.

But plenty wrong paying for the President Security.

What is wrong is when these payments become leech sources like the President's pension.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nothing wrong with the state paying for the opposition leader's security.

But plenty wrong paying for the President Security.

What is wrong is when these payments become leech sources like the President's pension.

Budday, Stick to the Topic nah for once.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nothing wrong with the state paying for the opposition leader's security.

But plenty wrong paying for the President Security.

What is wrong is when these payments become leech sources like the President's pension.

Budday, Stick to the Topic nah for once.

the topic is to sell a leech scheme as just and to suggest even the opposition agrees with it. That is a lie. They tried to repeal it but the president ignored the decision of the legislature. Jagdeo the uber crook knew what he was doing when he tabled this crooked scheme in 2009

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

[] – As the public outcry continues over the shooting incident during the People’s National Congress Reform’s 18th Biennial Congress, attention has now shifted to the Party and its Leader, David Granger’s access to armed security personnel and arms and ammunition.


iNews was reliably informed that Granger, in his capacity as Leader of the Opposition, allegedly gets eight (8) armed security personnel paid for by the State.

Personnel are assigned to his home, office and for his personal security detail. The cost of these armed security personnel per day amounts to millions of dollars per month.

Efforts made by iNews to make contact with the Opposition Leader, were unsuccessful. However, Shadow Security Minister and Former Commissioner of Police, Winston Felix confirmed that there is Security station at the Leader’s Home and Office, similar to that of Ministers of the government and the President.


excerpts from inews

compare Granger security to Jagdeo security.


8 guards were 38 guards.


All that guards to guard an anti man with one testicles and a butt plug?


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