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Granger’s statement a blatant eye pass to Region 9 residents – Lethem resident Alister Charlie wants progress and development to continue


March 20, 2015, Source



ALISTER Charlie, who hails from Lethem in Region 9, has refuted the misleading statements made by Leader of the APNU/AFC alliance, Mr David Granger that “it is a pity that Guyana’s largest region happens to be the poorest”.


Charlie, in a statement to the Chronicle yesterday, said: “I, like other sober-minded Rupununians humbly refute Mr. Granger’s statement which is a blatant eye pass to residents of Region 9.”


Alister Charlie

Alister Charlie, resident of Lethem (Region 9)


Following is the full text of Mr. Charlie’s statement to this newspaper:

I have read with disgust of an article published online by the Kaieteur News on its webpage dated 2015-03-14 under the caption ‘APNU+AFC crafts plan to improve living conditions in Region 9’.

The newspaper quoted: “The historian said, too, that it is a pity that Guyana’s largest region happens to be the poorest.”

I, like other sober-minded Rupununians humbly refute Mr. Granger’s statement which is a blatant eye pass to residents of Region 9.
Mr. Editor, Region 9, being Guyana’s largest geographical region, is absolutely on the rise and the people of the region have been enjoying a better standard of living today than they did under the PNC regime.

Government’s timely efforts through the implementation of sound policies and prudential regional management has resulted in the significant progress and development of Region 9 in the areas of Education, Health Care, Housing, Roads, Bridges, Communication, Potable Water Supply, Agricultural Development, Power Generation through the Hinterland Electrification Programme and upgrading of the transportation network through the Hinterland Road Programme under the Ministry of Public Works, thus allowing villages of Region 9 to be closely connected and integrated.

The construction of the Takutu Bridge linking Guyana and Brazil is a sound driving force behind Lethem’s booming commercial sector. Lethem and other Regional Sub Districts has been transformed tremendously over the years under the PPP administration with a booming Commercial Zone as Guyanese continue to erect huge shopping complexes, restaurants and hotels in the Commercial Zone.

Region 9 is blessed with two booming commercial banks which offer a wide range of financial products and services to the people of Region 9. The financial institutions itself has been contributing significantly to the growth and development in the economy by improving access to financial services. So how can Mr. Granger refer to Region 9 as the poorest?

The water sector has experienced unprecedented progress and development as focus has been placed on ensuring Residents of Region 9 have access to safe drinking water. Residents of Region 9 are accessing potable water closer to their homes following Government’s investments and methodologies such as solar water systems, drilled wells, trestles and gravity feed systems.

Under the PNC led administration, Region 9 was blessed with an only dilapidated community high school in St. Ignatius. Since the PPP took office that very dilapidated school was reconstructed and extended and is now a Grade A Secondary School with other secondary schools, dormitories and teachers’ quarters constructed in Sand Creek, Aishalton and Annai.

Mr. Editor, I can go on and on to mention the numerous achievements, progress and developments that have taken place in Region 9 under the PPP administration, which is in stark contrast when compared to the PNC regime.

Let progress and development continue in Region 9. One day the blind shall see and be a witness.

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Granger promises positive transformation of Linden

March 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

- during APNU/AFC rally

Addressing a mammoth crowd at the APNU/ AFC coalition unity rally on Saturday night, at the Linden/Georgetown bus park, Presidential candidate David Granger told listeners, “the APNU/ AFC coalition is the best thing that has happened to Linden. APNU/ AFC is the future. Region Ten, the future starts right here tonight”, he declared to thunderous applause. Appearing suave and confident despite a little hoarseness, Granger delivered his address eloquently, while party executives sat behind him smiling, with no semblance whatever, of the recent upheavals involving senior functionaries. In alluding to the poor economic state of the town, he declared: “We can’t tek it no more. We can’t tek the deception, the discrimination. We can’t tek the dependency because they want us to beg for everything.” He stressed that for 22 years, the PPP  had the town “on a  life support machine.”

A jubilant David Granger at the Linden rally

A jubilant David Granger at the Linden rally

Granger also questioned why Linden was poor, pointing out that the Town is the real gateway to the hinterland and as such is well connected. “That is why you need an APNU/AFC administration that is going to give you your rightful place in this country. Linden, you deserve it and your children deserve it. !” Granger also alluded to the recent execution of political activist Courtney Crum Ewing, citing it as an act of intimidation meant to silence citizens.  He spoke too, of how President Ramotar was ‘frightened’ hence there was no convening of Parliament in eight months, and of eventually proroguing parliament because of the same fear.   “We wrestle against the rulers of darkness,” he said.  Ironically, he noted that these same rulers of darkness had brought a Bishop to Region Ten. With an APNU/AFC government, Granger promised that the Linden/ Lethem road would be completed, lights installed on the Linden/Soesdyke highway and that there would be jobs for young people. He also promised that residents would be able to acquire a university degree right from the comfort of their own homes, instead of having to travel all the way to Georgetown – a task that is both burdensome and costly. Prime Ministerial Candidate Moses Nagamootoo was fiery in his speech, and at times evoked much laughter as he highlighted recent utterances by past president Bharrat Jagdeo. Nagamootoo’s recommendation for Jagdeo’s “kick ass” comments was that the citizens should return the favour and further, that Jagdeo needed ‘pampers for his mouth”. “It is time that we change our country, it is time that we take back the power that we lent the rulers who have handled the power badly. It is time that we heal the division in this country. It is time that we re-enter history and like a photo album, we could look at the many pictures inside, and see the happy moments and also the many moments that created hurts, things that went wrong. But we could look at the album the rest of our lives and not be able to change any of the photos inside. “Today, we have an album that has new pages, and it is time we start to write those pages the way we want to write it. Today we can write selfie and we could smile, and we can put what we want in the album- happiness and comfort as a people.” He also reflected on his early life and of knowing Granger since they were little boys, and how they played and worked together, saying that if they could do it then, they could do it now. “If we could share a school and village, why today we can’t share in common our country?” Nagamootoo also alluded to the indiscriminate spending of taxpayers’ money to fix the teeth of PPP executives, ‘’so that they can laugh at you with bigger and brighter teeth!’ He also cited other instances of spending of taxpayers’ money that had not been approved. Speaking of other coalitions in the past despite differences, between the PNC and PPP, where Forbes Burnham was declared President- he emphasized that  “if it was right then, then it is right now!” a statement that punctuated his speech repeatedly. He admonished that Guyanese should bury the past, so that we could be free. “Today it is time that we liberate ourselves from mental slavery that is withholding us. “This election is about the survival of our country, because every child knows that we cannot possibly have three more years of Ramotar. “Do you want three more years of Ramotar?” he asked, to which the supporters gave a resounding ‘NO!’ (Enid Joaquin)

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:






Working for 3 follars a dwt20150307-224211

What's the point Stormy, it seems they all have a job and that is Lethem way in the interior. Getting paid to watch people shop!!!

You go and do a 10 hour day for 2 dollars when it is in a Chinese store who treat you like crap. The chinese are using their status as subsidized by their home country and duty free access by our  government to undercut all business. Note, these people would not let you go to their country to work or to set up a business because it is against the law. This PPP is letting us get pimped as the africans. Soon no store will be local owned on Regent street. And all the money gets repatriated. Local business circulate the money in the local economy.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

David Granger will win his usual position as Leader of the Opposition.

Granger and Moses will be in the minority opposition for the next five years because they lied with a straight face. Guyanese are wiser today than anytime before.


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