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Originally Posted by Kari:

You just embellish my point. Those "retrograde racist cobra/nehru/skeldonman/baseman/yugee types" do not make up the body of Indian Guyanese. They are fringe. Calling them racists means shyte to the dialog at hand. It is if Indian Guyanese as a whole think like them then the PPP remains in power.

So its only the "fringe" who support the PPP, regardless of what they do? Even you know better than that which is why you demand that black people grovel to Indians in the hope that this will allow Indians to feel safe enough to flee the PPP.


You put this within a racial context and now seem shocked when you got a racial reaction to your racial request.


Guyana has a problem of racial insecurity on BOTH sides and until you being cognizant of this fact you will fail!


Yes Granger has to shore up his base by assuring then that he isn't selling them out to Indians.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP gov't. is being judged unfairly by people on this board. They have provided    equal job opportunities to Afro-Guyanese in the government agencies. As a matter of fact, the ministries have a disproportionate amount of Afro-Guyanese employed. The government's housing program benefits all regardless of race. Posters on this forum want us to believe only ministers and drug dealers are building homes. It's time we be honest with ourselves and acknowledge the good deeds of the PPP government to all of Guyana's peoples. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Posters on this forum want us to believe only ministers and drug dealers are building homes.


It is a criminal offence to be a drug user and dealer. Our prisons are full of such criminals, and our graveyards are full of victims of such crimes.

What does it say about Guyana when the government itself is engaging in such activities? That we are open for business with international drug kingpins? Is the Marriott aimed at drug tourism?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP gov't. is being judged unfairly by people on this board. They have provided    equal job opportunities to Afro-Guyanese in the government agencies.

  Well black people think that you are babbling bullshyte and told you so in 2011.  They know more about their lives than you will ever know.


In any case in 1880 most of the people working for the govt were also black, so all you prove is that the PPP is the same as the colonial administration.  They confine blacks to the bottom and scream at them if they complain.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Posters on this forum want us to believe only ministers and drug dealers are building homes.

That we are open for business with international drug kingpins? Is the Marriott aimed at drug tourism?

  the arrival of COPA and Insel Air will make their journey from Colombian much easier than it used to be when it either required a trek through the Amazon or the need for a US visa to transit through Miami.


Now a quick intransit thru Panama or Aruba and then off to GEO, starting July 2014!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Posters on this forum want us to believe only ministers and drug dealers are building homes.

That we are open for business with international drug kingpins? Is the Marriott aimed at drug tourism?

  the arrival of COPA and Insel Air will make their journey from Colombian much easier than it used to be when it either required a trek through the Amazon or the need for a US visa to transit through Miami.


Now a quick intransit thru Panama or Aruba and then off to GEO, starting July 2014!

Alright, CaribNY had nothing to say, so it was just venom and hate for our country Guyana.


A new airline comes to Guyana is a good thing, but the haters cannot appreciate a good thing, their life or polluted by poison ivy.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
I do not know of Indian racists trying to cover tracks. The idiots who post here are not representative of the larger Indian Guyanese-American population of Richmond Hill.

bai, u were importuning abee just yesterday to appease the same retrograde racist cobra/nehru/skeldonman/baseman/yugee types with "apology" . . . u said we can't turn de carna without bringing dem along


remember dis wan: ". . . As long as the PNC remains the object like it is in the minds of Nehru, Cobra, etc. the PPP wins forever." - [kari]


ahhhh, how soon we forget . . .


i guess de PPP "wins forever" . . . nah suh bai?


the life of a wannabe GT smartman must indeed be quite stressful

You just embellish my point. Those "retrograde racist cobra/nehru/skeldonman/baseman/yugee types" do not make up the body of Indian Guyanese. They are fringe. Calling them racists means shyte to the dialog at hand. It is if Indian Guyanese as a whole think like them then the PPP remains in power.

Baseman is most misunderstood.  Baseman is NOT a racist just a pro-Indo conservative who has zero trust for the motives of the PNC and Afro power structure.  I want to see a potent opposition where both Indos and Afros could turn to whenever the incumbent Govt stray from the interest of the people.  The PPP has done some of that however, the PNC only wants to re-establish the old order which is far worse than even a lax PPP.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
I do not know of Indian racists trying to cover tracks. The idiots who post here are not representative of the larger Indian Guyanese-American population of Richmond Hill.

bai, u were importuning abee just yesterday to appease the same retrograde racist cobra/nehru/skeldonman/baseman/yugee types with "apology" . . . u said we can't turn de carna without bringing dem along


remember dis wan: ". . . As long as the PNC remains the object like it is in the minds of Nehru, Cobra, etc. the PPP wins forever." - [kari]


ahhhh, how soon we forget . . .


i guess de PPP "wins forever" . . . nah suh bai?


the life of a wannabe GT smartman must indeed be quite stressful

You just embellish my point. Those "retrograde racist cobra/nehru/skeldonman/baseman/yugee types" do not make up the body of Indian Guyanese. They are fringe. Calling them racists means shyte to the dialog at hand. It is if Indian Guyanese as a whole think like them then the PPP remains in power.

Baseman is most misunderstood.  Baseman is NOT a racist just a pro-Indo conservative who has zero trust for the motives of the PNC and Afro power structure.  I want to see a potent opposition where both Indos and Afros could turn to whenever the incumbent Govt stray from the interest of the people.  The PPP has done some of that however, the PNC only wants to re-establish the old order which is far worse than even a lax PPP.

You are not misunderstood. Read what you just posted. You are a congenital racist.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

yuji will forever defend Indo Guyanese as much as Craib/redux and other Afro Lovers like Mitwah defend Afro Guyanese. No difference.


A vote for AFC = A vote for PNC


Does the PPP govt have Afros?


Your question is irrelevant. 


PPP has Afros and those Afros know the difference between a racist PNC that attempted to exterminate Indo Guyanese and a PPP that reaches out to all races.


Decent Afros join and vote for the PPP. A vast majority of Afros are decent and hard working Guyanese. It is areas like Linden and Agricola where an element of terror exist. Issues of an alarming high rate of single mothers and missing father figures must also be addressed.


To date, the PNC has refused to apologize to Indo Guyanese. History has a bad habit of repeating itself.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

yuji will forever defend Indo Guyanese as much as Craib/redux and other Afro Lovers like Mitwah defend Afro Guyanese. No difference.


A vote for AFC = A vote for PNC


Does the PPP govt have Afros?


Your question is irrelevant. 


PPP has Afros and those Afros know the difference between a racist PNC that attempted to exterminate Indo Guyanese and a PPP that reaches out to all races.


Decent Afros join and vote for the PPP. A vast majority of Afros are decent and hard working Guyanese. It is areas like Linden and Agricola where an element of terror exist. Issues of an alarming high rate of single mothers and missing father figures must also be addressed.


To date, the PNC has refused to apologize to Indo Guyanese. History has a bad habit of repeating itself.

Does supporting the PPP make you an Afro lover since they have Afros?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Posters on this forum want us to believe only ministers and drug dealers are building homes.

That we are open for business with international drug kingpins? Is the Marriott aimed at drug tourism?

  the arrival of COPA and Insel Air will make their journey from Colombian much easier than it used to be when it either required a trek through the Amazon or the need for a US visa to transit through Miami.


Now a quick intransit thru Panama or Aruba and then off to GEO, starting July 2014!

Alright, CaribNY had nothing to say, so it was just venom and hate for our country Guyana.


A new airline comes to Guyana is a good thing, but the haters cannot appreciate a good thing, their life or polluted by poison ivy.

When CAL lands a plane in GEO for its nonstops to JFK and Toronto they have to do a THOROUGH search of the plane because of drugs loaded in GEO.  When planes intransit through POS from GEO, SAME thing.


Guyana is an intransit point for drugs and if you deny this you are a FOOL!


Delta left GEO because of drugs. American refuses to fly to GEO because of drugs.  Fly Jamaica said that they are worried about drugs.  When asked if drugs was a problem CAL responded "yes, but we have strategies to deal with this".

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Decent Afros join and vote for the PPP.

OK so you are saying that 95% of Afros are not decent, because the PPP only get around 5% of the black vote.


Glad to see that your racism has been confirmed!


BTW all of those "two" parent Indian families where daddy comes home drunk and beats up mommy and terrorizes the kids aren't functional.  He drank out all the money, and then beats up his wife because she has no money to buy food.


So don't pretend that there aren't also social problems among Indians, as indeed the growing incidence of drug abuse, involvement in crime, combined with the existing issues of spousal abuse, incest, and alcoholism will prove you wrong.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Decent Afros join and vote for the PPP.

OK so you are saying that 95% of Afros are not decent, because the PPP only get around 5% of the black vote.


Glad to see that your racism has been confirmed!


BTW all of those "two" parent Indian families where daddy comes home drunk and beats up mommy and terrorizes the kids aren't functional.  He drank out all the money, and then beats up his wife because she has no money to buy food.


So don't pretend that there aren't also social problems among Indians, as indeed the growing incidence of drug abuse, involvement in crime, combined with the existing issues of spousal abuse, incest, and alcoholism will prove you wrong.

Like you know something about Yugi's parental home? Yugi thinks this is normal. Why do you think that he is a congenital racist?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Posters on this forum want us to believe only ministers and drug dealers are building homes.

That we are open for business with international drug kingpins? Is the Marriott aimed at drug tourism?

  the arrival of COPA and Insel Air will make their journey from Colombian much easier than it used to be when it either required a trek through the Amazon or the need for a US visa to transit through Miami.


Now a quick intransit thru Panama or Aruba and then off to GEO, starting July 2014!

Alright, CaribNY had nothing to say, so it was just venom and hate for our country Guyana.


A new airline comes to Guyana is a good thing, but the haters cannot appreciate a good thing, their life or polluted by poison ivy.


Hey Hey heh...

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK Folks


So Granger visited NY and did not apologize to Indo Guyanese for an attempt by his PNC party to exterminate them.


Should Indo Guyanese now allow these thugs to visit their neighbourhoods in the future ?


So you saying PPP own Richmomd Hill? 

According to CaribJ and Redux logic the answer to your question is Yes.

Originally Posted by Chief:
in the future ?


So you saying PPP own Richmomd Hill? 

According to CaribJ and Redux logic the answer to your question is Yes.

  Not RH, but they and YOU think that YOU ALL own Guyana, so that you can IGNORE our issues, call us racists when we bring attention to racism directed against blacks, and scream "ahbe pan tap, black man days done".  Doesn't matter whether you are part of those screams because you surely aren't part of the group which says that such behavior is as wrong as when blacks said the same thing in the 70s.  No you would rather call us racists.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:
in the future ?


So you saying PPP own Richmomd Hill? 

According to CaribJ and Redux logic the answer to your question is Yes.

  Not RH, but they and YOU think that YOU ALL own Guyana, so that you can IGNORE our issues, call us racists when we bring attention to racism directed against blacks, and scream "ahbe pan tap, black man days done".  Doesn't matter whether you are part of those screams because you surely aren't part of the group which says that such behavior is as wrong as when blacks said the same thing in the 70s.  No you would rather call us racists.

With your mindset "ahbe pan tap" will live on forever.

Originally Posted by Chief:

With your mindset "ahbe pan tap" will live on forever.

Well according to you "ahbe pan tap" doesn't exist because when I tell you that it does you call me a racist.  At what point have you EVER admitted that there is lots of racism against blacks today and not just from the PPP, but also from mnay Indian employers who refuse to hire black professionals because they claim "its not Burnham time now".  The result being that these people are forced to leave Guyana.


Just ask the black Guyanese in Antigua who told Jagdeo that the reason why they left Guyana and would not return was because of RACISM, and that in Antigua they felt that it was "OK to be black".


But you see that type of discussion you consider to be racist.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK Folks


So Granger visited NY and did not apologize to Indo Guyanese for an attempt by his PNC party to exterminate them.


Should Indo Guyanese now allow these thugs to visit their neighbourhoods in the future ?

YUJI, this is America and anyone can vist anywhere.  If I was living in the Hill I would welcome him again.  Let us keep the debate rolling.


We do not have to love the history of the party he is associated with, but we must always keep the channels of communication open.





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