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Our history was hijacked


Posted By Staff Writer On October 11, 2013 @ 5:03 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Mr Annan Boodram’s letter, “Politics in Guyana is reactive because survival is the name of the game,’ (SN, October 8), is invaluable because it is firstly a reflection of the shaping of the social psychology of many Indo-Guyanese, and secondly it shows just how difficult it will be for an Afro-Guyanese to win over Indian votes, even Brigadier Granger who satisfies all the virtues as prescribed in the Vedic literature. My former school teacher Mr Frederick Collins stated that Indians in Trinidad and Tobago were not afraid to lose to an election, (SN, October 9) but in T&T there was no PPP to brainwash Indians.


The PPP’s control of Indians did socio-psychological damage because the party was not Indian but communist. The Jagans abrogated our history to such an extent that we were socialized to believe that it started with the Jagans who fed us the account that they and the PPP were the embodiment of Indian struggle and that all other Indian leaders were guilty of betrayal. Our history was hijacked and the PPP replaced it with that of the PPP’s struggle for communism. The party distributed Marxist publications rather than Indian or religious literature.


And for sure the CIA and Burnham’s targeting of Indians in 1962 and 1963 helped the Jagans and the PPP to gain full control. In their efforts to remove Jagan from power the CIA and the PNC unwittingly helped to mentally capture Indians for the PPP. So powerful has been the PPP’s mental imprisonment that today we have educated Indians like Mr Boodram shouting the same messages that the Neil Kumars and Kellawan Lalls do. Mr Boodram’s, “TK now typifies the kind of Indian Guyanese that African Guyanese seek to design,” is the same as labelling Indians as betrayers when they free themselves from the PPP.


The educated Indians such as Mr Boodram love to talk of the PNC rigging elections but never concede that the Jagans and the PPP were the cause of rigged elections. The evidence is abundantly clear that Jagan was removed from power in 1964 due to his adoration of communism. He did not think of the interest of Indians or that of Guyana. There was no sole guilty party in the unrest of the 1960s. The Indian and African people were not the culprits. We were just pawns and victims. It was the PPP that took us into the Cold War; the Russians and Cubans who aided the PPP; the USA which wanted the PPP out; and the PNC whose interest coincided with the USA, and thus made all Guyanese hapless victims ‒ even today.


Even after his eviction from power by the USA Jagan continued to blindly ignore the geopolitical realities and advocated Stalin style communism for Guyana. He went so far as to brag in Parlaiment in 1978 that he was proud to be a Soviet stooge. That at a time when most of South America was under US backed military dictatorships and all of Central America was embroiled in a CIA sponsored civil war. So there was no way the USA would allow Jagan back in power and so there was no way Burnham could have held free and fair elections, even if he wanted to.


Burnham was no fool. As much as he was socialist he knew how far he could go without provoking the wrath of USA. Just imagine the mighty superpower USA invaded tiny Grenada in October 1983. The aircraft carrier was bigger than Grenada. That was the environment that Jagan wanted to set up a communist state in Guyana. The USA would have fomented civil war and that meant racial war for Guyana. So I for one have no qualms in saying thank God for Burnham’s intellect. Had Burnham been around after the end of the Cold War in 1990 he would have found some way to hoodwink Jagan into remaining in power. Thank God it was Desmond Hoyte, a non-socialist, and he put the interest of Guyana first and restored free and fair elections in 1992.


Unfortunately the PPP did not continue with the democratization process but instead, assured of an Indian vote bank, reversed the democratic gains of Hoyte and embarked on the road to elected dictatorship. To keep its vote bank intact the PPP continued to exploit the damage to race relations that was done in the 1960s rather than start the process of national reconciliation. The Leader of the PNC Brig (rtd) Granger just recently in a message to mark that party’s anniversary acknowledged that there was “racial hatred” in the ’60s and pledged to work for national unity with all forces in Guyana. Brig Granger has clearly hinted at his willingness to start the national reconciliation process. Could Mr Boodram please get the PPP to follow suit.


In closing I ask Mr Boodram how he reconciles the fact that he pontificates on the PNC socialist dictatorship, which the PPP declared support for in 1975, yet ignores the PPP’s call for Stalin style communist dictatorship. And could Mr Boodram please say how many Indo-Guyanese emigrated to Jagan’s paradise, the Soviet Union? Oh that’s right, the Soviet Union and world communism collapsed. Just goes to show that Jagan and the PPP were dead wrong all those years. They have misled us since 1947. It is time Indo-Guyanese free themselves from the PPP narrative and support Brigadier (rtd) Granger’s willingness to engage in national reconciliation to remove racial suspicions and mistrust. Only then can we start building democracy and national unity.


Yours faithfully,

Malcolm Harripaul

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Harripaul will sell Al YUh Mothers to the HIGHEST Bidder!!!!!!!!!

This is a high degree of ignorance on display.

It IS a FACT. I would rather have JUDAS as a Friend than any of you two!!!g

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

 How many Indo-Guyanese emigrated to Jagan’s paradise, the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union did not destroy Guyana. The Soviet Union did NOT plan and executed the RACIAL DIVIDE.  The US owes EVERY Guyanese a place here cause THEY DESTROYED our PARADISE!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

 How many Indo-Guyanese emigrated to Jagan’s paradise, the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union did not destroy Guyana. The Soviet Union did NOT plan and executed the RACIAL DIVIDE.  The US owes EVERY Guyanese a place here cause THEY DESTROYED our PARADISE!!!

Where is the Soviet Union today? The US did not destroy Guyana. More people have left Guyana under the PPP regime than under the PNC regime. Why?


All major powers played a role in Guyana politics, and they still do so indirectly today. Divide and conquer is the base for third world politics. Many of you should know that race was implanted into Guyanese from the colonial times, and it still lives on.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

All major powers played a role in Guyana politics, and they still do so indirectly today. Divide and conquer is the base for third world politics. Many of you should know that race was implanted into Guyanese from the colonial times, and it still lives on.

Of course it lives on. The PPP knows that it's an advantage for them and they continue to fan the flames of the racial divide after pouring fuel on the fire.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

 How many Indo-Guyanese emigrated to Jagan’s paradise, the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union did not destroy Guyana. The Soviet Union did NOT plan and executed the RACIAL DIVIDE.  The US owes EVERY Guyanese a place here cause THEY DESTROYED our PARADISE!!!

Where is the Soviet Union today? The US did not destroy Guyana. More people have left Guyana under the PPP regime than under the PNC regime. Why?

Because their Families that fled illegally are now legally sponsoring them.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

All major powers played a role in Guyana politics, and they still do so indirectly today. Divide and conquer is the base for third world politics. Many of you should know that race was implanted into Guyanese from the colonial times, and it still lives on.

Of course it lives on. The PPP knows that it's an advantage for them and they continue to fan the flames of the racial divide after pouring fuel on the fire.

Both PPP & APNU are fanning the flame to keep the racial divide alive. It's the lifeline for both parties. Remember APNU's Linden, Buxton and Agricola? When APNU wanted to create chaos, they go to their stronghold. All of us do injustice when we take sides. All of us add fuel to the racial flame when we take sides. This is a small example why the racial divide lives on in modern day politics. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Harripaul will sell Al YUh Mothers to the HIGHEST Bidder!!!!!!!!!

This is a high degree of ignorance on display.

It IS a FACT. I would rather have JUDAS as a Friend than any of you two!!!g

I rest my are ignorant.

Originally Posted by JB:

Our history was hijacked


Posted By Staff Writer On October 11, 2013 @ 5:03 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Mr Annan Boodram’s letter, “Politics in Guyana is reactive because survival is the name of the game,’ (SN, October 8), is invaluable because it is firstly a reflection of the shaping of the social psychology of many Indo-Guyanese, and secondly it shows just how difficult it will be for an Afro-Guyanese to win over Indian votes, even Brigadier Granger who satisfies all the virtues as prescribed in the Vedic literature. My former school teacher Mr Frederick Collins stated that Indians in Trinidad and Tobago were not afraid to lose to an election, (SN, October 9) but in T&T there was no PPP to brainwash Indians.


The PPP’s control of Indians did socio-psychological damage because the party was not Indian but communist. The Jagans abrogated our history to such an extent that we were socialized to believe that it started with the Jagans who fed us the account that they and the PPP were the embodiment of Indian struggle and that all other Indian leaders were guilty of betrayal. Our history was hijacked and the PPP replaced it with that of the PPP’s struggle for communism. The party distributed Marxist publications rather than Indian or religious literature.


And for sure the CIA and Burnham’s targeting of Indians in 1962 and 1963 helped the Jagans and the PPP to gain full control. In their efforts to remove Jagan from power the CIA and the PNC unwittingly helped to mentally capture Indians for the PPP. So powerful has been the PPP’s mental imprisonment that today we have educated Indians like Mr Boodram shouting the same messages that the Neil Kumars and Kellawan Lalls do. Mr Boodram’s, “TK now typifies the kind of Indian Guyanese that African Guyanese seek to design,” is the same as labelling Indians as betrayers when they free themselves from the PPP.


The educated Indians such as Mr Boodram love to talk of the PNC rigging elections but never concede that the Jagans and the PPP were the cause of rigged elections. The evidence is abundantly clear that Jagan was removed from power in 1964 due to his adoration of communism. He did not think of the interest of Indians or that of Guyana. There was no sole guilty party in the unrest of the 1960s. The Indian and African people were not the culprits. We were just pawns and victims. It was the PPP that took us into the Cold War; the Russians and Cubans who aided the PPP; the USA which wanted the PPP out; and the PNC whose interest coincided with the USA, and thus made all Guyanese hapless victims ‒ even today.


Even after his eviction from power by the USA Jagan continued to blindly ignore the geopolitical realities and advocated Stalin style communism for Guyana. He went so far as to brag in Parlaiment in 1978 that he was proud to be a Soviet stooge. That at a time when most of South America was under US backed military dictatorships and all of Central America was embroiled in a CIA sponsored civil war. So there was no way the USA would allow Jagan back in power and so there was no way Burnham could have held free and fair elections, even if he wanted to.


Burnham was no fool. As much as he was socialist he knew how far he could go without provoking the wrath of USA. Just imagine the mighty superpower USA invaded tiny Grenada in October 1983. The aircraft carrier was bigger than Grenada. That was the environment that Jagan wanted to set up a communist state in Guyana. The USA would have fomented civil war and that meant racial war for Guyana. So I for one have no qualms in saying thank God for Burnham’s intellect. Had Burnham been around after the end of the Cold War in 1990 he would have found some way to hoodwink Jagan into remaining in power. Thank God it was Desmond Hoyte, a non-socialist, and he put the interest of Guyana first and restored free and fair elections in 1992.


Unfortunately the PPP did not continue with the democratization process but instead, assured of an Indian vote bank, reversed the democratic gains of Hoyte and embarked on the road to elected dictatorship. To keep its vote bank intact the PPP continued to exploit the damage to race relations that was done in the 1960s rather than start the process of national reconciliation. The Leader of the PNC Brig (rtd) Granger just recently in a message to mark that party’s anniversary acknowledged that there was “racial hatred” in the ’60s and pledged to work for national unity with all forces in Guyana. Brig Granger has clearly hinted at his willingness to start the national reconciliation process. Could Mr Boodram please get the PPP to follow suit.


In closing I ask Mr Boodram how he reconciles the fact that he pontificates on the PNC socialist dictatorship, which the PPP declared support for in 1975, yet ignores the PPP’s call for Stalin style communist dictatorship. And could Mr Boodram please say how many Indo-Guyanese emigrated to Jagan’s paradise, the Soviet Union? Oh that’s right, the Soviet Union and world communism collapsed. Just goes to show that Jagan and the PPP were dead wrong all those years. They have misled us since 1947. It is time Indo-Guyanese free themselves from the PPP narrative and support Brigadier (rtd) Granger’s willingness to engage in national reconciliation to remove racial suspicions and mistrust. Only then can we start building democracy and national unity.


Yours faithfully,

Malcolm Harripaul

So let's get this right. Jagan espoused communism and this led to Burnham to get in and to rig and for Jagan to condemn rigging. You need to go back to that bottom house school. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by JB:

Our history was hijacked


Posted By Staff Writer On October 11, 2013 @ 5:03 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Mr Annan Boodram’s letter, “Politics in Guyana is reactive because survival is the name of the game,’ (SN, October 8), is invaluable because it is firstly a reflection of the shaping of the social psychology of many Indo-Guyanese, and secondly it shows just how difficult it will be for an Afro-Guyanese to win over Indian votes, even Brigadier Granger who satisfies all the virtues as prescribed in the Vedic literature. My former school teacher Mr Frederick Collins stated that Indians in Trinidad and Tobago were not afraid to lose to an election, (SN, October 9) but in T&T there was no PPP to brainwash Indians.


The PPP’s control of Indians did socio-psychological damage because the party was not Indian but communist. The Jagans abrogated our history to such an extent that we were socialized to believe that it started with the Jagans who fed us the account that they and the PPP were the embodiment of Indian struggle and that all other Indian leaders were guilty of betrayal. Our history was hijacked and the PPP replaced it with that of the PPP’s struggle for communism. The party distributed Marxist publications rather than Indian or religious literature.


And for sure the CIA and Burnham’s targeting of Indians in 1962 and 1963 helped the Jagans and the PPP to gain full control. In their efforts to remove Jagan from power the CIA and the PNC unwittingly helped to mentally capture Indians for the PPP. So powerful has been the PPP’s mental imprisonment that today we have educated Indians like Mr Boodram shouting the same messages that the Neil Kumars and Kellawan Lalls do. Mr Boodram’s, “TK now typifies the kind of Indian Guyanese that African Guyanese seek to design,” is the same as labelling Indians as betrayers when they free themselves from the PPP.


The educated Indians such as Mr Boodram love to talk of the PNC rigging elections but never concede that the Jagans and the PPP were the cause of rigged elections. The evidence is abundantly clear that Jagan was removed from power in 1964 due to his adoration of communism. He did not think of the interest of Indians or that of Guyana. There was no sole guilty party in the unrest of the 1960s. The Indian and African people were not the culprits. We were just pawns and victims. It was the PPP that took us into the Cold War; the Russians and Cubans who aided the PPP; the USA which wanted the PPP out; and the PNC whose interest coincided with the USA, and thus made all Guyanese hapless victims ‒ even today.


Even after his eviction from power by the USA Jagan continued to blindly ignore the geopolitical realities and advocated Stalin style communism for Guyana. He went so far as to brag in Parlaiment in 1978 that he was proud to be a Soviet stooge. That at a time when most of South America was under US backed military dictatorships and all of Central America was embroiled in a CIA sponsored civil war. So there was no way the USA would allow Jagan back in power and so there was no way Burnham could have held free and fair elections, even if he wanted to.


Burnham was no fool. As much as he was socialist he knew how far he could go without provoking the wrath of USA. Just imagine the mighty superpower USA invaded tiny Grenada in October 1983. The aircraft carrier was bigger than Grenada. That was the environment that Jagan wanted to set up a communist state in Guyana. The USA would have fomented civil war and that meant racial war for Guyana. So I for one have no qualms in saying thank God for Burnham’s intellect. Had Burnham been around after the end of the Cold War in 1990 he would have found some way to hoodwink Jagan into remaining in power. Thank God it was Desmond Hoyte, a non-socialist, and he put the interest of Guyana first and restored free and fair elections in 1992.


Unfortunately the PPP did not continue with the democratization process but instead, assured of an Indian vote bank, reversed the democratic gains of Hoyte and embarked on the road to elected dictatorship. To keep its vote bank intact the PPP continued to exploit the damage to race relations that was done in the 1960s rather than start the process of national reconciliation. The Leader of the PNC Brig (rtd) Granger just recently in a message to mark that party’s anniversary acknowledged that there was “racial hatred” in the ’60s and pledged to work for national unity with all forces in Guyana. Brig Granger has clearly hinted at his willingness to start the national reconciliation process. Could Mr Boodram please get the PPP to follow suit.


In closing I ask Mr Boodram how he reconciles the fact that he pontificates on the PNC socialist dictatorship, which the PPP declared support for in 1975, yet ignores the PPP’s call for Stalin style communist dictatorship. And could Mr Boodram please say how many Indo-Guyanese emigrated to Jagan’s paradise, the Soviet Union? Oh that’s right, the Soviet Union and world communism collapsed. Just goes to show that Jagan and the PPP were dead wrong all those years. They have misled us since 1947. It is time Indo-Guyanese free themselves from the PPP narrative and support Brigadier (rtd) Granger’s willingness to engage in national reconciliation to remove racial suspicions and mistrust. Only then can we start building democracy and national unity.


Yours faithfully,

Malcolm Harripaul

So let's get this right. Jagan espoused communism and this led to Burnham to get in and to rig and for Jagan to condemn rigging. You need to go back to that bottom house school. 


Yes. What is so hard to understand? Did you even go to school?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by JB:

Our history was hijacked


Posted By Staff Writer On October 11, 2013 @ 5:03 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Mr Annan Boodram’s letter, “Politics in Guyana is reactive because survival is the name of the game,’ (SN, October 8), is invaluable because it is firstly a reflection of the shaping of the social psychology of many Indo-Guyanese, and secondly it shows just how difficult it will be for an Afro-Guyanese to win over Indian votes, even Brigadier Granger who satisfies all the virtues as prescribed in the Vedic literature. My former school teacher Mr Frederick Collins stated that Indians in Trinidad and Tobago were not afraid to lose to an election, (SN, October 9) but in T&T there was no PPP to brainwash Indians.


The PPP’s control of Indians did socio-psychological damage because the party was not Indian but communist. The Jagans abrogated our history to such an extent that we were socialized to believe that it started with the Jagans who fed us the account that they and the PPP were the embodiment of Indian struggle and that all other Indian leaders were guilty of betrayal. Our history was hijacked and the PPP replaced it with that of the PPP’s struggle for communism. The party distributed Marxist publications rather than Indian or religious literature.


And for sure the CIA and Burnham’s targeting of Indians in 1962 and 1963 helped the Jagans and the PPP to gain full control. In their efforts to remove Jagan from power the CIA and the PNC unwittingly helped to mentally capture Indians for the PPP. So powerful has been the PPP’s mental imprisonment that today we have educated Indians like Mr Boodram shouting the same messages that the Neil Kumars and Kellawan Lalls do. Mr Boodram’s, “TK now typifies the kind of Indian Guyanese that African Guyanese seek to design,” is the same as labelling Indians as betrayers when they free themselves from the PPP.


The educated Indians such as Mr Boodram love to talk of the PNC rigging elections but never concede that the Jagans and the PPP were the cause of rigged elections. The evidence is abundantly clear that Jagan was removed from power in 1964 due to his adoration of communism. He did not think of the interest of Indians or that of Guyana. There was no sole guilty party in the unrest of the 1960s. The Indian and African people were not the culprits. We were just pawns and victims. It was the PPP that took us into the Cold War; the Russians and Cubans who aided the PPP; the USA which wanted the PPP out; and the PNC whose interest coincided with the USA, and thus made all Guyanese hapless victims ‒ even today.


Even after his eviction from power by the USA Jagan continued to blindly ignore the geopolitical realities and advocated Stalin style communism for Guyana. He went so far as to brag in Parlaiment in 1978 that he was proud to be a Soviet stooge. That at a time when most of South America was under US backed military dictatorships and all of Central America was embroiled in a CIA sponsored civil war. So there was no way the USA would allow Jagan back in power and so there was no way Burnham could have held free and fair elections, even if he wanted to.


Burnham was no fool. As much as he was socialist he knew how far he could go without provoking the wrath of USA. Just imagine the mighty superpower USA invaded tiny Grenada in October 1983. The aircraft carrier was bigger than Grenada. That was the environment that Jagan wanted to set up a communist state in Guyana. The USA would have fomented civil war and that meant racial war for Guyana. So I for one have no qualms in saying thank God for Burnham’s intellect. Had Burnham been around after the end of the Cold War in 1990 he would have found some way to hoodwink Jagan into remaining in power. Thank God it was Desmond Hoyte, a non-socialist, and he put the interest of Guyana first and restored free and fair elections in 1992.


Unfortunately the PPP did not continue with the democratization process but instead, assured of an Indian vote bank, reversed the democratic gains of Hoyte and embarked on the road to elected dictatorship. To keep its vote bank intact the PPP continued to exploit the damage to race relations that was done in the 1960s rather than start the process of national reconciliation. The Leader of the PNC Brig (rtd) Granger just recently in a message to mark that party’s anniversary acknowledged that there was “racial hatred” in the ’60s and pledged to work for national unity with all forces in Guyana. Brig Granger has clearly hinted at his willingness to start the national reconciliation process. Could Mr Boodram please get the PPP to follow suit.


In closing I ask Mr Boodram how he reconciles the fact that he pontificates on the PNC socialist dictatorship, which the PPP declared support for in 1975, yet ignores the PPP’s call for Stalin style communist dictatorship. And could Mr Boodram please say how many Indo-Guyanese emigrated to Jagan’s paradise, the Soviet Union? Oh that’s right, the Soviet Union and world communism collapsed. Just goes to show that Jagan and the PPP were dead wrong all those years. They have misled us since 1947. It is time Indo-Guyanese free themselves from the PPP narrative and support Brigadier (rtd) Granger’s willingness to engage in national reconciliation to remove racial suspicions and mistrust. Only then can we start building democracy and national unity.


Yours faithfully,

Malcolm Harripaul

So let's get this right. Jagan espoused communism and this led to Burnham to get in and to rig and for Jagan to condemn rigging. You need to go back to that bottom house school. 


Yes. What is so hard to understand? Did you even go to school?

Yes to first standard but with your PHD TK you must know that this is an apology to rig elections and to redeem Burnham, Hotye and the riggers. This is your agenda plain and simple. 


With the majority being indians and their karma tied to the Jagans. What do expect Burnham to do? The indians being the racists as they are, were never going to vote for a Burnham government-the idea of rational thinking and weighing in all the choices, completly escapes the minds of indians. Indians were racists in their deciision making, communism was never really a factor in their decision to vote. Even it meant Jagan enslaved them.  Knowing this and the CIA decisions on BG, Burnham choose to rig the election, if he didn't, then someone else would have had to do it. HE ACTUALLY SAVED THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INDIANS FROM THE CIA attempts. Think of Chile. They would have killed as many as they could to stamp out communism.


And on the SMEAR campaign the Jagans orchestrated against Burnham after the SPLIT. I do not blame Burnham for curtailing the activities of the PPP. It was either him or them. Educated Indians suppported Burnham. Today, the thugs who criminalized the indians in words and deeds are in bed with the PPP. 


Guyana has the great misfortune as a nation to be governed by IDIOTS.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by JB:

Our history was hijacked


Posted By Staff Writer On October 11, 2013 @ 5:03 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


Mr Annan Boodram’s letter, “Politics in Guyana is reactive because survival is the name of the game,’ (SN, October 8), is invaluable because it is firstly a reflection of the shaping of the social psychology of many Indo-Guyanese, and secondly it shows just how difficult it will be for an Afro-Guyanese to win over Indian votes, even Brigadier Granger who satisfies all the virtues as prescribed in the Vedic literature. My former school teacher Mr Frederick Collins stated that Indians in Trinidad and Tobago were not afraid to lose to an election, (SN, October 9) but in T&T there was no PPP to brainwash Indians.


The PPP’s control of Indians did socio-psychological damage because the party was not Indian but communist. The Jagans abrogated our history to such an extent that we were socialized to believe that it started with the Jagans who fed us the account that they and the PPP were the embodiment of Indian struggle and that all other Indian leaders were guilty of betrayal. Our history was hijacked and the PPP replaced it with that of the PPP’s struggle for communism. The party distributed Marxist publications rather than Indian or religious literature.


And for sure the CIA and Burnham’s targeting of Indians in 1962 and 1963 helped the Jagans and the PPP to gain full control. In their efforts to remove Jagan from power the CIA and the PNC unwittingly helped to mentally capture Indians for the PPP. So powerful has been the PPP’s mental imprisonment that today we have educated Indians like Mr Boodram shouting the same messages that the Neil Kumars and Kellawan Lalls do. Mr Boodram’s, “TK now typifies the kind of Indian Guyanese that African Guyanese seek to design,” is the same as labelling Indians as betrayers when they free themselves from the PPP.


The educated Indians such as Mr Boodram love to talk of the PNC rigging elections but never concede that the Jagans and the PPP were the cause of rigged elections. The evidence is abundantly clear that Jagan was removed from power in 1964 due to his adoration of communism. He did not think of the interest of Indians or that of Guyana. There was no sole guilty party in the unrest of the 1960s. The Indian and African people were not the culprits. We were just pawns and victims. It was the PPP that took us into the Cold War; the Russians and Cubans who aided the PPP; the USA which wanted the PPP out; and the PNC whose interest coincided with the USA, and thus made all Guyanese hapless victims ‒ even today.


Even after his eviction from power by the USA Jagan continued to blindly ignore the geopolitical realities and advocated Stalin style communism for Guyana. He went so far as to brag in Parlaiment in 1978 that he was proud to be a Soviet stooge. That at a time when most of South America was under US backed military dictatorships and all of Central America was embroiled in a CIA sponsored civil war. So there was no way the USA would allow Jagan back in power and so there was no way Burnham could have held free and fair elections, even if he wanted to.


Burnham was no fool. As much as he was socialist he knew how far he could go without provoking the wrath of USA. Just imagine the mighty superpower USA invaded tiny Grenada in October 1983. The aircraft carrier was bigger than Grenada. That was the environment that Jagan wanted to set up a communist state in Guyana. The USA would have fomented civil war and that meant racial war for Guyana. So I for one have no qualms in saying thank God for Burnham’s intellect. Had Burnham been around after the end of the Cold War in 1990 he would have found some way to hoodwink Jagan into remaining in power. Thank God it was Desmond Hoyte, a non-socialist, and he put the interest of Guyana first and restored free and fair elections in 1992.


Unfortunately the PPP did not continue with the democratization process but instead, assured of an Indian vote bank, reversed the democratic gains of Hoyte and embarked on the road to elected dictatorship. To keep its vote bank intact the PPP continued to exploit the damage to race relations that was done in the 1960s rather than start the process of national reconciliation. The Leader of the PNC Brig (rtd) Granger just recently in a message to mark that party’s anniversary acknowledged that there was “racial hatred” in the ’60s and pledged to work for national unity with all forces in Guyana. Brig Granger has clearly hinted at his willingness to start the national reconciliation process. Could Mr Boodram please get the PPP to follow suit.


In closing I ask Mr Boodram how he reconciles the fact that he pontificates on the PNC socialist dictatorship, which the PPP declared support for in 1975, yet ignores the PPP’s call for Stalin style communist dictatorship. And could Mr Boodram please say how many Indo-Guyanese emigrated to Jagan’s paradise, the Soviet Union? Oh that’s right, the Soviet Union and world communism collapsed. Just goes to show that Jagan and the PPP were dead wrong all those years. They have misled us since 1947. It is time Indo-Guyanese free themselves from the PPP narrative and support Brigadier (rtd) Granger’s willingness to engage in national reconciliation to remove racial suspicions and mistrust. Only then can we start building democracy and national unity.


Yours faithfully,

Malcolm Harripaul

So let's get this right. Jagan espoused communism and this led to Burnham to get in and to rig and for Jagan to condemn rigging. You need to go back to that bottom house school. 


Yes. What is so hard to understand? Did you even go to school?

Yes to first standard but with your PHD TK you must know that this is an apology to rig elections and to redeem Burnham, Hotye and the riggers. This is your agenda plain and simple. 


It's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's TKKKKKK! 


Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Harripaul will sell Al YUh Mothers to the HIGHEST Bidder!!!!!!!!!

This is a high degree of ignorance on display.

It IS a FACT.  I would rather have JUDAS as a Friend than any of you two!!!g






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