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Gov’t insists on Ian Chang, Carl Singh’s appointments, Granger says – NO

June 4, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


- PPP wants to confirm Singh, Chang

Opposition Leader David Granger has refused to support the confirmation of Justice Carl Singh as Chancellor and Justice Ian Chang as Chief Justice, the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) said yesterday, expressing alarm.

Justice Ian Chang as Chief Justice

Under the constitution, the President has to consult with the Opposition Leader on the appointments. During a recent meeting with Granger, President Donald Ramotar made known his intentions to confirm Singh and Chang.
Both of have been acting for several years.
Singh is the country’s substantive Chief Justice, but when he was called to be acting Chancellor, Chang was called to act as Chief Justice. Chang is a substantive Court of Appeal Judge.
Yesterday, Attorney General Anil Nandlall said that the confirmation of Singh and Chang is long overdue. The men have served with distinction, he added.
“These are two persons who have served this country with distinction…these appointments should be confirmed,” Nandlall stated.
He said that the ruling PPP is deeply concerned that Granger has withheld his support for the confirmation of Singh and Chang.
Nandlall said that Granger has not “advanced” any reason for withholding his support.
He said that the move to confirm Singh and Chang is not new. Former President Bharrat Jagdeo was in discussions with then Opposition Leader Robert Corbin on the issue.
Despite the objections by Granger, Nandlall said both Singh and Chang have security of tenure, given the positions they hold as Chief Justice and Court of Appeal Judge, respectively.
Kaieteur News understands that Granger is in favour of shifting the way the Chief Justice and Chancellor are appointed, namely that their positions be advertised and they could then undergo a selection process.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

No wonder Guyana will remain backward because of Jackasses like Granger, Moses, Ramjhaaaaaaatan and GR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bai, Grainger says if yuh guh bend over fuh he like how yuh bin bend over fuh Burnham he guh consider to renew yuh PNC card...

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

No wonder Guyana will remain backward because of Jackasses like Granger, Moses, Ramjhaaaaaaatan and GR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bai, Grainger says if yuh guh bend over fuh he like how yuh bin bend over fuh Burnham he guh consider to renew yuh PNC card...

Must find out when yuh gone ah Wuk who does bend over!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

No wonder Guyana will remain backward because of Jackasses like Granger, Moses, Ramjhaaaaaaatan and GR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bai, Grainger says if yuh guh bend over fuh he like how yuh bin bend over fuh Burnham he guh consider to renew yuh PNC card...

Must find out when yuh gone ah Wuk who does bend over!!!!

Only my dog dose lef in de house wen i gone a wuk...PPP gat yuh going fuh dags now....hahahaha

Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Yesterday, Attorney General Anil Nandlall said that the confirmation of Singh and Chang is long overdue. The men have served with distinction, he added.

That must be the biggest official lie ever to come out of Anil's mouth.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

No wonder Guyana will remain backward because of Jackasses like Granger, Moses, Ramjhaaaaaaatan and GR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bai, Grainger says if yuh guh bend over fuh he like how yuh bin bend over fuh Burnham he guh consider to renew yuh PNC card...

Must find out when yuh gone ah Wuk who does bend over!!!!

Only my dog dose lef in de house wen i gone a wuk...PPP gat yuh going fuh dags now....hahahaha

Is that what you call am.

Originally Posted by God:
Anil meant to say that these men have served the PPP with distinction.

Granger looking for a top up before he says yes.

Guyana judicial system is non-political. 

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by God:
Anil meant to say that these men have served the PPP with distinction.

Granger looking for a top up before he says yes.

Guyana judicial system is non-political. 

That's propa ganda.


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