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Former Member

Granger shuts door to talks, expects street protests if President suspends Parliament

DEMERARA WAVES, NOV 9 --- Even as President Donald Ramotar has made up his mind to suspend Guyana’s Parliament to avert the passage of a no-confidence motion, Opposition Leader David Granger on Sunday appeared to shut the door to future talks to end a political stalemate on several issues.

Speaking with the media after the Remembrance Day Wreath Laying Service at the Cenotaph in Georgetown, Granger said it was pointless talking outside the halls of the National Assembly.

“We can’t engage with a gun at our heads. This National Assembly is a forum for national debate. It’s the voice of the people. I can’t see how he can expect us to prorogue the Parliament and expect us to have any discussions under duress. The place for discussions is in the National Assembly. If he shuts it down, then he shuts down dialogue,” he said.


Asked if the President invited him for talks whether he would attend, the Opposition Leader said he could not see what he would be asked to discuss that could not be part of deliberations of the National Assembly. “I have exhausted my discussion with the President and he has taken a line which I feel is undemocratic and un-called for,” he said, adding that the Guyanese leader must bear the brunt of the consequences including possible street protests.

Granger said he would not encourage supporters of his A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to accept the suspension of the Parliament. “Heaven knows what the people do . The people are angry…” The Opposition Leader did not believe that protests would result in widening of an ethnic rift between Afro-Guyanese, largely his political base, and Ramotar’s  East Indo-based supporters.  “I don’t believe so. I believe that the dissatisfaction with the PPP (governing People’s Progressive Party ) has crossed ethnic lines,” he said.


But the moments after taking the salute at the parade  by members of the Joint Services, the President acknowledged that he has made up his mind  to either prorogue or dissolve the Parliament.  Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud said Sunday night that the President would be proroguing the law-making body to allow for fresh talks on a number of outstanding issues.

Told that Granger said that he would shut the door to future talks, the President said “all those things are ahead of us. Let’s wait and see.”  The President insisted that “speaking for me, I have never closed any door to talks and I am not closing any door to talks.”

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"The time has come for decisive actions against the Ramotar-Rohee PPP regime.

The Opposition Leader, Mr. David Granger, has made it absolutely clear that the citizens of Guyana will not be push about any longer. The nation is looking at his quality of leadership!

Mr. Granger must revitalise his military muscles and mobilize the nation to get onto the streets, and do everything necessary, if the PPP regime tries to bamboozle the nation into a state of a full-blown dictatorship.

Over the last decade and half the PPP ruled Guyana as a semi-dictatorship - ignoring fundamental principles and basic human rights, engaging in all forms of corrupt practices and dismissing the views and opinions of the majority representatives of the people.

The National Assembly - the highest DEMOCRATIC institution of people’s representation – cannot be shut down by one person – using relevant aspect of the Guyana constitution to justify his misrule. There must be mass
mobilisation to shut down the country is that were to happen.

The PPP regime is at its weakest point of its rule and any further attempt to continue its misrule and misrepresentation must be met with the full force of all the people of Guyana and compatriots abroad.

The “International community” is already on our side. The open exposure by the former US Ambassador to Guyana, who made it absolutely clear that the people of Guyana must fight for their democratic rights, used the example of the people of the USA, who physically removed the British oppressive rule during the American War of Independence.

The PPP have failed miserable to create racial disunity and racial tension. The Guyanese people are solidly supportive of the idea of a National Unity government and would not indulge in any form of “race baiting” by the PPP or any other entity.

The PPP has only one choice – move to have new elections and allow the nation to decide who must govern the country. If they do anything to the contrary - they will
face the full might of the people of Guyana. We will not accept a new DICTATORIAL rule!!"

Last edited by Former Member

"The time has come for decisive actions against the Ramotar-Rohee PPP regime.

The Opposition Leader, Mr. David Granger, has made it absolutely clear that the citizens of Guyana will not be push about any longer. The nation is looking at his quality of leadership!

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

"The time has come for decisive actions against the Ramotar-Rohee PPP regime.

The Opposition Leader, Mr. David Granger, has made it absolutely clear that the citizens of Guyana will not be push about any longer. The nation is looking at his quality of leadership!

Bhai, the PPP is a monster. Since I know of dem, they always getting their supoorters killed by their irrational decision making. U c the thing dey plan to do wid parliament, dey already try it in 1953-own way people have no sense of goverance. The impending street mob, should tar and feather Ramses and parade his baxside down Main Street. 


Seignet, Gilly etc. what happen to all the bravado about snap elections and Ramjattan has to explain to the people what he is doing etc?


Why not force the people of Guyana to hold Ramjattan and Granger accountable?


Ramotar and the PPP seem to be afraid of the people of Guyana, why? Why are they so afraid if they care? and if they are doing such an awesome job then face the people and secure a bigger endorsement from the electorate.


Why hide? why demonstrate such cowardice?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Seignet, Gilly etc. what happen to all the bravado about snap elections and Ramjattan has to explain to the people what he is doing etc?


Why not force the people of Guyana to hold Ramjattan and Granger accountable?


Ramotar and the PPP seem to be afraid of the people of Guyana, why? Why are they so afraid if they care? and if they are doing such an awesome job then face the people and secure a bigger endorsement from the electorate.


Why hide? why demonstrate such cowardice?

Stalinist doan like to account to anyone. CBJ was a man like that. All the shyte dey write about him, how a great leaders he was. The proof of his leadership is what the people have to contend with. The people should ketch each Minister and give them a fine thrashing at the Parade Grounds-a reminder of the 1823 Slave Revolt.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. John F. Kennedy.

I hope the US government charges dem PPP tiefmen when they show up in USA.


Ralph Ramkarran’s Conversation Tree blog is becoming the Sunday morning must read and he is front and centre this week with his piece on Monday’s parliamentary showdown, noting “But what about the President’s challenge to the AFC to’ bring it on’ and ‘make my day?’ …a prorogation would create the impression that it has dropped its bravado and is slipping through the back door.”  He says a collision is inevitable Monday although he sees election results as more difficult to forecast.

Sunday Stabroek goes to town on a PPP “inebriated with power”, warning that prorogation, while gaining time, would likely cause international isolation, including Commonwealth sanctions a la Zimbabwe and “in addition preclude Freedom House from pointing fingers at the PNC’s undemocratic record, and touting itself as having restored democracy to Guyana.”

Mark Wilson in the Trinidad Guardian delivers a thorough analysis of the situation, noting the complications even with dissolution of Parliament given the voters list expires in January.

Minister Robert Persaud who has been utterly silent in recent months on political developments defends the proroguing of Parliament remarking on NCN’s Political Scope, “Usually governments face no-confidence motions by poor performance, ineptitude, non – responsiveness to people’s needs, as it were not spending and doing enough”. Government will be remembered for being subjected to this opposition’s action for seeking to do more for the people of Guyana, he stressed as he described it as a “sad reality and he described proroguing as simply pressing the re-set button.

Adam rambles on about wanting faster internet instead of a no-confidence motion while Freddie rants about his collapsing garden gloves, National Hardware and Banks DIH getting a homeless man arrested for stealing mangoes…man that guy lives an exciting life

Meanwhile Dr Clive Thomas continues his analysis of income inequality in Guyana noting that the salary of the CEO of GPL was 57 times the minimum wage.  “These known wage and salary disparities in public employment are by any equitable standard truly humungous. However, I am of the view that the present gaps in the public displays of wealth (homes, cars, and other types of property) between the ruling political cabal and the workforce at or below the minimum wage are in actuality considerably greater than what most of the public believe.”

David Jessop discusses Sir Shridath Ramphal’s memoir “Glimpses of a Global Life” and notes his sadness that he did not achieve as much in the Caribbean.  And Ian McDonald recycles one of his columns from years ago on the joys of reading.


Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Seignet, Gilly etc. what happen to all the bravado about snap elections and Ramjattan has to explain to the people what he is doing etc?


Why not force the people of Guyana to hold Ramjattan and Granger accountable?


Ramotar and the PPP seem to be afraid of the people of Guyana, why? Why are they so afraid if they care? and if they are doing such an awesome job then face the people and secure a bigger endorsement from the electorate.


Why hide? why demonstrate such cowardice?

Stalinist doan like to account to anyone. CBJ was a man like that. All the shyte dey write about him, how a great leaders he was. The proof of his leadership is what the people have to contend with. The people should ketch each Minister and give them a fine thrashing at the Parade Grounds-a reminder of the 1823 Slave Revolt.

Guys, this Stalinist PPP regime is most insecure right now. They know they've lost Indian voters heavily through death and emigration. They saw it in the census.

They tried to bribe Amerindians to offset their Indo losses. The word out there is that Amerindians will not give the PPP the quota of votes they want.

The regime put out free bus rides with big fanfare. That project fizzle out because they observed that most passengers were blacks who were cussing them even in the buses.

The regime rolled out the $10,000 grants with big hype. They opened up passport offices in Berbice, Essequibo and Lethem to make people feel nice, but the people leaving the country faster.

So, despite all their grandiose plans to soft-soap the masses, they're not getting the desired feedback. Their internal polls bringing in terrible news. That's why the PPP cabal is insecure and has decided to stay in power without an elected parliament.


Well said Gil well said, the PPP is in deep trouble make no mistake about that.


There is real and palpable fear in Freedumb house and the people can feel it as well. Bisram published another bullshit poll a little while back claiming the people do not want a no confidence vote - complete and utter nonsense.


Manzoor claimed that all members of parliament needed to vote on the no confidence motion, complete BS.


Robert Persaud claim that opposition parliaments have to have a litany of reasons to call a no confidence motion, he outlined a long list of bullshit reasons, complete garbage. Cow herder turn constitutional lawyer.


Ramotar at one point was daring the opposition to bring the no confidence motion a few years ago he was talking fat about snap elections etc.


Today there is fear, real fear the PPP has of the no confidence motion, they can run but they cannot run forever. They will have to face the people of Guyana.



[] – On the eve of what has been dubbed “the day of reckoning” and “dooms day”, Opposition Leader David Granger has issued a final caution to the President Donald Ramotar; warning that if he follows through with his threat to dissolve/prorogue Parliament will be  to “call Armageddon on his own head.”

The President, in an address to the nation last week, said that he will prorogue Parliament should the Opposition push ahead with its vote of no confidence in his Administration.

But according to Granger, the combined parliamentary opposition will not be intimidated by the threats made by the Head of State; warning subliminally that the President will be responsible for the consequences of his announcement and subsequent actions.

“We are not clinching from our position; we are committed to supporting the motion,” Granger reasserted, even as he casted off assertions that the option of negotiation is still open.

The Opposition Leader said there is every intention to proceed with the Alliance for Change (AFC) sponsored motion; advising that a meeting between the two opposition Parties have been held and a strategy has been drafted.

Meanwhile, commenting on the issue along with Government Parliamentarian Manzoor Nadir, Opposition MP James Bond says it is his belief that the Head of State has shot himself in the foot.

He recalled the reasons for the motion which includes what the opposition say is an abuse of public funds, disrespect for the National Assembly and the failure to adhere to several constitutional requirements which calls for the setting up of several commissions and the holding of local government election.

Bond said the Head of State has squandered many opportunities for discussions to be held and compromises to be met.

However, Nadir believes that there is still time to fix or avert whatever disaster looms but says the opposition seems to have a “no budge position.”

“The dooms day clock is ticking but we still have time… but we have a flippant and arrogant opposition with no record of going to the people… so to bring this motion to me is the most arrogant motion at this point,” he added.

Nadir says the governing Party has a proud record to stand on and is not afraid to stand the scrutiny of what it has done over the last three years at the next general elections.

He suggested that prorogation will most likely follow any attempt to have the no confidence motion debated. The PPP MP said there is clearly a crisis and believes the President’s decision is in the best interest of all Guyanese and will result in building consensus and unity.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Well said Gil well said, the PPP is in deep trouble make no mistake about that.



  The PPP is afraid but the AFC is bolder than it ought to be.  Some folks who went down to Guyana and just returned


Following observations.


1.  Most people are tuned out of politics. They don't like the govt but they aren't listening to the issues, so it is unknown whether will vote or not.


2.  They are deeply  disappointed with the opposition which has continued to let   the PPP do what it wishes as if they still control parliament.  There is much talk of PPP corruption and cronyism.  They want to know why the oppositions seems unable/unwilling to levy specific accusations so that specific people can be brought up on charges.


3.  Racial voting on BOTH sides is still a strong factor.  Sorry AFC most of the blacks who don't like the PPP will vote PNC, regardless as to what Granger is or isn't doing.  They aren't tuned in enough to care about the specifics.


4.  The AFC appeals to those who are more intellectually engaged in the issues.  Sadly for them that isn't most people.


5.  The PPP has already started its dirty work using its Burnhamite goon squad, except that the rigging is more sophisticated this time.  They will pay poor people to give up their voter ID cards and then assign them to some one else who will be paid to vote PPP, cards altered of course.


The AFC and APNU are racing to want a vote. Have they checked the voters' lists and made other attempts to verify the identity of voters?


No.  The AFC is ambulance chasing, and APNU dumb and out maneuvered as usual are racing to catch up to them.


So if there is an MONC and elections are called in January and LGE in June, does either APNU or the AFC have the funding or the ground organization ready?


Or do they just assume that because people "vex wid de PPP" that they will turn out to vote? 


The PPP will do what it takes to win and they have a whole dirty tricks planned to avoid defeat, and maybe even to "win" 50.1% of the votes.  Is the loud mouth AFC, and the slow and dumb APNU watching and developing a plan to counter act this?  Or is it that making noise in parliament all they think that they need to do?


I know that APNU has already accepted that the best they will ever be as a 40% party and that race voting guarantees them at least 30%, so they will be complacent, but will pretend otherwise.


But what of the AFC, which if it fails to reach 20% this time seems doomed to remain a small party, eventually to fade as did the UF?


Now all the arm chair analysts seated OUTSIDE of Guyana can be free to disagree and to scream and call me all sorts of names.  The sources are the same people who warned me in 2011 that the AFC wasn't going to do any where near what they predicted, and that APNU was going to do better than expected, even though they didn't deserve this support.

Originally Posted by cain:

In the event of any street demonstrations, I hope no innocent civilian is hurt or killed. Any anger should be directed at the Govt and not the poor people.

  Most of the "anger: will be displayed by miscellaneous hooligans who the PPP has already engaged to create trouble.  You know full well that they have been looking for any opportunity to feature blacks beating up Indians, based upon protests organized by the opposition.


The mere fact that the House of Israel, Norman McLean, Lumumba, and others of that ilk are now enjoying good sweet PPP milk ought to put folks on edge.


The current PPP has all the ruthlessness of Hammie Green when he was in his prime!


BTW the piece paid to be in a mob is GY$5,000.  Its amazing how much people will do for how little in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member

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