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March 15, 2016  Source

Guyana’s President David Granger says the Chairmen of People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC)-controlled Regional Councils are disrespecting him by failing to turn up on his visits to those regions.

“It’s worse than eye-pass. These people are dividing the country, they are trying to destroy the country and when you go to vote (in Local Government Elections) on Friday, think unity, think bringing the country together,” he told a public meeting by the governing A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) at the Linden Bus Park on Monday night.

However, PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee says the decision by the regional chairmen not to be present was not centrally directed by the party.

Granger accused the PPPC of stoking division because the Chairmen of Regions 1 (Barima-Waini), 2 (Pomeroon-Supenaam), 6 (East Berbice-Corentyne) and 9 (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo). “How can we unite this country, how can we bring central government together with the regional government together with local government if the Regional Chairmen don’t show up when the President of this country shows up,” he said.

Rohee said the PPP has not taken any decision that the chairmen of PPP-controlled regions should blank the President on his visits. “No we haven’t made such a policy. That’s for them to decide based on whether they receive invitations or not,” he said. Asked what steps should be taken if the Regional Chairmen were invited but did not attend, the PPPC General Secretary ruled out any penalties. “Nothing should obtain, that’s their decision. We wouldn’t discipline them or sanction them. They know the local conditions better than us so it’s left to their judgment,” Rohee told Demerara Waves Online News.

Recently, the Regional Executive Officer of Region Two, Rupert Hopkinson stated that the Region Two Chairman has not been cooperating in decision-making. On the other hand, an opposition PPPC parliamentarian had complained bitterly that the Regional Executive Officers in certain PPPC regions have been acting unilaterally and excluding the councilors.

The bickering over control and influence of regions after the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections is not similar to allegations by the Alliance For Change (AFC) that Region 8 (Potaro-Siparuni), which it had controlled, had been starved of funds and made to endure deplorable roads and other substandard living conditions.

The then PPPC-appointed Regional Executive Officer had been accused of acting in a unilateral and high-handed manner against the will of the elected council.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cry Baby Granger:

"Guyana’s President David Granger says the Chairmen of People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC)-controlled Regional Councils are disrespecting him by failing to turn up on his visits to those regions."

Message to cry baby:

PPP refuses to associate with riggers and a murderous PNC Party.


Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

These idiots forgot this is an executive president and as regional chairs they are empty suits. The President should bypass them and speak to the Councillors directly,

The president might bypass regional officials if they continue these stupid-ness, while spending public resources. They got away with too much in the past.


Tola, please tell me which regional admin got away with too much in the past and what objective is criteria you used to make that determination. 

Stormy, I am surprised at your response that the regional chairs are 'empty suits' I thought that you were a strong advocate for democracy/ local democracy. Or is it when it suits your interest?

There are accusations & complaints by regional chairpersons that they are not informed in a timely manner or are not informed of visits. There are conflicts between the REO and the local administration over who controls what. What unity are you all talking about. What has Granger and the coalition done to bring about unity? For those of you steeped in notions of effective leadership, tell us what research-based effective leader strategies and tactics he us using to unite the nation.

guyana's politics is about us and them, electing the coalition has not changed that, no matter how much hot air is released by prouncements by government officials and functionaries, or by executive president who was elected by just over half of the electorates and acts like he represents only 51 percent of the population. 

Well, the regional chairmen represent the people at a local level and yes,the  president can 'punish' them through reduction of allocations or through the central government-appointed REO, but they do that knowing that there will be consequences in the long run.


When PPP was in power didn't the AFC/APNU councilors show similar attitudes?  Now that the afc/apnu in power, they want everyone to join hands and sing kumbaya, they should have thought about this when they were in opposition. The PPP should dish out the same medicine that the PNC/AFC dished out when in opposition. 

Last edited by Former Member

everyone here has a political motive. EIther it is just or unjust. Your duty is to address that and stay away from the personal. The PPP implanted these IMCs and here they are disrespecting an elected President. He can like the PPP did dismiss their behinds by a wave of the hand. They are lucky he is a more temperate man and less inclined to totalitarianism of the PPP. If they engineered the slight so much the worse.

The President should take that into consideration and the next time act in his executive capacity and ignore their behinds likewise. He has complete authority over anything happening in their area. They are delegated to expedite his wishes. Their positions are as leadership to do best with what is being allocated by the central authority.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

everyone here has a political motive. EIther it is just or unjust..

Thank you for the confirmation!!

I say just don't use an unfortunate issue facing a people to try to make political gain!!

. Even the great(not) Stormy has political motivation. He always saw himself(until now) as an objective global warmer.

skeldon_man posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

everyone here has a political motive. EIther it is just or unjust..

Thank you for the confirmation!!

I say just don't use an unfortunate issue facing a people to try to make political gain!!

. Even the great(not) Stormy has political motivation. He always saw himself(until now) as an objective global warmer.

I think you are slow on the up take. We are discussing political issues hence motivated by them. The idea of expressing opinions on governance is driven by the urge to be heard for ones views. It does not mean one has ambition to be in political office. I would be bored to death.


Stormy, having an off-day or what? They are complaining about regional chairpersons. Also, he does not have complete authority over the regions. Only in a dictatorship! Maybe, this is what you are projecting with your comments.

Zed posted:

Stormy, having an off-day or what? They are complaining about regional chairpersons. Also, he does not have complete authority over the regions. Only in a dictatorship! Maybe, this is what you are projecting with your comments.

Those people are figure heads for all intents and purpose. Plus...they are PPP selected. The legitimate people are coming on line with the finalizing of local elections. However, even then they are all beholden to the center. Our electoral system give the President direct control over the entire state and even on the local level there is no veto to that authority. That is a fact jack. Yes, we have an elected dictatorship. It is what the PPP refused to change and what, I am sure, the APNU will also be reluctant to let go of.

I suggest you read your constitution.


This goes to show how very little Stormy know about Guyana's politics.

Regional Chairmen are elected officials, they are not appointed by Granger.

PPP/C takes control of seven regions


– Solomon, Corlette, Crawford among RDC heads to roll
–  Protests hit Region One against new Chairman
Yesterday morning saw the election of Regional Chairmen and Councilors from across the ten administrative regions of Guyana, and, while there are mostly new faces in the halls of the councils, the heads forregional chairsRegions Three and Six were returned.
The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won Regions One, Two, Three, Five, Six, Eight and Nine, at the May 11th elections, with A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) securing Regions Four, Seven and 10.
However, controversy surrounded the election of Region One (Barima-Waini)’s Chairman, Brentnol Patrick Ashley. Former People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Regional Chairman Paul Pierre had headed the list and was expected to be returned as the Regional Chairman, but he was subsequently chosen for the position of Councilor, with Ashley being nominated as Chairman.
This decision had residents disappointed and yesterday they decided to show their support for the former Chairman. According to the residents who formed the protest, Ashley is inexperienced.
Ashley will be supported by Vice Chairman Sarah Browne. The PPP/C has ten councilors on the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) while APNU+AFC has five.
Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam)’s selection process was a relatively smooth one, as former Progressive Youth Organization (PYO) member Devanand Ramdat was installed as the new Chairman, replacing Parmanand Persaud, with Nandranie Juliet Coonjah being selected to serve as his deputy.
In Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara), Julius Faerber was returned to the Chairmanship with minimal drama. His new deputy, Mohamed Insham Ayube, will be replacing Vice Chairman Azzam Pasha Mohamed. There are 18 PPP/C councilors on the RDC, while APNU+AFC has nine.
For Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica), long standing Chairman Clement Corlette was replaced by former Vice Chairman Genevieve Allen. Earl Lambert will serve as Vice Chairman. Here, the APNU has twenty-two councilors on the RDC while the PPP/C has thirteen.
In Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice), Vickchand Ramphal will replace Bindrabhan Bisnauth as Chairman while Vice Chairman Rion Peters was returned to that position.
For Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), David P. Armogan was reinstated as Regional Chairman, while Dennis DeRoop was selected to replace Bhopaul Jhagroop as Vice Chair. The PPP/C has fifteen councilors in that region, while APNU+AFC has ten.
In Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), Gordon Bradford was returned as Chairman, with Vice Chairman Olynda Griffith replacing Amrita Thomas.
For Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni), Bonaventure Fredericks will replace outgoing chairman Mark Crawford, while Vice Chair Headley Pio will replace Cornell Edwards.
Bryan Allicock was named as the new chairman of Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), replacing Wilson Laurentino, while Carl Singh replaces Douglas Dasinero as Vice Chair. PPP/C has nine councilors, and APNU+AFC has six.
And in Region Ten (Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice), former MP Sharma Solomon was replaced as Chairman by Renis Morian, The new Vice Chairman is Elroy Adolphus.
Contacted yesterday, Solomon, who campaigned heartily for APNU+AFC during the run-up to the recently concluded National and Regional Elections, indicated that he would continue to show his support for his Linden constituency, in addition to anyone who had the interest of the Linden people at heart.
Meanwhile, Morian in brief remarks declared that he is not going on a witch-hunt but would have zero tolerance for corruption. According to him “one strike and you are out.” He outlined plans for the Region and said he has already been visiting places and asks for integrated development.
Among his plans are to have the Agriculture Department in Christianburg furnished and up and running, to have a regional farmers’ conference, and plans for a Youth Award Programme to which he expressed optimism that the newly appointed MP Jermaine Figueria would take up the mantle. According to Morian, his strong belief is that youths are being neglected.
Each region is administered by a RDC, which in turn is headed by a chairman. The regions are also divided into Neighborhood Democratic Councils.
In the National Assembly, twenty-five of its sixty-five seats are elected from the ten administrative regions, while the remaining forty seats come from the national ‘top up’ list. The APNU+AFC currently has a one-seat majority. The PPP/C, which has thirty two seats, has boycotted Parliament ever since its June 10th opening.


Dude, I said they are PPP not representing the people they are selected. The directly elected officials are coming but even they do not have much power. The regional chairs are exactly that... chairs. As with all things, we have an executive president and he controls the everything...since he controls the purse.

Last edited by Former Member

Now you ketch sense after I alerted you to this blunder. The PPP regional chairmen may very well be representing the views of the constituents by shunning Granger, a charlatan who ascended into office by votes manipulation by PNC supporters working in the election commission. 


Stormy, I think that you need to reread the constitution regarding the regional councils, etc. It is the constitution that is supreme and there are requirements laid out in the constitution. 



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