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Granger says President should be engaging with Opposition Leader

David Granger
David Granger

Former President David Granger has suggested that if President Irfaan Ali is truly interested in “accelerating Guyana’s development” he will engage with the Opposition Leader as required by the Constitution rather than hold lunch meetings with his predecessors.

“If we are talking about Guyana’s development how could we rule out the Leader of the Opposition? How could we rule out the National Assembly? How could we rule out 31 parliamentarians? What am I going to do there that can actually accelerate Guyana’s development [when] a former President doesn’t have a constitutional role?” Granger asked during the most recent edition of his party’s Public Interest Programme.

The former president stressed that while he is not likely to turn away from an opportunity to develop Guyana he is also not going to waste time.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It might be as difficult as mating elephants. But if Ali is really interested in Guyana's development, he should first form a harmonious relationship with the opposition leader.

Starting by leaving their cutlass and guns at home and go out together for a seven curry dinner, by the seawall. The opposition leader can later serve dessert of white pudding and sorrel drink.   

Last edited by Tola

Harmon is not the Leader of the Opposition. He was hand picked by Granger. Volda is the leader of the PNC. Granger and Harmon hijacked the PNC similar to Jagdeo hijacking the PPP. Dat country needs a huge snow fall.

The AFC is no more.

@Tola posted:

Granger says President should be engaging with Opposition Leader

Former President David Granger has suggested that if President Irfaan Ali is truly interested in “accelerating Guyana’s development” he will engage with the Opposition Leader as required by the Constitution rather than hold lunch meetings with his predecessors.

Perhaps, Granger forgot that the PNCR and Joseph Harmon stated that the current government is an illegal one, hence no need to interact with it.

@Former Member posted:

Perhaps, Granger forgot that the PNCR and Joseph Harmon stated that the current government is an illegal one, hence no need to interact with it.

Granger might have felt that he was out gunned four to one. But if four APNU persons, including the elected  opposition leader were invited, Granger  might have accepted.

During our tense discussion with people opposing sustainable projects in developing countries. We first try to form a [social] relationship with them, before discussing legalities. Politics in Guyana is so tense, that a similar situation might assist discussions and negotiations. 


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