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Former Member

Granger says won’t allow `political malefactors to highjack our democracy’

President David Granger
President David Granger

Adverting to elections related unrest in recent days, President David Granger today said he won’t allow “political malefactors to highjack our democracy”.


Granger, who is performing the functions of a caretaker President, also said that he has no control over GECOM and urged the public to allow the Election Commission “to execute its mandate to deliver credible elections to the Guyanese people”.

The statement issued by President Granger follows:




MARCH 9, 2020

Guyanese, I acknowledge that, one week after General and Regional Elections were held, we have not yet had the final declaration of results and uncertainty and unease have arisen. 

I assure the nation that, at all times, I have acted in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of Guyana.  After the elections on March 2nd, the nation awaited the declaration of the results by the Elections Commission after completing its work.

GECOM is an independent constitutional agency over which I and the Executive have no control. I assure you, that as President, I cannot, did not and will not interfere in the work of GECOM.

The Opposition created an atmosphere of intimidation and fear at the office of the Returning Officer of District Number 4. This led to the interruption of GECOM’s work.

 The Opposition then approached the Supreme Court seeking to prevent GECOM from making a declaration of the final results. That matter is now before the Chief Justice who will hear the case tomorrow, Tuesday, March 10th.

 Justice Claudette Singh, Chairman of GECOM, has indicated that she will await the outcome of that matter. The entire nation, indeed, must await the ruling of the Supreme Court.

 The Opposition is disseminating a narrative that is no more than a falsification of reality. It is completely at variance with the official declarations of the Elections Commission for the ten electoral districts.


 Guyanese, we have all witnessed the lawlessness and violence that have been unleashed on innocent school children, citizens and police officers in several districts of our country.  Our security forces have been working to quell disorder and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

 It is my sworn duty, as President, to uphold the Constitution and keep our citizens safe. I intend to do so. I will not allow political malefactors to highjack our democracy and compromise public order and human safety. Law and order will be maintained.

 Guyanese, I appeal to you to remain calm and not to engage in any activity which can lead to the heightening of tensions in society.  I urge you to go about your business in a peaceful manner.  Some damage has already been done to social relations in our communities. We must repair that damage.

 Guyanese are asked to contribute to ensuring that we maintain law and order at all costs. Guyana is a lawful state. We must allow the institutions which we revere and on which we rely to work to ensure that there will be a fair outcome to the issue which we now face.


 Guyanese will continue to live with each other.  We must not allow ourselves to be provoked into taking any action which will engender hate or disharmony.

 I am confident that there will be a peaceful and lawful resolution to this issue in a short period of time.

 I appeal to you to join me in allowing the judicial system to perform its functions.

 I appeal to you to allow the Elections Commission to execute its mandate to deliver credible elections to the Guyanese people.



I thank you.


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You are clearly out of touch with US hands off foreign policy. No boots on the ground there. All that would occur is refusal to recognize the regime and sanctions that would put our poor people into more pain



Berbicians can create that condition very quickly. They are just waiting on a signal. 

International media are already reporting on police brutality. 

This is ripe for Uncle Sam to send a message to Venezuela too. 


I would not count on that.  The US is looking for an easy victory in the interest of Democracy.  Remember Grenada.  It will take 500 US troops to crush and occupy Guyana and transition to democratic rule.  Then they have a foothold to deal with Venezuela!

Jagdeo has to create the condition and force the US hands!


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I would not count on that.  The US is looking for an easy victory in the interest of Democracy.  Remember Grenada.  It will take 500 US troops to crush and occupy Guyana and transition to democratic rule.  Then they have a foothold to deal with Venezuela!

Jagdeo has to create the condition and force the US hands!

Wishful thinking. Trump is hands off and does not grasp the idea of a community of nations acting and defending the same proposition and the US as leader and guardian  of these principles. He believes he can hide behind his walls and the rest of the world be dammed. All one can expect from him is the condemnation of the regime and  possible  sanctions. But that is enough.



Guyana is a regional tinderbox!

It was waiting to explode for awhile. No one will care if we kill ourselves. Millions died in Sudan, Somalia, the ME etc and they continue to due daily. 


Last edited by Former Member

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