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Former Member

The APNU is expected to name Sandra V Jones to fill the seat on the Guyana Election Commission(GECOM) vacated following the death of Robert Williams. This move has not found favour with certain sections of the PNC's APNU as well as the AFC whose nominee was rejected. Persons are of the view that Jones is being rewarded for the role her company played in electing David Granger as the PNC's presidential candidate during the controversial internal party elections. According to PNC insiders Jones' company was retained to help ensure 'transparency of the process', and it was an employee of hers, the Returning Officer. Mr. Earl John who declared the contested results.

Others have said that her appointment to the commission will create a conflict of interest given that in March 2003, GECOM, reported that her company, S.V. Jones Associates, was recruited to conduct a job evaluation and description exercise.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many are saying the APNU is playing the AFC, ints inevitably, that union may soon disintegrate

Is it  jealousy over that  'union' that  cause  the  PPP to crawl  into  bed  with APNU during  the  Budget debatethen  got  hosed &  dumped by  Granger like  a  cheap ho?

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many are saying the APNU is playing the AFC, ints inevitably, that union may soon disintegrate

Is it  jealousy over that  'union' that  cause  the  PPP to crawl  into  bed  with APNU during  the  Budget debatethen  got  hosed &  dumped by  Granger like  a  cheap ho


Politics is dirty. We need not forget that it is even dirtier in North American politics but it spun in a way that most of the common folks do not even see it.


PPP has a minority government and they have to make deals even with the devil PNC sometimes. AFC turned around and bit the PPP in the rear but this is the reality of politics.


What is interesting is that the AFC is going into PNC stronghold areas and the PNC is asleep while all of this this is happening. They might turn their forks at the AFC some day.


Notice how AFC is currently in New Amsterdam.


Fun to watch.


HASEEF YUSUF, AFC Councillor, Region 6  : IT is with profound thought and extreme deliberation that I have finally made this decision to let the public know, especially the Alliance For Change (AFC) members and supporters in Berbice of the corrupt and fraudulent practices of certain AFC members in Berbice, more specifically a Member of Parliament (MP). 

He has been on DTV 8 for the past few years where he hosted a programme called ‘Issues of the People’, where he vehemently lashed out at the government, the PPP/C, GPL, GWI and the Guyana Police Force, Guysuco, etcetera.  He proclaimed himself as the ‘champion’ of transparency, justice and accountability. He entertained anyone who claims to have a grievance and he would lash out without any supporting evidence. He also claimed on numerous occasions that he would ‘singlehandedly’ deliver Berbicians from oppression and corruption, even if the AFC fails to do so.
However, certain post-election events greatly contradicted this image he is trying so hard to portray on TV. I will deal chronologically with these events and you be the judge.
Just after the November elections, three AFC groups submitted financial reports on campaign activities to the Head Office: New Amsterdam, Whim and Upper Corentyne. Two of these groups submitted detailed reports with the necessary supporting documents; however, the Whim Group headed by this MP failed to do so. He submitted a financial report without supporting documents and he furthermore made a ludicrous claim. He claimed that he spent $4.5 M from his pocket and that the party should reimburse him. Two points should be noted here:
I) He was not authorised by the executive or the Campaign Manager to spend in excess of what funds were given to him through the party or by way of donations;
II) He provided no documentary evidence whatever to support his claim of $ 4.5M. In fact, he claimed that he was too busy for that. Right now he is asking for same such evidence in Parliament!
I want to add here that even for funds collected, no receipts were issued. In fact, he would tell a woman working at his house to ‘throw it in the box upstairs.’
The central executive of the party categorically refused to entertain his spurious and unsubstantiated claim for reimbursement. This led to the next linked event.
On February 1 this year, he convened a meeting at his Whim office where 51 members were present. At this meeting, he emphasised that the party owed him $4.5M and he tried to solicit funds through donations and fund- raising activities in order to recoup his claim of $4.5M ‘owed’ to him. He then convened an election to form a Regional Management Committee and to establish an AFC Office at his Office at Whim. One of the functions of this RMC would be fund-raising through which he would get ‘his money back.’
I was unanimously elected by all 51 members present as the Chairman, Mr. Lionel Howell as the Vice- Chairman and Ms. Donna Mathoo as the Secretary.
Among other things, I put forward fund-raising suggestions to the members present and asked their suggestions as to what should be done with excess funds above the needs of individual groups and everyone unanimously agreed that all excess funds should be placed into a bank account to take care of future expenses. No one present agreed that monies collected should be used to offset the claim by the MP. This irked him.
At this same meeting, he also suggested that a certain female be selected and employed to work at the AFC office to be opened at Whim. I strongly objected to this sort of cronyism and suggested that applications be invited so that there is fairness and transparency and that the most suitable person be selected. Can you imagine a fledgling party behaving in this undemocratic manner? Suddenly I became this MP’s number one enemy, but I can live with that!
The third event unfolded on April 16, 2012. Unknowing to Donna Mathoo (the Secretary) and I, another election meeting was convened to re-elect office bearers to the Regional Management Committee. The meeting held on February 1, 2012 was declared unconstitutional by the General Secretary, Mr. Sixtus Edwards. I knew about this meeting two days later when Mr. Lionel Howell called me to hand over some funds and documents to him, the new Chairman.
However three points should be raised here:
i) Donna and I were never officially or unofficially informed that the election held on February 1 was null and void and that we were no longer the Chairman and Secretary respectively, and that the office will become vacant;
ii) We were not invited to present ourselves for nomination or otherwise; and
iii) A public announcement was not made about the election meeting. The AFC’s Constitution Article, Section 8, has made it clear that all groups in the region should be invited for any such meeting. Less than 20 members were present. Why the MP did  not make a public announcement on DTV 8 the week before so that members could take notice? Why only a selected handful of members? Is this not rigging? Is this not fraudulent?
It is time to take out the ‘beam from thine own eyes’ Mr. MP!
And lo and behold the very same female whom the good MP recommended was employed to work in the AFC Office! And yet speakest thou about cronyism! This is a shame and disgrace to the very principles which the AFC stand for or claims to stand for!
The million dollar (or 4.5 million) question that I want Mr. Ramjattan to answer is: Was the MP acting in the interest in the AFC or in his own self-interest?
The other questions are:
i) Where is the accountability within the AFC?
ii) Where is the transparency in the electoral process?
iii) Isn’t there cronyism within the AFC?
iv)What are you going to do about these matters?
v) Afraid of another defection if you drop the hammer?
I doubt whether Mr. Ramjattan has the courage to act decisively in these matters since I have emailed him three times and on the third occasion he said that he was too busy and that the General Secretary will deal with these matters.
In any other country the misuse and abuse of campaign funds are dealt with criminally, especially where a person is making unsubstantiated claims in order to enrich himself or herself. But alas ! In Guyana such a person will be promoted to high offices.
I still want to know which university made that terrible blunder to confer that MP with a doctorate as he is unfit for public office and should be severely reprimanded for his actions. I call upon the party’s Chairman, Mr. Ramjattan and the Central Executive to act decisively now or face the consequences later.
At this point I am undecided as to what my next move will be,  but I am sure that it hinges on how the party will take it from here.

Originally Posted by albert:

The APNU is expected to name Sandra V Jones to fill the seat on the Guyana Election Commission(GECOM) vacated following the death of Robert Williams. This move has not found favour with certain sections of the PNC's APNU as well as the AFC whose nominee was rejected. Persons are of the view that Jones is being rewarded for the role her company played in electing David Granger as the PNC's presidential candidate during the controversial internal party elections. According to PNC insiders Jones' company was retained to help ensure 'transparency of the process', and it was an employee of hers, the Returning Officer. Mr. Earl John who declared the contested results.

Others have said that her appointment to the commission will create a conflict of interest given that in March 2003, GECOM, reported that her company, S.V. Jones Associates, was recruited to conduct a job evaluation and description exercise.

This is what will happen to East Indians and Amerindians and all of Guyana if they only vote for Granja.


He shall snub them!


OK let us put AFC aside

Kishan yuh know how good

  PNC would have look

if Granger appointed TK to GECOM Seat

Let them Jumbie tell us why

TK was not Considered

for de Gecom Seat.....



Why TK is not allowed at the Head Table.


It is clear PNC do not Trust Professor TK

because of his Ravi Dev Experience

and they are treating TK

as a Grass-hopper....

or a Collie Crab-dog.


Ok TK only got one Indian Supporter...

De Mook-raj Guy...


But fuh the PNC

One New Indian Supporter

is a Major improvement.


Mook-raj can boast

he improve PNC Standings.


According to Nehru

TK and eee Mook-raj Friend in the PNC

is Like a Ole Stink-in-Toe Tree

with a Sapadilla & A Somotoo Fruit.


Nehru need to figure out

pun eee own...

How these two Fruit

Hanging from a Stink-in-toe Tree


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by albert:

The APNU is expected to name Sandra V Jones to fill the seat on the Guyana Election Commission(GECOM) vacated following the death of Robert Williams. This move has not found favour with certain sections of the PNC's APNU as well as the AFC whose nominee was rejected. Persons are of the view that Jones is being rewarded for the role her company played in electing David Granger as the PNC's presidential candidate during the controversial internal party elections. According to PNC insiders Jones' company was retained to help ensure 'transparency of the process', and it was an employee of hers, the Returning Officer. Mr. Earl John who declared the contested results.

Others have said that her appointment to the commission will create a conflict of interest given that in March 2003, GECOM, reported that her company, S.V. Jones Associates, was recruited to conduct a job evaluation and description exercise.

This is what will happen to East Indians and Amerindians and all of Guyana if they only vote for Granja.


He shall snub them!



Why do you have to flood the board with old threads which are no longer relevant?

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by albert:

The APNU is expected to name Sandra V Jones to fill the seat on the Guyana Election Commission(GECOM) vacated following the death of Robert Williams. This move has not found favour with certain sections of the PNC's APNU as well as the AFC whose nominee was rejected. Persons are of the view that Jones is being rewarded for the role her company played in electing David Granger as the PNC's presidential candidate during the controversial internal party elections. According to PNC insiders Jones' company was retained to help ensure 'transparency of the process', and it was an employee of hers, the Returning Officer. Mr. Earl John who declared the contested results.

Others have said that her appointment to the commission will create a conflict of interest given that in March 2003, GECOM, reported that her company, S.V. Jones Associates, was recruited to conduct a job evaluation and description exercise.

This is what will happen to East Indians and Amerindians and all of Guyana if they only vote for Granja.


He shall snub them!



Why do you have to flood the board with old threads which are no longer relevant?

It is Relevant to us 

TK work very hard an get 2 People

to Join with him and move over to the PNC......

and Granger continues to take

the very few indians in the PNC for granted.....

This is very Insultive to Our GNI Professor TK...

Isn't it?

TK Joined PNC to Clean up things....

Not to make it worst.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by albert:

The APNU is expected to name Sandra V Jones to fill the seat on the Guyana Election Commission(GECOM) vacated following the death of Robert Williams. This move has not found favour with certain sections of the PNC's APNU as well as the AFC whose nominee was rejected. Persons are of the view that Jones is being rewarded for the role her company played in electing David Granger as the PNC's presidential candidate during the controversial internal party elections. According to PNC insiders Jones' company was retained to help ensure 'transparency of the process', and it was an employee of hers, the Returning Officer. Mr. Earl John who declared the contested results.

Others have said that her appointment to the commission will create a conflict of interest given that in March 2003, GECOM, reported that her company, S.V. Jones Associates, was recruited to conduct a job evaluation and description exercise.

This is what will happen to East Indians and Amerindians and all of Guyana if they only vote for Granja.


He shall snub them!



Why do you have to flood the board with old threads which are no longer relevant?

It is Relevant to us 

TK work very hard an get 2 People

to Join with him and move over to the PNC......

and Granger continues to take

the very few indians in the PNC for granted.....

This is very Insultive to Our GNI Professor TK...

Isn't it?

TK Joined PNC to Clean up things....

Not to make it worst.

This thread is from 2012. KB brings up all these old threads which have already outlived their usefulness.


You guys need to stop getting a hard on over TK and hallucinating that his ghost lives in many others on this forum. Be a little more constructive in your posts and stop worrying that everyone who writes something is TK.

Mars are missing the most Important reason

why TK is being exposed here on GNI.

Since TK joined the PNC....

his Job on GNI is to use any means necessary

to get Other Indians to fall in line under him

and get a PNC Party Card


PNC can only get back in office

if they Rig the Elections or

Break into the 43.45% Block of Votes.


So TK work is cut out

and this is how TK operating

(1) if you are an Indian and you

supporting PPP ....TK will attack you.

(2) If you are an Indian and you

supporting AFC...TK will attack you.

(3) If you are an Indian and you

Tired of PPP & PNC Thiefing & lies...

TK will attack you.

(4) So according to TK...

if you are indian...and carry a PNC Card

and he will give you a free pass.


TK create a new thing fuh sell PNC

PNC TWO.....Burnham Bad .....Hoyte Good


This was 1986...

TK tell we support this man in the picture

Hoyte congratulating De Man who

Brutalise and Kill Indians & De Opposition for PNC

Mars find out if this is "the chap".... TK talking about?

and leh abee know...wha TK tell you


TK say Hoyte Govt was doing so good for Guyana


This was 1992...

TK want we support these fellas

IS this the Hoyte Govt TK talking about

Where the World Bank say PNC Govt got

No Stratergy or Clue to get out their mess

With Non Stop Black Out

and No Water

Mars find out if this is the

"PNC 2 TK" now talking about?

and leh abee know...wha TK tell you.


Mars are we wrong to expose "TK" and his "PNC 2"

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many are saying the APNU is playing the AFC, ints inevitably, that union may soon disintegrate

Is it  jealousy over that  'union' that  cause  the  PPP to crawl  into  bed  with APNU during  the  Budget debatethen  got  hosed &  dumped by  Granger like  a  cheap ho


Politics is dirty. We need not forget that it is even dirtier in North American politics but it spun in a way that most of the common folks do not even see it.


PPP has a minority government and they have to make deals even with the devil PNC sometimes. AFC turned around and bit the PPP in the rear but this is the reality of politics.


What is interesting is that the AFC is going into PNC stronghold areas and the PNC is asleep while all of this this is happening. They might turn their forks at the AFC some day.


Notice how AFC is currently in New Amsterdam.


Fun to watch.

That is what we thought in 2011, but the PNC is very sly and allow the naive to fall for the act, then comes back and hand out a good whipping on you all.


Get one thing straight, the PNC will always draw the lion's share of Afro vote and the PPP, Indian. The mixed seems split 50/50 while the other lean PPP.


Many will come to hear the AFC's message, which is actually good however, due to mistrust of the PNC, Indian will always check off the "cup".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many are saying the APNU is playing the AFC, ints inevitably, that union may soon disintegrate

Is it  jealousy over that  'union' that  cause  the  PPP to crawl  into  bed  with APNU during  the  Budget debatethen  got  hosed &  dumped by  Granger like  a  cheap ho


Politics is dirty. We need not forget that it is even dirtier in North American politics but it spun in a way that most of the common folks do not even see it.


PPP has a minority government and they have to make deals even with the devil PNC sometimes. AFC turned around and bit the PPP in the rear but this is the reality of politics.


What is interesting is that the AFC is going into PNC stronghold areas and the PNC is asleep while all of this this is happening. They might turn their forks at the AFC some day.


Notice how AFC is currently in New Amsterdam.


Fun to watch.

That is what we thought in 2011, but the PNC is very sly and allow the naive to fall for the act, then comes back and hand out a good whipping on you all.


Get one thing straight, the PNC will always draw the lion's share of Afro vote and the PPP, Indian. The mixed seems split 50/50 while the other lean PPP.


Many will come to hear the AFC's message, which is actually good however, due to mistrust of the PNC, Indian will always check off the "cup".

 Indian will always check off the "cup".  Baseman, I do not agree with that assessment. Indians will Vote for an alternative that is BETTER. They showed that propensity to a lesser degree the last time

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many are saying the APNU is playing the AFC, ints inevitably, that union may soon disintegrate

Is it  jealousy over that  'union' that  cause  the  PPP to crawl  into  bed  with APNU during  the  Budget debatethen  got  hosed &  dumped by  Granger like  a  cheap ho


Politics is dirty. We need not forget that it is even dirtier in North American politics but it spun in a way that most of the common folks do not even see it.


PPP has a minority government and they have to make deals even with the devil PNC sometimes. AFC turned around and bit the PPP in the rear but this is the reality of politics.


What is interesting is that the AFC is going into PNC stronghold areas and the PNC is asleep while all of this this is happening. They might turn their forks at the AFC some day.


Notice how AFC is currently in New Amsterdam.


Fun to watch.

That is what we thought in 2011, but the PNC is very sly and allow the naive to fall for the act, then comes back and hand out a good whipping on you all.


Get one thing straight, the PNC will always draw the lion's share of Afro vote and the PPP, Indian. The mixed seems split 50/50 while the other lean PPP.


Many will come to hear the AFC's message, which is actually good however, due to mistrust of the PNC, Indian will always check off the "cup".

 Indian will always check off the "cup".  Baseman, I do not agree with that assessment. Indians will Vote for an alternative that is BETTER. They showed that propensity to a lesser degree the last time

True, I should have qualified my statement.  This will be the case as long as the risk of return of the old PNC order exist.  It is the mistrust of the PNC's intention which drives them to keep checking the "cup".

Originally Posted by Jalil: are missing the most Important reason

why TK is being exposed here on GNI.

Since TK joined the PNC....

his Job on GNI is to use any means necessary

to get Other Indians to fall in line under him

and get a PNC Party Card


PNC can only get back in office

if they Rig the Elections or

Break into the 43.45% Block of Votes.


So TK work is cut out

and this is how TK operating

(1) if you are an Indian and you

supporting PPP ....TK will attack you.

(2) If you are an Indian and you

supporting AFC...TK will attack you.

(3) If you are an Indian and you

Tired of PPP & PNC Thiefing & lies...

TK will attack you.

(4) So according to TK...

if you are indian...and carry a PNC Card

and he will give you a free pass.


TK create a new thing fuh sell PNC

PNC TWO.....Burnham Bad .....Hoyte Good


This was 1986...

TK tell we support this man in the picture

Hoyte congratulating De Man who

Brutalise and Kill Indians & De Opposition for PNC

Mars find out if this is "the chap".... TK talking about?

and leh abee know...wha TK tell you


TK say Hoyte Govt was doing so good for Guyana


This was 1992...

TK want we support these fellas

IS this the Hoyte Govt TK talking about

Where the World Bank say PNC Govt got

No Stratergy or Clue to get out their mess

With Non Stop Black Out

and No Water

Mars find out if this is the

"PNC 2 TK" now talking about?

and leh abee know...wha TK tell you.


Mars are we wrong to expose "TK" and his "PNC 2"

I know Redux and I know that he's not TK. It is rather silly to be blaming TK for what Redux writes.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I believe the young Voters will be more open to diversity and because they are acquiring higher level of Education, they will be able to evaluate the different options and Vote for a Govt that will help then and not hurt them.

Banna, you is a state of recovery for the hot weekend this Sunday morn.  That will not bring about the change we all desire.  I wish it were.  I speak to people there, in the end, ethnic security dominates the landscape.


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