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Granger, Stabroek News conveniently ignore Guyana’s GNI increases since 1992 contained in World Bank report



 APNU's leader David Granger's attempt to use a section of the latest World Development Report compiled by the World Bank for political propaganda by contextualizing Guyana's Gross National Income (GNI) comparatively. In taking a cue from the Stabroek News Granger is ignoring the fact that the other CARICOM countries, with the exception of Haiti, did not have to grapple with years of politically instigated unrest and an obstructionist opposition which is hell bent on making the country under the rule of the PPP/C ungovernable.




Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt  country. Here's a look at what the World Bank says:






2004 - $2120


2005 -$2430


2006- $2600


2007- $2580
















Another fact which Granger conveniently omits is that in 1991 during the last years of People's National Congress (PNC) rule our GNI stood at $484 which was the lowest it had ever been during the previous 21 years. And though opportunistically  holding on to that aspect of the latest WB report Granger and his colleagues poured scorn on the findings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), whose Executive Board in conclusion of an Article IV consultation1 with Guyana recently lauded the country's economic progression under PPP/C rule.  The economy has experienced seven years of uninterrupted growth averaging about 4 percent annually and this is so despite the best efforts of Granger's party and its satellites to stymie development.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

You really don't know that per capita GDP or GNI are statistics that are "averages" or "mean", do you? How is it distributed is another matter. In the US the per capita income may be, say $50,000 but 75% of the people may be under say, $20,000. The median figure might tell a truer story.


so, council, what's your point? And stop wasting bandwidth with useless figures.


The PNC aka APNU and their media mouth-piece are painting a dismal picture of Guyana's economic which is far from the truth, the Guyanese populace are becoming more cognizant of the sinister motives of the joint opposition.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PNC aka APNU and their media mouth-piece are painting a dismal picture of Guyana's economic which is far from the truth, the Guyanese populace are becoming more cognizant of the sinister motives of the joint opposition.

and inflation has increased how much since then?

Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

Originally Posted by Kari:

You really don't know that per capita GDP or GNI are statistics that are "averages" or "mean", do you? How is it distributed is another matter. In the US the per capita income may be, say $50,000 but 75% of the people may be under say, $20,000. The median figure might tell a truer story.


so, council, what's your point? And stop wasting bandwidth with useless figures.

Kari, Are you serious????   Man either Surinam Voodoo gat yuh or dem give yuh Pee to drink!!!

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PNC aka APNU and their media mouth-piece are painting a dismal picture of Guyana's economic which is far from the truth, the Guyanese populace are becoming more cognizant of the sinister motives of the joint opposition.

and inflation has increased how much since then?

Bannas, Inflation is currently much much lower than back then!!!!


In 1988, then finance minister(Carl B Greenidge) in his budget speech, declare in the National Assembly, that the Nation's treasury was empty.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

In 20 years of PPP rule, GUyana is only above Haiti


The PPP did not reduce the debt. The creditors gave up trying to squeeze blood out of a stone and wrote large chunks of the debt off. This allows the PPP to cream off the money that would otherwise have gone into servicing the debt.

So we are not better off. We are just less poor than Haiti.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

In 20 years of PPP rule, GUyana is only above Haiti

And your point is???     Would you rather 28 years more of Yam Curry, Rice Flour, No Ile, water, salt, sugar????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

In 20 years of PPP rule, GUyana is only above Haiti

And your point is???     Would you rather 28 years more of Yam Curry, Rice Flour, No Ile, water, salt, sugar????

It's better than just milk or soup.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

In 20 years of PPP rule, GUyana is only above Haiti

And your point is???     Would you rather 28 years more of Yam Curry, Rice Flour, No Ile, water, salt, sugar????

like I said, in 20 years of PPP rule, Guyana only above Haiti

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Under the stewardship of the PPP/C, Guyanese have a large portion of disposal income thus leads to a better socio-economic standards of the citizens.

Stop lying.


The average worker earns less than $50,000. That could barely pay the rent for a rinky dinky apartment in GT. There is no disposable income left after paying rent. People would starve if they didn't have that monthly remittance check coming in. 



Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Under the stewardship of the PPP/C, Guyanese have a large portion of disposal income thus leads to a better socio-economic standards of the citizens.

Stop lying.


The average worker earns less than $50,000. That could barely pay the rent for a rinky dinky apartment in GT. There is no disposable income left after paying rent. People would starve if they didn't have that monthly remittance check coming in. 



The man means the PPP insiders. Dam a thief left right and centre to increase their living standards.


More and more Guyanese are becoming owners of their own home, the country is presently experiencing a housing boom.


The mortgages of those houses are far less than paying rent.



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Tarron Khemraj provides theoretical views on if this could be so, that becomes this way, the other viewed that way, etc., etc., etc.,  then it may be seen as this way.

That's a lot better than you sitting in the nursing home and shitting in your pampers every day.


During the 2011 election campaign ,even in his home town, less than 15 (fifteen) person stood to listen to him. That guy has no following, no wonder he is permanently sidelined by his "new comrades".

Originally Posted by Conscience:

During the 2011 election campaign ,even in his home town, less than 15 (fifteen) person stood to listen to him. That guy has no following, no wonder he is permanently sidelined by his "new comrades".

He's still doing a lot better than you. Your job is being one of Kwame's butt boys posting PPP propaganda on GNI. The man has a real job.


You goons never seems to amaze this forum, its appears any post that doesn't agree with the lies you (Mars) and the cabal are spreading and defending the sinister motives of the APNU/AFC, are deemed "kwame posts".

Originally Posted by Conscience:

You goons never seems to amaze this forum, its appears any post that doesn't agree with the lies you (Mars) and the cabal are spreading and defending the sinister motives of the APNU/AFC, are deemed "kwame posts".

You have long ago being identified as a member of Kwame's peanut butter gang. Aren't you embarrassed to be doing this dutty wuk for minimum wage or you enjoy wukkin for Kwame. Even being a minibus conductor would be more honorable than doing what you do. Loser!

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

In 20 years of PPP rule, GUyana is only above Haiti

It seems as though they are trying their best to place it below Haiti.

Last edited by cain

Guyana's economy his been transformed over the past two decades, every year larger and larger portions of the Budget are allocated to the social sectors, thus improving the lives of Guyanese over a wide cross section of the society.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

You goons never seems to amaze this forum, its appears any post that doesn't agree with the lies you (Mars) and the cabal are spreading and defending the sinister motives of the APNU/AFC, are deemed "kwame posts".

You're the only one amazed, that's because when you came on this board they told you it was a piece of cake. "Just feed them bullshit,"   your bossman said "and they'll swallow it."


Banna, you were duped.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

In 20 years of PPP rule, GUyana is only above Haiti

It seems as though they are trying their best to place it below Haiti.

They = PNC cum AFC can try as much as they want, but they will never be in the administration to again sink Guyana below any country.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Guyana's economy his been transformed over the past two decades, every year larger and larger portions of the Budget are allocated to the social sectors, thus improving the lives of Guyanese over a wide cross section of the society.

They still running in droves to Barbados to change babies' pampers. They would rather weed grass and get paid well rather than live in PPP Guyana and starve. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Guyana's economy his been transformed over the past two decades, every year larger and larger portions of the Budget are allocated to the social sectors, thus improving the lives of Guyanese over a wide cross section of the society.

Since when did Pradoville become a wide cross section of the society?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

In 20 years of PPP rule, GUyana is only above Haiti

It seems as though they are trying their best to place it below Haiti.

They = PNC cum AFC can try as much as they want, but they will never be in the administration to again sink Guyana below any country.

Quite correct, the PPP is already doing this, they need no help.


The Guyanese populace have had a taste of the venom of the joint opposition and would never again be complacent at the polls, the 10th Parliament is the least successful in the history of Guyana.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

In 20 years of PPP rule, GUyana is only above Haiti

It seems as though they are trying their best to place it below Haiti.

They = PNC cum AFC can try as much as they want, but they will never be in the administration to again sink Guyana below any country.

Quite correct, the PPP is already doing this, they need no help.

It is indeed correct that the PPP/C making things better for Guyanese after the disastrous PNC's period from 1964 to 1992.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Both Granger and opposition mouth-piece Stabroek News in their attempts to mislead omitted the fact that the report highlighted the steady increase of Guyana's GNI since 1992 when the PPP/C inherited a bankrupt country.

When the PPP/C formed the government in 1992, Guyana debt; inherited from the PNC; was about 90%.


Since then, Guyana has significantly reduced the debt and increased the development in the country.

You know D_G yuh mek meh hand fall.


The whole point about the Carter initiative was to forgive the bilateral and multilateral debt obligations racked up by the PNC prior to the PPP takeover in 1992. We've had loan- led investment since and not much equity-led investment. Know what that meant? More debt racked up by the PPP Administration since 1997.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

You really don't know that per capita GDP or GNI are statistics that are "averages" or "mean", do you? How is it distributed is another matter. In the US the per capita income may be, say $50,000 but 75% of the people may be under say, $20,000. The median figure might tell a truer story.


so, council, what's your point? And stop wasting bandwidth with useless figures.

Kari, Are you serious????   Man either Surinam Voodoo gat yuh or dem give yuh Pee to drink!!!

Pavi Bhai, Statistics is a little above your head. Stay sober my friend, not thirsty as the dos Equis man says.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU's main economic adviser is the worst finance minister in the history of Guyana, Carl Greenidge also played a large role in devaluing the Guyanese dollar.

Why is the PPP governnet providing fake statistics? 


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