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Granger to engage Trump as Caricom chair

President David Granger will be the first Head of State to initiate dialogue with President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump as part of a multination bloc.

The President made the disclosure this past week when he met with journalists for his weekly televised programme, “The Public Interest”.

Speaking on the Donald Trump Presidency and its effect on the Caribbean Community (Caricom)—of which he will assume the chairmanship shortly—the President at the time said it, “means a lot and it means a little.”

Explaining his position, Granger noted that over the past two decades, Caricom has been engaging US Presidents, among them George Bush, Bill Clinton and more recently, Barack Obama.

Granger said he is confident that Caricom will in similar fashion be engaging the Donald Trump administration.

The President has since disclosed that when he assumes Chair of Caricom early in the coming year, he will be looking to initiate talks with the Donald Trump administration on behalf of the region.

President David Granger
President David Granger

He was quick to point out that even though the US Government will effectively be a new administration; there remains continuity through the numerous partnerships in the region, such as the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative.

Granger said that he is confident there will be no significant shifts in the US’ policy towards the Caribbean and has in fact encouraged the incoming President-elect to continue with those initiatives implemented by his predecessors Clinton and Obama.

US President-elect Donald Trump
US President-elect Donald Trump

President Granger also used the occasion to downplay the possible mass re-migration of Caribbean and Guyanese nationals as a result of the rhetoric associated with the US President-elect.

In fact, the President said he has in recent times been looking to woo members of the diaspora to return to Guyana: “I wish some of them would return and help to develop the country.”

He pointed to the fact that many Guyanese living in the USA would have over time, accumulated some level of capital, improved qualifications and experience, all of which would benefit not only Guyana, but the region as a whole.

Granger said he is optimistic that over time, as Trump continues to receive advice and prepares for his presidency, some of his hard-line views would be modified.

The President said he was not in any way worried that a Donald Trump Presidency will be harmful to Guyana and Caricom: “No I am not afraid that any action he will take will be harmful to Guyana, he is a businessman, he is a tycoon, a magnate,” the President observed, saying, “if he can help to stimulate business in Caribbean and Guyana I am for it.”

Granger said he would in fact like to see more US and North American Investors coming to Guyana to assist with its green energy programme, mining and manufacturing, among other sectors: “If that is the type of businessman he is, I would welcome investment from the United States.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is one US president who isn't going to "engage with CARICOM".   What does CARICOM have?   T&T used to have the private line to the US president when it was a major LNG exporter, but now that the USA produces enough of this suddenly even they don't matter.

He also doesn't have to worry about mass deportation.  That isn't happening.  This is only to keep the racists like baseman, yuji, and siggy happy.  They see themselves as working class whites, proudly assuming the bigotry which is often connected to this group.


Caribj, you talking sheer bull.  Trump will be concerned with the PNC destruction (take-2) of the Guyana economy sending waves of Back-Trackers to the American shores.  So, Trump will be concerned about the fortunes of the Caribbean and in particular, Guyana.


Does this mean Maduro and Venezuela will have freedom to do whatever they want in the Caribbean?

Prezzy Trump is a practical guy.  He will give Maduro chance to smarten up and Trump will diffuse the tension.  Maduro just have to promise to pump more oil and don't base Russian Backfires!


Trump said that GOP supporters are stupid. He also noticed that many are in fact racists. So he peddled piles of bigotry.

1. Trump hires many Mexicans, more than a few I bet aren't documented. 

2. Trump outsources his supplies from Asia, so that he can control his costs. He said that American workers get paid too much. Yes the same beleaguered ones who voted for him. He isn't going to source his supplies in the USA, or if he does, it will be made by robots, which, once installed maybe as cheap as labor in Chad.

Bottom line is Trump isn't running around RH to catch all of those who came in back track, and who are now selling drugs, when they aren't involved in real estate scams.  He will send his folks to a few places where Mexican/Central American day laborers gather, and deport a few so that you racists can have orgasms.

Several GOP states like AL tried this anti undocumented stunt.  Didn't go through when all of the chicken farmers, fruit farms, etc., began to whine that they couldn't find US citizens or legal residents to do this work.  The same folks will tell Trump that he will starve Americans if he tries that stunt at a Federal level.

About the only jobs that undocumented workers do, that Americans want, is in construction.   I understand that increasingly its hard to find skilled construction workers, so they too will scream.

You will note that Trump isn't screaming about sending back undocumented workers, as he just found out that his kitchens will be dirty if he did. 

He is now talking about sending back the criminal ones.  It is a fact that undocumented migrants are LESS likely to be involved in violent crime than legal residents and even less likely to do this than citizens.

So no. Not too many undocumenteds going back.   It is not cost effective to find people who are already off the radar.


Baseman Trump doesn't even know where Guyana is as it is not a place where he would set up a hotel resort with a golf course.   Try Canouan in the Grenadines.

Venezuela is not hospitable to American shysters, so that is off the radar too.

Listen guy Trump will run his company once he realizes that being president is a very boring job. He isn't going to resign. Nor will he be impeached.  The Dems know that an incompetent Trump will be easier to run against in the 2018 elections.  Especially if the crime that he committed against the poor Trump U students rules against him.  And that it turns out that he did rape a minor.

I will give you two scenarios. Most likely Trump does NOTHING, and things continue as they are. Or if indeed he does something, it will be so poorly coordinated and conceived that it will fail. Trump has no idea of what it is entailed in running a country.  It isn't merely completing a project under budget by stiffing contractors and workers.


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