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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:



Here are Granger's strengths:

  1. Guyana's excellent defense of Essequibo county against a spurious claim by Venezuela (Judicial).
  2. Venezeula's status as a rogue state by the US (Political).


He must use the Judicial approach knowing that the Political one is ever present.

And he has to be vocal to ensure that the issue is front burner.  Guyana is of NO importance to any one, so that quiet docile approach which Jagdeo suggests achieves nothing. 


Granger being vocal has forced potential allies to affirm their support.  This is the biggest deterrent to prevent an invasion. 


What do those who prefer quiet "dialogue" think that will achieve.  By all means Granger should meet with Maduro at the UN, if nothing else to show that he isn't being unreasonable. It is clear that Maduro is mad, and desperate, so those who think that he can be convinced to rational behavior through quiet dialogue are equally insane. 


You are making my point exactly. As I said, nothing is wrong with meeting the man...especially now that the UN is involved.Granger has already reached to regional and international supporters...and did a pretty good job at that.. 

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir: and Granger cussing out the man is not going to make this problem go stop your foolishness.

Next time you see a mad man on the streets go and negotiate with them.


Seriously what is there to talk about. Maduro says that Essequibo belongs to Guyana and that its a plot by the "imperialists" to prevent its annexation.  Guyana says correctly that Essequibo belongs to Guyana and that this is not going to  change.


Should Guyana concede Essequibo to Venezuela?


The notion that Guyana should renegotiate a new rice deal with Venezuela is nonsense.  Oil prices are low and not expected to increase in the near term.  We can buy it from T&T.


Let the silly season pass in Venezuela and then Guyana can deal with who ever is left standing.  Until  then Maduro will continue to rage like a lunatic.


Granger and Maduro can say "Hi" at the UN, but Venezuela must concede something before, instead of remaining belligerent with their claims.


Please remember its Maduro who started this nonsense!

Granger will not find a solution in the UN, it's too convoluted.  Alyuh don't jump and prance, it will take the PPP/Jagdeo to come to some "conditional" understanding with Venez.  The US and Russia will play both sides.  How stupid can people be!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir: and Granger cussing out the man is not going to make this problem go stop your foolishness.

Next time you see a mad man on the streets go and negotiate with them.


Seriously what is there to talk about. Maduro says that Essequibo belongs to Guyana and that its a plot by the "imperialists" to prevent its annexation.  Guyana says correctly that Essequibo belongs to Guyana and that this is not going to  change.


Should Guyana concede Essequibo to Venezuela?


The notion that Guyana should renegotiate a new rice deal with Venezuela is nonsense.  Oil prices are low and not expected to increase in the near term.  We can buy it from T&T.


Let the silly season pass in Venezuela and then Guyana can deal with who ever is left standing.  Until  then Maduro will continue to rage like a lunatic.


Granger and Maduro can say "Hi" at the UN, but Venezuela must concede something before, instead of remaining belligerent with their claims.


Please remember its Maduro who started this nonsense!

Granger will not find a solution in the UN, it's too convoluted.  Alyuh don't jump and prance, it will take the PPP/Jagdeo to come to some "conditional" understanding with Venez.  The US and Russia will play both sides.  How stupid can people be! not fool yourself

Jagdeo, Nandalall & All the PPP Funny Fellas

are Dunce......


Venezuela cant pull any Shit

with Granger & Nagamootoo.



There is no need or use for

Jagdeo, Anil or PPP Funny Fellas anymore




Watch .....Marudo...


The Venezuelan

Mad Mad



Granger,Maduro and UN Chief meet

  • Sunday, 27 September 2015 19:45

IN A SPIRIT OF PEACE: United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon [centre) secures a handshake between Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (left) and Guyana's President, David Granger just before formal talks began in New York on the border controversy. IN A SPIRIT OF PEACE: United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon (centre) secures a handshake between Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (left) and Guyana's President, David Granger just before formal talks began in New York on the border controversy.

Guyana's President, David Granger and the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Sunday evening held talks in New York under the auspices of the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon.

Granger was expected to insist that the Guyana-Venezuela border controversy be sent to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for final settlement.

Guyana insists that the 1899 Arbitral Tribunal Award represents a full, final and perfect settlement of the land boundary between the two neighbouring South American countries.

Tensions between Guyana and Venezuela have soared in recent months ever since American oil company, Exxon-Mobil, discovered a huge deposit offshore Essequibo, a mineral and forest ich region that Venezuela claims as hers.

Caracas has since issued a decree, including the waters offshore Essequibo as part of its military defence zone, refused to approve Cheryl Miles as Guyana's Ambassador to Venezuela, recalled its Ambassador from Georgetown and deployed men, missiles and gunboats near the border.

Venezuela has since scaled back its military presence there, ahead of the talks between Granger, Maduro and the UN Chief.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Diplomacy is the way out of this mess for us....quit knocking the previous government too...this was not a problem under the PPP.


Granger needs to take off his military hat and put on his diplomatic cap.

Maduro played bully and the PPP did nothing.  He sensed that Guyana was weak so he played bully some more, seizing an oil exploration vessel, and invading Guyana on several occasions, and on at least once, actually attacking Guyanese.


The PPP continued to do nothing.


Granger shouted as loud as he could to make this issue a much higher profile one that it was before.  He got the attention of the UN and others.


Maduro has had to back down or face international embarrassment, and maybe sanctions.


And yet you still squeal that the PPPs way was best.


So tell us how good was the relationship with Maduro if he felt comfortable to enter Guyana territory to play bully?


ON this topic the PPP has NOTHING to say that is worth listening to!

Originally Posted by baseman:

Granger will not find a solution in the UN,

No better to do what the PPP did, and say NOTHING every time Maduro invaded, seizing property, or attacking Guyanese.  The PPP said nothing, and so obviously Maduro, and the rest of the world thought that they didn't mind.


BTW the UN isn't going to recommend that the border issue be reopened because the scores of other border issues will be reopened, causing the UN to have to be very busy.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Watch .....Marudo...


The Venezuelan

Mad Mad



Granger,Maduro and UN Chief meet

  • Sunday, 27 September 2015 19:45

IN A SPIRIT OF PEACE: United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon [centre) secures a handshake between Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro [left) and Guyana's President, David Granger just before formal talks began in New York on the border controversy. IN A SPIRIT OF PEACE: United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon (centre) secures a handshake between Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (left) and Guyana's President, David Granger just before formal talks began in New York on the border controversy.

Guyana's President, David Granger and the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Sunday evening held talks in New York under the auspices of the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon.

Granger was expected to insist that the Guyana-Venezuela border controversy be sent to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for final settlement.

Guyana insists that the 1899 Arbitral Tribunal Award represents a full, final and perfect settlement of the land boundary between the two neighbouring South American countries.

Tensions between Guyana and Venezuela have soared in recent months ever since American oil company, Exxon-Mobil, discovered a huge deposit offshore Essequibo, a mineral and forest ich region that Venezuela claims as hers.

Caracas has since issued a decree, including the waters offshore Essequibo as part of its military defence zone, refused to approve Cheryl Miles as Guyana's Ambassador to Venezuela, recalled its Ambassador from Georgetown and deployed men, missiles and gunboats near the border.

Venezuela has since scaled back its military presence there, ahead of the talks between Granger, Maduro and the UN Chief.

A person would think a place like the UN would get a photographer to take better pictures, with more detail.

Bounced flash is for the ceiling, not the wall behind the person.

I am sure the back of their heads are  brighter than their faces.


I was recently at a wedding where the lady photographer was bouncing her flash outside. What did she expect to bounce it off...the clouds ?

These people charge hundreds of dollars and screw up people wedding pictures. Guyana is even worse.    





Guyana/Venezuela border disputeâ€ĶMaduro, Granger agree on UN intervention

September 28, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– parties accept ambassadorial exchange

By Leonard Gildarie in New York

It appears that there may be light at the end of the tunnel for the Guyana and Venezuela controversy, with a highly anticipated meeting at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York between the two leaders yielding some positive results. In the meeting last evening, UN’s Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, held the hands of both President David Granger and Venezuela’s leader, Nicolas Maduro, posing for pictures before engaging the two. Speaking with reporters at the Yale Club, Manhattan, shortly after, President Granger said that Maduro agreed to send back his ambassador, who was recalled a few months ago, to facilitate talks. During the meeting yesterday, both Granger and Maduro were allowed to present their cases to the UN boss. While Granger expressed concerns about a recent Venezuelan troop buildup near Guyana borders, Maduro reportedly used a recent picture of army chief, Mark Philips, taking a salute, as being aggressive. However, President Granger said, he pointed out that the salute in no way could be taken as being aggressive. Guyana also pointed out that Venezuela expelled a US oil research ship from its waters in October 2013. Venezuela must prove that a definitive arbitration award made in 1899 was invalid before it can lay claim to any of Guyana’s territory or waters. That award had even ceded 13,000 square kilometers to Venezuela. “We said it is a legal matter and should be handled as such. President Maduro agreed to accept a delegation from UN office which will investigate the claimsâ€Ķ” With regards to the approval of a new ambassador to Venezuela, the Head of State said there was no specific commitment but Guyana expects that Maduro, in the same mode of conciliation of accepting the UN investigators, would do the right thing. Former diplomat, Cheryl Miles, has been selected by the administration to replace Geoffrey Da Silva who has been recalled. According to Granger, the Venezuela leader was pressing for bilateral talks but “we pointed out talks have been fruitless for 50 years. It is time to stop talking now and go to court.”

DRAWING BOARD A court matter could last at least five years. Already, Guyana has started talking to lawyers on the border controversy. “We expect Maduro and team to go back to the drawing board and refashion the relations with Guyanaâ€Ķ we want cordial relations,” the President insisted. With Venezuela’s population 40 times that of Guyana and an army 40 times bigger, there is no way that this country can threaten Venezuela, Granger noted. “We want cordial relations. We want peace and to develop our resources and we are telling Venezuela to do the same.” The special UN team can start work within weeks, the President disclosed. There have been rumblings over the years by Venezuela against Guyana, although former Venezuela leader, Hugo Chavez, had publicly stated intentions to engage in trade and other bilateral activities with Guyana with no interest in reviving claims on Essequibo which were settled since 1899 under an arbitration award. Under the PetroCaribe arrangements brokered in 2005 with several countries in South America and Caribbean states, including Guyana, Chavez had offered oil from his country at concessional terms with repayments stretched over two decades. Countries, like Guyana, grabbed the opportunity with Venezuela, as it allowed them to use the delayed payments to plug in other areas of the economy. Guyana, in turn, had been selling rice in exchange for the oil. But the good relations appeared to be heading downhill fast, starting in earnest in October 2013 when Venezuela gunships detained and removed a US-chartered oil research ship from waters in Guyana. The 36-member crew, including US citizens, was detained and the ship escorted to Margarita, a Venezuelan island. The seizure of that ship would follow a visit a few months before by the new President Maduro who promised to work with Guyana. In May of this year, the situation got worse. US-owned oil company, ExxonMobil, announced that it had found significant evidence of oil in its concession offshore Guyana.

CLAIMS The news immediately saw President Maduro issuing decrees that restated claims to Venezuela- Guyana’s biggest county- and also to waters that belonged to this country. The decree even claimed ownership of the ExxonMobil concession and allowed Venezuela the right send its navy to patrol the waters. The decree by Venezuela was issued on May 26th, Independence Day for Guyana, and the same day that President Granger was inaugurated. The administration immediately rejected the decree, informing CARICOM, the Commonwealth, the United Nations and the Diplomatic Community. President Granger made it clear that the territorial and maritime controversy would have to be settled once and for all by an International court. Guyana signaled its interest to abandon the Good Officer process which was initiated by the United Nations over 25 years ago, saying that the process made no sense. Venezuela has been visiting countries to whip up support with Maduro, even taking to his weekly television programme to talk about Guyana’s aggression in claiming what belonged to the people of the Venezuela. In what was widely seen as a major move to pressure Guyana, Venezuela announced that it was no longer interested in taking rice from Guyana after November, when the annual agreement is expected to expire.

FRUSTRATE It became clear also that Venezuela was doing other things to frustrate the new Government and Guyana. In July, Guyana experienced delays in receiving oil under the PetroCaribe from Venezuela’s facilities in Curacao. The charted oil tanker had to be diverted to Trinidad and Tobago which had promised to help Guyana meet its energy demands. Government in late August confirmed that Guyana has increased, dramatically, its oil supplies from Trinidad and Tobago, with no shipments taken over a month from Venezuela. Over a week ago, President Granger announced that Venezuela has deployed troops and anti-aircraft equipment to the borders of Guyana. Venezuela gunships were also placed in the Cuyuni River, which lies within Guyana. Government yesterday confirmed that Venezuela has started pulling back the troops and the guns. President Granger told reporters in New York last week that he does not buy arguments that Maduro was using the Guyana claims to divert Venezuelans attention from severe internal turmoil ahead Parliamentary elections slated for December. Venezuela is facing food shortages and a depressed economy as oil prices continue to remain low on the world market. The Guyanese leader stressed that the aggression by Venezuela has become progressively worse in recent years, with a resolution required once and for all. The simmering border claim has effectively scared foreign investors away from the mineral-rich Essequibo and could no longer be tolerated. Maduro last week reportedly said he wanted to talk to President Granger in New York, but there was no official request received by the administration as of Friday. The Venezuela issue is expected to take center stage when President Granger addresses the UN General Assembly tomorrow. Maduro is also scheduled to speak in the afternoon.


Maduro offered no substance;

Guyana to push ahead for

Judicial settlement  -

Pres. Granger.

At a press conference after the New York meeting, President Granger said the Venezuelan President offered no substance during the discussions and even accused the lesser developed and smaller Guyana of being aggressive towards his country.

Maduro offered no substance; Guyana to push ahead for Judicial settlement -Pres. Granger.

While Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has complained that the UN facilitated meeting with President David Granger was “tense and difficult”, the Guyanese President believes that progress has been made and Guyana will now forge ahead seeking a judicial settlement to the border controversy.

At a press conference after the New York meeting, President Granger said the Venezuelan President offered no substance during the discussions and even accused the lesser developed and smaller Guyana of being aggressive towards his country.

“My impression is that his presentation was without substance. He avoided the issue of the 1899 arbitral award and felt that the territorial problem arose out of British imperialism and we made it clear that although we took over territory from The Netherlands, in 1648 The Netherlands took over a certain part of the territory from Spain and it handed over this territory to Britain in 1814 and that territorial controversy was adjudicated in 1899â€ģ, Granger said.

President Granger said that

throughout the meeting,

the Venezuelan President was trying to claim

that the 1899 award was a nullity,



“so I said where is the evidence?


I don’t think

he made any single substantial point

that could cause worry to the Guyanese side.


We were quite forthright,

so I think we are batting

on a good wicket”.

Screen Shot 2015-09-27 at 8.33.31 PM

President Granger said the Guyana government has absolutely no intention to lobby the Venezuelan opposition on the issue since that would be interfering in the internal politics of Venezuela and Guyana will not go down that road.

Venezuela has parliamentary elections coming up in December and many political analysts believe that the resurgence of the claims to Guyana’s territory is part of Maduro’s plan to rally support to his side ahead of the upcoming elections in Venezuela.

“Our government does not believe in interfering in the internal affairs of other states. And we feel that would be an unpardonable interference. Although we have our views, that is not the way to conduct international relations”, the President said.

President Granger said Guyana wants to live in peace and has not been and could not be a threat to Venezuela. He noted that Guyana must be allowed to move ahead with the development of its resources.

According to Mr. Granger, “we want cordial relations. Venezuela has a population that is forty times the population of Guyana, Venezuela has armed forces that is forty times the size of Guyana’s armed forces. We can’t threaten Venezuela. Venezuela is four times the size of Guyana, so we can’t threaten Venezuela. We want to live in peace and we want to develop our resources. And we are telling Venezuela, you go do the same”.

The President said he expects Venezuela to now refashion its diplomatic relations with Guyana following the talks with the UN Secretary General.

The UN Secretary General facilitated the talks at the United Nations on Sunday between the two Presidents.

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Following the talks with President David Granger, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro agreed to accept the credentials of the new Guyana Ambassador to Venezuela and to send his Ambassador back to Guyana.

Venezuela has also agreed to accept a United Nations Investigative team to look into the concerns that Guyana has expressed about Venezuela’s continued aggression and illegal claim to Guyana’s territory.

The UN investigative team is expected to submit a final report to the UN Secretary General on the completion of its probe. That report is expected to recommend a lasting resolution to the controversy. (Story and photos by Gordon Moseley in New York)

Last edited by Former Member

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