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Former Member

Granger upsets business community with ‘Jackasses’ comment





APNU-AFC Presidential candidate David Granger has come under fire for comments made during his address to representatives of the business community on Tuesday at the Pegasus Hotel. The Opposition Leader was at the time speaking at the first of a two-part series of discussions being hosted by the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) when he said "Guyana is a nation of Jaguars…the people want development; they want to break out; they want to get rich…but they are led by jackasses”.

The comment was met with disfavor by members of his audience, some of whom wondered as to who were the ‘jackasses’ and ‘jaguars’ being referred to.



Also addressing the issue was Senior Vice President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Vishnu Doerga. “A lot of people looked at that statement and tried in their mind to put one and one together to determine who are the jackasses he was referring to. If you are to really create solutions that would benefit Guyana, you need to be mature and you need to be compromising to be willing to work together because no single party could really take this country forward,” Doerga said.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Listen again wha Granger say...

and PPP Ministers should Understand...


Only A Donkey

will Cuss up the Canadian, American or British Diplomat

Only A Donkey

Would think PPP own the Indians...


PPP might feel Some Indians

will follow them Blindly...


Luncheon say Ramsammy cut & Run.....

Ramsammy say he is not a Jackass. 

Dem Freedom House Donkey

think Ramsammy

Trying fuh meet De Alliance in NY this Weekend

Last edited by Former Member

It’s clear that PPP failed to make Guyana safe

March 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 


The recent Latin America Public Opinion Poll (LAPOP) survey which showed that Guyanese lack confidence in the Guyana Police Force (GPF) was used by A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) as an argument to prove that something is terribly wrong with the security sector. The coalition made this reference yesterday in response to a press statement sent out by the Ministry of Home Affairs on Monday. Via this release, Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee called on APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate,  David Granger to desist from using the security sector as a “political football”, stating that Granger conveniently chooses not to recognise the progress of the sector. This was in response to statements by Granger to the effect that the security sector was in bad shape. Rohee, in retaliation to such statements, said that the opposition leader “likes to set himself up as the guru for the security sector in Guyana, and tries to convince the nation that no one else but he has all the answers to the security situation in our country, ignoring all accomplishments and investments done since 1992 by the PPP/C  (Peoples Progressive Party/Civic) Administration.” Among other things, Rohee stated in the press release that “David Granger is entitled to his opinion, but not to his own facts in this matter.  It is therefore disingenuous for him to pontificate and attempt to pronounce on any of the above issues in the manner in which he is attempting to so do.” Yesterday, the APNU+AFC coalition said that the figures are there to support the statements made by Granger and “figures don’t lie.”  The coalition said that the “facts show that there is nothing to celebrate in the security sector, despite the propaganda, that Clement James Rohee wants to peddle.” APNU+AFC was adamant that “no attack on the Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC David Granger can erase the fact that there was an eleven percent (11%) increase in the number of armed robberies involving firearms in 2014.” The coalition added that “No amount of propaganda can erase the fact that there were 146 road fatalities, up from 135 recorded at the end of last year (2014). No press release bashing Granger can erase the fact that 147 Guyanese citizens were murdered in 2014 and unfortunately the trend continues in 2015.” The political body added that Minister Rohee needs to stop “being deaf to the plight of the people of Guyana who in the latest LAPOP survey registered a total lack of confidence in the Guyana Police Force.” The coalition said that Rohee seems to be blind to such facts and continues to exhibit the same “incompetence and neglect of duty” that warranted a vote of no confidence against him in the 10th Parliament of Guyana. It was said that an APNU+AFC government will ensure that the people of Guyana are safe. “APNU+AFC will invest in retraining and reequipping of the Guyana Police Force. It is a travesty that and shows the depths of depravity that Rohee and the PPP/C administration would make attempt to make political hay out of the current security crisis. It is time for Change”.


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