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PPP rejects Granger’s plan to deal with no-confidence motion in constitutional reform


People’s Progressive Party Civic presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali addressing the launch of his party’s 2020 general election campaign at the Kitty Market Square, Georgetown.

People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali and its General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo Sunday night rejected incumbent President, David Granger’s desire to amend no-confidence motion provisions of Guyana’s constitution.

Addressing the launch of the PPPC’s 2020 electoral campaign at the Kitty Market Square, Ali made it clear that his party’s constitutional reform agenda would not include removing the no-confidence motion sections of the constitution.

“As your president, no-confidence is not nonsense that must be cured by constitutional reform. It is an important check and balance mechanism in a true democracy and it is to stop oppressive government and it is to protect the people and that is why this government fell because they became oppressive and because they trampled upon the people of this country,” he said.

For his part, the PPP General Secretary said the parliaments of India and the United Kingdom provide for the removal of authoritarian governments through the passage of no-confidence motions by one vote. He said Granger’s constitutional reform plan was aimed at entrenching dictatorship by removing the possibility of his government collapsing through a no-confidence motion. “At that very same launch, there was something very revealing, very dark about the future of this country . It was a threat by Granger to deal with constitutional reform…The only thing he wants to change in the constitution is to get rid of the no-confidence motion,” he said. “Granger wants to change that here. He feels aggrieved, Mr. Dictator. That is the alternative to a PPP victory; you can see it, It’s ominous,” he said.

Jagdeo quipped that, “Thank God, the PPP will win the election and we will keep the no-confidence motion,” he said.

He said Granger’s plan is unlike the PPPC’s which includes creating a more inclusive electoral system and possibly power sharing and reform of the Guyana Elections Commission.

Granger, who is A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) presidential candidate, told his 2020 campaign launch Friday night that his constitutional reform agenda would include addressing the issue of a no-confidence motion.

While in opposition, the AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo had sponsored a no-confidence motion on behalf of the entire opposition, but the then Donald Ramotar administration had prorogued the Parliament to prevent the motion from being debated and put to the vote.

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) last year June ruled that the December 2018 no-confidence motion against the Granger-led administration had been validly passed by 33-32 votes, a majority of all elected members of the National Assembly. The Jagdeo-sponsored motion was passed when government backbencher, Charrandass Persaud, voted ‘yes’.

The CCJ ruled that, in keeping with Guyana’s constitution, despite the fact that Persaud had not been eligible to be an electoral candidate and a parliamentarian because he is the holder of dual citizenship, all decisions made by the Parliament were still valid.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sean posted:

Those were his own words. I don't want any edited clip.

That chap is worse than Burnham. He is like a cancer to democracy in Guyana.

So you are accepting the opposition tells a lot  LIES.

Django posted:
Sean posted:

Those were his own words. I don't want any edited clip.

That chap is worse than Burnham. He is like a cancer to democracy in Guyana.

So you are accepting the opposition tells a lot  LIES.

So are you pulling a Trumper on us? Don't believe what you see or hear? There are alternative facts? Where are they?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Those were his own words. I don't want any edited clip.

That chap is worse than Burnham. He is like a cancer to democracy in Guyana.

So you are accepting the opposition tells a lot  LIES.

So are you pulling a Trumper on us? Don't believe what you see or hear? There are alternative facts? Where are they?

Naah , the LIES are fact checked.

Sean posted:

Bai you talking BS. Prove that he said otherwise na ? He said so at the launch. Read the article from Demerara Waves. That is no New Nation.

Banna ,i does read and listen to many sources of news from Guyana .I know when the truth are told.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:

Granger said they tell a lot of LIES !!!

Suh the CCJ lies?

What that have to do with the conversation ? please read the second paragraph of the article.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Dictator Granger wants to remove NCV from the constitution ! 

Dictator !!!!!!!!!

Where that was said, are you hearing whispers ???



bai like you rass deaf or you dumb ?

listen around 12:06

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Dictator Granger wants to remove NCV from the constitution ! 

Dictator !!!!!!!!!

Where that was said, are you hearing whispers ???

bai like you rass deaf or you dumb ?

listen around 12:06

Ha..ha..ha.. haven't reached that stage yet !!!!

Granger words "we are going to reform the constitution , not that nonsense they have been trying for the last 12 months doesn't happen again" 

Do you interpret this to remove the CM ? not so easy to remove.

Baseman posted:

Don’t trust PNC and Granger. There must be a mechanism to terminate a govt early.

Is sheer rass pass going on. granger is NOT above the constitution. He government fell as a result of incompetence and NCV is a mechanism used in all major west minster style democracy including Canada. Who de rass he thinks he is ? God ?

Sean posted:
Baseman posted:

Don’t trust PNC and Granger. There must be a mechanism to terminate a govt early.

Is sheer rass pass going on. granger is NOT above the constitution. He government fell as a result of incompetence and NCV is a mechanism used in all major west minster style democracy including Canada. Who de rass he thinks he is ? God ?

I believe in most Parliamentary democracies, NCV is the way to early terminate a tenure.  In the US, it's the Impeachment process but against the President.


No confidence constitutional process and vote in parliament are in the parliaments.

It is a fundamental piece of legislation to place checks and balances plus a process should a non confidence motion is approved in parliament.


Granger is a criminal and a bully.  He seeks to amend the constitution when it does not go in PNC’s favor.  

Got a glimpse of the proceedings recently. Not a big fan of Jagdeo but one little thing he said recently on an interview kinda struck me. ‘PPP’ built the country so well and they didn’t have oil money.  Food for thought.  Irfan seems the lesser of the 2 evils at the moment.

Baseman posted:
Sean posted:
Baseman posted:

Don’t trust PNC and Granger. There must be a mechanism to terminate a govt early.

Is sheer rass pass going on. granger is NOT above the constitution. He government fell as a result of incompetence and NCV is a mechanism used in all major west minster style democracy including Canada. Who de rass he thinks he is ? God ?

I believe in most Parliamentary democracies, NCV is the way to early terminate a tenure.  In the US, it's the Impeachment process but against the President.

Yet the President doesn't have to step down...just as Granger did.


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