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Former Member

Granger wants PPP to have positions on Boards, Agencies

September 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

By: Kiana Wilburg Not only is President David Granger interested in having representatives of the Opposition on various boards and agencies, but he is also prepared to have frank discussions with the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on shared governance and agreeing to a mutual understanding on what that means for both parties. Granger disclosed his interest on this matter during government’s televised programme, “The Public Interest.” The Head of State said that shared governance is likely to take the form of having PPP members head certain Boards. He said that he has already proposed a Bipartisan Committee to deal with this matter and it is moving ahead in that regard. Granger added, “It is now up to the PPP, and it depends on what the other side calls shared governance. We have a committee ready to engage the PPP on any issue at any time.” The topic of shared governance raised its head again, this time at the most recent post cabinet press briefing which was held at the Ministry of the Presidency. There, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon reminded that going into the May 11, elections, the coalition party spoke about having a government of national unity. He said that given that background, the topic was raised between Granger and Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo at their most recent meeting.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

david-granger-sept-7 Harmon said, “I think it was already publically announced that there were five issues which the President laid on the table in that meeting and among those was the formation of a government of national unity and we are still open to conversations and discussions on the matter. We trust that the opposition PPP will see the necessity for this form of governance.” The Minister of State went on to say that when one examines the voting pattern of the populace, it has been sending a clear message that it wants to see a government of national unity, as neither party in the 2011 or 2015 elections earned a landslide majority. He said, “The people of this country, in fact, in the way they voted in 2011 and even in the 2015 elections, they have been saying to the political parties that this is what they want, we are not going to give any one of you an absolute majority and this is what they said by the way they voted and this is a message which we took very seriously.” Harmon continued, “Therefore in our first engagement with the Opposition, this was the first item on the agenda. I have heard several statements made since then which I cannot really comment on because these were made to the effect that the PPP was not ready for this or ready for that and a whole host of other things but what I can say is that this government is ready for talks with the PPP any day.” He said that the government does not only see the sharing of just a few cabinet positions  as really amounting to the inclusive governance, which is spoken about in Article 13 of the Constitution. Harmon said that it is government’s belief that the conversation on shared governance must go deeper than this. He said that government is willing to discuss the length and breadth of the topic of shared governance and what it means for both parties, be it at the cabinet level or taking it all the way down to the various levels of governance. The Minister of stated added, “So these are things we will put on the table to talk with the PPP and we expect that in a very short time they will be able to come back to us.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger realized that he cannot run Guyana alone with his incompetent ministers. He is begging for help.


PPP must allow the PNC to sink. They are clueless and drowning right now.


All the government is doing is forming committees and blaming the PPP if they are not working.  When are they going to start governing the country? They must formulate plans to create jobs by issuing licenses to Business people to start investing in the country.  They must create an atmosphere of trust by keep the streets safe from criminals.  They must not discriminate against Indians who do not support the PNC.  There is a shortage of cane cutters and the Government must encourage their supporters to find jobs in the cane fields.  The government needs to rebuild the army by drafting an equal number of soldiers of east Indians African descent.  They need to advertise for 10,000 technical personnels to work in the public service, not just blow hot air by announcing 350,000 Canadians must go back home.




The Govt is trying their best to include the PPP ( don't know why ) giving them the chance to finally do something good and honest and all you butt heads can do is talk shit.

It is obvious the chance to do right, do legally and honesty, just doesn't cut it with the PPP's supporters.


Good thing PPP LOST.


Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

The Govt is trying their best to include the PPP ( don't know why ) giving them the chance to finally do something good and honest and all you butt heads can do is talk shit.

It is obvious the chance to do right, do legally and honesty, just doesn't cut it with the PPP's supporters.


Good thing PPP LOST.


This National Unity is a nonstarter and I am glad that the PPP will have none of it.


Guyana must move away from the top down model of an elected dictatorship, where too many decisions are made by gov't.


We must develop civic society and stronger local governance. Putting two thieves (the PPP and the PNC) together does not move Guyana in this direction.


Any way I do not know why the AFC is involved.  If the PPP and the PNC are in bed together, and can pretend that this means national unity, then what use is the AFC?


Were the PNC indeed interested in a national government, from the initial stage it should have engaged the PPP/C to form the government and then have the ministers sworn into power.

Originally Posted by cain:

The Govt is trying their best to include the PPP ( don't know why ) giving them the chance to finally do something good and honest and all you butt heads can do is talk shit.

It is obvious the chance to do right, do legally and honesty, just doesn't cut it with the PPP's supporters.


Good thing PPP LOST.


them ppp bais can form a union in jail 


Straight Talk

Yes.... Today

No one can stop

President David Granger


& Prime Minister

Moses Nagamootoo

from investigating any or all

Corruption & Thiefing

between 1992-2015...


We all know

the Bareface Thiefing

Started when Jagdeo

became President in 1999.....

and only ended on

May 11th 2015....

when PPP lost the Election...



The Granger/Nagamootoo Govt

still want to include the

Honest & Decent PPP members...

Not only is President David Granger

interested in having representatives of the Opposition

on various boards and agencies,


but he is also prepared to have frank discussions

with the People’s Progressive Party (PPP)

on shared governance


and agreeing to a mutual understanding

on what that means for both parties. ...


The Head of State said that shared governance

is likely to take the form of having

PPP members head certain Boards.


He said that he has already proposed

a Bipartisan Committee to deal with this matter

and it is moving ahead in that regard.


Granger added,

“It is now up to the PPP, and it depends

on what the other side calls shared governance.

We have a committee ready to engage the PPP

on any issue at any time.”



Straight Talk

Yes.... The new AFC-APNU Govt

must be supported

for putting Guyana First....


Both ....President David Granger


& Prime Minister

Moses Nagamootoo


have shown Great state-man-ship

by being willing to include

any Decent, Honest & Sincere

PPP member in their New Govt..

Last edited by Former Member

Cover Photo

Ministry of the Presidency

Ministry of the Presidency


President David Granger

and newly appointed PPP/C Commissioners

on the Guyana Election Commission (GECOM)

Robeson Benn and Ms. Bibi Shaddick.

The two new Commissioners,

this morning took their Oath to Office

during a simple ceremony at the Ministry of the Presidency.

Ministry of the Presidency's photo.

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