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Former Member


Leader of the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition, President David Granger has suggested an investigation into the unrest that took place in the community of Sophia, hours after Guyanese had finished casting their ballots in the 2015, General and Regional election.

President Granger is already on record as telling Demerara Waves that “of course” he would be willing to launch an investigation into the matter. He condemned any incident or disorder at election time, stating that, “We want a peace in our country. We are not a lawless country.”

The statement came after suggestions were made that the State should compensate those that loss property during the night long episode which required military and police personnel to restore calm.

Police have already charged Lloyd Grant,18, of “C” Field,Turkeyen; Orandel Noel, 18 years, of “B” Field Sophia; Clive Baird, 27 years, of ‘C’ Field, Sophia; Lawrence Harris, 16 years, of ‘C’ Field, Sophia; and Melroy Weekes, 19 years, of ‘D’ Field, Sophia in connection with the looting that occurred during post-polls protests on May 11 at 'C' Field, Sophia.

At least five motor vehicles, a motorcycle, two stables and other assets belonging to Pastor Narine Khublall, who conducted work for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), were destroyed during the uproar. It all started an hour before the closing of polls at 18:00hours when residents accused the PPP member of secretly taking ballot boxes into his property.

His church which stands before his home was used as a party command centre.

The residents claimed that earlier in the day persons were lined up, voting at the location only to find out later, that it was not a polling station. Irate residents demanded that the man’s place be searched and this was done.
Although nothing was found in the church or the man’s home, dissatisfied residents were convinced that the alleged boxes had been moved into the yard next door since the lights at the property were immediately turned off and the dogs were released, they claimed.

Before 21:00hours the community’s main thoroughfare was blocked at three points with fiery debris. The road was also littered with broken bottles. Police, who initially stood still, fired pellet rifles hitting a few persons. With the arrival of the military, the residents seemed to have calmed and urged the ranks to have the persons within the house arrested and the homes searched.

Demerera Waves was told that ranks left the community sometime at midday yesterday. Granger told the online news site that currently they have not received enough information about the nature of the disorder to come a conclusion that the State should bear the cost of the damage.

He said that his party regrets any lost of life or property and condemns acts of arson.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This must have joe Hamilton and the PPP shitting right now.


They were fully deployed here to create mayhem and destroy Guyana, consistent with their rule the past 23 years.


This inquiry needs to be swift and all perps face the law.


Dem a watch we, hehehehe, I can't help remember that dumb video used by the PPP/C, hehehehe, dem get watch aright, and got ketch everytime they tried to make a move, that's why dem boys vex tarass.


Why was a PPP office located in the middle of an opposition strong hold ? 

Unless the PPP really want to see violence.

The had a right to do so, but logically, it was a bad move. Joe Hamilton's presence did not help.

In a tense election, what other outcome  did they expect ?   

Originally Posted by Tola:

Why was a PPP office located in the middle of an opposition strong hold ? 

Unless the PPP really want to see violence.

The had a right to do so, but logically, it was a bad move. Joe Hamilton's presence did not help.

In a tense election, what other outcome  did they expect ?   

Hey Tola, not only dat but whatderass is dis about?


His church which stands before his home was used as a party command centre.

The residents claimed that earlier in the day persons were lined up, voting at the location only to find out later, that it was not a polling station. Irate residents demanded that the man’s place be searched and this was done.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Why was a PPP office located in the middle of an opposition strong hold ? 

Unless the PPP really want to see violence.

The had a right to do so, but logically, it was a bad move. Joe Hamilton's presence did not help.

In a tense election, what other outcome  did they expect ?   

Hey Tola, not only dat but whatderass is dis about?


His church which stands before his home was used as a party command centre.

The residents claimed that earlier in the day persons were lined up, voting at the location only to find out later, that it was not a polling station. Irate residents demanded that the man’s place be searched and this was done.

Cain, the PPP track record proves they were capable of doing ANYTHING corrupt on this earth.

They had government resources, corrupt power and control.

Not forgetting that ass Jagdeo, who should be locked up for good.   


I thought that people are allowed to use their home for any legal thing. I was unaware that using it as a command centre was illegal. Or do we have another example of apnu one "wrong and strong" what the incident indicated is that the supporters of the key will lead through their actions and force the government to approve instead of the other way around. What was very evident was that their supporters told granger to kiss their asses and went ahead and did what they wanted. The same thing is happening with the squatting and the disrespect being shown to some females.

Originally Posted by Zed:

I thought that people are allowed to use their home for any legal thing. I was unaware that using it as a command centre was illegal. Or do we have another example of apnu one "wrong and strong" what the incident indicated is that the supporters of the key will lead through their actions and force the government to approve instead of the other way around. What was very evident was that their supporters told granger to kiss their asses and went ahead and did what they wanted. The same thing is happening with the squatting and the disrespect being shown to some females.

You are an ass. The squatting is happening in a PPP stronghold.


Fool, you lack comprehension. You seem to be a product of the PPP/Crooks education.


Moron, The residents acted on their own.

The residents claimed that earlier in the day persons were lined up, voting at the location only to find out later, that it was not a polling station. Irate residents demanded that the man’s place be searched and this was done.


I do not respond to personal attacks because those attacking in such a way simply demonstrate that they have no counter argument or tha what they have is weak. You must address the two things I mentioned if you want to have any credibilit on this forum. I know tha some of the older members here are into calling names, etc. I am not into that and wish you well.



Also, you need to read all the news report, something I nod everyday here in Guyana. Please be aware that the story gets distorted when retold. One need to do one's own research then come to one' own conclusions!

Originally Posted by Zed:

Also, you need to read all the news report, something I nod everyday here in Guyana. Please be aware that the story gets distorted when retold. One need to do one's own research then come to one' own conclusions!

Do you agree that the squatting is done in a PPP/C stronghold?


I agree that is so. It happened on some private land 100 yards from my house.

but, you did not deal with what I had posted That you ranted about. I really try to read the news report available and not be governed by other considerations. The really important point I wanted to make was that leaders are sometimes not in step with their followers, tha sometimes sometimes, the followers set the agenda.  please know that I believe in ideas of shared vision and collective decision making, etc. and my characterization of leaders and followers' relationship was stated in a simplified way to make my point and does not represent my ideas about leadership.

Originally Posted by Zed:

I agree that is so. It happened on some private land 100 yards from my house.

but, you did not deal with what I had posted That you ranted about. I really try to read the news report available and not be governed by other considerations. The really important point I wanted to make was that leaders are sometimes not in step with their followers, tha sometimes sometimes, the followers set the agenda.  please know that I believe in ideas of shared vision and collective decision making, etc. and my characterization of leaders and followers' relationship was stated in a simplified way to make my point and does not represent my ideas about leadership.

Are you making a special effort to look stupid today? This is your stupidity that I dealt with. Seems like you don't read and comprehend  what you write before you post.


 Or do we have another example of apnu one "wrong and strong" what the incident indicated is that the supporters of the key will lead through their actions and force the government to approve instead of the other way around. What was very evident was that their supporters told granger to kiss their asses and went ahead and did what they wanted. The same thing is happening with the squatting and the disrespect being shown to some females.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Why is Pastor Narine Khublall,  a man of God,  associating with Atheists? This damage should be deemed an Act of God.

Why is this pastor associating with the devils creatures themselves house of israel man Joe Hamilton?


Does he not know the past of Mr. Hamilton and his penchant for violence?


What exactly were they doing there in sophia? is that a PPP strong hold that requires the diligence of Mr. Hamilton and 30 PPP associates on election night?

Last edited by Former Member

mitway, I am looking forward to planned change and one of the things I hold important is the rule of law. I am, at this time willing to support the government in carrying out what they had explicitly promised.

This is the sort of "intelligent responses" that you encounter with most of the current GNIers
Originally Posted by Zed:

I do not respond to personal attacks because those attacking in such a way simply demonstrate that they have no counter argument or tha what they have is weak. You must address the two things I mentioned if you want to have any credibilit on this forum. I know tha some of the older members here are into calling names, etc. I am not into that and wish you well.



Vish M

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