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Former Member

On Friday, the 12th day of July 2019, Gail Teixeira, acting on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, wrote to Harmon conveying the availability of the Opposition Leader “…to meet with the President at any time and throughout the weekend of July 13-14 as required, to work on a list of names for consideration for appointment to the Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission in accordance with the constitution.”


However, in his response, on the 13th day of July 2019, Harmon stated that Granger “…wishes to suggest for the consideration of the Leader of the Opposition a shortlist of two names extracted from the list of eight earlier submitted: Kesaundra Alves and Claudette La Bennett”

As a result, Teixeira in a response on the same day stated that she have “…noted that there has been no indication that a meeting will be convened “to work on a list of names for consideration for appointment to the Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission in accordance with the Constitution,” and, in keeping with the Caribbean Court of Justice declarations of July 12, 2019 which specifically refer to Para 26-29 of their June 18th ruling.”

Further, Teixeira stated “we, hereby, acknowledging receipt of the submission of two names suggested by the President from the list of eight, earlier submitted by him, for the consideration of the Leader of the Opposition. We assume that these names are deemed “not unacceptable” to the President.”

Nevertheless, the Leader of the Opposition sought clarification from Harmon whether the five names “shortlisted” during the three meetings between the representatives of the President and himself. “Are these six names deemed “not acceptable” or are they considered “unacceptable” to the President? This is an issue that has been unanswered since Tuesday July 9th, 2019.”

Further, clarifications were sought as to whether there will be a meeting between the President and the Opposition Leader of communication via letter would be the new method. Teixeira stated, “Does this, therefore, mean that the informal engagement has come to an end and the formal process begun?”

Notably, Teixeira urged that if the formal process has begun, it would prudent for the President to write to the Leader of the Opposition informing him of the vacancy for a Chairman of GECOM and invite him to submit a list of six names, in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana.

There has been no reply from Harmon up to press time.



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According to the Guyana Constitution, it is the Leader of the Opposition who submits a list of candidates for the President to approve one or reject the entire list.

There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that explicitly states that the President can/may provide names of candidates into the list of the Leader of the Opposition.

Last edited by Former Member

Jagdeo blundered in even opening the door to such “informal” proposal.  Now Granger makes it “formal”!!

Granger is now going to drive this and make Jagdeo looks like the bad guy.  

Jagdeo shoots from the hip too freaking much.  Granger don’t.  But Ayuh hot mouth coolies seh he stupid.  Ah tell Ayuh, Datt Banna more clever and strategic than half the PPP brain box and all Ayuh GNI coolies put together!!


Jagdeo followed the CCJ recommendation to have a discussion with the Government on this issue.

While it is a recommendation, it does not over-ride nor replace the issues fundamental in the Constitution to this specific item ... it is the Leader of the Opposition who makes the final decision on the submission of names for consideration.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Jagdeo followed the CCJ recommendation to have a discussion with the Government on this issue.

While it is a recommendation, it does not over-ride nor replace the issues fundamental in the Constitution to this specific item ... it is the Leader of the Opposition who makes the final decision on the submission of names for consideration.

Good   Keep braying Ayuh brains out!!

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Jagdeo followed the CCJ recommendation to have a discussion with the Government on this issue.

While it is a recommendation, it does not over-ride nor replace the issues fundamental in the Constitution to this specific item ... it is the Leader of the Opposition who makes the final decision on the submission of names for consideration.

Good   Keep braying Ayuh brains out!!

You hanging out with the PNC again?

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Jagdeo followed the CCJ recommendation to have a discussion with the Government on this issue.

While it is a recommendation, it does not over-ride nor replace the issues fundamental in the Constitution to this specific item ... it is the Leader of the Opposition who makes the final decision on the submission of names for consideration.

Good   Keep braying Ayuh brains out!!

You hanging out with the PNC again?

Why you so fking stupid.  Was I ever with the PNC?  

I exposing Ayuh stupidity and that means I hang with the PNC!!  This is how stupid you people are.  That’s why PNC mekking rings around Ayuh!   Ayuh should learn to STFU sometimes and start thinking. 

Jagdeo f’ed up by acquiescing to Granger request!   It’s a blunder and I say so and now I’m PNC. You people are a bunch of loud mouth dunces!!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Jagdeo followed the CCJ recommendation to have a discussion with the Government on this issue.

While it is a recommendation, it does not over-ride nor replace the issues fundamental in the Constitution to this specific item ... it is the Leader of the Opposition who makes the final decision on the submission of names for consideration.

Good   Keep braying Ayuh brains out!!

You hanging out with the PNC again?

Why you so fking stupid.  Was I ever with the PNC?  

I exposing Ayuh stupidity and that means I hang with the PNC!!  This is how stupid you people are.  That’s why PNC mekking rings around Ayuh!   Ayuh should learn to STFU sometimes and start thinking. 

Jagdeo f’ed up by acquiescing to Granger request!   It’s a blunder and I say so and now I’m PNC. You people are a bunch of loud mouth dunces!!

You backed the PNC. AFC=PNC. You need to call the PNC and Granger what they are...coolie haters and bullies.


PPP supporters on GNI, thinks Granger is a walk over. It's about who is Politically smarter, Granger is a Former Military man, ahead of Jagdeo by miles, currently Jagdeo is boxed in. Don't forget Prak and Naga is with Granger, don't need to say more.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Granger isn’t clever. He just wicked.

You can keep on that tune.  They laughing all the way to 2020, whether stupid or wicked, back to back or belly to belly!

Everything in life is a process. Do you get up only on pay day to go collect your pay? Unless you are part of the hapless Coalition, you have to work every day to make that pay possible. Same with what Jagdeo is doing. The CCJ made some recommendations and Jagdeo is accommodating those recommendations. He does not have to select any of the names that Granger furnished. Especially since that list is a list of deplorables. The Opposition leader has the sole responsibility to provide the list. Jagdeo is following due process. Everything has a term. Take Burnham for instance. His ascension to Executive President in 1980 was that he would be President for life. He didn't even live the duration of a full parliament. Granger could end up the same way. The clock is ticking and September 18th 2019 is not too far in the future. The international community is already voicing their impatience and anger with the Coalition so Granger and the PNC aren't going to be laughing for too much longer.

They look like they were laughing up a storm here too. Now they clutching at straws. If the Coalition truly feels that they can win, they should follow the law.


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

PPP supporters on GNI, thinks Granger is a walk over. It's about who is Politically smarter, Granger is a Former Military man, ahead of Jagdeo by miles, currently Jagdeo is boxed in. Don't forget Prak and Naga is with Granger, don't need to say more.

Nothing Granger did to date is tactically smart, strategically creative or anticipatory of being deemed a great leader. He is reclusive...antithetical to trans formative leadership skills; he is completely bereft of charisma and further completely lacking in creativity since  to date I have not seen any policy detailed that is intended to benefit us as a whole community.

That he is a moral man is apparently a mistaken notion as well. That jesus persona is the same that demolished our ministerial,  hierarchical model with direct lines of responsibility with one where no citizen know for sure who is responsibly for what.  And one cannot forget the abject malice in the unilateral selection of Patterson and then the contrivances to avoid elections since the NCV.

He is in fact just as rotten to the core and similarly of small mind as Jagdeo. Actually, rationally he is morally more reprehensible since he would be informed on what not to be since he saw the jagdeo regime in action. Instead he is apparently on track to match him in all things.  



I don't really care for the PPP. I however, care less for the PNC. I was fine with the role the AFC was playing prior to coalescing with the PNC. I am eager to see what the other third parties will offer and hopefully it will provide the balancing act to the two major parties. But that is if (and that is a huge if) there are elections anytime soon. Because in the end, the best solution for Guyana is a system where everyone is represented proportionate to their numbers. That is the ideal Republicanism. 

Baseman posted:

Jagdeo blundered in even opening the door to such “informal” proposal.  Now Granger makes it “formal”!!

Granger is now going to drive this and make Jagdeo looks like the bad guy.  

Jagdeo shoots from the hip too freaking much.  Granger don’t.  But Ayuh hot mouth coolies seh he stupid.  Ah tell Ayuh, Datt Banna more clever and strategic than half the PPP brain box and all Ayuh GNI coolies put together!!

I have been saying all along that Granger is cleaver and he has all the tricks in the book for Jaggy. Do not underestimate Burnham's soldier. 


Whether the opposition is smarter or dumber has nothing to do with the game the PNC is playing.  The PNC sees this fight as a fight for their own survival. In their minds if they let go and the PPP returns to power it would surely spells the end of them as a force to return to power through the ballot. For this reason the PNC will fight on to the last man to stay in office. Baseman can offer the best political tactics to Jagdeo and the Granger regime would never fall for it. Granger and the PNC is fighting for survival. It will take time to wear them down but eventually this gov't. will collapse and replace with a democratic one. Mark my Words. No need to consult the bogus soothsayer and attache' to Congress Place, the infamous Orby Django.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Whether the opposition is smarter or dumber has nothing to do with the game the PNC is playing.  The PNC sees this fight as a fight for their own survival. In their minds if they let go and the PPP returns to power it would surely spells the end of them as a force to return to power through the ballot. For this reason the PNC will fight on to the last man to stay in office. Baseman can offer the best political tactics to Jagdeo and the Granger regime would never fall for it. Granger and the PNC is fighting for survival. It will take time to wear them down but eventually this gov't. will collapse and replace with a democratic one. Mark my Words. No need to consult the bogus soothsayer and attache' to Congress Place, the infamous Orby Django.

The PPP in its present form as an alternative to Granger is as unpalatable as having sand for lunch. The PNC under normal circumstances would indeed be right to fight for its survival because the PPP ground black people to the ground and insulted them in every possible way while they enriched their kith and kin. What is worse is they have no remorse and see themselves as having done no wrong. 

The manner of the PNC fight bothers me. It is the reciprocal of the PPP. I want them gone not because I think the PPP is better but until there is a viable third party or constitution change there is no reason to have either party in office for extended period. Flip flopping them would avoid any of them sinking their proboscis into our nation's blood stream 

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Whether the opposition is smarter or dumber has nothing to do with the game the PNC is playing.  The PNC sees this fight as a fight for their own survival. In their minds if they let go and the PPP returns to power it would surely spells the end of them as a force to return to power through the ballot. For this reason the PNC will fight on to the last man to stay in office. Baseman can offer the best political tactics to Jagdeo and the Granger regime would never fall for it. Granger and the PNC is fighting for survival. It will take time to wear them down but eventually this gov't. will collapse and replace with a democratic one. Mark my Words. No need to consult the bogus soothsayer and attache' to Congress Place, the infamous Orby Django.

The PPP in its present form as an alternative to Granger is as unpalatable as having sand for lunch. The PNC under normal circumstances would indeed be right to fight for its survival because the PPP ground black people to the ground and insulted them in every possible way while they enriched their kith and kin. What is worse is they have no remorse and see themselves as having done no wrong. 

The manner of the PNC fight bothers me. It is the reciprocal of the PPP. I want them gone not because I think the PPP is better but until there is a viable third party or constitution change there is no reason to have either party in office for extended period. Flip flopping them would avoid any of them sinking their proboscis into our nation's blood stream 

I hope you realize that it's only the PNC that refuses to step down from power when they are supposed to.  The PPP step down in 1964 and 2015 without playing games. That's big difference between these two parties.  One respects the will of the people and the other does not. A third force does not mean pure and clean. Our experience with the AFC turned out to be a disaster. A third force will only be good if they are better in character than the two traditional parties.  Supporting merely a third force would not bring about the balance you think is good for Guyana.  Just look at the AFC today.

Billy Ram Balgobin

PNC done know PPP don’t have a consensus approach to decision making. Jagdeo decides!  So they throw things at him and he decides because he does not have the thinking “let me consult” with my team.  Had he did that, they would have seen the trick and risk posed and don’t agree.  Now they have another thing to drag out!  Django winning!

I read their social media and listen to them.  I also have contacts in the PNC and AFC and their approach is deliberate.  Some of what they do looks and sounds stupid, but they just throwing spaghetti to foul up the machinery and creates delays. There is no real fire under them.  Thus far it’s all words and tantrums.  They don’t give a shit!

Baseman posted:

PNC done know PPP don’t have a consensus approach to decision making. Jagdeo decides!  So they throw things at him and he decides because he does not have the thinking “let me consult” with my team.  Had he did that, they would have seen the trick and risk posed and don’t agree.  Now they have another thing to drag out!  Django winning!

I read their social media and listen to them.  I also have contacts in the PNC and AFC and their approach is deliberate.  Some of what they do looks and sounds stupid, but they just throwing spaghetti to foul up the machinery and creates delays. There is no real fire under them.  Thus far it’s all words and tantrums.  They don’t give a shit!

Billy, should pay attention to the last paragraph. That fella too deep in the PPP, just satisfying himself with his analysis, rude awakening for the PPP.


But Granger is disingenuous.  He knows what’s right but he knows what he’s doing is wrong because he knows he has the military industrial complex fully behind him.

Last edited by Former Member

I agree with Granger, do fk all until the right time which is next year. I care for neither of the two parties (AFC included) but to replace one set of crooks for another set of crooks better at hiding the cookie jar, is not the way to go.


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