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Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Or get a 22 cutlass. Many folks might not know what a 22 cutlass is. 

Here comes a Berbician who is inciting violence against his fellow Berbician Mitwah. Ye all mucking mad.

Brother Gil,

Why did they build a madhouse in Berbice ?

Where do you think Moses and Ramjattan originated from ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Or get a 22 cutlass. Many folks might not know what a 22 cutlass is. 

Here comes a Berbician who is inciting violence against his fellow Berbician Mitwah. Ye all mucking mad.

Brother Gil,

Why did they build a madhouse in Berbice ?

Where do you think Moses and Ramjattan originated from ?

You are most likely related to one or both of them. Dat nenwah vine does run far far. 

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Dave posted:

Granger wants ‘unbribable’ Top Cop

Does such a cop exist in Guyana?

Isn't that the most stupid comment from Granger?  It's not about one person, it's about the force in general, from the top cop to the ranks on the beat!

Aye, what low IQ leadership!  Guyana will remain a basket case corrupt country!

Dem seh fish rots from the head. 

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

I would recommend KP, but he likes to shake down his own coolee mattee for rice and daal. He was the badest one man PNC goon. He said so himself.

Hey Gay boy ,show me where I said so? If you want to pick a fight then be it. They should pick "cocked eye Rumjaat" he is already showing a "blind eye" to the crime problem. Why you lied so much, aren't you suppose to be in the MALDIVES.

Alright KP, cool down. We West Demerara folks must show dem Berbicians that we are above anger, provocation and lashbackism. 

We have always been that way,looks like KP change.

Put yourself in his shoes. He is enduring more attacks than you. We must encourage him to wear steel armour.

Bhai, i found a new armour,it's called ignore,me thinks KP should get one.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

I would recommend KP, but he likes to shake down his own coolee mattee for rice and daal. He was the badest one man PNC goon. He said so himself.

Hey Gay boy ,show me where I said so? If you want to pick a fight then be it. They should pick "cocked eye Rumjaat" he is already showing a "blind eye" to the crime problem. Why you lied so much, aren't you suppose to be in the MALDIVES.

Alright KP, cool down. We West Demerara folks must show dem Berbicians that we are above anger, provocation and lashbackism. 

We have always been that way,looks like KP change.

Put yourself in his shoes. He is enduring more attacks than you. We must encourage him to wear steel armour.

Bhai, i found a new armour,it's called ignore,me thinks KP should get one.

Great advice.



Is that American made or Chinese made ?

Get the “made with American Steel” version. You should  also consider the “make America great again” version. 

The Chinese made version has a Chinese brush attached to it and might break apart. 

yuji22 posted:


Is that American made or Chinese made ?

Get the “made with American Steel” version. You should  also consider the “make America great again” version. 

The Chinese made version has a Chinese brush attached to it and might break apart. 

Always support American made,try my best to avoid Chinese made products.

Last edited by Django

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