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Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by TK:

I see the scare Indo strategy at work here. How come no one is brave enough to provide the link to what Granger said. Propaganda anyone? 

 The man said something that is clearly and pervasively true. Indians are heads of the criminal drug cartels   that are hatching junkies left and right ( no decision to date to address that as a plague), a corrupt Indian identified Party in office circumscribing the national sociopolitical ethos, so deductively, it is Indians doing the damage to Indians and the rest of us.


I also do not see what is so different with this and the PPP cartel daily deluge of retrospectives about PNC criminality ( a euphemism of the black boogieman) to scare Indians to remain under the party umbrella.  Why is it you can say these things and others cannot? Do you remember Ms Edwards tirade against black people with all the official approval as the state party newspaper editorial?


All dis coming from a dumb buck who left Guyana many moons ago. You ever conducted a survey Geronimo? How you know which race doing what?

How smart are we! I guess the dumb buck shout out provides you with some modicum of self worth but that is illusory. You still remain the same miserable creep you were this morning when you woke up. It also will not change the fact the PPP is an indian identified party and it is corrupt. It will also not change the fact that the the drug industry is almost completely an Indian cartel. It will also not change the fact that the government and the drug industry are our primary worry and that all Guyanese suffer on account of it not merely black folks or native people


As I said often enough, I do not know what precisely the inside of an atom looks like  having never  seen it but I can infer from the evidence what it is like. I can see the PPP in their corrupt world hurling every thing in their arsenal of dirty tricks in hope it can scare its lost Indian sheep back to the fold so they can once more grab the state as their prize to loot as they feel. I can infer they are corrupt. 


You can paint the PNC as evil as you want them to be  and call those Indians  who move away from you honorary black or as one posters calls them "negr.o indians";they are not coming back! And is is simply because no one in their right mind thinks there can be virtue in evil people.


I am sorry for you folks. At this point you are all mere performing seals. You cannot shed that corrupt skin easily and having not even tried why do you think you can win by maximizing your nastiness? I am a "buck" i your eyes because you cannot see me or my people and come the next election we will not see you.


 Call us buck but you are simply illustrating that nastiness and disrespect for us we already know is there

Last edited by Former Member

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