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Grant tax exempt status to the Doobay Medical Centre for the importation of supplies

Dear Editor,

I was moved to write after reading a touching letter from Ms Romayne Atkinson, “a 37-year-old mother of two boys (ages seven and three)” and “Kidney Failure patient on haemodialysis” (Open Letter to the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Kaieteur News, Apr 26, 2019).
Ms Atkinson states she receives a meagre salary and has been receiving dialysis treatment at the Doobay Medical & Research Centre due the fact that it is the least costly service available. At the time she commenced treatment, alternative providers charged between a minimum of GY$15,000.00 and a maximum of GY $38,000.00 per session. She notes “over the years, costs per session at the centre have been fluctuating between GY $9,000.00 – GY $12,000.00 and the current cost per session is currently at GY $9,000.00. Unfortunately, beginning May 1, 2019, the cost will once again increase to GY $12,000.00, and patients will no longer benefit from free and or reduced costs per session.”
Although she refers to President Granger’s treatment in Cuba for cancer, her letter is without rancour or envy. She writes “I admire the courage and strength that you have displayed throughout this time, that I am sure, is difficult not just for you but for your immediate family, so I say continue the good fight on the road to a complete recovery. Unfortunately for me and many of the kidney failure patients, we are not privileged to afford the luxury of seeking oversees treatment as you are. As it is, many of us cannot afford the haemodialysis treatment that is necessary for our survival… this letter is an appeal to you to be afforded an equal and/or similar opportunity to survive a little longer so that I can see my boys become productive citizens of this dear land of ours.”
In her letter, she offers high praise to the Centre noting “Doobay Medical Centre has been providing an exceptional service to its patients. This Centre has helped many kidney failure patients in many ways… Unfortunately, beginning May 1, 2019, the cost will once again increase to GY $12,000.00, and patients will no longer benefit from free and or reduced costs per sessions…Patients including myself have been informed that due to the high taxes and duties that the centre have to pay to import the materials/products necessary to carry out the dialysis treatment, and the non-existence of tax exemptions, they are facing difficulties to cover these high costs and so we the patients are forced with the ripple effects of same.”
Before concluding her lengthy letter, Ms Atkinson offers a number of excellent suggestions. In a letter (More dialysis centres will be a blessing to patients, Kaieteur News, Apr 30, 2019) founder of the Centre, Dr Budhendra Doobay expresses his thanks to Ms Atkinson for her letter, and supports many of her suggestions. He acknowledges “The Ministry of Health is considering opening up Centres in New Amsterdam, Essequibo and Linden in the near future. This will be a great blessing for the residents in those areas”.
Dr Doobay also appealed for help for the Centre from the Guyanese community and states “Mr. Sattaur Gafoor heard about the patients’ plight and he decided he will cover the shortfall which is $2M Guyana dollars per month from May to December. It is only because of his generous support; patients will continue to pay $9,000 over this period. Mrs. Ameena Gafoor contributes to the work of the Centre so patients can be dialysed in a timely manner”. He notes also “ To facilitate our patients further, we will start Dialysis in Georgetown soon so that patients can access Dialysis without incurring further transportation cost.”
Eusi Kwayana, in recalling his visit to Guyana and the Centre in 2014, wrote “ this centre was (is) a standing and full-time, full-blown accomplishment contributing in a special way to the right to life” (Examples of the new society develop in the old, Stabroek News, October 7, 20124). As for me, I grew up in Annandale and I am aware of the excellent work of the Centre. I believe that not only should Dr Doobay and the Gafoors be lauded for their work to help dialysis patients but Government should take immediate steps to provide assistance.
On April 27, 2019, Stabroek News (Order laid for oil firms’ tax exemptions) reported that an Order to exempt Tullow Guyana BV and Eco (Atlantic) Guyana Inc from various taxes was laid in the National Assembly on February 14th, 2019” The article states “ the PSA with Tullow Guyana BV et al specifies that the company shall pay no tax, no value-added tax, duty, fee, charge or other impost on income derived from petroleum operations or in respect of any property held, transactions undertaken or activities performed for any purpose authorised under the PSA. The exemptions include import duties on items listed in the PSA…”
With such tax exemptions granted to a multi-million dollar company, I believe the least Government could do for the unfortunate dialysis patients at the Doobay Medical and Research Centre is to move immediately to grant tax exempt status to the Centre for the importation of material/supplies, and or to make a substantial annual grant to the Centre to help alleviate the financial hardship of the suffering patients. I hope President Granger heed the plea of Ms Atkinson on behalf of herself and fellow dialysis patients and take prompt action.

Harry Hergash.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:

Why is this not tax exempt?  Is the PNC trying to rob the sick and dying to fund their eating habits?

while i agree that there needs to be consideration for an institution apparently doing a terrific job

where was your crocodile voice when PPP was in power?

is the Center a charity?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Why is this not tax exempt?  Is the PNC trying to rob the sick and dying to fund their eating habits?

while i agree that there needs to be consideration for an institution apparently doing a terrific job

where was your crocodile voice when PPP was in power?

is the Center a charity?

I never heard of this complaint under the PPP.  My position would be the same!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Why is this not tax exempt?  Is the PNC trying to rob the sick and dying to fund their eating habits?

while i agree that there needs to be consideration for an institution apparently doing a terrific job

where was your crocodile voice when PPP was in power?

is the Center a charity?

I never heard of this complaint under the PPP.

the high cost of providing services was well-known during PPP time

Jagdeo dem did NOTHING and y'all didn't care. . . why?

it was G$12,000 per session then

subsidy by the Gafoors reduced it to G$9,000, now scheduled to return to PPP era G$12,000

y'all now suddenly find y'all tongue

meanwhile Gov't moving to open dialysis centers all over the country

but they need to subsidize the coming high(er) costs for patients NOW!

no need for duty free

or shakeabatty by political antiman like you

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Why is this not tax exempt?  Is the PNC trying to rob the sick and dying to fund their eating habits?

while i agree that there needs to be consideration for an institution apparently doing a terrific job

where was your crocodile voice when PPP was in power?

is the Center a charity?

Quit with your BS ! I am sure you are familiar with the old saying 'it is always better to shut your mouth and let others think you are an ass than open it and remove all doubt !' Through Human Concern International and Royal Bank of Canada, I have known Dr. Budhendra Doobay, his son and daughter (both medical doctors) and his brother Rabin (an engineer) for many years and have worked closely with them to raise funds in Canada to support this dialysis clinic which 1) charges virtually nothing to poor patients and 2) below standard market fees to patients who have the means to pay more. On several occasions, I personally took chemicals and replacement parts for the dialysis equipment while the PPP was in office and I was never once asked to pay a black cent as duty or taxes. The Doobay Dialysis Centre provides free treatment to patients who cannot afford to pay and charges market rates to those who have the means to pay for their treatment. 

Keffer posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Why is this not tax exempt?  Is the PNC trying to rob the sick and dying to fund their eating habits?

while i agree that there needs to be consideration for an institution apparently doing a terrific job

where was your crocodile voice when PPP was in power?

is the Center a charity?

Quit with your BS ! I am sure you are familiar with the old saying 'it is always better to shut your mouth and let others think you are an ass than open it and remove all doubt !' Through Human Concern International and Royal Bank of Canada, I have known Dr. Budhendra Doobay, his son and daughter (both medical doctors) and his brother Rabin (an engineer) for many years and have worked closely with them to raise funds in Canada to support this dialysis clinic which 1) charges virtually nothing to poor patients and 2) below standard market fees to patients who have the means to pay more. On several occasions, I personally took chemicals and replacement parts for the dialysis equipment while the PPP was in office and I was never once asked to pay a black cent as duty or taxes. The Doobay Dialysis Centre provides free treatment to patients who cannot afford to pay and charges market rates to those who have the means to pay for their treatment. 

oh my

while it may give you quite a thrill to pretend that you are exposing some error of mine somewhere somehow

well, here (again) is my statement that is causing your panties to bunch up:


"while i agree that there needs to be consideration for an institution apparently doing a terrific job

where was your [Baseman's] crocodile voice when PPP was in power?

is the Center a charity?"


so, what exactly are you cussin me about . . . huh?

now, all i can glean from your post 'in response' is that you want everybady to know that you and the accomplished Doobay family are friends

Terrific!! we get it . . . clap clap clap clap

moving on, we are all here reacting to 'facts' presented by the patient Ms. Atkinson

are you calling her a liar?

and again, i asked whether the Doobay Center is a charity; you respond with anecdote, bluster and a laang mouth pout

from all appearances,you have worked with reputable organizations doing good things for the less fortunate; that being the case, i don't really want to waste precious time stripping you of the cheap, kite paper 'clothes' you present on the subject of this thread

i already have my hands full with the anti-black hate speech antimen prancing about here every day

so tek a seat in the jackass carna banna . . . and suck yuh thumb with the rest of the decrepit collection of unfortunates forever trying to prove manhood tilting for no reason at "Ronan" as if that is some rite of passage

you are a big man, don't make me slap you up again for no reason


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Keffer posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Why is this not tax exempt?  Is the PNC trying to rob the sick and dying to fund their eating habits?

while i agree that there needs to be consideration for an institution apparently doing a terrific job

where was your crocodile voice when PPP was in power?

is the Center a charity?

Quit with your BS ! I am sure you are familiar with the old saying 'it is always better to shut your mouth and let others think you are an ass than open it and remove all doubt !' Through Human Concern International and Royal Bank of Canada, I have known Dr. Budhendra Doobay, his son and daughter (both medical doctors) and his brother Rabin (an engineer) for many years and have worked closely with them to raise funds in Canada to support this dialysis clinic which 1) charges virtually nothing to poor patients and 2) below standard market fees to patients who have the means to pay more. On several occasions, I personally took chemicals and replacement parts for the dialysis equipment while the PPP was in office and I was never once asked to pay a black cent as duty or taxes. The Doobay Dialysis Centre provides free treatment to patients who cannot afford to pay and charges market rates to those who have the means to pay for their treatment. 

oh my

while it may give you quite a thrill to pretend that you are exposing some error of mine somewhere somehow

well, here (again) is my statement that is causing your panties to bunch up:


"while i agree that there needs to be consideration for an institution apparently doing a terrific job

where was your [Baseman's] crocodile voice when PPP was in power?

is the Center a charity?"


so, what exactly are you cussin me about . . . huh?

now, all i can glean from your post 'in response' is that you want everybady to know that you and the accomplished Doobay family are friends

Terrific!! we get it . . . clap clap clap clap

moving on, we are all here reacting to 'facts' presented by the patient Ms. Atkinson

are you calling her a liar?

and again, i asked whether the Doobay Center is a charity; you respond with anecdote, bluster and a laang mouth pout

from all appearances,you have worked with reputable organizations doing good things for the less fortunate; that being the case, i don't really want to waste precious time stripping you of the cheap, kite paper 'clothes' you present on the subject of this thread

i already have my hands full with the anti-black hate speech antimen prancing about here every day

so tek a seat in the jackass carna banna . . . and suck yuh thumb with the rest of the decrepit collection of unfortunates forever trying to prove manhood tilting for no reason at "Ronan" as if that is some rite of passage

you are a big man, don't make me slap you up again for no reason


You are incapable of slapping anyone, Dummy !  

Was it not you who asked: where was your crocodile voice when PPP was in power ? The inference of your question was that the PPP (government at that time) did little or nothing to assist/support the Doobay dialysis centre; I simply pointed out that the PPP did assist and support this institution by waiving taxes and import duties on  consumable items which are routinely used in its dialysis processes.   Run along now and bang your ugly-ass face on a concrete wall !

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:

Was it not you who asked: where was your crocodile voice when PPP was in power ? The inference of your question was that the PPP (government at that time) did little or nothing to assist/support the Doobay dialysis centre; I simply pointed out that the PPP did assist and support this institution by waiving taxes and import duties on  consumable items which are routinely used in its dialysis processes.

ahmmm, señor dankey . . . you "pointed out" a whole lot more

but let's not quibble over your foolishness and your dribble

let's get down to cases

where exactly is it stated or inferred in the correspondence to Kaieteur News that the PPP government as a matter of law and policy waived duty & taxes due from the Doobay Center on "consumable items which are routinely used in its dialysis processes" . . . and that such waivers, as a matter of law and policy, were rescinded by the coalition Gov't?

everything else in this conversation flows from that

"inference" being the word of the day

there is a very good reason why i asked about the Center being a registered charity

that you got lines at Customs and Freedom House don't count

Last edited by Former Member

I think PNC gave some people SHIT to eat and now they thinking the Sewer is an improvement of their lives!! Hope Estate was  not good enough for them, they moved down to the SEWER!!!

Nehru posted:

I think PNC gave some people SHIT to eat and now they thinking the Sewer is an improvement of their lives!! Hope Estate was  not good enough for them, they moved down to the SEWER!!!

You will be taken seriously when you improve your language.    

Last edited by Former Member

Doobay Medical Center saves lives. Guyanese returning home who are on dialysis can receive treatment there.  It's great help to people at home and abroad.  Government ought to do more to help this facility.  It's about helping people with serious health problems.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Doobay Medical Center saves lives. Guyanese returning home who are on dialysis can receive treatment there.  It's great help to people at home and abroad.  Government ought to do more to help this facility.  It's about helping people with serious health problems.  

They do indeed save lives; I saw senior police inspectors being treated there. However, despite that and the assistance that the previous govt. provided to this institution, there still are some ignorant, loud-mouth dumb-asses who insist on asking 

ronan posted:
Keffer posted:

Was it not you who asked: where was your crocodile voice when PPP was in power ? The inference of your question was that the PPP (government at that time) did little or nothing to assist/support the Doobay dialysis centre; I simply pointed out that the PPP did assist and support this institution by waiving taxes and import duties on  consumable items which are routinely used in its dialysis processes.

ahmmm, señor dankey . . . you "pointed out" a whole lot more

but let's not quibble over your foolishness and your dribble

let's get down to cases

where exactly is it stated or inferred in the correspondence to Kaieteur News that the PPP government as a matter of law and policy waived duty & taxes due from the Doobay Center on "consumable items which are routinely used in its dialysis processes" . . . and that such waivers, as a matter of law and policy, were rescinded by the coalition Gov't?

everything else in this conversation flows from that

"inference" being the word of the day

there is a very good reason why i asked about the Center being a registered charity

that you got lines at Customs and Freedom House don't count

Are you demented or are you so fond of speaking through your anus that you consistently fail to understand simple things ? The items that I took  to Guyana were supported with invoices from their Canadian supplier and were fully declared to the customs. If that is too difficult for you to understand, then you need to go back to primary school 2nd standard.   



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