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Originally Posted by TI:

Of course not!  

This is the future of our country, where it is heading.


Is it a bad thing? Why shouldn't gay people be treated like humans?


I'm personally very happy about this. No one in the military truly cares about whether or not anyone is gay or not. The DoD is actually behind the troops here.


Oh me mumma man...gays getting treated like humans. Where will it end? Horses will be marrying babies. And people will be butt sexing in public. You'll have to walk over publicly fornicating gays just to make your way to work.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:

I know you are happy, hehehe


Look chap,


Nuff tings juss bother me and occupy my mind. Buggery and gay people are not among them.


I suggest you stop worry about buggery and gay people so much. No one will force you to bugger or be buggered against your will. You still retain the Constitutional right to be neither buggerer or buggeree.

Originally Posted by TI:

You sure you were in the military? What you said is not exactly what I heard going on there. I'm serious.



Having served in an INFANTRY Brigade, they followed strict EO policies.


Commanders are pretty draconian when it comes to discrimination of any kind. I don't know where you people get the impression that the army is one big free for all.


The army is hideously bureaucratic with a complaint form for anything and everything.


Do people make individual homophobic remarks among themselves? Sure. Are gay people singled out and bullied? I didn't see any of that. Then again, like most people, I never took it upon myself to care about people's private affairs.


P.S...I am by no means suggesting that my personal experience is definitive. It isn't. However, I'm unaware of any army-wide report of harassment of gay people. Usually when people would come to us demanding to be kicked out of the army for being gay (usually happened around deployment time) we'd ignore them or demand "proof" of gay behavior. And some random gay porn magazine in their possession wasn't good enough. You had to be the star of your gay porn before we took you seriously under DADT. And that was when we cared to enforce the policy at all.

Last edited by Former Member

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