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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Now that Indian Arrival Day has gone, we must not forget the sacrifices, Pain, Brutality and worst that our People have experienced. Like it is written that Jesus made the sacrifices and took the Pain so that his People can continue, SO TOO our Great Grandparents did for us. The Trip across the KALA PANI must forever be in our memory.

It is good that u recognize the Almighty plan in all of that. Jesus is also merciful and kind. Try grasping His entire message.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Aaaah..    finally meh buddy getting vex.  Well, my work is done here for today

Vex, I dont get vex, I simply state FACTS and set the records straight. I dont seek fame, power or wealth.  I am not here to deceive, lie, feel powerful or any of that shit. I am comfortable eating my salt and Rice and will ALWAYS speak AGAINST Criminals, Snakeoil Salesmen and other society's parasites!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at the Photo of the 2 Parasites, did they work for their vast wealth???

Yuh neva hear bout inheritance, bhai? Dem 2 queenie inherit dem throne.

Inheritance is a big ting in we Indian culture too. Some awee inherit gold jewelry, some inherit house, some inherit land, and some inherit katahar.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look at the Photo of the 2 Parasites, did they work for their vast wealth???

Yuh neva hear bout inheritance, bhai? Dem 2 queenie inherit dem throne.

Inheritance is a big ting in we Indian culture too. Some awee inherit gold jewelry, some inherit house, some inherit land, and some inherit katahar.


What about Nehru inheriting stupidity?


Nehru, apparently dislike the Queens and the British for obvious reasons. However, if wasn't for white massas, we would never be in Guyana in the first place. We would have remain dalits in India. When Jagdeo visited his ancestors village in India, only then the Indian government decided to provide light to that village alone. The villagers were begging Jagdeo to bring them to Guyana. Imagine our ancestors from India want to come and live in our paradise in Guyana. God bless the Queen. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Now that Indian Arrival Day has gone, we must not forget the sacrifices, Pain, Brutality and worst that our People have experienced. Like it is written that Jesus made the sacrifices and took the Pain so that his People can continue, SO TOO our Great Grandparents did for us. The Trip across the KALA PANI must forever be in our memory.

Aye wah sacrifice yuh keera mout mek?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
That's  it??  That's your come back?  You're weak. The ancestors must be turning in their graves due to your cowardice.

I am not stupid, I will not see fire and jump into it. But I dont take shit from anyone, I am sure you know that by now.

you do not  have to take shit you are shit

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
That's  it??  That's your come back?  You're weak. The ancestors must be turning in their graves due to your cowardice.

I am not stupid, I will not see fire and jump into it. But I dont take shit from anyone, I am sure you know that by now.

you do not  have to take shit you are shit

SHIT FACE, Come leh meh doo doo pun yuh face. You like it the last time I did.

Originally Posted by raymond:

you fellas realllyyy need to upgrade the conversation...the ancestors you praise would be sorely disappointed if they around to see this crap

Thanks Ray. I am sometimes guilty of this also. Good job. If and when you visit Line Path again and I am in town, I will take you to a wedding house, if there is one around(no more trench water). Now abie gat bakkle wata. 


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