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Greater emphasis to be placed on Post Offices in 2018 – Hughes

Public Telecommunications Minister Cathy Hughes

As the Public Telecommunications Ministry prepares to re-commission the Kitty Post Office today in observance of World Post Day, greater emphasis will be placed on the traditional method of communication.

Public Telecommunications Minister Cathy Hughes disclosed that “in this year’s budget, we have put some funding and opportunity for the refurbishing of some of our Post Offices”. She added that Post Offices in the hinterland were ideally positioned to provide more services than they currently were.

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Greater emphasis to be placed on Post Offices in 2018 – Hughes

As the Public Telecommunications Ministry prepares to re-commission the Kitty Post Office today in observance of World Post Day, greater emphasis will be placed on the traditional method of communication.

Public Telecommunications Minister Cathy Hughes disclosed that “in this year’s budget, we have put some funding and opportunity for the refurbishing of some of our Post Offices”. She added that Post Offices in the hinterland were ideally positioned to provide more services than they currently were.

A new payment system for Post Offices is being explored, following approval of the budget by the Finance Ministry. The Minister cited the Caribbean, where customers were no longer required to physically go to a location to collect money. Instead, the funds are transferred to their bank accounts; in the case of Guyana, it can be transferred to their Mobile Money account.

Hughes lamented the neglect of Post Offices around the country, under the previous Administration. She noted: “Very little investment has been made in the Post Office for decades. Many of you know because many of you have grandmothers and grandfathers that go to use the Post Office and, therefore, I am embarrassed that the level of service we provide, the fact that something as simple as providing a space for them to sit down while they wait, (is not there)”.

Minister Hughes underscored the importance of Post Offices As hubs for various services such as applications for passports, birth certificates, and business registration; also the prompt delivery of items ordered online to customers’ doors. She added that once the Post Offices reinvent themselves, they would be able to provide fast, reliable service.

World Post Day 2017 will be celebrated today, October 9. The Day aims to increase awareness about the postal sector’s role with regard to helping people and businesses every day.


Greater emphasis to be placed on Post Offices in 2018 – Hughes

Public Telecommunications Minister Cathy Hughes

As the Public Telecommunications Ministry prepares to re-commission the Kitty Post Office today in observance of World Post Day, greater emphasis will be placed on the traditional method of communication.

Perhaps this minister is focused on taking the traditional methods of communication like trains, ferry boats, etc., similar to the olden days.


Perhaps the PNC is devoid of ideas hence looking to focus on old technology.  These people along with the aFC dunces shouted that they had the answers to move Guyana ahead into the 21st century, but it looks like the jackasses moving the country back to the 17th century. 


The minister is absolutely correct!

The civilizing role of a properly functioning Postal System cannot be overestimated

Guyana's has been broken for the majority of years since independence

Homme posted:

The minister is absolutely correct!

The civilizing role of a properly functioning Postal System cannot be overestimated

Guyana's has been broken for the majority of years since independence

Incorrect, focus should be placed in the delivery method of the future, electronic methods. 



Drugb posted:
Homme posted:

The minister is absolutely correct!

The civilizing role of a properly functioning Postal System cannot be overestimated

Guyana's has been broken for the majority of years since independence

Incorrect, focus should be placed in the delivery method of the future, electronic methods

Magicman, tell us all about your "future" technology that delivers packages, etc., via copper wire and fiber optic cable



Last edited by Former Member
Homme posted:


Drugb posted:
Homme posted:

The minister is absolutely correct!

The civilizing role of a properly functioning Postal System cannot be overestimated

Guyana's has been broken for the majority of years since independence

Incorrect, focus should be placed in the delivery method of the future, electronic methods

Magicman, tell us all about your new technology that delivers packages, etc., via copper wire and fiber optic cable



Get your act together man, the package flow through the post office in Guyana is minuscule.  Mostly they exist to pay pensioners, that is why they are the target of robberies. 

Drugb posted:
Homme posted:


Drugb posted:
Homme posted:

The minister is absolutely correct!

The civilizing role of a properly functioning Postal System cannot be overestimated

Guyana's has been broken for the majority of years since independence

Incorrect, focus should be placed in the delivery method of the future, electronic methods

Magicman, tell us all about your new technology that delivers packages, etc., via copper wire and fiber optic cable



Get your act together man, the package flow through the post office in Guyana is minuscule.  Mostly they exist to pay pensioners, that is why they are the target of robberies. 

That's the whole point.

It's broken, unreliable, and that needs to change.

This is one of the necessary things that underpin civilized life in properly functioning advanced societies

But then again, chaos, the illegal, and money opportunities flowing from same is normal and preferred by you and your ilk

Last edited by Former Member
Homme posted:

That's the whole point.

It's broken, unreliable, and that needs to change.

This is one of the necessary things that underpin civilized life in properly functioning advanced societies

But then again, chaos, the illegal, and money opportunities flowing from same is normal and preferred by you and your ilk

This is the kind of small mindedness that characterizes the Granger administration. Instead of exploring paying pensioners electronically, these jackasses are instead perpetuating an already inefficient and vulnerable approach. Look to the US for hints where electronic payments are made to pensioners accounts. These dummies have no clue how to move the country into the modern era, they are piggybacking on whatever the PPP did. 

Drugb posted:
Homme posted:

That's the whole point.

It's broken, unreliable, and that needs to change.

This is one of the necessary things that underpin civilized life in properly functioning advanced societies

But then again, chaos, the illegal, and money opportunities flowing from same is normal and preferred by you and your ilk

This is the kind of small mindedness that characterizes the Granger administration. Instead of exploring paying pensioners electronically, these jackasses are instead perpetuating an already inefficient and vulnerable approach. Look to the US for hints where electronic payments are made to pensioners accounts. These dummies have no clue how to move the country into the modern era, they are piggybacking on whatever the PPP did. 

We will migrate to electronic payments when the necessary infrastructure, banking, knowledge and otherwise are in place; however, in the near term, real world, reliable post offices as an adjunct makes sense for the most underserved.

Now magicman, tell us your ideas on how the packages will be delivered via fiber optic cable

don't be shy

Last edited by Former Member
Homme posted:
Drugb posted:
Homme posted:

That's the whole point.

It's broken, unreliable, and that needs to change.

This is one of the necessary things that underpin civilized life in properly functioning advanced societies

But then again, chaos, the illegal, and money opportunities flowing from same is normal and preferred by you and your ilk

This is the kind of small mindedness that characterizes the Granger administration. Instead of exploring paying pensioners electronically, these jackasses are instead perpetuating an already inefficient and vulnerable approach. Look to the US for hints where electronic payments are made to pensioners accounts. These dummies have no clue how to move the country into the modern era, they are piggybacking on whatever the PPP did. 

We will migrate to electronic payments when the necessary infrastructure, banking, knowledge and otherwise are in place; however, in the near term, real world, reliable post offices as an adjunct makes sense for the most underserved.

Now magicman, tell us your ideas on how the packages will be delivered via fiber optic cable

don't be shy

No one sends package via post office, only letters.  Maybe 10 package a day for the entire Guyana, bu yet these jackasses will pump billions into post office.  Think drones man, yuh head really hard bai, but don't worry, Druggie will educate you like he did d2 and caribj over the years. 

Drugb posted:
Homme posted:
Drugb posted:
Homme posted:

That's the whole point.

It's broken, unreliable, and that needs to change.

This is one of the necessary things that underpin civilized life in properly functioning advanced societies

But then again, chaos, the illegal, and money opportunities flowing from same is normal and preferred by you and your ilk

This is the kind of small mindedness that characterizes the Granger administration. Instead of exploring paying pensioners electronically, these jackasses are instead perpetuating an already inefficient and vulnerable approach. Look to the US for hints where electronic payments are made to pensioners accounts. These dummies have no clue how to move the country into the modern era, they are piggybacking on whatever the PPP did. 

We will migrate to electronic payments when the necessary infrastructure, banking, knowledge and otherwise are in place; however, in the near term, real world, reliable post offices as an adjunct makes sense for the most underserved.

Now magicman, tell us your ideas on how the packages will be delivered via fiber optic cable

don't be shy

No one sends package via post office, only letters.  Maybe 10 package a day for the entire Guyana, bu yet these jackasses will pump billions into post office.  Think drones man, yuh head really hard bai, but don't worry, Druggie will educate you like he did d2 and caribj over the years. 

Indeed, it's a crap shoot; I wouldn't send packages thru the Guyana post as it exists today.

Very frustrating, given that the alternatives are not affordable for most folk.

I am old enough to remember when the Post Office was a symbol of order, predictability, responsibility, and the law, as it is today in the USA

but like the x-Presidente and other 4th World PPP thiefmen who seek profit in disorder and lawlessness, you will grin and holler that there is FedEx, UPS and DHL

just listen to yourself babbling ignorant and clueless about "drones"

Typical garden variety, bloviating, wannabe con-man, talking for talk sake


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