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Green City initiative to be launched on September 1… -1000 volunteers needed by M&CC

IN its move to restore Georgetown to its former glory, the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) will be launching on September 1 its Green City initiative aimed at cleaning up the city and making it more environmentally friendly.Making this announcement yesterday Town Clerk Royston King during an exclusive interview with this publication.


According to King, “The initiative will be launched on September 1 and will be geared at cleaning up the city through a combined effort by the residents of Georgetown, managed by the Mayor and City Council.”

In order to make this materialise, the M&CCis in need of 1000 volunteers between now and September 1, and they will receive identification material including tee-shirts and hats.

The object of the volunteer initiative is to encourage volunteerism, and also enhance leadership skills in communities.

Volunteers will be split into groups, and some will cover the public awareness aspect, some the environmental counselling, some environmental leadership, and others practical work in the communities.

The volunteers he highlighted will benefit from being a part of a new initiative, a national effort to improve the nation, utilise leadership and other skills, and they will receive certificates to show that they were involved in a local practical initiative.

Hence he reiterated his call for all interested persons to apply at the Town Clerk’s Office which is located at City Hall; the required age for participation is 17 years and above.

Meanwhile, King emphasised that the children are not forgotten, as they will have an opportunity to be a part of the schools’ initiative which is expected to be launched soon.

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According to King, “The initiative will be launched on September 1 and will be geared at cleaning up the city through a combined effort by the residents of Georgetown, managed by the Mayor and City Council.”

In order to make this materialise, the M&CC is in need of 1000 volunteers between now and September 1, and they will receive identification material including tee-shirts and hats.

The object of the volunteer initiative is to encourage volunteerism, and also enhance leadership skills in communities.


Green City initiative to be launched on September 1… -1000 volunteers needed by M&CC, August 26, 2015, Source

Perhaps, M&CC believes that it is not their responsibility; but those of volunteers; to keep the city clean.


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