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What does this dummy know about green economy or any economy for that matter?


Jagdeo to make ‘green economy’ presentation at business dinner

Posted By Staff Writer On October 10, 2014 @ 5:23 am In Local News | No Comments

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

The Guyana Manufactur-ing & Services Association (GMSA) is hosting a special Business Dinner today that will feature former President Bharrat Jagdeo who is expected to make a presentation on the topic ‘A green economy – Opportunities for the Private Sector in Guyana.’

The GMSA said that Jagdeo is eminently qualified to address the subject after more than a decade as a formidable presence on the world’s stage advocating for international action to avert the worst consequences of climate change. In a press release, the group recalled that in 2010 Jagdeo was described by the Chairman of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Rajendra K Pachauri, as “one of perhaps half a dozen Heads of Government who truly understand the issue” some time after he initiated the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).

The GMSA says the local business community needs reminding (and in some cases sensitization) of their responsibilities to the environment and of the many opportunities available to establish a new industrial sector that will address mainstream and downstream business needs associated with climate change.

The dinner will begin at 7.30 pm at the Princess Hotel.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ah i get it green economy, Greenbacks in remittances from the USA to GY. Dat is what he knows about de Green economy.....



A lot of greenbacks being counted as remittances are actually drug proceeds being washed legally through outlets such as Western Union and Money Gram.


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