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Former Finance Minister and now APNU point-man on matters of economics, Carl Greenidge, wrote a long missive on corruption which was recently carried in the newspaper letter columns. Greenidge chastised the PPP for its decision to appoint an internal anti-corruption committee to investigate allegations of corruption among its membership. Greednige went on to list a series of corruption allegations against PPP officials but as was expected, failed to mention the corruption which took place under his watch as Finance Minister in the PNC government, some of which he signed off on directly. Here is an old newspaper clipping in which the then Auditor General pin-pointed the theft of several state vehicles, some of whom were sold to PNC officials at very low prices while many others simply vanished or were found in a compound adjacent to Congress Place which was then under the control of the PNC government. All this took place just as the PNC was about to leave office following the loss of free and fair elections in 1992 which the PPP/C had won. Greenidge personally singed off on the sale and transfer of many of the vehicles as Stabroek News reported back then.

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

Greenidge personally singed off on the sale and transfer of many of the vehicles as Stabroek News reported back then.

What happened to the BMW's after the World Cup Cricket? They were never used for the World Cup in the first place. After the tournament, they were sold off to PPP cronies for pennies.


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