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Former Member
As the new government begins to take shape with the swearing in of the new President, Retired Brigadier David Granger on Saturday May 16 and the putting together of Cabinet nears, Economist Winston Jordan is now tipped to head the Finance Ministry while the former Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge is expected to lead the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Well-placed sources  said that among those expected to be named in Cabinet is the surprise choice of Jordan over Greenidge who headed the State’s Finance sector under the late Presidents Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte during the period 1983 to 1992.

Greenidge, who is an economist, is described as an international public servant who worked in several top level positions including interim Secretary General of the 77-nation African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, and the Office of Trade Negotiations (OTN) of the Caribbean Community (Caricom). In Guyana’s 10th Parliament, he was the Opposition’s spokesman on Finance and International Economic Cooperation.

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AFC is only eligible for 4 ministries according to the Cummingburg Accord.


Home Affairs.




Trade and Tourism


and Agriculture.


NOTHING else. 



Let us respect the treaty.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

AFC is only eligible for 4 ministries according to the Cummingburg Accord.


Home Affairs.




Trade and Tourism


and Agriculture.


NOTHING else. 



Let us respect the treaty.

For putting the PNC back in power for eternity, alyuh got squat.  Dumb asses.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

AFC is only eligible for 4 ministries according to the Cummingburg Accord.


Home Affairs.




Trade and Tourism


and Agriculture.


NOTHING else. 



Let us respect the treaty.

For putting the PNC back in power for eternity, alyuh got squat.  Dumb asses.

Agriculture you think is nothing, even though huge numbers of Indians work in that sector. Works you think is nothing. Home Affairs, with the crime spree you think is nothing.  Trade and Tourism in an export dependent economy you think is nothing.


Baseman get over it.  You screamed Hindutva yells to get the tribe to turn out.  Well the tribe DID turn out in huge numbers, but there weren't enough of them to win.  GET OVER IT!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

AFC is only eligible for 4 ministries according to the Cummingburg Accord.


Home Affairs.




Trade and Tourism


and Agriculture.


NOTHING else. 



Let us respect the treaty.

For putting the PNC back in power for eternity, alyuh got squat.  Dumb asses.

Agriculture you think is nothing, even though huge numbers of Indians work in that sector. Works you think is nothing. Home Affairs, with the crime spree you think is nothing.  Trade and Tourism in an export dependent economy you think is nothing.


Baseman get over it.  You screamed Hindutva yells to get the tribe to turn out.  Well the tribe DID turn out in huge numbers, but there weren't enough of them to win.  GET OVER IT!

I know, many are benign in the grand scheme.  True power lies with the PNC, the AFC have to toe the line.   Home Affairs is not bad.


Long game, AFC traded gold coins for glass beads.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I know, many are benign in the grand scheme.  True power lies with the PNC, the AFC have to toe the line.   Home Affairs is not bad.


Long game, AFC traded gold coins for glass beads.

So what should the AFC have gotten instead.


The AFC will get 12 seats. APNU will get 21 seats.  Are you seriously telling me that if APNU casts aside the AFC they will not use their 12 seats to discipline him?


Get over your Hindutva self.  I guess you can no longer scream "ahbe  pan tap" and this really galls you.


FINALLY you must operate within a multi ethnic context where it isn't just Indians who you will consider, and what really angers you if the fact that a small Indo swing vote caused all of this.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Long game, AFC traded gold coins for glass beads.

Typical PPP. You only worried about how much you would have been able to steal if you had a position in one of the other ministries.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I know, many are benign in the grand scheme.  True power lies with the PNC, the AFC have to toe the line.   Home Affairs is not bad.


Long game, AFC traded gold coins for glass beads.

So what should the AFC have gotten instead.


The AFC will get 12 seats. APNU will get 21 seats.  Are you seriously telling me that if APNU casts aside the AFC they will not use their 12 seats to discipline him?


Get over your Hindutva self.  I guess you can no longer scream "ahbe  pan tap" and this really galls you.


FINALLY you must operate within a multi ethnic context where it isn't just Indians who you will consider, and what really angers you if the fact that a small Indo swing vote caused all of this.

Could they?  We see, don't worry we are all young enough to see this play itself out.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Long game, AFC traded gold coins for glass beads.

Typical PPP. You only worried about how much you would have been able to steal if you had a position in one of the other ministries.

I know you know exactly what I mean.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I know, many are benign in the grand scheme.  True power lies with the PNC, the AFC have to toe the line.   Home Affairs is not bad.


Long game, AFC traded gold coins for glass beads.

So what should the AFC have gotten instead.


The AFC will get 12 seats. APNU will get 21 seats.  Are you seriously telling me that if APNU casts aside the AFC they will not use their 12 seats to discipline him?


Get over your Hindutva self.  I guess you can no longer scream "ahbe  pan tap" and this really galls you.


FINALLY you must operate within a multi ethnic context where it isn't just Indians who you will consider, and what really angers you if the fact that a small Indo swing vote caused all of this.

Could they?  We see, don't worry we are all young enough to see this play itself out.

Baseman, so filled with the need of Indian dominance you are.


1.  The AFC is getting their 12 MP seats.


2.  The AFC will begin the process of discussing a new constitution.  If APNU drags its feet and the PPP is smart enough to join them, then Moses tables an MONC, joined by the PPP, and Granger will be back in the opposition.


Now what about all of this don't you understand?


This is how a multi racial coalition will work.  When the two parts work with each other because they HAVE to.  


Not the window dressing that the PPP loves where the pick weak people like the two Jennifers and Harper, and then tell black people that the PPP is multi racial.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

baseman just tryin to sow seeds of discord...

Forgive him.  A new world which aspires to move away from monoracial rule is very confusing to him.


Even when it is pointed out to him that the AFC has the means to quickly bring to an end any temptation from elements within the PNC to reintroduce monoracial African rule he pushes back.


All of this multiracial stuff in a Guyana where no one group exceeds 40% frustrates him.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

baseman just tryin to sow seeds of discord...

Forgive him.  A new world which aspires to move away from monoracial rule is very confusing to him.


Even when it is pointed out to him that the AFC has the means to quickly bring to an end any temptation from elements within the PNC to reintroduce monoracial African rule he pushes back.


All of this multiracial stuff in a Guyana where no one group exceeds 40% frustrates him.

I believe that when I see it.  If it was one of the signed-off conditions for joining, ok.  But it's up to the goodness of the man holding the trump cards, and we all know how that goes.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

baseman just tryin to sow seeds of discord...

Forgive him.  A new world which aspires to move away from monoracial rule is very confusing to him.


Even when it is pointed out to him that the AFC has the means to quickly bring to an end any temptation from elements within the PNC to reintroduce monoracial African rule he pushes back.


All of this multiracial stuff in a Guyana where no one group exceeds 40% frustrates him.

I believe that when I see it.  If it was one of the signed-off conditions for joining, ok.  But it's up to the goodness of the man holding the trump cards, and we all know how that goes.

Baseman don't worry.  "ahbe not pan tap no more".  You never thought those days would come, did you.


And BTW Granger already told some black people that they aren't on top of anybody.


New day baseman!


Bottom line is that its not up to David or Moses to be "nice".  There are checks and balances within the agreement to ensure that they do the right thing.  One being negotiating a new constitution for presentation to the Guyanese population.


Now just be honest and say that the type of Indian willing to work within a multi ethnic context appalls you, which is why you insist that Moses will not use that which he has at his disposal to keep APNU honest.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

AFC is only eligible for 4 ministries according to the Cummingburg Accord.


Home Affairs.




Trade and Tourism


and Agriculture.


NOTHING else. 



Let us respect the treaty.

For putting the PNC back in power for eternity, alyuh got squat.  Dumb asses.

Is this what National Unity means in your mind, individual power grab like the PPP had ?

Did the PPP ever had a big picture for all Guyanese equally ? 

I thought you were a builder, instead of a destroyer.


If Granger needs people from the PPP to build Guyana, you might not be on his list.  


Election morning the new President did a radio interview. He said that economic diplomacy will drive foreign affairs. Make a ton of sense. Therefore I can see the merit of these two appointments.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

AFC is only eligible for 4 ministries according to the Cummingburg Accord.


Home Affairs.




Trade and Tourism


and Agriculture.


NOTHING else. 



Let us respect the treaty.

Did those Ministries REALLY exist during PPP/C time?

Originally Posted by TK:

Election morning the new President did a radio interview. He said that economic diplomacy will drive foreign affairs. Make a ton of sense. Therefore I can see the merit of these two appointments.

Much merit.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will become like the MITI in Japan, of course on a smaller scale.


Very powerful agency.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by TK:

Election morning the new President did a radio interview. He said that economic diplomacy will drive foreign affairs. Make a ton of sense. Therefore I can see the merit of these two appointments.

Much merit.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will become like the MITI in Japan, of course on a smaller scale.


Very powerful agency.

I doubt whether they are planning a MITI type operation. They will throw out the baby with the bath water. You can't have a MITI without a developmental state. And feedbacks I get is they honestly believe free market capitalism is the answer. But they may strike oil that brings in a good flow of revenues, but it depends on the Saudi-fracking price battle.


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