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skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

The feds should pull back 0.1 tomorrow.  The 10 year drop to 2.89 so inverting itself.  No inflation.  Economy looks slowing.  WTH!!

Bai me hear they might raise it a little bit and make a statement about holding it in 2019.

I believe this is another arm of the deep state anti Trump conspiracy. He got the economy going and markets humming.  Mueller coming up empty.  So, why not create market unease and a recession and hurt his chances in 2020. 

There is no reason for an increase.  Nothing justifies it!

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

The feds should pull back 0.1 tomorrow.  The 10 year drop to 2.89 so inverting itself.  No inflation.  Economy looks slowing.  WTH!!

The market is not the economy. The feds need to bank rates to compensate for inflation in the future. 

Noooo.  Raising rates and inverting the curve stresses the banks, rein in credit and create a recession.  This is the long arm on the conspiracy.  It’s to destroy the presidency!

cain posted:
Baseman posted:

I believe this is another arm of the deep state anti Trump conspiracy. He got the economy going and markets humming.  Mueller coming up empty. 

Yeah bai, Mueller coming up so empty that nuff bannas heading fior jail time ...your hero could also be doing the perp walk  

Seems to heading that way; much faster than expected.

One by one cases are finalized by Robert Mueller's office.

The latest today is also heading for an end for Michael Flynn.

cain posted:
Baseman posted:

I believe this is another arm of the deep state anti Trump conspiracy. He got the economy going and markets humming.  Mueller coming up empty.  


Yeah bai, Mueller coming up so empty that nuff bannas heading fior jail time ...your hero could also be doing the perp walk  

Perhaps after Mueller finish off Trump the PNC can hire him and replace Clive Thomas. Then yall got your trump card with Jaggy behind bars. 

cain posted:
Baseman posted:

I believe this is another arm of the deep state anti Trump conspiracy. He got the economy going and markets humming.  Mueller coming up empty.  


Yeah bai, Mueller coming up so empty that nuff bannas heading fior jail time ...your hero could also be doing the perp walk  

Fake News, Witch Hunt, No Collusion. The greatest president America ever elected.


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