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Former Police Sergeant Robert Gates formerly known as Clive Gibbs

Former Police Sergeant Robert Gates formerly known as Clive Gibbs

[] – Former Police Sergeant Robert Gates formerly known as Clive Gibbs today (Friday, June 6) gave testimony before the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry (COI) that former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) member William Gregory Smith was offered $1M and a safe trip out of Guyana to give Dr. Walter Rodney the explosive which killed him on June 13, 1980.

Gates, a former murder accused, who is currently serving a 48 month sentence at the Georgetown Prison testified that Smith told him this prior to Rodney’s death, adding that he [Smith] was an undercover GDF member and was constructing ‘walkie talkies’ for the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) Leader.

Gates claimed that he was at the same time an undercover police, working as the bodyguard for another WPA leader, Dr Rupert Roopnarine and was also offered $1M and a safe trip out of Guyana to bait Dr Roopnarine into a trap that would have killed him.

He said that he met Roopnarine during 1979 while he [Gates] was a Constable in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Special Squad when Dr Roopnarine was arrested in connection with the burning of the Ministry of National Development building.

During Roopnarine’s stay in custody, Gates claimed that Roopnarine asked him to work for him, leading him to resign the following day.

“I accepted the offer because it was very lucrative.”

He added that when he took his resignation to the Crime Chief, who was at the time Cecil ‘Skip’ Roberts, he [Roberts] called the then Prime Minister, LFS Burnham and informed him that “Comrade Leader we have gotten the man.” Gates later explained that he was offered a promotion to Sergeant and an added $500 dollars on his salary to go undercover into the WPA.

The prisoner, who stood in the witness box unshackled, said he was given the code name ‘Condor’ and began gathering intelligence on the WPA, including Dr. Walter Rodney and fed it back to the police which was forwarded to the then People’s National Congress Government.

The former murder accused testified too that he had planted two listening devices, in his vehicle and another at the WPA office, which he claimed provided valuable information to the police.

He recalled reporting to an Officer, whom he referred to as “Chico” and the late Larry Lewis, whom he claimed was Head of the Joint Service Intelligence at the time.

Gates testified that the WPA was at the time collecting arms and ammunition. He recalled too that he was once sent to collect a five pound milk tin which was filled with guns and ammunition and which he later took to his superiors who then told him that it would be ‘doctored’ and any attempt to use it after that would mean it would explode, killing the user.

According to Gates, shortly after this incident, he met Gregory Smith whom he had known previously [sporting an afro and a long beard] when he told him that he was assembling ‘Walkie Talkies’ for Rodney, and subsequently about the offer to kill Rodney which he [Gates] claimed he attempted to discourage Smith from doing.

He claimed that the explosive which Smith was supposed to give Rodney instead of the ‘walkie talkie’ would have been imported from Russia.

Gates told the Commission that he had refused to lure Roopnarine into the trap and had traveled to Sand Hills where he later learnt of Rodney’s death.

“I immediately thought, he [Smith] did it…. I had convinced him not to do it and he promised me he wouldn’t.”

Gate concluded his testimony by telling the Commission that he later learnt that he was dismissed from the Police Force, escorted to CID Headquarters after he returned to Georgetown and subsequently abducted after he refused to go back and continue his undercover job.

He will continue his testimony when the COI convenes its third session on June 23 which will run until July 2.

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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

So tell we something new? Like who killed Minister Sawh and why?

Wan jumbie man.

Not a joking matter, Skelly.

I knew Sash Sawh personally and he was one of the most affable persons I ever met, besides being a selfless PPP activist in Toronto.

Sash answered the call of duty, packed up and left the safety of his Toronto home and returned to serve his beloved PPP, only to meet a shocking and tragic death.

Lots of his former comrades and admirers still want to know who killed Satyadeo Sawh.

The buck stops with the Bharat Jagdeo presidency which for reasons known to themselves refused to open an official inquiry into Sash's assassination.

If the Ramotar presidency can investigate Walter Rodney's assassination 34 years ago, it begs the question why Sawh's more recent murder is still not satisfactorily and sufficiently inquired into.

When young people like JB asks the question above, we owe it to them to provide intelligent answers.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of red herring through into the discussion would divert the attention away from the P.N.C and their alleged involvement in the Murder of Dr. Rodney....

An iquiery is needed for the death of the Sat Sawh!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of red herring through into the discussion would divert the attention away from the P.N.C and their alleged involvement in the Murder of Dr. Rodney....

An iquiery is needed for the death of the Sat Sawh!!

Totally in agreement.

Originally Posted by warrior:

what is the purpose of this enquiry  

To give the PPP hot explosive propaganda ammunition to fire at the PNC, WPA and AFC during upcoming elections campaign.

But some of the findings will backfire big time against the PPP itself.

Joe Hamilton's revelations and admission of personal criminality will help to sink the PPP which proudly harbours him and his ilk.



Joe Hamilton's confessions in court on the investigation of Rodney's murder is indicative of the openess that exists in the ruling party. If Joe Hamilto was still with the PNC he would not have been able to speak so freely. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

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