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Growth of Region One prompted first banking institution


The Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) continues to expand its services across the country.  The bank opened a new branch in Port Kaituma, Region One, the first banking institution in the North West District.


Housed in a building that is also home to the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and the Guyana Gold Board (GGB) branches, the GBTI Port Kaituma branch was commissioned today before Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, the bank’s executives and residents of the community.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds delivers brief remarks at the opening of the new Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry [GBTI) branch, Port Kaituma, Region One

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds delivers brief remarks at the opening of the new Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) branch, Port Kaituma, Region One


Chairman of the Board of Directors, GBTI Robin Stoby explained that the area’s rapid development attracted the bank’s interest and propelled the decision to open the branch. The institution recognised its corporate responsibility to foster this growth, he said.


“Port Kaituma is at a stage of rapid development and that is what attracted us in coming here. You are no longer in my opinion to be considered a frontier town, you have gone beyond that and in recognition of that, you are being given the impetus to have all your hopes and aspirations and fulfill the dreams which your community has in mind,” Stoby said.


He added that the bank has an important role in the development process as, “there is strong evidence available that support the view that financial growth follows financial inclusion,” he said.


Prime Minister Samuels Hinds, Chairman of the Board of Directors, GBTI Robin Stoby and Anand Beharry opens the GBTI Port Kaituma branch, Region One

Prime Minister Samuels Hinds, Chairman of the Board of Directors, GBTI Robin Stoby and Anand Beharry opens the GBTI Port Kaituma branch, Region One


In recognition of the uniqueness of the community, Stoby said that the bank will examine the ways in which it can tailor its services to suit the needs of the community, possibly opening on Saturdays and extending its opening hours.


Prime Minister Hinds also noted the development and the progress of the area, overtime. He reminded the local businesses and the residents of their social responsibility to develop the community. Citing that GBTI’s decision to open a bank in the area as one such example, the Prime Minister challenged the residents and local businesses to do their part to build the community.


In outlining the investment made by government in the region, he explained that government will also seek to fill the development gap in the community that the corporate society and the residents will not be able to carry out.


The new GBTI branch at Port Kaituma, Region One

The new GBTI branch at Port Kaituma, Region One


Regional Chairman Paul Pierre said that the bank was the realisation of a dream for the region, and the new facility sends the message that there is development. The bank will provide safety and convenience for miners and promote saving and investment within the community while providing businesses and individuals access to credit.


GBTI, confident of the growth of Lethem, Region Nine on October 13, 2012 took the decision to relocate and upgraded its Lethem branch and also for the first time offered the ATM banking service to the community.

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