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Buzz: AFC sent to the back of the Unity Train

May 23, 2015
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The Prime Minister shall have responsibility for….Recommending Ministerial appointments and providing the organizational structures of Ministries for the approval of the President” Cummingsburg Accord February 14 2015 

Where’s Paul Harris to draw the Unity Train now with Granger and his foot soldiers commandeering the locomotive and the AFC sequestered in the caboose. The way we look at the composition of this Cabinet, aside from its failure to gain a 40/60 split of positions, the AFC has been outflanked and marginalised to the point where its power and influence is perhaps down to 20%.

But the media remains largely unquestioning celebrating the vision of the President (when it was supposed to be a coalition government), celebrating the lack of sirens on his entourage, the cleaning up of the arch. And there’s not a whisper from the AFC, not one…. but…wait…like the canary in the coal mine here comes the WPA’s Tacuma Ogunseye protesting that Granger “did not and presumably, has not seen it fit to call a meeting of the APNUs executive members to discuss and reach an agreement on our post-election responsibilities.” When asked Granger basically said he had been too busy and one would be held “hopefully this weekend or early next week.” And so much for that coalition.

Meanwhile Granger when asked about the fate of the Central Intelligence Unit which was rumoured to be spying on citizens said, “we are going to establish a National Security Agency (NSA) and that section will be incorporated into the NSA.” No thorough investigation of its past operations and a publication of a report? No. And doesn’t this fall under Ramjattan’s portfolio or has he also been stripped of responsibility for what would be a parallel security apparatus?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Holy cow. Not even in my most dire predictions did I think the AFC would be "outflanked and marginalized" in just a few days of Government.


You Jaganites have lived up to your reputations. No clue about how to artfully and skillfully maneuver in Government.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Look like dem bais in the USA leff with lil white mouth.  And how long has the PNC been on power, 7 days??


And I know they will never ever pull the plug on the Government with their 12 useless parliamentary seats (Caribj also knew this) because these hungry belly daags care more for the title, money, and rank of Ministerial office more than anything else.


Them like office NOT power. A position which the PNC is perfectly happy to cater to.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Holy cow. Not even in my most dire predictions did I think the AFC would be "outflanked and marginalized" in just a few days of Government.


You Jaganites have lived up to your reputations. No clue about how to artfully and skillfully maneuver in Government.

When I say "c00lies" stupid, I don't refer to the masses of Indians, they want to trust the judgement of their leaders.  Banna, if people read between the lines of posters like Caribj, etc, you know what's coming.  They don't lie, they tall it as it is.  But white mouths like Kari and the bunch talk too much to ever hear whats buzzing around their heads, until "Stinga" get them.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



From Day 1 these Jaganites were karponed/neutered by Granger when the Minister of State/Minister of Ministers and the super Ministry of the Presidency was unilaterally decreed and not a peep from these idiots.


And here we are, not even a week and they are effectively neutered. Even APNU the Coalition of PNC plus 3 1-voter parties where the only Member, Voter, and Leader is the same person was a fake Coalition.


This is a PNC Government run by the PNC Leader with a couple jaabs here and there for some useful idiots.


With that said, let me assure you Granger will run a decent Government. We have nothing to fear from Granger. And it's not a bad thing that Granger concentrates power into his hands. The only friend of the Indians in the new Government is Granger.


Typical coolie thinking. The only concern shown is about how much power they feel entitled to.After 23 years of PPP failure to deliver in each and everyone of the positions occupied in government one would have thought that at least the intelligent ones amongst us would have recognised that method of government as a dismal failure.

A job is only as powerful as the leadership shown in that position, and the impact it has in improving the country. its international standing, and the livelihood of its citizen. It is not, I repeat, it is not about how much you can steal and how many of your friends and family you can fix up with a job.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



From Day 1 these Jaganites were karponed/neutered by Granger when the Minister of State/Minister of Ministers and the super Ministry of the Presidency was unilaterally decreed and not a peep from these idiots.


And here we are, not even a week and they are effectively neutered. Even APNU the Coalition of PNC plus 3 1-voter parties where the only Member, Voter, and Leader is the same person was a fake Coalition.


This is a PNC Government run by the PNC Leader with a couple jaabs here and there for some useful idiots.


With that said, let me assure you Granger will run a decent Government. We have nothing to fear from Granger. And it's not a bad thing that Granger concentrates power into his hands. The only friend of the Indians in the new Government is Granger.




I too don't have any fear of Granger either.


The old PNC machinery are probably licking their fingers. That is the only fear that I have.


After reading this article, my stomach now aches. Let us give this administration 100 days and we will have a fairly good idea as to where it is headed. So far, the AFC does not appear to understand the mechanism behind power sharing and governing.


Let us still remain cautiously optimistic because right now, as you correctly pointed out, Granger is Indos only hope for now and Granger is a very decent man but we must look at a post Granger administration. Granger is 70 years old.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



From Day 1 these Jaganites were karponed/neutered by Granger when the Minister of State/Minister of Ministers and the super Ministry of the Presidency was unilaterally decreed and not a peep from these idiots.


And here we are, not even a week and they are effectively neutered. Even APNU the Coalition of PNC plus 3 1-voter parties where the only Member, Voter, and Leader is the same person was a fake Coalition.


This is a PNC Government run by the PNC Leader with a couple jaabs here and there for some useful idiots.


With that said, let me assure you Granger will run a decent Government. We have nothing to fear from Granger. And it's not a bad thing that Granger concentrates power into his hands. The only friend of the Indians in the new Government is Granger.




I too don't have any fear of Granger either.


The old PNC machinery are probably licking their fingers. That is the only fear that I have.


After reading this article, my stomach now aches. Let us give this administration 100 days and we will have a fairly good idea as to where it is headed. So far, the AFC does not appear to understand the mechanism behind power sharing and governing.


Let us still remain cautiously optimistic because right now, as you correctly pointed out, Granger is Indos only hope for now and Granger is a very decent man but we must look at a post Granger administration. Granger is 70 years old.

One again the Indian "so-called" leaders have sold out to the highest bidder.  Story of Guyana's Indians rooted in the clown CBJ!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



From Day 1 these Jaganites were karponed/neutered by Granger when the Minister of State/Minister of Ministers and the super Ministry of the Presidency was unilaterally decreed and not a peep from these idiots.


And here we are, not even a week and they are effectively neutered. Even APNU the Coalition of PNC plus 3 1-voter parties where the only Member, Voter, and Leader is the same person was a fake Coalition.


This is a PNC Government run by the PNC Leader with a couple jaabs here and there for some useful idiots.


With that said, let me assure you Granger will run a decent Government. We have nothing to fear from Granger. And it's not a bad thing that Granger concentrates power into his hands. The only friend of the Indians in the new Government is Granger.




I too don't have any fear of Granger either.


The old PNC machinery are probably licking their fingers. That is the only fear that I have.


After reading this article, my stomach now aches. Let us give this administration 100 days and we will have a fairly good idea as to where it is headed. So far, the AFC does not appear to understand the mechanism behind power sharing and governing.


Let us still remain cautiously optimistic because right now, as you correctly pointed out, Granger is Indos only hope for now and Granger is a very decent man but we must look at a post Granger administration. Granger is 70 years old.

One again the Indian "so-called" leaders have sold out to the highest bidder.  Story of Guyana's Indians rooted in the clown CBJ!


Jackass Jagan and Clown Ramoutar put Indos where they are today. These Anti-American communists did not see the big picture. 


We are a people without a leader. We better hope and pray that Granger is around for a long time.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



From Day 1 these Jaganites were karponed/neutered by Granger when the Minister of State/Minister of Ministers and the super Ministry of the Presidency was unilaterally decreed and not a peep from these idiots.


And here we are, not even a week and they are effectively neutered. Even APNU the Coalition of PNC plus 3 1-voter parties where the only Member, Voter, and Leader is the same person was a fake Coalition.


This is a PNC Government run by the PNC Leader with a couple jaabs here and there for some useful idiots.


With that said, let me assure you Granger will run a decent Government. We have nothing to fear from Granger. And it's not a bad thing that Granger concentrates power into his hands. The only friend of the Indians in the new Government is Granger.




I too don't have any fear of Granger either.


The old PNC machinery are probably licking their fingers. That is the only fear that I have.


After reading this article, my stomach now aches. Let us give this administration 100 days and we will have a fairly good idea as to where it is headed. So far, the AFC does not appear to understand the mechanism behind power sharing and governing.


Let us still remain cautiously optimistic because right now, as you correctly pointed out, Granger is Indos only hope for now and Granger is a very decent man but we must look at a post Granger administration. Granger is 70 years old.

One again the Indian "so-called" leaders have sold out to the highest bidder.  Story of Guyana's Indians rooted in the clown CBJ!

Why am I not surprised? 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



From Day 1 these Jaganites were karponed/neutered by Granger when the Minister of State/Minister of Ministers and the super Ministry of the Presidency was unilaterally decreed and not a peep from these idiots.


And here we are, not even a week and they are effectively neutered. Even APNU the Coalition of PNC plus 3 1-voter parties where the only Member, Voter, and Leader is the same person was a fake Coalition.


This is a PNC Government run by the PNC Leader with a couple jaabs here and there for some useful idiots.


With that said, let me assure you Granger will run a decent Government. We have nothing to fear from Granger. And it's not a bad thing that Granger concentrates power into his hands. The only friend of the Indians in the new Government is Granger.




I too don't have any fear of Granger either.


The old PNC machinery are probably licking their fingers. That is the only fear that I have.


After reading this article, my stomach now aches. Let us give this administration 100 days and we will have a fairly good idea as to where it is headed. So far, the AFC does not appear to understand the mechanism behind power sharing and governing.


Let us still remain cautiously optimistic because right now, as you correctly pointed out, Granger is Indos only hope for now and Granger is a very decent man but we must look at a post Granger administration. Granger is 70 years old.

One again the Indian "so-called" leaders have sold out to the highest bidder.  Story of Guyana's Indians rooted in the clown CBJ!

Why am I not surprised? 


You are not surprised for all the wrong reasons.


This is not a "Black Man baad" analysis you fool. This is the PNC as a political party checkmating another political party the AFC. That's all.


Spare us your nursery school antics.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



From Day 1 these Jaganites were karponed/neutered by Granger when the Minister of State/Minister of Ministers and the super Ministry of the Presidency was unilaterally decreed and not a peep from these idiots.


And here we are, not even a week and they are effectively neutered. Even APNU the Coalition of PNC plus 3 1-voter parties where the only Member, Voter, and Leader is the same person was a fake Coalition.


This is a PNC Government run by the PNC Leader with a couple jaabs here and there for some useful idiots.


With that said, let me assure you Granger will run a decent Government. We have nothing to fear from Granger. And it's not a bad thing that Granger concentrates power into his hands. The only friend of the Indians in the new Government is Granger.




I too don't have any fear of Granger either.


The old PNC machinery are probably licking their fingers. That is the only fear that I have.


After reading this article, my stomach now aches. Let us give this administration 100 days and we will have a fairly good idea as to where it is headed. So far, the AFC does not appear to understand the mechanism behind power sharing and governing.


Let us still remain cautiously optimistic because right now, as you correctly pointed out, Granger is Indos only hope for now and Granger is a very decent man but we must look at a post Granger administration. Granger is 70 years old.

One again the Indian "so-called" leaders have sold out to the highest bidder.  Story of Guyana's Indians rooted in the clown CBJ!

Why am I not surprised? 


You are not surprised for all the wrong reasons.


This is not a "Black Man baad" analysis you fool. This is the PNC as a political party checkmating another political party the AFC. That's all.


Spare us your nursery school antics.

So you figure out what my reasons are ....PNC has always outsmarted PPP and now they are doing it to the AFC.


The AFC is very happy

with the Coalition arrangements

so far.


No one....and I mean No one

in the AFC

is unhappy that the PPP,

its Supporters, Advisors, Consultants

are losing sleep because


1) Moses Nagamootoo:

Prime Minister and First Vice President

2) Khemraj Ramjattan:

Ministry of Public Security and Second VP


Moses & Khemraj are

Prime Minister &

Vice President respectively.......

Khemraj Ramjattan being sworn in. [iNews' Photo] 


and Jagdeo & Ramotar

are just 2 ordinary Citizens

and afraid of the De Cage.


We Understand it is Hard to Accept

Nandalall has  changed

From a Minister....To a Monkey

in 7 days....


Ramjattan Instructions

Round up all ah them

From President

to Protestor

Jump in de Cage....

From Minister to Monkey

Haul yuh ass

in De Cage

Former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali speaking to a reporter during the demonstration

Is that Razor wire

on top of the Fence

Who is worried?

Former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali speaking to a reporter during the demonstration

Who has Issues?

Former Culture Minister Dr Frank Anthony calling for the GECOM Chairman to go

Who is Confused?

Former Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn protesting

Who is Phaglee?

Former Prime Minister Sam Hinds with his placard

Is this a Homeless Bum?

PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee was seen picketing in front of the Gecom headquarters yesterday with other party members. [Photo by Arian Browne)

Where is De Goat?

Former Local Government Minister Ganga Persaud bearing a placard with a PPP slogan from the 1968 elections.

Is this Animal Farm?

Where is AFC Complaining?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Look like dem bais in the USA leff with lil white mouth.  And how long has the PNC been on power, 7 days??


And I know they will never ever pull the plug on the Government with their 12 useless parliamentary seats (Caribj also knew this) because these hungry belly daags care more for the title, money, and rank of Ministerial office more than anything else.


Them like office NOT power. A position which the PNC is perfectly happy to cater to.

Well if the AFC elect not to exercise the power that they have then that is really there problem isn't it?  They have 12 seats and the PNC a scant 17.


Any way like I said there were mumblings that Moses didn't deliver on his votes and some thought that the 40% was too much.  But 10 AFC boys and  girls have minister work, so the cabinet is now a bloated 25.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Look like dem bais in the USA leff with lil white mouth.  And how long has the PNC been on power, 7 days??


And I know they will never ever pull the plug on the Government with their 12 useless parliamentary seats (Caribj also knew this) because these hungry belly daags care more for the title, money, and rank of Ministerial office more than anything else.


Them like office NOT power. A position which the PNC is perfectly happy to cater to.

Well if the AFC elect not to exercise the power that they have then that is really there problem isn't it?  They have 12 seats and the PNC a scant 17.


Any way like I said there were mumblings that Moses didn't deliver on his votes and some thought that the 40% was too much.  But 10 AFC boys and  girls have minister work, so the cabinet is now a bloated 25.


I would be thrilled if the AFC was filled at the top with people who I thought could operate with power and within environments of power. The 2006 Afro faction crowd I have no doubt about. The Nagamootoo faction are not even intellectually equipped to see when and how the PNC is buggering them.


I guarantee you they think everything if just fine and dandy. Remember they are a two headed party. The Jaganites are outclassed and out gunned even by the mediocre intellects of a Trotman and Cathy Hughes.


Any mumblings about Moses and how many votes he delivered is irrelevant. No one can dispute he delivered enough. Even 5% or whatever is enough. 49% of the vote by itself makes Opposition. Ask the PPP.


I'll tell you something which gives me hope. The educated Blacks. I notice on social media they are the ones howling about the shabby treatment of the AFC by the PNC. Even of the treatment meted out to APNU by the PNC. I am not surprised. Which is why I always placed my faith on President Granger and the educated Blacks within the PNC in case the PNC had won which they did. The PPP Indians of course are going to re-fight the Cold War and resurrect the Soviet Union and the AFC Indians are going to be too busy at the rum shap now that they have spendin cash and groupies. The Black educated class, in Guyana and in Diaspora, will be the best hope for us all. You don't know this but every single occasion for 15 years straight (even at the top levels of ROAR) there was a great degree of respect for said class. We even warned the PPP at every opportunity to not alienate the educated Black class with unnecessary acts at a bare minimum. Of course, these mudheads don't listen because they all know that all Blacks are somehow their inferior. I don't know why they think so highly of themselves.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



From Day 1 these Jaganites were karponed/neutered by Granger when the Minister of State/Minister of Ministers and the super Ministry of the Presidency was unilaterally decreed and not a peep from these idiots.


And here we are, not even a week and they are effectively neutered. Even APNU the Coalition of PNC plus 3 1-voter parties where the only Member, Voter, and Leader is the same person was a fake Coalition.


This is a PNC Government run by the PNC Leader with a couple jaabs here and there for some useful idiots.


With that said, let me assure you Granger will run a decent Government. We have nothing to fear from Granger. And it's not a bad thing that Granger concentrates power into his hands. The only friend of the Indians in the new Government is Granger.




I too don't have any fear of Granger either.


The old PNC machinery are probably licking their fingers. That is the only fear that I have.


After reading this article, my stomach now aches. Let us give this administration 100 days and we will have a fairly good idea as to where it is headed. So far, the AFC does not appear to understand the mechanism behind power sharing and governing.


Let us still remain cautiously optimistic because right now, as you correctly pointed out, Granger is Indos only hope for now and Granger is a very decent man but we must look at a post Granger administration. Granger is 70 years old.

One again the Indian "so-called" leaders have sold out to the highest bidder.  Story of Guyana's Indians rooted in the clown CBJ!

Why am I not surprised? 


You are not surprised for all the wrong reasons.


This is not a "Black Man baad" analysis you fool. This is the PNC as a political party checkmating another political party the AFC. That's all.


Spare us your nursery school antics.

The coalition has morphed into a curious phenomenon.


There is the Ministry of the Presidency. It has, the following, Harmon, Trotman, Felix and the President. Interesting, I think before the dust settles, a few Afroes are going over to Ministry of the Presidency. That is the power clique-truly the APNU. Their agenda is very different from the PNC, WPA, GAP, JP and AFC. They appear to me as charting a course and laying the ground for serious governments of the country that has enormous wealth. And it MUST be managed well.


The PNC still has too many racist on board and will never be an inclusive party. Besides, Granger have had enough experience with PNC disagreements. He knows they could be a distraction.


The AFC has been an opportunity, but I doan think they are smart enough to see it. If they want to be relevant, they have move quickly and enhance all the ministries they were given. Job creation should be their mandate-and they have those ministries. 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Holy cow. Not even in my most dire predictions did I think the AFC would be "outflanked and marginalized" in just a few days of Government.


You Jaganites have lived up to your reputations. No clue about how to artfully and skillfully maneuver in Government.

Dude...know one thing. If the AFC does not like what Granger is doing and the PPP takes to parliament, his administration could be over like that. Lets not make mountains out of molehills. I do not understand what he is crafting with these asinine "ministries". In science we say it is building epicycles. I am sure the business people are wondering who the hell did his SWOT analysis. I would like to talk to them also.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Look like dem bais in the USA leff with lil white mouth.  And how long has the PNC been on power, 7 days??

They're getting punched in the gut and don't even know it or too ashamed to acknowledge it.  

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. You don't know this but every single occasion for 15 years straight (even at the top levels of ROAR) there was a great degree of respect for said class. We even warned the PPP at every opportunity to not alienate the educated Black class with unnecessary acts at a bare minimum. Of course, these mudheads don't listen because they all know that all Blacks are somehow their inferior. I don't know why they think so highly of themselves.


ROAR is seen by educated blacks as being even MORE racist than they see the PPP as being.  Scratch an educated black and you will see a teacher, nurse, post master, mid wife, tradesman. This was the origins of the black middle class, combined with those pork knockers who didn't waste their money.


People who played valiant roles in an era when the British and the local white Guyanese didn't give a damn about the masses.  They worked hard, provided good service, and were paid next to nothing.  Even though they didn't particularly like Indians they treated them fairly.


So when Ravi Dev gets on TV and screams that blacks are violent and have made no contribution to Guyana he alienates educated black people who know their history and who know that it was the African slaves who tamed coastal Guyana with the drainage systems, rendering it hospitable.  And it was they who established the village management systems that gave the masses the confidence to confront the colonial administrators.  And it was they who established the first labor movement when they successfully went on strike in the 1840s, forcing the planters to improve their wages.


So don't come with your usual excuses for Indian racism.  Ravi Dev is either stupid, or he doesn't know educated black people. I think that Ravi is a bigot and those who followed him must clearly also have been, as I have never heard any speak out against him.


Now as to Granger.  He is doing what he did to the various factions within the PNC.  Maybe exploiting the divisions within the AFC.  Maybe the Trotman/Hughes faction are using Granger to marginalize the Nagamootooo group, who they might see as interlopers.  It seems evident to me that it is this faction who seem to have done well in ministerial appointments.


As I said the AFC has the tools to defend themselves, but if they don't, that is their problem.  Politics is about power and Granger operates with that principle.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Look like dem bais in the USA leff with lil white mouth.  And how long has the PNC been on power, 7 days??


And I know they will never ever pull the plug on the Government with their 12 useless parliamentary seats (Caribj also knew this) because these hungry belly daags care more for the title, money, and rank of Ministerial office more than anything else.


Them like office NOT power. A position which the PNC is perfectly happy to cater to.

Well if the AFC elect not to exercise the power that they have then that is really there problem isn't it?  They have 12 seats and the PNC a scant 17.


Any way like I said there were mumblings that Moses didn't deliver on his votes and some thought that the 40% was too much.  But 10 AFC boys and  girls have minister work, so the cabinet is now a bloated 25.

CaribJ I hope you are not Blaming AFC for the size of the Cabinet picked by Granger.

It is Simple ....

If the Total was 10....

APNU would have got 6 & AFC 4


If the Total was 15

as Granger said earlier...

APNU would have got 9 & AFC 6....


If Granger Decide to make it 100 

as APNU-AFC agreement states...

APNU would have got 60 & AFC 40....

So what is the Problem.


If Granger Choose to make

all his 17 MP's Minister

why are you Complaining?


What is more Important

 if they will all work together

and Deliver their Election Promises..


Granger has some great Plans

and he cannot do it all by himself.


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