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Buzz: Critics unleashed as honeymoon cut short

Oct 12, 2015

(Chronicle photo) 

“Without this influx of foreign currency, our currency would devalue and there are already worrying signs that the US dollar is trading at G$209 to US$1 instead for the G$200 to US$1 that held for years,” warns the Times as part of its narrative that the economy is being neglected mismanaged by the current administration. They are assisted today by former PPP cheerleader and Pradoville II house lot recipient Ramesh Dookhoo whose only suggestion seems to be speeding up customs clearances and awarding of contracts.  As we have written before, the economy has been running on fumes for the past two years. As for the exchange rate let’s go to the Bank of Guyana half year report 2014: “At the non-bank cambios, the average buying rate increased from G$200.43 to G$205.35 at end June 2014. The average selling rate grew to G$209.02 from G$204.81 in 2013. ” As of last week the rates were $205/$210.

NewsSource reports on the Ban Ki-moon layover and also adds that “an investigative team from the UN Secretary General’s office will arrive in Guyana tomorrow to begin talks with the Guyana government on the border controversy involving neighbouring Venezuela.”

SN Editorial: “Appointing international civil servant Dr Richard Van West-Charles as the new Chief Executive (CE) of the Guyana Water Inc (GWI) is another ill-advised decision by the APNU+AFC administration that immediately leads reasonable minds to question whether the coalition is truly wedded to separating itself from the debased culture of the former PPP/C government….So no matter how it is spun, packaged or transmogrified, the appointment of Dr Van West-Charles will be seen for what it is – another job for the boys and in this instance one that can have serious repercussions on an ailing, poorly performing, vital utility.”

Anand Goolsaran: “This column joins in condemnation of the Government’s move, and calls on the Government to rescind its decision to grant Ministers a 50% increase in salaries. If there is going to be an increase, it should not exceed that which has been given to public servants.” (SN)

Ralph Ramkarran probably gave Basil an instant headache with this one: “when…Chief Justice (Ag) Chang retires, the President has two options, namely, to require the acting Chancellor to resume his substantive post as Chief Justice and appoint a Chancellor or, appoint a Chief Justice.”Should the President adopt the first option of appointing a Chancellor, then he will face substantial difficulty, according to Ramkarran.
He believes that there is no one in Guyana, in the private bar who would be age qualified and willing, or in the judiciary, who is currently qualified, save for the two judges of the Court of Appeal.” (KN)

In brief…

Government will soon table a bill that would permit financial institutions to disclose customer information to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) when the agency makes a “lawful request” for the information..Head of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) Dr Clive Thomas told Stabroek News that the unit is awaiting new legislation as well as reformed laws to comprehensively move to recover stolen state assets.”

Henry Jeffrey warns the government will feel the repercussions of their pay increases at local government elections “While these people (the APNU/AFC supporters) may not vote for the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), they certainly wouldn’t go to the polls…This would stay in the public’s mind until the next national elections also. So there is no question about this,” (Times)

Meanwhile former Agri minister and financier Leslie Ramsammy repeats the dangerous lie: “They wrecked the rice industry by causing a collapse of the market and the price for paddy because it is a Private Sector business.” Perhaps if he had worked harder to diversify the market away from Venezuela especially as they had repeatedly said the agreement would eventually end then it would not have been so catastrophic.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"Without this influx of foreign currency, our currency would devalue and there are already worrying signs that the US dollar is trading at G$209 to US$1 instead for the G$200 to US$1 that held for years,” warns the Times as part of its narrative that the economy is being neglected mismanaged by the current administration."


On May 11th PPP lost the Elections,

AFC & APNU cut their ass.....


Now we are finding out....

The Former PPP President & 5 Ministers

Plus Luncheon and other Top PPP officials

will be charged in the Pradoville Scandal.....


 PAGE 01

How will this help

PPP chances

at any future election ...



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

On May 11th PPP lost the Elections,

AFC & APNU cut their ass.....



Nothing is more constant than change. People are forever seeking changes. Just like they did on May 11th. They thought they were getting change. But what a difference a few months make. In just a few short months, many of those people who voted for change are probably thinking; "why did I allow myself to be duped"

Originally Posted by ksazma:
; "why did I allow myself to be duped"

What they are thinking is that APNU/AFC=PPP.  Don't fool yourself that they are yearning for the return of Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
; "why did I allow myself to be duped"

What they are thinking is that APNU/AFC=PPP.  Don't fool yourself that they are yearning for the return of Jagdeo.

I don't know what they are yearning for. I do know that the government has deviated from their campaign promises. The human mind is programmed to focus on the pain of the most recent punch.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Remember folks, PNC did this in six months. Guyana is headed into economic disaster under the PNC.

Did you read the article properly stupid man? The exchange rate has been at 205/210 since last year as stated "As for the exchange rate let’s go to the Bank of Guyana half year report 2014: “At the non-bank cambios, the average buying rate increased from G$200.43 to G$205.35 at end June 2014. The average selling rate grew to G$209.02 from G$204.81 in 2013. ” As of last week the rates were $205/$210."


I was just in Guyana and the exchange rate is $205 just as it was last November when I was there. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
; "why did I allow myself to be duped"

What they are thinking is that APNU/AFC=PPP.  Don't fool yourself that they are yearning for the return of Jagdeo.

I don't know what they are yearning for. I do know that the government has deviated from their campaign promises. The human mind is programmed to focus on the pain of the most recent punch.

Every day they are reminded about how corrupt the PPP was.  To them APNU/AFC=PPP.  The notion that those who voted for the coalition will deflect back to the PPP is a joke. More likely they will simply refuse to vote.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Remember folks, PNC did this in six months. Guyana is headed into economic disaster under the PNC.

Did you read the article properly stupid man? The exchange rate has been at 205/210 since last year as stated "As for the exchange rate let’s go to the Bank of Guyana half year report 2014: “At the non-bank cambios, the average buying rate increased from G$200.43 to G$205.35 at end June 2014. The average selling rate grew to G$209.02 from G$204.81 in 2013. ” As of last week the rates were $205/$210."


I was just in Guyana and the exchange rate is $205 just as it was last November when I was there. 

I like the post but this is real reaaalll nice


"Did you read the article properly stupid man?"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
; "why did I allow myself to be duped"

What they are thinking is that APNU/AFC=PPP.  Don't fool yourself that they are yearning for the return of Jagdeo.

I don't know what they are yearning for. I do know that the government has deviated from their campaign promises. The human mind is programmed to focus on the pain of the most recent punch.

Every day they are reminded about how corrupt the PPP was.  To them APNU/AFC=PPP.  The notion that those who voted for the coalition will deflect back to the PPP is a joke. More likely they will simply refuse to vote.

Not improbable. I don't know about the voting patterns of Guyanese. When I lived there, the PNC had already voted for me on election day.


I believe that American Republicans take voting more seriously than Democrats. That is why so many Republicans win offices. To get the Democrats out to vote the candidate has to be extra-special like Obama. That is why the Democrats lost ground in 2010, 2012 & 2014.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

On May 11th PPP lost the Elections,

AFC & APNU cut their ass.....



Nothing is more constant than change. People are forever seeking changes. Just like they did on May 11th. They thought they were getting change. But what a difference a few months make. In just a few short months, many of those people who voted for change are probably thinking; "why did I allow myself to be duped"



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