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GTUC against salary negotiations at tripartite level PDF | Print |
Written by Kwesi Isles
Thursday, 26 January 2012 18:34
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FLASHBACK: The three parties meeting on December 1 at Parliament Building.

As the parliamentary political parties prepare for the tripartite talks set to begin on Friday one trade union group is taking the AFC to task for having wages and salary increases for public servants on its agenda.

President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday invited the two opposition parties to meet and the AFC identified the budget and salary increases as two of its concerns.

According to party chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, they will be pushing for a 20 percent increase but would settle for eight or 10 percent with reason. On Thursday the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) commended the party for taking on board Labour’s interests but added that it wished to record “serious concern for its modus operandi in achieving these objectives outside of the realm of discussions, negotiations and agreement with the GTUC and /or the public sector represented unions.”

“According to the a statement from GTUC General Secretary Lincoln Lewis their commendable intent are in conflict with the Constitution, the Trade Union Recognition Act, and ILO Conventions.

“AFC must also be aware that its actions may also be interpreted as being supportive of poor governance, breach of industrial practices, and giving President Ramotar encouragement to micro manage by ignoring the respective Ministerial portfolios. Importantly, such actions also leave no room to appeal to the presidential office if and when the need arises,” Lewis stated.

According to him, Labour would welcome the political support but disregarding the trade unions right to self-determination is “tantamount to violating fundamental rights, undermining the labour movement and continuing the spate of lawlessness which Guyana is still reeling from.”

Lewis said it is this they expect the AFC to change in order to ensure accountability, peaceful co-existence and national development.

“GTUC while recognizing the need for public sector salaries and wages increases is not prepared to have any organization, group or individual regardless of our common interest, usurp the authority of unions and undermine labour’s role in representing workers.

We expect the AFC not to join forces with President Ramotar to transgress workers’ rights, undermine ministerial portfolios, and violate our laws whether knowingly or unknowingly,” Lewis declared.

He called on the AFC to postpone such salary talks until it has had proper engagement with the unions and worker representatives to hash out a plan with the bodies playing their rightful role with support from the party.

Meanwhile, Leader of the Opposition and APNU chairman David Granger told Demerara Waves Online News ( on Thursday that the coalition is looking forward to the start of the tripartite talks which it believes is important to advance the programme of governance.

Acknowledging that the meeting is being held at the invitation of the president, Granger said they will be going with an open mind but nevertheless they will be looking to put certain things on the table.

These include the improvement of public financial management, constitutional reform and the strengthening of public institutions.

Friday’s meeting is set for 3PM at the Office of the President.

I told you that stupid ass Ramjattan wants to do GPSU Collective Bargaining negotiations. The man does not know Labour Law at all. He should go back to Law School.

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