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GTUC flays Gov’t for not consulting Unions on bonus

December 15, 2015 1:19 pm Category: latest news A+ /A-


President of the GTUC, Lincoln Lewis. [iNews' Photo]

President of the GTUC, Lincoln Lewis. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – The Guyana Trade Unions Congress (GTUC) says while it welcomes the announcement by the APNU+AFC administration that that public servants will receive a year-end bonus, it is not at all pleased with the process that led to that decision.


In a statement on Tuesday, the Union body stated that attention cannot be lost to the fact that government at all times is required to uphold the rule of law.

The Ministry of Finance revealed in a statement on December 14 that a one off tax free payment of fifty thousand ($50,000.) will be made to all active public sector workers earning less than five hundred thousand dollars($500,000.) monthly.

“The payment of this bonus, in the absence of an engagement and concurrence with the trade unions that represent public sector workers is another act of violating Article 147 of the Guyana Constitution and Trade Union Recognition Law Section 23 (1) and transgressing the rights of workers,” the release stated.

The government was put on notice that consistent with industrial relations principle this bonus is now part of the condition of employment for public servants.

“For while an employer can chose to put something in place, that employer has no authority under the law to remove it. As such come 2016 and onward workers shall be entitled to their year-end bonus unless the unions agree otherwise. There is an established precedent.”nurses

Industrial relations is not about gut feeling; it is guided by a body of principles, rules and laws, the body noted.

The GTUC  is calling on the government to all times be shrewd in its decision-making and more so to consult in order to make decisions consistent with time honoured principles, laws and rights.

“While this and many other acts may be well intentioned government has to be mindful that the process it engages in does not undermine good intentions and bring disrepute to its stewardship.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In a statement on Tuesday, the Union body stated that attention cannot be lost to the fact that government at all times is required to uphold the rule of law.


What you talkin' about Willis?

skeldon_man posted:

In a statement on Tuesday, the Union body stated that attention cannot be lost to the fact that government at all times is required to uphold the rule of law.


What you talkin' about Willis?

HEHEHE   What DICTATORS know about Rule of Law????

Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:

In a statement on Tuesday, the Union body stated that attention cannot be lost to the fact that government at all times is required to uphold the rule of law.


What you talkin' about Willis?

HEHEHE   What DICTATORS know about Rule of Law????

I am sure Lincoln Lewis met the Furor before.

skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:

In a statement on Tuesday, the Union body stated that attention cannot be lost to the fact that government at all times is required to uphold the rule of law.


What you talkin' about Willis?

HEHEHE   What DICTATORS know about Rule of Law????

I am sure Lincoln Lewis met the Furor before.

Are you actually trying to say Fuhrer?

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:

In a statement on Tuesday, the Union body stated that attention cannot be lost to the fact that government at all times is required to uphold the rule of law.


What you talkin' about Willis?

HEHEHE   What DICTATORS know about Rule of Law????

I am sure Lincoln Lewis met the Furor before.

Are you actually trying to say Fuhrer?

skeltonman is a professor  

Mr.T posted:

All that the government has to do to put the union in its place is to cancel the bonus and blame it on the union. Watch what will happen to those PPP puppets.

I had the same thought banna.

These fkin bad minded people are all sleazes, all we hear is sheer complain,bitch,whine, holy frik man.

This is probably the reason why the Govt doesn't give these fkers the time of day with explanations. You do bad or good,same dam thing, so screw 'em.


Hey. The bonus will go a far way to helping workers. I am wondering what the bonus is for. Is it tied to some level of work productivity, etc. Or is that asking too much in terms of public sector workers. The coalition knew that it made a mistake not giving public sector workers a larger wage increase when it gave itself one, knew that LGE was around the corner and that it needs to appease its supporters, lied when it said that there was no money left by the previous administration. This bonus goes to almost all of the public service workers. Tye government knows that the TUC is like a barking poodle. All noise and no action. It was the same situation when the government granted a pay raise to public sector workers without consultation. 


The government does not need to consult any union if they want to give out a bonus or a pay rise. There is only a consultation granted if the unions and its members are not happy with the amount of the pay rise.

But it does strike me as strange that the Guyanese union does not know what a bonus is or what it is for. As they say, if you need to ask why you getting more money then you don't feel you deserve it.


Mr. T, I thought that the previous government was criticized by the TUC and the GPSU over the issue of no consultation over the annual pay raises given to public sector workers. Also, is it the union? I think that the government is the one that does not know what a bonus is given for. Furthermore, it strikes me as inconsistent that the coalition government has given a pay raise and bonus to the public sector workers while the commission of inquiry on making the Public service more effective and efficient is still going on and no report is in sight  while holding that sugar workers are denied pay raise because as the government holds, the commission of inquiry report has not been completed or ready to be acted on.



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