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Former Member

The Statements of Poll tell the real story

Dear Editor,


The alteration of the vote count per party list by GECOM pushed the turnout in some areas to surpass the actual amount of registered voters. In normal credible elections, this is a practical impossibility unless there is artificial padding of the declared results.

Unfortunately, Guyana, in particular, Region No. 4 found itself in such a position. As a real example, there is box #4082, which was situated in the village of Herstelling.  On the statement of polls, the amount listed for the APNU+AFC was 14 votes but the GECOM official called 114 votes which if tabulated would have caused a voter turnout of 112% of the person on the official voters’ list assigned to that polling station.  That translates to some 12% phantom voters as called by GECOM’s official Mrs. Cummings on March 13, 2020.  Under the laws of Guyana, this amounts to fraud and a criminal act on the part of GECOM and its officials.

But why are GECOM and the PNC by way of their candidate Ulita Moore trying to deny the nation a complete, accurate and valid recount of the ballots?  The table below will expose why. This table outlines some of the results in the PPP/C strongholds in Region No. 4 as ascertained from Statements of Poll that are in the possession of the Chief Election Officer of GECOM, Mr. Keith Lowenfield.


From the table, it can be seen that the PPP/C won handsomely in some key areas in Region #4. For example – in Mon Repos/Good Hope/ Lusignan there were some 13,556 persons on the voters’ list but only 75% or 10,161 persons actually voted.  Among those 10,161 persons, 93% or 9,451 voted for the PPP/C while a paltry 580 persons or 6% voted for the APNU+AFC.

The same story continues at Enmore/Foulis where 88% or 4,439 of the actual voters voted for the PPP/C. Even in the Amerindian villages of St Cuthbert’s and Waikabra on the Linden Highway, the PPP/C trounced APNU+AFC by winning 74% and 75% of the valid votes respective.

What was surprising was that, even in his own hometown of Pearl, the PPP/C gave Mr. Granger a shellacking by winning some 60% of the votes in that area.

So when the ballots are finally recounted, it will reveal that Mr. David Granger and Chairwoman Claudette Singh are the ones who are really deluding themselves as to the final numbers for Guyana. It becomes even more clear as the days go by that Mr. Granger and Justice Claudette Singh are singing from the same song sheet.


What is absolutely clear as the evidence continues to settle, it that it is within Justice Claudette Singh’s power to motivate GECOM to push forward with a recount but what is clear is that she is not interested in causing such an outcome. What is happening is that she continues to issue empty statements but all of her actions run contrary to her empty statements.

Yours faithfully,

Sasenarine Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Otis Singh-Smith

Guyana do you know #GECOM posted SOPs at all polling places after counting the ballots in party agents/observers presence. PPP & APNU AFC had agents at ALL polling places. GECOM gave both parties agents copies too. Today APNU AFC and GECOM are mortally afraid to show Guyana their copies. Why?


Claudette Singh paid for my groceries and I was convinced


This analysis traces the origin of the plan by the PNC to rely on GECOM to see it through the travails of the 2020 national elections. The reasons will be outlined below.
A newspaper column will do serious intellectual butchery to the analysis. Either an elongated version of this paper will be done in some other forum or other aspects will be contained in future pieces of mine. For now, readers will have to accept these brief offerings.
It all began with the results of the 2015 election. The PNC knew it had lost the AFC votes, and maybe forever. It could no longer bank on 25,000 non-PNC votes coming its way in 2020. The statements of poll for 2015 revealed that the AFC had haemorrhaged so many votes that just a smattering of AFC ballots took APNU+AFC in front of the PPP with a zero point three percent margin.
In 2015, the plan to rely on GECOM for the 2020 election was born. The first act of the play was to magnify the power of PNC ministries to ensure state resources would be expanded to concretize the totality of PNC presence in the land. The Ministry of the Presidency was created to bypass the jurisdiction of the prime minister. A majority of non-PNC ministries had a junior PNC minister.
From 2015, the PNC had to live with ghosts of 2020 stalking it. If it lost the AFC constituencies, then it had to rely on substantial increases from other demographical areas. Three focuses were born – get the youth vote, increase the mixed race support, and put all effort into wooing the Amerindian people.
What happens if this does not take them over the line? GECOM was the fall-back position. The evidence was emblazoned on the curtains of Guyana’s windows that the PNC was planning a reliance on GECOM.
Two pieces of evidence could not be argued against. Granger rejected all names for GECOM chair from the list of 30 submitted by Jagdeo, even though at least three were eligible. And his choice was unpalatable. For the rigorous task of running GECOM, he selected a person of 84 years.
His choice of Justice James Patterson worked. Patterson ushered in house to house registration that dissolved the effects of the no-confidence vote, because GECOM said it would not be in a position to conclude the exercise before February 2020, putting the election somewhere in May 2020.
Patterson was instrumental in facilitating Roxanne Myers to displace Vishnu Persaud as Deputy Chief Election Officer. The ERC on investigating Persaud’s complaint arrived at two conclusions – Persaud was more qualified and experienced than Myers, and that Patterson misled the ERC when he said he voted against Persaud because he was of shaky and flaky character. It turned out that Patterson never saw or met with Persaud.
The plan to rely on GECOM was weakened by the decision of the CCJ to have Patterson removed. Here is where confusion stepped in, and the PNC was temporarily blindsided. The stratagem was to do Patterson number 2. The excuse was to cite the CCJ ruling, which according to Granger, gave him the right to choose his own GECOM chairman.
Jagdeo knew Granger was going for Patterson number 2, and preempted him by giving him Claudette Singh. I don’t buy the theory that Singh was a plant from the beginning. I met Singh, a month before the election at the DSL supermarket on Sheriff Street. She insisted on paying my whopping grocery bill. We talked and I was convinced that she wanted a free, fair, credible, respectable election.
Singh started off creating headaches for APNU+AFC. She reversed house to house registration, speeding up an election date that APNU+AFC was not comfortable with; chose not to remove electors who never collected ID cards; sided with Shuman in his presidential candidacy which both the PPP and PNC did not want; and weakened Lowenfield’s strategy of removing the number of polling stations in PPP’s strongholds.
Since March 4, Singh has destroyed her legal legacy and her national credibility, but was she an original insider when Granger accepted her candidacy? Singh knew from early Tuesday morning (March 3) the results of the election. But she became an object of the PNC’s implorations, pressures, and maybe threats.
The PNC truly, sincerely, really believed that it had won a narrow victory because of the turnout in Region 4. But the lead after 9 districts were counted was too great to catch up, even with a victory in Region 4. APNU+AFC panicked. It embraced “deus ex machina”. It was monstrous and uncivilized. The rest is history.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)


It amazes me how conveniently race is inserted into our National discussions when in fact the issue is about national election rigging.

Kit Nascimento reply to Hamilton Green.

Dear Editor,

My friend and long time political colleague, in a letter published in the State owned Guyana Chronicle (21st March, 2020), says that “recent statements…of mine has been cause for worry and disbelief”. I know that the Chronicle will not publish my response and I ask, therefore, that the independent media do so.

It does not surprise me that Hammy, as is his right, will defend the interest, as he perceives them, of APNU+AFC, but I am appalled that he has descended to attacking me racially. Because I am of Portuguese descent, Hammy has suggested that I am somehow less entitled to speak my mind on national affairs than he is as a Guyanese of African descent. Then, perhaps, we should all pack up and leave Guyana to its Indigenous people.

Of all the people that I have known well and respected throughout my, admittedly, long life, in and out of politics in Guyana, Hammy Green is the last that I would have expected to question who I am, as always first, a Guyanese.

It must be that when I served in the Cabinet alongside of Hammy for eight years under Forbes Burnham, I was a “good Guyanese Portuguese”.

It must be that when our country’s reputation was seriously threatened and under siege from the American media from the Jonestown massacre, when I was assigned by President Burnham to speak for Guyana in the US, on NBC’s Today Show hosted by Tom Brokaw, on the Walter Cronkite Newscast and some other 20 odd television interviews in the space of one week, I was a “good Guyanese Portuguese”. It would not be lost on Hammy, who likes to recall the past, that while I was defending Guyana’s honour before the American media, our Minister of Information, Shirley Field-Ridley, his wife, at home, made herself totally unavailable to the international media.

It must be that when I joined Forbes Burnham’s delegation, at his invitation, on his first official visit to the US after Independence and helped write his first speech as Guyana’s Prime Minister to the Washington Women’s Press Club on 22nd July, 1966, that I was “a good Guyanese Portuguese”. There is much more on that visit that I could relate.

It must be that when I compiled Burnham’s most critical speeches to tell his story with the assistance of Reynold Burrows, published as A Destiny to Mould in 1970 by Longman Caribbean and which remains the only major publication documenting his speeches and public statements from 1955- 1969, I was a “good Guyanese Portuguese”.

It must be that when I came home from New York and was appointed by President Desmond Hoyte to serve as the head of the Guyana Public Communications Agency and as his Special Advisor for three years, I was “a good Guyanese Portuguese”.

It must be, however, that now I speak out against an unvarnished, ugly and barefaced attempt to rig the election results, I have become “a bad Guyanese Portuguese”, according to Hammy, one with “disdain for certain ordinary folks” and with “deep-seated prejudices”. No Hammy, I am the same man just speaking the truth and the same man that I know you recently recommended to receive the Golden Arrow of Achievement.

Hammy refers me to the confrontation between Jonathan Yearwood (ANUG’s Observer) whom he describes as a “Portuguese - local white” (who happens to be Guyanese) and Carol Joseph whom he describes as “a small built Afro Guyanese female” and asks why not a word of condemnation from me.

I was there as an accredited Observer when Carol Joseph arrived at GECOM. She immediately, in a loud and exceedingly offensive tone, proceeded to direct the Returning Officer as to how he should be conducting the process. She then proceeded to hurl insults and threats at the Local Observers and Party Agents in the room who sought to challenge the Returning Officer’s presentation of the count. I heard her threaten to stamp Yearwood in his mouth.

I had left the room when the incident between Yearwood and Joseph occurred. From the video I have seen, it appears that both of them are at fault and should have known better.

Hammy accuses me of “suggesting that APNU+AFC is trying to rig the elections”. I have not said that but, as Forbes Burnham often used to say, “who the cap fit let him pull the string”.

Hammy further cautions that I “should know that you don’t make statements of that kind without credible evidence”. I was there at GECOM. What more credible evidence do I need than my own eyes and ears? I witnessed the GECOM Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, present a series of alleged numbers of votes recorded to each of the political parties from a spreadsheet, not the Statements of Poll, which bore no resemblance to the SoPs in the possession of the Observers and Party Agents present in the room.

When the Party Agents sought to point out the discrepancies, Mr. Mingo simply ignored them, his officers continuing with the count at a pace that was almost impossible to follow.

The Diplomatic Community and International Observers also in the room, recognizing that the pretence at following the Chief Justice’s (ag) directions to Mr. Mingo to resume the count from the SoPs had become a farce, left the room. I left shortly after.


If Hammy and his APNU+AFC comrades need further credible evidence, I suggest they read the statement from the Commonwealth Observer Group to Guyana deployed here by Secretary General, Patricia Scotland, herself, which amongst other things, points to:

• “The unlawful declaration made by Mr Mingo on the 5 March at about 2p.m, despite the tabulation process being halted.
• The continued failure of the Returning Officer, Mr. Mingo, to comply with the 11 and 13 March orders and judgments of the Acting Chief Justice. On 13 March, the Chief Justice made patently clear that actual statements of poll should be shown to entitled parties present. For the avoidance of doubt, the Acting Chief Justice demonstrated herself how this should be done and enquired ‘what was the difficulty in doing so’ during the contempt of court proceedings.
• However, on resuming the tabulation after leaving the Court on 13 March, Mr Mingo refused all requests from those entitled to be present to view the actual statements of poll and did not display the spreadsheet being populated. This compromised the process of ascertaining the credibility of the statements of poll relied on by Mr Mingo to tabulate the results: and, it was impossible for the party agents and those entitled to be present to observe that the numbers being called out were being accurately entered on the spreadsheet.
• In some cases, the tabulation totals announced by Mr Mingo on 13 March reflected more votes than were entered on the list of eligible electors for certain polling stations.
• At no point did the leadership of the Guyana Elections Commission halt or rectify these blatant instances of disregard for the rule of law and electoral ethics, despite its vested authority to independently ensure credible elections”.

Hammy is pretty good at his history but I must point out to him that the Melvilles and the Harts involved in the Rupununi uprising in 1969 were not of Portuguese descent. My brother, Martin Nascimento, who was a Captain in the GDF at the time, incidentally, was actively involved in putting down that contemptible rebellion. My brother also played a commanding role in defending Guyana against the Surinamese invasion at the New River Triangle.

I end by asking a simple question. If indeed the APNU+AFC believe that the declaration of the results in other Regions such as 3, 6 and 5, are questionable, then why the resistance to holding a recount of all 10 Districts under the supervision of a Caribbean presence?

I feel certain that when a recount is held and the facts established, that my small part in seeking to defend what is right against what is wrong, will be vindicated and, hopefully, Hammy Green and I will resume our friendship.

Yours sincerely,
Kit Nascimento


Guarding our democracy has now become a national movement with increased recognition from the global community. Its not about party affiliation, race nor religion, its about protecting our freedoms, freedoms the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan, Walter Rodney and many other spent their lives fighting for. So those PNC loyalists can continue to bury their heads in the sand and ignore the threats that are before us.

I say to the APNU/AFC loyalists, ask your leaders why they are against a recount OF ALL TEN REGIONS when they are claiming victory.

Image may contain: 3 people


Sasenarine Singh picking a few PPP strongholds and doing some kind of "analysis" proves nothing .  This is utter trash--what is he  trying to show?  If he wants to be taken seriously he should address the question of why the PPP fake results show an almost 10% increase over 2015 in Region 4, while the Coalition's share is static.  This is contrary to the trends elsewhere and virtually a statistical impossibility.  Among several other areas here is where the PPP is trying to pull a fast one.  They will not succeed.

Totaram posted:

Sasenarine Singh picking a few PPP strongholds and doing some kind of "analysis" proves nothing .  This is utter trash--what is he  trying to show?  If he wants to be taken seriously he should address the question of why the PPP fake results show an almost 10% increase over 2015 in Region 4, while the Coalition's share is static.  This is contrary to the trends elsewhere and virtually a statistical impossibility.  Among several other areas here is where the PPP is trying to pull a fast one.  They will not succeed.

If you are serious, you should support "COUNT ALL THE VOTES". You are brain dead. The people spoke and they don't want another term of fraudsters. COUNT ALL THE VOTES. If the PNC believes that they won, COUNT ALL THE VOTES. Until you support COUNT ALL THE VOTES, STFU. The PNC has been notorious riggers and friggers to get their way. When rigging fails, kerosene and match will fix it.

Totaram posted:

Sasenarine Singh picking a few PPP strongholds and doing some kind of "analysis" proves nothing .  This is utter trash--what is he  trying to show?  If he wants to be taken seriously he should address the question of why the PPP fake results show an almost 10% increase over 2015 in Region 4, while the Coalition's share is static.  This is contrary to the trends elsewhere and virtually a statistical impossibility.  Among several other areas here is where the PPP is trying to pull a fast one.  They will not succeed.

Sasenarine is showing what APNU is afraid to disclose. Why is APNU afraid to show their SOPs, why are they afraid to  have recount and put this matter to rest.

After counting 9 Regions, PPPC was leading by 52,000 votes It is a know fact, that APNU was loosing supporters in Region 4, and PPPC has caught up with PNC, because citizens were migrating into Region 4 from other regions to seek jobs. 


You and your cabals will not succeed.


PPPC has won the election by 18,000 votes. 

Last edited by Former Member

So if people were migrating to Region 4 how come the number of voters increased in the places they left.   Lowenfield has the SOPs.  In a sworn affidavit he affirmed that fact.  Of course he will show them when the legal obstacles are removed.  What cabals are you talking about?  Just feel like using a word?  it is better used to describe the crooks at the hijacked Freedom House.

Totaram posted:

So if people were migrating to Region 4 how come the number of voters increased in the places they left.   Lowenfield has the SOPs.  In a sworn affidavit he affirmed that fact.  Of course he will show them when the legal obstacles are removed.  What cabals are you talking about?  Just feel like using a word?  it is better used to describe the crooks at the hijacked Freedom House.

What is stopping him to do so now or before all this nastiness? There is no law or injunction stopping him from doing so anytime. I hope he shows the signed SOPs and not manufactured spread sheets.


If Mingo has the audacity to violate the CJ's instruction which jackass will insist that Lowenfield is in the least concerned about lying on a sworn affidavit? These PNC goons are behaving like they think PNC party paramountcy is back. Well, leh dem try deh. Trump already want America guh back tyh wuk by Easter which will be long before the PNC and their supporters are done making silly arguments to support the mischief of the PNC.


If the coalition thinks that it won the election, then it has nothing to lose by allowing the counting of the ballots to verify Mingo’s numbers. Why are you people here who are defending the coalition cannot see that? Why wholesale, unthinkingly accept and regurgitate the coalition’s narrative? What are you scared of? 

I voted on March 2 and I want the votes from my polling station to be verified through the SOP and count towards determining the winner of the elections.  I want that if there are disputes regarding what the SOP indicates, then do a recount of the ballots. I want the stalemate to end and for the country to move forward. Especially dealing with the threat of the virus. Which one of you out there who do not want a recount actually live here in Guyana and have to live here with the consequence of what is happening? It is easy to pontificate and post your views, wrong they are, when you do not have to face the consequences.


Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  


Then Guyana sits idly like a piece of waste land with no ability to do anything except write local checks to locals. Exxon will continue pulling oil out of the sea and selling it but the proceeds of that oil will remain frozen in the US. The PNC has never been known for intelligence. Brute ignorance and violence, sure but intelligence, never.

Totaram posted:

So if people were migrating to Region 4 how come the number of voters increased in the places they left.   Lowenfield has the SOPs.  In a sworn affidavit he affirmed that fact.  Of course he will show them when the legal obstacles are removed.  What cabals are you talking about?  Just feel like using a word?  it is better used to describe the crooks at the hijacked Freedom House.

Are you saying the total of votes cast in those Region out number the electorate- No APNU/ PNC raise this issues. 

We saw in Region 4 APNU has more votes in the boxes than electorate... explain that one. 


... and then allowed one of his candidates to stall the whole process. Who do you think is financing the court case and paying the high priced legal team? But then again, you playing blind. 

The coalition’s aim is to have the coalition  declared the winner and Granger sworn in as president. Then any election petition, like the one in 2015, will languish in the courts. Yes, we are in for a long court battle all the way to the CCJ. But, in the end, they will have to vacate government.

Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 


The PPP is responsible for the present crisis. For 23 years they squatted in office. As a result of their failure to reform the PPP backed Burnham constitution, they are not beating their chest and wailing. Look how dem kick Ralph to the curb.



It is all in the grand scheme of things. He knows what he doing, better than the lawyers or his lawyers are smarter than the PPP ones. Grangers has alot of judges to pick their brains. All of this is not happening as it goes along, there is a plan. It appears. Since he appointed Patterson.


So far, every lawyer that has represented the Coalition since the NCV has been a major failure. They have won nothing outside of the two Appellate Court idiots who  displayed a gross lack of understanding both English and arithmetic.

Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

Ayo hypocrisy?  Don't talk about honesty.  The PPP and honesty don't go together.  Now you want Granger to dictate to private citizens what to pursue and what not to pursue in the courts?  

Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

So now you are saying that Granger is not a Dictator. Jagdeo would have never allowed it. Right?

Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

Granger doesn't control members of the party , every member have a DEMOCRATIC right to choose ,what they deem fit.

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

So now you are saying that Granger is not a Dictator. Jagdeo would have never allowed it. Right?

The true DICTATOR is Putinisque ,them throwing the label on Granger ,who only on office for five years.

Putinisque hurling threats to the Citizens of Guyana ,who supports the Coalition ,making some kind of list with names for sanctions by his government ,that's "if" he gets to sit on the throne.

That fella getting crazy !!!

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

Granger doesn't control members of the party , every member have a DEMOCRATIC right to choose ,what they deem fit.

Remember what you said when Charrandas voted against the Coalition. He didn't follow party lines, the LIST. At that time you choose not the word DEMOCRATIC. How convenient.

Totaram posted:
Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

Ayo hypocrisy?  Don't talk about honesty.  The PPP and honesty don't go together.  Now you want Granger to dictate to private citizens what to pursue and what not to pursue in the courts?  

You have to be a jackasss! why would a candidate file an injunction to stop her own party  from proceeding to a recount. Doesn’t she wants to know the results.  My dogs  kennel in Guyana  is bigger than her house, how can she afford those lawyers... Ayo believe people stupid ... Ayo can’t succeed. The world watching.  

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

Granger doesn't control members of the party , every member have a DEMOCRATIC right to choose ,what they deem fit.

Remember what you said when Charrandas voted against the Coalition. He didn't follow party lines, the LIST. At that time you choose not the word DEMOCRATIC. How convenient.

Interesting to see how he will run from this ... heh heh .. good one KP. 

Dave posted:
Totaram posted:
Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

Ayo hypocrisy?  Don't talk about honesty.  The PPP and honesty don't go together.  Now you want Granger to dictate to private citizens what to pursue and what not to pursue in the courts?  

You have to be a jackasss! why would a candidate file an injunction to stop her own party  from proceeding to a recount. Doesn’t she wants to know the results.  My dogs  kennel in Guyana  is bigger than her house, how can she afford those lawyers... Ayo believe people stupid ... Ayo can’t succeed. The world watching.  

What gives you the right to call anyone a jackass?   You are too dense to understand simple things.  Jagdeo gat ayo bassidy.  And who is this ayo you talkin bout? 

Dave posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

Granger doesn't control members of the party , every member have a DEMOCRATIC right to choose ,what they deem fit.

Remember what you said when Charrandas voted against the Coalition. He didn't follow party lines, the LIST. At that time you choose not the word DEMOCRATIC. How convenient.

Interesting to see how he will run from this ... heh heh .. good one KP. 

Check out what Freddie K ,said about the NCM.

Democracy means different things to different people ,there are lots of articles on the subject ,try to read some.

Totaram posted:
Dave posted:
Totaram posted:
Dave posted:
Totaram posted:

Didn't Pres. Granger ask for the recount?  You must know the rest.  The courts are now involved in what could be a long process.  What happens if one of the pending decisions is appealed ultimately to the CCJ.  

If Granger was honest in his asking for recount, why did he allowed his own candidate to file a injunction to stop the recount. The world seeing  Ayo hypocrisy. 

Ayo hypocrisy?  Don't talk about honesty.  The PPP and honesty don't go together.  Now you want Granger to dictate to private citizens what to pursue and what not to pursue in the courts?  

You have to be a jackasss! why would a candidate file an injunction to stop her own party  from proceeding to a recount. Doesn’t she wants to know the results.  My dogs  kennel in Guyana  is bigger than her house, how can she afford those lawyers... Ayo believe people stupid ... Ayo can’t succeed. The world watching.  

What gives you the right to call anyone a jackass?   You are too dense to understand simple things.  Jagdeo gat ayo bassidy.  And who is this ayo you talkin bout? 

This is normal traits with most  who support Jagdeo and his ways.  When they fail to have a logical discussion, the revert to name calling and other degrading attitudes. This attitude is causing huge problems with the youth in Guyana. 

Mitwah posted:

The PPP is responsible for the present crisis. For 23 years they squatted in office. As a result of their failure to reform the PPP backed Burnham constitution, they are not beating their chest and wailing. Look how dem kick Ralph to the curb.


You know that to change thee constitution, one party alone cannot do it.  Look at your guys, the coalition.  They did nothing with this issue even though they said that it would have been a priority for them. Moses and Ramjattan really like the Burnham constitution now that they are accustomed to using it to access soup.

As far as I understand, Ralph sent himself to the curb.  Somewhere I heard that he was offered the presidency instead of Jagdeo but he refused it. You have been around longer in this political stuff so you might have heard the same.

Ralph thought that a lot of voters will be attracted to ANUG because of his past association with the PPP.  Well, he was proved wrong. Heck, there were more rejected ballots  than ANUG votes.  I feel sorry for Ralph and Timothy.  They are intelligent guys.  If they stay in the game, maybe next time they will have more traction.  Timothy really shone during the District 4 count controversy.



The results from the elections continue to be marred in controversy since the declaration of votes in Guyana’s largest voting district – Region Four – was deemed to be fraudulent by opposition parties, international elections observers and foreign powers here.




UK again warns of serious consequences if election processes not credible

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The United Kingdom has threatened Guyana with “strong international condemnation” if a Government is sworn in on the basis of ‘non-credible’ results from the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said, “Any government sworn in on the basis of non-credible results will face strong international condemnation. If the situation continues to deteriorate, this international response will include a range of serious consequences for those concerned.”

He noted that the “UK remains ready, along with its partners, to assist in ensuring a credible process that provides the democratic outcome that the Guyanese people deserve.”

The UK Foreign Secretary urged that the transition of Government should only take place in line with “transparent and democratic principles that lead to credible results.”

On March 10, 2020, the Foreign Secretary expressed “deep concern” about the elections process here and called on incumbent President, David Granger “to preserve the principle of free, fair and credible elections.”

The results from the elections continue to be marred in controversy since the declaration of votes in Guyana’s largest voting district – Region Four – was deemed to be fraudulent by opposition parties, international elections observers and foreign powers here.

An agreement between the Opposition Leader and the incumbent President for a CARICOM supervised national recount of votes has since been blocked by the High Court following an injunction filed by one of the President’s own candidates.

This matter is still engaging the attention of the court.

See the UK’s Foreign Secretary full statement on Guyana below:

24 March 2020

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab responds to the situation in Guyana following elections earlier this month.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

The transition of government in Guyana should only take place in line with transparent and democratic principles that lead to credible results.

Any government sworn in on the basis of non-credible results will face strong international condemnation. If the situation continues to deteriorate, this international response will include a range of serious consequences for those concerned.

The UK remains ready, along with its partners, to assist in ensuring a credible process that provides the democratic outcome that the Guyanese people deserve. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab


Dr. Frank Anthony


I hope this is not true. But it was brought to my attention that testing for COVID 19 must now go through the “Minister’s Office” for a decision. When that decision is made and the person is tested the results have to return to the Minister’s office, before dissemination.

If this is so, then it is patently wrong on several grounds. The first is that this artificial delay is endangering lives, both of the patient and health care staff that came in contact with the patient. Secondly, there is a breach of doctor-patient confidentiality. Thirdly, why is the “minister” inserting herself into a matter that she has no clinical competence to decide.

To allay our fears, the Ministry of Public Health should publish clear guidelines on testing for COVID-19 so that the general public can be made aware of the process


An independent sovereign country for the East Indian people of Guyana, Douglas who love their Guyanese East Indian Heritage and Allies of the East Indian people of Guyana.


A Mugabe enterprise name Guyana will always be an anti-koolie shit hole failed state.




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