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Former Member


Reflection, you can vote out corruption, you can’t vote out Dictatorship.

40 years ago I was forced out of Guyana by the Burnham regime , I left my friends and family to restart my life in a new and different environment , I never held this against my fellow Guyanese, although one race was disadvantaged, I knew then, as I do now that this was a handful of corrupt and ambitious persons, devoid of integrity, moral fiber or morality and who operated on pure greed and self interest, these persons have no empathy for the masses most of who are hoodwinked into believing the propaganda being spoon fed to them , some who won’t even care if they were cheating the system and their fellow Guyanese , these people will scheme , plot and plan to steal your democratic rights without any moral regard to the devastating effects it will have on the majority of the people this is the main reason we have our sons and daughters of this land living in foreign places with some of their children not even knowing their heritage , the end results will be the same, mass suffering of the poor and disadvantage, affecting the very same people who are supporting this corruption if the system, more voting by the feet by Guyanese to escape all over again, so that a few corrupt persons can enjoy the spoils of our Country.

It seems with yesterday Thursday 26th March declaration by Harmon that they will allow the recount , ONLY in the form of a election Petition, what good this will do in a Dictatorship is beyond me , that they intend to have Justice Holder allow Gecom to swear in Granger on fraudulent results, this die was cast since the rejection of the Gecom list, the fake COI to get rid of Seelall, and the unilateral appointment of the Chancellor and Chief Justice, the rejection of suitably qualified Gecom staff , and finally the appointment of the disgraceful Claudette Singh, doesn’t anyone find it strange that the CJ can recluse Navindra Singh Injunction Motion and handle the case herself but allows Justice Holder to hear this case , what is the difference and where is the consistency ?

We are in for a ride, possibly air and sea embargo’s, shortages of medicine and other commodities, we will become worst than Venezuela overnight, such a different scenario that what promised to be the start of our time to shine , we are right back where we were 40 years ago !

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I knew then, as I do now that this was a handful of corrupt and ambitious persons, devoid of integrity, moral fiber or morality and who operated on pure greed and self interest, these persons have no empathy for the masses most of who are hoodwinked into believing the propaganda being spoon fed to them , some who won’t even care if they were cheating the system and their fellow Guyanese , these people will scheme , plot and plan to steal your democratic rights without any moral regard to the devastating effects it will have on the majority of the people this is the main reason we have our sons and daughters of this land living in foreign places with some of their children not even knowing their heritage , the end results will be the same, mass suffering of the poor and disadvantage, affecting the very same people who are supporting this corruption if the system, more voting by the feet by Guyanese to escape all over again, so that a few corrupt persons can enjoy the spoils of our Country.

 PNC and their CABALS fit this category. 

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Why you calling out my nick ?? Do i say DAVE this and DAVE that ?

Please don't link my nick to any one ,I will remove my NICK ,who vex ..vex.

Thank you.

It goes with the territory . SA

kp posted:
Django posted:

Why you calling out my nick ?? Do i say DAVE this and DAVE that ?

Please don't link my nick to any one ,I will remove my NICK ,who vex ..vex.

Thank you.

It goes with the territory . SA

No Sir. !!!

Django posted:

Why you calling out my nick ?? Do i say DAVE this and DAVE that ?

Please don't link my nick to any one ,I will remove my NICK ,who vex ..vex.

Thank you.

I Understand and respect your request , now I cannot insert PNC. since you have remove your name, please add PNC and their in front of Cabals. thank you.


Peter Ramsaroop

27 March 1980, (40 Years today) My dad took us out of a PNC Dictatorship Rule in Guyana. We were only allowed $25 USD each. We had to start life all over again in the USA. We struggled for quite a while, but the sacrifice of my Parents to give us the opportunity to be successful was rewarded. After a successful Military Career, including a War where we risked our lives to remove a dictator from Kuwait and to protect democracy and freedoms of the Kuwait People, a subsequent Pentagon tour, and a great Private Sector Career, I retired fully in 2004 and officially REMIGRATED to Guyana, although I was part of the political process in Guyana since 1999. THIS IS WHY in 2020, to see the Dictatorship of the PNC all over again is alarming and must be stopped. We cannot allow our children to go thru what some of us had endured under the previous dictatorship. We must stand up for democracy, freedom and our right for our Vote to Count. Join us to ensure democracy prevail.


Bai me remember too all I was allow to bring was $ 25 us when I immigrate. De sooner Merika put bounty on dem rass de better fuh all Guyanese. Jail cells waiting some a dem in USA. Mazaruni fuh vulva Volda. Trump going to use de election year to crush neighbouring dictators Venezuela and Guyana. God bless 🇺🇸 

Last edited by Former Member
Tom posted:

Bai me remember too all I was allow to bring was $ 25 us when I immigrate. De sooner Merika put bounty on dem rass de better fuh all Guyanese. Jail cells waiting some a dem in USA. Mazaruni fuh vulva Volda. Trump going to use de election year to crush neighbouring dictators Venezuela and Guyana. God bless 🇺🇸 

I was luckier. My peace corp friend gave me some money and I had a cashier's check with me. That was almost 50 years ago.

Dave posted:


Hang all dem skont in de Illegal PNC administration. Is de same thing Burnham did wid journalists. I hope cancer mek granger pass Shyte out of his mouth !!! 

Don’t be silenced by dem PNC Max, the PNC is just digging demselves in a deeper hole. FK Granger and PNC !!!

Everyone please share dis on Facebook and for Americans send it to your Senators and House of Representatives 

Last edited by Former Member

Darkness has returned to Guyana, but this time under the bright glare of social media and the world.  

The PNC will not prevail and when they fall, the ringleaders and their henchmen should be arrested are dealt with by the law.

They know what they have triggered so desperation mounts with each passing day. 

Last edited by Former Member

West Dem. nurses, other staff prevented from entering hospital


Some nurses, maids, dispensary and x-ray staff at the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH) in Region Three have been prevented from entering the compound.

When the employees showed up for work Friday morning, they observed that the staff from the screening tent in the compound were not there and the employees were instructed not to enter the compound; no reason was given.

The tent was being used to screen persons for symptoms of COVID-19 before they enter the hospital.

The employees are currently standing outside the hospital unsure of what to do next.


The West Demerara Regional Hospital [Photo: News Room]
When the News Room arrived at the scene, a representative of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) Monica Walters came out and instructed the employees not to speak with the media.


But some employees who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the health workers are also calling for protective gears; they allege that there is no running water, no Lysol, no masks and gloves to execute their duties as Guyana battles the COVID-19.


The employees standing outside the hospital [Photo: News Room]
The News Room understands that hospital officials instructed some nurses, doctors and those who worked in the screening tent Thursday not to return to work Friday.


At the scene, a woman who identified herself as the Regional Executive Officer instructed the News Room team to leave and failure to do so, she will call the Police to remove the team


Barbados is a US$5B economy with a population of 285,000 persons and is able to access US$80m to assist with the fight against Covid-19 ... while Guyana is a US$3.5B economy with a 750,000 population and cannot access US$5m for the same purpose because we have an illegitimate election rigging govt with the APNU-AFC just wanting to hang on to office.

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Baseman posted:

Darkness has returned to Guyana, but this time under the bright glare of social media and the world.  

The PNC will not prevail and when they fall, the ringleaders and their henchmen should be arrested are dealt with by the law.

They know what they have triggered so desperation mounts with each passing day. 

Their problem is while everyone else had entered the 21st century, they were still stuck in the stone age.

Dave posted:

West Dem. nurses, other staff prevented from entering hospital


Some nurses, maids, dispensary and x-ray staff at the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH) in Region Three have been prevented from entering the compound.

When the employees showed up for work Friday morning, they observed that the staff from the screening tent in the compound were not there and the employees were instructed not to enter the compound; no reason was given.

The tent was being used to screen persons for symptoms of COVID-19 before they enter the hospital.

The employees are currently standing outside the hospital unsure of what to do next.


The West Demerara Regional Hospital [Photo: News Room]
When the News Room arrived at the scene, a representative of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) Monica Walters came out and instructed the employees not to speak with the media.


But some employees who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the health workers are also calling for protective gears; they allege that there is no running water, no Lysol, no masks and gloves to execute their duties as Guyana battles the COVID-19.


The employees standing outside the hospital [Photo: News Room]
The News Room understands that hospital officials instructed some nurses, doctors and those who worked in the screening tent Thursday not to return to work Friday.


At the scene, a woman who identified herself as the Regional Executive Officer instructed the News Room team to leave and failure to do so, she will call the Police to remove the team

Maybe the GDF is doing the COVID-19 screening. 

Dave posted:

Barbados is a US$5B economy with a population of 285,000 persons and is able to access US$80m to assist with the fight against Covid-19 ... while Guyana is a US$3.5B economy with a 750,000 population and cannot access US$5m for the same purpose because we have an illegitimate election rigging govt with the APNU-AFC just wanting to hang on to office.

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More kickass to come. This is only the beginning. And that Devonshire jackass will learn of all of them through twitter. 


PNC manufacturing crisis to hang on illegally to power. Nobody ain’t buying. Guyana doesn’t have a minister of Health. All they have is a cancer monster hanging on to power.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Why you calling out my nick ?? Do i say DAVE this and DAVE that ?

Please don't link my nick to any one ,I will remove my NICK ,who vex ..vex.

Thank you.

I Understand and respect your request , now I cannot insert PNC. since you have remove your name, please add PNC and their in front of Cabals. thank you.

Done !!!


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