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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:



They certainly are a sick bunch of morons here who would not set foot in Guyana but yet they think the people who reside there should be thankful for their thiefin govt.

Hahhaha, I was thinking the same about you afc/pnc creeps. You don't live or set foot in Guyana but yet you wish cockeye and the others to rule over the nation. In fact you will note that the Guyanese public elected the PPP over the afc/pnc coalition. 

Drugee would not give up his food stamps.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Cobra:




You see:


1. Evil


2. Violence


3. Brutality


4. Savagery


5. Hatred





There is some cleansing to be done in Guyana.




You represent all that is  so horribly wrong with our society and the reason we are heading to calamity. The racism is palatable.  That a  dispicable, corrupt, dictatorial government whose incapacity to prepare for a simple protest gets a pass and those standing up for what the believe is deemed the criminal and worthy of a "cleansing" ( harkening to the extrajudicial murders of the present regime and their phantom crew) tells us why this "eye pass" everywhere cannot continue.


If this regime cannot control its greed and direct its means to securing necessary ends ie changes to our constitution for transparency and accountability, then  they will be forced to do so by revolutionary means. Good cannot come from evil and you folks are among the most despicable corrupt thinking racists ever.






Listen folks! What we have seen in Guyana over the past 21 years under the astute leadership of the PPP is economic development and human progress. Now, let's be honest and truthful. Guyana is not there yet. Good things take time. But a little progress each day adds up to big results.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Listen folks! What we have seen in Guyana over the past 21 years under the astute leadership of the PPP is economic development and human progress. Now, let's be honest and truthful. Guyana is not there yet. Good things take time. But a little progress each day adds up to big results.







 Rqmotar is the epitome of a toady and the template of the avaricious crook. He squatted on two boards raking in cash while one failed and the other raped us blind. Meanwhile he implanted his kids into prime leech jobs and that resulting in his previously church mouse status was morphed into a fat piggie plutocrat in 20 short years.


That he simply shuffled the crook jagdeo personnel means he will do nothing for us. He will remain a pedestrian leader and a successful parasite  to the end because that is is his manner and mode and methodology. The is nothing redemptive in that infernal carcass.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Ramotar is the epitome of a toady and the template of the avaricious crook.






You are obviously consumed by envy and jealousy! It deeply pains you to see the victories and the remarkable successes President Donald Ramotar is having as President. May your heart and soul continue to be tortured.hahahaha



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Cobra:




You see:


1. Evil


2. Violence


3. Brutality


4. Savagery


5. Hatred





There is some cleansing to be done in Guyana.




You represent all that is  so horribly wrong with our society and the reason we are heading to calamity. The racism is palatable.  That a  dispicable, corrupt, dictatorial government whose incapacity to prepare for a simple protest gets a pass and those standing up for what the believe is deemed the criminal and worthy of a "cleansing" ( harkening to the extrajudicial murders of the present regime and their phantom crew) tells us why this "eye pass" everywhere cannot continue.


If this regime cannot control its greed and direct its means to securing necessary ends ie changes to our constitution for transparency and accountability, then  they will be forced to do so by revolutionary means. Good cannot come from evil and you folks are among the most despicable corrupt thinking racists ever.

Storm is very envious of the progress under the PPP. Your bitterness is reflective of your post. Get used to the PPP because they will govern Guyana for another 100 years.


Your heroes like Burnham and Hoyte destroyed Guyana and you are deeply hurt that even the PNC Indians cannot help your cause. 


You are calling for a revolution. Ask your buddy Nigel what happened to him, Karma bit him in the rear. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Cobra:




You see:


1. Evil


2. Violence


3. Brutality


4. Savagery


5. Hatred





There is some cleansing to be done in Guyana.




You represent all that is  so horribly wrong with our society and the reason we are heading to calamity. The racism is palatable.  That a  dispicable, corrupt, dictatorial government whose incapacity to prepare for a simple protest gets a pass and those standing up for what the believe is deemed the criminal and worthy of a "cleansing" ( harkening to the extrajudicial murders of the present regime and their phantom crew) tells us why this "eye pass" everywhere cannot continue.


If this regime cannot control its greed and direct its means to securing necessary ends ie changes to our constitution for transparency and accountability, then  they will be forced to do so by revolutionary means. Good cannot come from evil and you folks are among the most despicable corrupt thinking racists ever.

Storm is very envious of the progress under the PPP. Your bitterness is reflective of your post. Get used to the PPP because they will govern Guyana for another 100 years.


Your heroes like Burnham and Hoyte destroyed Guyana and you are deeply hurt that even the PNC Indians cannot help your cause. 


You are calling for a revolution. Ask your buddy Nigel what happened to him, Karma bit him in the rear. 

 Why do you not scour your mind for whatever residue of moral substance remains there and address the salient fact that this man is mediocrity personified?


Do you think that attributing "heroes" do me that are despicable makes what I say any less salient? To the contrary; they highlight what abject morally dessicated cretins your folks are.


Nigil is not my buddy, friend or acquaintance having never even spoken, written or exchanged passing pleasantries. I doubt that Leslie's or Priya's affliction has anything to do with Karma. I guess you have to count their ailments "blessings" is you want to be consistent. But that is never a habit of yours.


I bet if that fat pig Ramotar keels over from his cholesterol laden arteries you will loath to conjure up karma as your excuse. Note, that has a  predictably finite possibility if he does not take care to lose some weight.  If people do not take care of their health they suffer prematurely and the bullshit about karma has nothing to do with it. Further, claiming pandit credentials ought to inform you that karma used that way ( as retributive) is plainly stupid.


You may parse the relationship in government in terms of Karma and kind  so it is no surprise your idle prattle about "envy" and "bitterness" are your selected word salad. To me and to most people it is about management and acquired  skills in a framework that constrains theft that seeds good government. We presently have mediocrity encased in the autocratic PPP coven of crooks with no oversight so they are inevitably corrupted absolutely.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:



They certainly are a sick bunch of morons here who would not set foot in Guyana but yet they think the people who reside there should be thankful for their thiefin govt.

Hahhaha, I was thinking the same about you afc/pnc creeps. You don't live or set foot in Guyana but yet you wish cockeye and the others to rule over the nation. In fact you will note that the Guyanese public elected the PPP over the afc/pnc coalition. 


I'd much prefer "cock-eye" to rule rather than what they had before, "cock-less" and what they have now, "dickhead"

Whadya think bout that Goads?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am positive and will be no part of your bitterness. Get used to the PPP because they will govern Guyana for another 100 years.


As for your revolution call, ask the thugs in Linden and Agricola what happened to them. You seem to have a very distorted view of politics.

I really don't know why anyone would waste time and answer your posts, you have definitely proven time and again on this board that you do not have a mind of your own and are a friggin moron...and that's me being polite.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am positive and will be no part of your bitterness. Get used to the PPP because they will govern Guyana for another 100 years.


As for your revolution call, ask the thugs in Linden and Agricola what happened to them. You seem to have a very distorted view of politics.

Dude, you are indeed on a racist high tonight. What will make the PPP a dynasty in Guyana surpassing most that ever existed in a world where people must vote and agree to live by that vote? Only in your silly ignorant magical thinking will a people let themselves be marginalized and oppressed by crooks for that long and not take them out. Note, they are there under the guise of democracy. As long as that falls away and it is happening, they are just another Markos or Suharto or Pinochet waiting for the axe to fall.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Debate and stop hiding behind the curtain and shouting Race, Race. Man up and debate.

 Do you think that anything remotely from you ever meets the bar of a premise? Sorry debates are about argumentation and you have to know what that means first.


And stupid man, every sentence in the previous post progresses from an affirmed position to a conclusion. I can lay them out as syllogism if you so desire. You are so bloody ignorant it is purely a waste of time to talk to you.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am positive and will be no part of your bitterness. Get used to the PPP because they will govern Guyana for another 100 years.


As for your revolution call, ask the thugs in Linden and Agricola what happened to them. You seem to have a very distorted view of politics.

Dude, you are indeed on a racist high tonight. What will make the PPP a dynasty in Guyana surpassing most that ever existed in a world where people must vote and agree to live by that vote? Only in your silly ignorant magical thinking will a people let themselves be marginalized and oppressed by crooks for that long and not take them out. Note, they are there under the guise of democracy. As long as that falls away and it is happening, they are just another Markos or Suharto or Pinochet waiting for the axe to fall.

Unlike your heroes like Burnham and Hoyte who rigged and ruled Guyana, the recent elections in Guyana were certified as free and fair and can withstand any scrutiny even with your distorted mind.


International observers certified the elections as being free and fair. Get used to the PPP in office for another 100 years. Take your revolution and shove it.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am positive and will be no part of your bitterness. Get used to the PPP because they will govern Guyana for another 100 years.


As for your revolution call, ask the thugs in Linden and Agricola what happened to them. You seem to have a very distorted view of politics.

Dude, you are indeed on a racist high tonight. What will make the PPP a dynasty in Guyana surpassing most that ever existed in a world where people must vote and agree to live by that vote? Only in your silly ignorant magical thinking will a people let themselves be marginalized and oppressed by crooks for that long and not take them out. Note, they are there under the guise of democracy. As long as that falls away and it is happening, they are just another Markos or Suharto or Pinochet waiting for the axe to fall.

Unlike your heroes like Burnham and Hoyte who rigged and ruled Guyana, the recent elections in Guyana were certified as free and fair and can withstand any scrutiny even with your distorted mind.


International observers certified the elections as being free and fair. Get used to the PPP in office for another 100 years. Take your revolution and shove it.

 SInce you spoke of debate and argumentation, let me illustreate what a moron you are.


First, you affirm burnham is my hero. from what source do you affirm that except it is hatched in that duncified mind?


Again, free and fair as protocol does not mean just. Were you possessed of a brain in your head you would know the westminister system works well in fairly homogenized societies where differences is in terms of merit and not on religion or race.


Ours is bifurcated by race with a history of racially adversarial positions coming from the taxing of freed slaves to subsidize Indentureship, to the homesteading laws to keep Africans on the plantation to the use of Africans as colonial enforcers etc. The westminister system cannot be fair in such a system with its executive presidency and its winner take the state as its prize approach.


International observers has increasingly adding their comment that we are heading for disaster without political accommodation. The carter center has taken a view that we have to reform our society or we are heading to a racial conflagration. Carter's press secretary once commented we are among the worlds' most divided society. You and your naked racist stance is and example of that.


It is not my revolution moron. It is what scholars predict with fairly accurate results as to what  happens to societies as ours. The world is abundant with states whose descent into conflict on account of a failure to find accommodation. Find one conflicted state that existed for a hundred years and I will say you are a genius to presume the PPP will be there for that long.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I bet if that fat pig Ramotar keels over from his cholesterol laden arteries you will loath to conjure up karma as your excuse.




It is crystal clear that your malice, hatred, and resentment for the leader of Guyana, Mr. Donald Ramotar, is sincere and authentic.


May you continue to suffer inwardly Stormborn---may your your heart and soul be forever poisoned with bile and bitterness. You are doomed Stormy---DOOMED.hahahahaha





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Ramotar is the epitome of a toady and the template of the avaricious crook.






You are obviously consumed by envy and jealousy! It deeply pains you to see the victories and the remarkable successes President Donald Ramotar is having as President. May your heart and soul continue to be tortured.hahahaha



 Why? Unlike him my grandfather worked hard and left a legacy. It served to give me a basis where I can stand on my own. This lot live by robbing poor people. I rather be a drunk on skid row than a pillager of a people.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I bet if that fat pig Ramotar keels over from his cholesterol laden arteries you will loath to conjure up karma as your excuse.




It is crystal clear that your malice, hatred, and resentment for the leader of Guyana, Mr. Donald Ramotar, is sincere and authentic.


May you continue to suffer inwardly Stormborn---may your your heart and soul be forever poisoned with bile and bitterness. You are doomed Stormy---DOOMED.hahahahaha





 Just a warning to a crook that he has overlooked his health. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Just a warning to a crook that he has overlooked his health. 



It looks like you are telling us about yourself---you likely overlooked your health---was bedridden---and now you are trying to catch up.





Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Alberta Progressive Conservative Party from 1971 to current = 43 continuous years and counting.


Ontario Progressive Conservative Party with 42 years.


Nova Scotia Liberal Party with 43 years.

Are these also corrupt Governments DG?

Individuals have their views.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Alberta Progressive Conservative Party from 1971 to current = 43 continuous years and counting.


Ontario Progressive Conservative Party with 42 years.


Nova Scotia Liberal Party with 43 years.

Are these also corrupt Governments DG?

Individuals have their views.

I read this as "No" correct?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Alberta Progressive Conservative Party from 1971 to current = 43 continuous years and counting.


Ontario Progressive Conservative Party with 42 years.


Nova Scotia Liberal Party with 43 years.

Are these also corrupt Governments DG?

Individuals have their views.

I read this as "No" correct?

Another way ... Each individual has his views on the issue,

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Alberta Progressive Conservative Party from 1971 to current = 43 continuous years and counting.


Ontario Progressive Conservative Party with 42 years.


Nova Scotia Liberal Party with 43 years.

Are these also corrupt Governments DG?

Individuals have their views.

I read this as "No" correct?

Another way ... Each individual has his views on the issue,

Another way...NAHHhhh or how bout...Nope?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Just a warning to a crook that he has overlooked his health. 



It looks like you are telling us about yourself---you likely overlooked your health---was bedridden---and now you are trying to catch up.





 Bet ridden? Sorry, never was. I had a piece of shrapnel that pierced my skull when I fell of my dirt bike that caused headaches. 


I currently have a flat stomach, presently walk more than 3 miles daily and is just waiting for it to warm up to take to the woods with my bike. I presently do 8 min per in my  twice a week three mile run and is sure Jabba the Hutt would take that long to get 3 blocks.


And if I die in the morning I know for sure Karma has nothing to do with it because you are too much of a dunce to find our what it really mean and is simply projecting your mistaken definition on it to harmonize with a mistaken view.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Bet ridden? Sorry, never was. I had a piece of shrapnel that pierced my skull when I fell of my dirt bike that caused headaches. 


I currently have a flat stomach, presently walk more than 3 miles daily and is just waiting for it to warm up to take to the woods with my bike. I presently do 8 min per in my  twice a week three mile run and is sure Jabba the Hutt would take that long to get 3 blocks.


And if I die in the morning I know for sure Karma has nothing to do with it because you are too much of a dunce to find our what it really mean and is simply projecting your mistaken definition on it to harmonize with a mistaken view.

You have a chronic habit of inventing new personalities and experiences for your self. Now you run and walk 3 miles, a pittance for any serious aerobic enthusiast, but a stretch for you who has a vivid imagination and prone to invent experiences just to fit in to a conversation.  


I am surprised you admit to a shrapnel in your head from riding, I would have taught you would invent a more colorful reason such as fighting in Vietnam or Iraq. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Just a warning to a crook that he has overlooked his health. 



It looks like you are telling us about yourself---you likely overlooked your health---was bedridden---and now you are trying to catch up.





 Bet ridden? Sorry, never was. I had a piece of shrapnel that pierced my skull when I fell of my dirt bike that caused headaches


I currently have a flat stomach, presently walk more than 3 miles daily and is just waiting for it to warm up to take to the woods with my bike. I presently do 8 min per in my  twice a week three mile run and is sure Jabba the Hutt would take that long to get 3 blocks.


And if I die in the morning I know for sure Karma has nothing to do with it because you are too much of a dunce to find our what it really mean and is simply projecting your mistaken definition on it to harmonize with a mistaken view.

Well, I hope you make a full recovery as, it seems now, this is clearly affecting your logic, judgement and overall behavior.  I will excuse your bad behavior as you are clearly not "together".

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Bet ridden? Sorry, never was. I had a piece of shrapnel that pierced my skull when I fell of my dirt bike that caused headaches. 


I currently have a flat stomach, presently walk more than 3 miles daily and is just waiting for it to warm up to take to the woods with my bike. I presently do 8 min per in my  twice a week three mile run and is sure Jabba the Hutt would take that long to get 3 blocks.


And if I die in the morning I know for sure Karma has nothing to do with it because you are too much of a dunce to find our what it really mean and is simply projecting your mistaken definition on it to harmonize with a mistaken view.

You have a chronic habit of inventing new personalities and experiences for your self. Now you run and walk 3 miles, a pittance for any serious aerobic enthusiast, but a stretch for you who has a vivid imagination and prone to invent experiences just to fit in to a conversation.  


I am surprised you admit to a shrapnel in your head from riding, I would have taught you would invent a more colorful reason such as fighting in Vietnam or Iraq. 

would it please you if I send you a link to the walks I have done? Tell  me when you joined mapmyride and I will include you in as being able to see what I do and when I did it. This year I noticed I already walked over 290 miles. 


I do not usually walk as a group but with my dogs.  I started doing  it regularly because my wife wanted to go on "Girl Trek"  and the weather was too cold and muddy for the biking trails to be opened.  Let me know when you joined and I will send you a a link to be able to join our group.




I walk every day but sometimes I forget to turn on the GPS. Here is what I logged this month. Note Even on days when nothing is listed I would have walked.




seems it does not want to take a paste and I cannot upload from this PC since for security reasons I cannot run flash. In any event...let me know when you join and I will let you see what we do.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Bet ridden? Sorry, never was. I had a piece of shrapnel that pierced my skull when I fell of my dirt bike that caused headaches. 


I currently have a flat stomach, presently walk more than 3 miles daily and is just waiting for it to warm up to take to the woods with my bike. I presently do 8 min per in my  twice a week three mile run and is sure Jabba the Hutt would take that long to get 3 blocks.


And if I die in the morning I know for sure Karma has nothing to do with it because you are too much of a dunce to find our what it really mean and is simply projecting your mistaken definition on it to harmonize with a mistaken view.

You have a chronic habit of inventing new personalities and experiences for your self. Now you run and walk 3 miles, a pittance for any serious aerobic enthusiast, but a stretch for you who has a vivid imagination and prone to invent experiences just to fit in to a conversation.  


I am surprised you admit to a shrapnel in your head from riding, I would have taught you would invent a more colorful reason such as fighting in Vietnam or Iraq. 

would it please you if I send you a link to the walks I have done? Tell  me when you joined mapmyride and I will include you in as being able to see what I do and when I did it. This year I noticed I already walked over 290 miles. 


I do not usually walk as a group but with my dogs.  I started doing  it regularly because my wife wanted to go on "Girl Trek"  and the weather was too cold and muddy for the biking trails to be opened.  Let me know when you joined and I will send you a a link to be able to join our group.

I don't walk as yet, meaning I can still run as the joints are holding out. Running is a solitary event for me as it is therapeutic and it clears the mind, especially the long runs. The other day in Guyana I ran from gt to monrepos along the seawall, a fulfilling run. Don't need a posse for this type of activity. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Bet ridden? Sorry, never was. I had a piece of shrapnel that pierced my skull when I fell of my dirt bike that caused headaches. 


I currently have a flat stomach, presently walk more than 3 miles daily and is just waiting for it to warm up to take to the woods with my bike. I presently do 8 min per in my  twice a week three mile run and is sure Jabba the Hutt would take that long to get 3 blocks.


And if I die in the morning I know for sure Karma has nothing to do with it because you are too much of a dunce to find our what it really mean and is simply projecting your mistaken definition on it to harmonize with a mistaken view.

You have a chronic habit of inventing new personalities and experiences for your self. Now you run and walk 3 miles, a pittance for any serious aerobic enthusiast, but a stretch for you who has a vivid imagination and prone to invent experiences just to fit in to a conversation.  


I am surprised you admit to a shrapnel in your head from riding, I would have taught you would invent a more colorful reason such as fighting in Vietnam or Iraq. 

would it please you if I send you a link to the walks I have done? Tell  me when you joined mapmyride and I will include you in as being able to see what I do and when I did it. This year I noticed I already walked over 290 miles. 


I do not usually walk as a group but with my dogs.  I started doing  it regularly because my wife wanted to go on "Girl Trek"  and the weather was too cold and muddy for the biking trails to be opened.  Let me know when you joined and I will send you a a link to be able to join our group.

I don't walk as yet, meaning I can still run as the joints are holding out. Running is a solitary event for me as it is therapeutic and it clears the mind, especially the long runs. The other day in Guyana I ran from gt to monrepos along the seawall, a fulfilling run. Don't need a posse for this type of activity. 

 Did not mean for you to join us as in comradeship. I meant join so you can see what we do so you do not open your mouth and gape like a landed fish. I am no runner. I run because I participate in half tri's and  it is part of the course so I do it.


I happen to like people and there are eight permanent members to our biking team and the group fluctuates to as many as 15 at times. Presently there are that many waiting for the next warm day to hit the trails and it looks like it will be this week end.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I bet if that fat pig Ramotar keels over from his cholesterol laden arteries you will loath to conjure up karma as your excuse.




It is crystal clear that your malice, hatred, and resentment for the leader of Guyana, Mr. Donald Ramotar, is sincere and authentic.


May you continue to suffer inwardly Stormborn---may your your heart and soul be forever poisoned with bile and bitterness. You are doomed Stormy---DOOMED.hahahahaha





Doh is a big lump shit yuh seh dey bai. 


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