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Gunmen storm, rob Berbice Chinese Supermarket


The proprietors of a Chinese Supermarket in Albion, Berbice, along with customers, were on Saturday evening robbed after two masked gunmen invaded the business establishment.
Reports are around 21:30h, the two perpetrators arrived at the “Z-One Chinese Supermarket” located at Lot 16B Albion Front, Corentyne, Berbice, armed with an AK-47 assault rifle and a small handgun.
The men stormed the premises and immediately ordered the customers inside to lie face down on the floor while ordering the owners to hand over the cash.
According to a Police source, while making demands, one bandit hit one of the proprietors across the head with his handgun. Meanwhile, the other suspect proceeded to relieve the customers of their cash and cellular phones.

Bullet holes on the police vehicle that came under fire

One staff recalled being taken to the back to show a bandit where the room containing the money was after which he took the gun and struck him to the head. A female Chinese national was then ordered to lead the bandit to her private room. A few minutes later, the bandit returned alone. It was later discovered that after the gunman collected a quantity of cash and left the room, the woman locked herself in.
Meanwhile, one neighbour reported that he saw the men coming through the street dressed in hoodies.
According to her, a Police patrol vehicle was approaching and the bandit at the door opened fire on the vehicle sending the three officers diving to take cover.
“Is bear gunshots non-stop. Is about 20 shots I hear. The Police did not shoot back. And when he finish, they just walk and go through the street.”
Another eyewitness told Guyana Times that three strangers on bicycles were seen riding through the street on several occasions earlier in the day. According to the villager, moments before the rapid gunfire, a strange car drove into the street behind the supermarket and parked.

One of the gunmen taking one of the proprietors to the back

“After I see the man shooting I know that is a robbery and then I see the two men with guns walk and coming straight towards my house and then they turn and go in the street where the car park so I go inside and lock up,” the witness recalled.
While the robbery was in progress, the Police were notified, and a three-member team from the Albion Police Station was deployed to the scene.
This publication was told that the crime scene was some three blocks away from the Albion Police Station, but from all indications, the Police Officers were not prepared for the welcome they received.
As the ranks arrived at the robbery scene, the gunmen fired multiple shots at the vehicle, resulting in the officers having to shield themselves while running for cover to avoid being hit by the bullets that were fired in their direction.
The ranks did not have time to return fire.
According to another Police source, the three Constables who arrived in the patrol vehicle were not from the Impact Base Unit –one is a driver and the other two are attached to the Enquiries Unit of the Police Station.
“No senior rank was with them at the time of the incident, those Constables are pretty young and were probably on the job about a year to two, and this is the first time they were exposed to rapid gunfire. Maybe they did not have enough time to act, since the bullets went flying as soon as their vehicle came to a halt at the establishment, or maybe they could not shoot back because customers were being held hostage. However, they are from Enquiries so even though we are trained to shoot, this is the first time they experienced something like this and no senior person was there to guide them. I mean, they turned up because they were the closest, like three lantern posts away from the scene is the police station…”, the source stated.
The gunmen managed to make good their escape with the loot on foot. The Police have since recovered 20 spent shells outside the supermarket and another six inside. Investigations are ongoing.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Police scared of bandits and residents fear for their lives daily while the Gov’t is busy spending money on medical bills in Cuba and footing bills for the CCJ case.  Progress at it’s best!!

alena06 posted:

Police scared of bandits and residents fear for their lives daily while the Gov’t is busy spending money on medical bills in Cuba and footing bills for the CCJ case.  Progress at it’s best!!

PNC part two is 100 times worse than PNC part one.

Berbicians are now living in fear of bandits. My father in law now retired in Guyana said that people in Berbice lock up their homes around 6:00 pm in fear on bandits. The crime situation in Berbice is at it's worst in Guyana"s history.

In the meanwhile, Ramjattan is lobbying facebook to ban PPP ads. This banana should resign since he is the most hapless minister in APNU.

yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:

Police scared of bandits and residents fear for their lives daily while the Gov’t is busy spending money on medical bills in Cuba and footing bills for the CCJ case.  Progress at it’s best!!

PNC part two is 100 times worse than PNC part one.

Berbicians are now living in fear of bandits. My father in law now retired in Guyana said that people in Berbice lock up their homes around 6:00 pm in fear on bandits. The crime situation in Berbice is at it's worst in Guyana"s history.

In the meanwhile, Ramjattan is lobbying facebook to ban PPP ads. This banana should resign since he is the most hapless minister in APNU.

This DAG closes the sugar estates, took away the bread and butter from these people, now he can’t control crime. The bandits are traumatizing the poor residents. 

Like the paycheque en coming fast enough for GNI editor in chief... MIA. 


Bai, I visited Berbice once under the PPP and it was safe and secure with a special impact unit readily available to fight crime. The PNC dismantled that unit. 

Ramjattan took away community policing vehicles. Shameless bastard !

My father in law confirmed that people now lock up their homes at 6:00 pm under the PNC. They are living in constant fear in Berbice. 


Some of you guys must be living in another world. Since when has Guyana ever been safe? Never. Not under PNC, PPP, APNU, Guyana is all about who is the best con. The courts are too dam lenient, the police too dam useless, it is all about who has the biggest gun and can draw the fastest.

This government should be doing lots more to alleviate the suffering of the poor people trying to make a living under horrendous conditions. What a friken country.

Sheik101 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai, Guyana is like the Wild West under the PNC.

PNC must go !!!!!!

bai, PPP, PNC No difference. Guyana is just the wild wild west.

At the same Albion  police station under the PPP government, Indians protested due to high crime and police inaction,  when a protestor was shot and killed.

Crime in Guyana is no different under any government. Bandits now have better guns than the police and its safer for the police not to confront them, during the crime.

Even the Canadian RCMP had/have the same problem, when the police could not protect themselves from criminals with better guns and unfortunately RCMP officers were killed.  

Tola posted:
Sheik101 posted:

bai, PPP, PNC No difference. Guyana is just the wild wild west.

At the same Albion  police station under the PPP government, Indians protested due to high crime and police inaction,  when a protestor was shot and killed.

Crime in Guyana is no different under any government. Bandits now have better guns than the police and its safer for the police not to confront them, during the crime.

Even the Canadian RCMP had/have the same problem, when the police could not protect themselves from criminals with better guns and unfortunately RCMP officers were killed.  

True true...this is Black and Coolie Guyan....Japan!!!!

Question, if the RCMP could not protect themselves in their own country, why did they think they could suppress PNC's Buxton FFs?


@ Slop Tola 

Nice try slopster.

The AFC PNC campaigned to drastically reduce crime. It is in their election manifesto. As usual, the have forgotten their promises and screwed the slopsters.

No amount of slop fetching can attempt to defend of this useless administration.

I travelled in Berbice under the PPP and it was very, very safe. Not anymore, Berbicians are now living under fear of bandits. 


Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Sheik101 posted:

bai, PPP, PNC No difference. Guyana is just the wild wild west.

At the same Albion  police station under the PPP government, Indians protested due to high crime and police inaction,  when a protestor was shot and killed.

Crime in Guyana is no different under any government. Bandits now have better guns than the police and its safer for the police not to confront them, during the crime.

Even the Canadian RCMP had/have the same problem, when the police could not protect themselves from criminals with better guns and unfortunately RCMP officers were killed.  

True true...this is Black and Coolie Guyan....Japan!!!!

Question, if the RCMP could not protect themselves in their own country, why did they think they could suppress PNC's Buxton FFs?

Japan is at home with others. [The White Masai, I am here only when in the city]. 

We trained and ride with the police under Victim Services.

Just like in Guyana, there are many secret  reasons and its up to senior officers' decisions, regarding what equipment an officer should carry. I believe in the US, the military is immediate backup for the police, if  criminals should use a better gun or a tank, during a crime.    

cain posted:

Some of you guys must be living in another world. Since when has Guyana ever been safe? Never. Not under PNC, PPP, APNU, Guyana is all about who is the best con.

British Guiana was far saver. I remember as a kid when dem Indian women used to have gold bangles covering their whole hand and walking on the street. They can't even do the same thing in their own house now without getting robbed.

cain posted:

Hey banna, why do you feel you have to follow an arsehole with that slop shit? Why don't you go visit your head guru and have a talk with him so you can feel bad nuh?

Because de man roll like goat shit in de breeze and ta-ga-laang like Rebee.

He travelled in Berbice like a tourist, WE LIVED IN BERBICE.  

Mr.T posted:
cain posted:

Some of you guys must be living in another world. Since when has Guyana ever been safe? Never. Not under PNC, PPP, APNU, Guyana is all about who is the best con.

British Guiana was far saver. I remember as a kid when dem Indian women used to have gold bangles covering their whole hand and walking on the street. They can't even do the same thing in their own house now without getting robbed.

True Mr. T, my mother's gold bangles were about a quarter inch thick, with big ends. That she would wear in public, without any fear.  


Do you know politicians don't believe in God? The poor politician like Jagan believes in God. When you see Granger in Kurta, is votes he looking for. Saint Jagdeo looking for the same thing to handle the oil money. All you try deh. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

Granger thief, Jagdeo thief, what happens if robber men thief? I hear when a thief, thief from a thief, God laugh. What happens when the whole of Guyana start to thief? 

Is there any end to your stupidity? If u cannot offer a proper response, the best u could do is keep your trap shut. People are losing their lives under these circumstances. And here u are asking antiman questions.

Mr.T posted:
cain posted:

Some of you guys must be living in another world. Since when has Guyana ever been safe? Never. Not under PNC, PPP, APNU, Guyana is all about who is the best con.

British Guiana was far saver. I remember as a kid when dem Indian women used to have gold bangles covering their whole hand and walking on the street. They can't even do the same thing in their own house now without getting robbed.

Your family is to be blamed. Ayo sell the drugs to the users who thief to satisfy their  habit. 

What plans ayo have to help these abuser. 


Notice the likes of T, cain, tola and other now suddenly making excuses for pnc incompetence in controlling crime. These same bottom feeders were quite vocal during ppp time, claiming that they were incompetent. Now the tables turn and their govt responsible for the state of the country, these junk posters change their tune.


Yes, the slopsters were jumping high high.

They even tabled a motion to remove Rohee as Minister. Jackass Rumjhaat is drunk and crime at it’s worst in Guyana’s history and now the usual slopsters are defending the PNC.

Slop Slop Slop goes the PNC on crime. 

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Sheik101 posted:

bai, PPP, PNC No difference. Guyana is just the wild wild west.

At the same Albion  police station under the PPP government, Indians protested due to high crime and police inaction,  when a protestor was shot and killed.

Crime in Guyana is no different under any government. Bandits now have better guns than the police and its safer for the police not to confront them, during the crime.

Even the Canadian RCMP had/have the same problem, when the police could not protect themselves from criminals with better guns and unfortunately RCMP officers were killed.  

True true...this is Black and Coolie Guyan....Japan!!!!

Question, if the RCMP could not protect themselves in their own country, why did they think they could suppress PNC's Buxton FFs?

Japan is at home with others. [The White Masai, I am here only when in the city]. 

We trained and ride with the police under Victim Services.

Just like in Guyana, there are many secret  reasons and its up to senior officers' decisions, regarding what equipment an officer should carry. I believe in the US, the military is immediate backup for the police, if  criminals should use a better gun or a tank, during a crime.    

So now you saying let's bring in the M1A1 Abrams to take on the PNC terrorists?

Do you really think your PNC friends will appreciate you advocating the rapid depletion of their base?

Drugb posted:

Notice the likes of T, cain, tola and other now suddenly making excuses for pnc incompetence in controlling crime. These same bottom feeders were quite vocal during ppp time, claiming that they were incompetent. Now the tables turn and their govt responsible for the state of the country, these junk posters change their tune.

Chuck you Farley!

yuji22 posted:

Yes, the slopsters were jumping high high.

They even tabled a motion to remove Rohee as Minister. Jackass Rumjhaat is drunk and crime at it’s worst in Guyana’s history and now the usual slopsters are defending the PNC.

Slop Slop Slop goes the PNC on crime. 

Chuck you too Farley!

Mr.T posted:

How come there is no condemnation for these Chinese who stormed Guyana, rob the people, and then cart off the booty to China?

Because they were Jagdeo's import for the Marriott hotel, while Guyanese remains  unemployed.    

yuji22 posted:

Yes, the slopsters were jumping high high.

They even tabled a motion to remove Rohee as Minister. Jackass Rumjhaat is drunk and crime at it’s worst in Guyana’s history and now the usual slopsters are defending the PNC.

Slop Slop Slop goes the PNC on crime. 

Keep on braying.


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