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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Seriously, Minister Simona Broomes is a full Ghetto decorum whatsoever, she should set up a nice stall at Bourda Market and sell ... The last time I checked heckling was supposed to be an art, not brawling "bush girl" style. She needs to be cautioned...shucks man

let me clarify for you...the ghetto may be a place where the poor is warehoused in many societies but it is not a reservoir of the uncouth and the backward or uncultured. FUBU is ghetto fab. Much of Americana is straight from the streets of the ghetto to the catwalks of New York and Paris. Change happens in areas where people have to make do.Japan has a whole Harajuki culture emergent from dress up gaudy themes and they are wonderful. In any event, Ms Brooms is way far from the ghetto and as a black woman of some means quite spiffy in her get ups. I know we will never see her at a black tie dinner in silver high tops.


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