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Originally posted by Inqubus:
why should PPP clean after the PNC?

Does that mean that, the PPP did no cleaning since they've been in office, how long have they been in office again....

So what was the purpose of getting into office if not to clean up the mess of the last admin, was it only to make the members rich. Well it looks as though they have certainly succeded in that.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't think that the Guyanese people have the stomach to pay the kind of taxes that the rest of us in the 1st world pay to dispose of garbage.

Those who pay taxes already pay high amounts. Of course many like your friends are tied to the PPP, so dont pay taxes as they know that no one at the GRA will dare to come after them.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by baseman:
Some sense, but largely utter nonesense. You leave it up to each village, you will have garbage dumps all over. You need critical mass and a coherrent policy to ensure adequate and safe disposal of garbage. You are a dunce of unimaginable proportions, you talk garbage, even when we talk about garbage. What DON'T you talk garbage about, you dunce?

This what they did in the old days, people buried and burnt garbage in their back yards, much cheaper than having the garbage trucked away. I don't think that the Guyanese people have the stomach to pay the kind of taxes that the rest of us in the 1st world pay to dispose of garbage. You AFC creeps have grandiose plans with no possible way to pay for its. hahahhaha

As I said, you are a dunce and a hopeless one at that. We are talking City garbage mainly, where do they dump, how come there was always garbage collection, have the country degenerated from affording garbage disposal to not affording??? Then what is the success you celebrating when you cannot afford to dump the garbage?
Originally posted by baseman:
As I said, you are a dunce and a hopeless one at that. We are talking City garbage mainly, where do they dump, how come there was always garbage collection, have the country degenerated from affording garbage disposal to not affording??? Then what is the success you celebrating when you cannot afford to dump the garbage?

The right amount of taxes will solve these problems. As others have indicated, the Guyanese people are producing more garbage as their income has surged and they can now afford pre packaged items, so it is only natural that they have more garbage to dispose of. Since Guyanese are affording more they should be charged a garbage tax to take care of the mess. However no politician will bring this up as the electorate would make them pay at the polls. Note the AFC has superficial ideas about garbage, promising to fix this an every other problem in the nation with no concrete plan as to how it would be paid for. ahahhahaha
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Gerhard, Guyanese people have beocome to lazy and too nasty. They need to do their part. People don't even want to keep the surroundings around their homes clean, weeding parapet, etc. They depend too much on the city council/government. Why can't peopl realize by now that this Government is not doing jack for anyone, their primary concern is to find a way to hold on to power and then its business as usual for them with zero vision for the well being and development of Guyana. All they government is developing is their own personal economy and mansion for the future.

I was passing through south ruimveldt a few months back and most of the streets have standing water. There is absolutely no way for that water to run off the streets because people's parapet are built up higher than the level of the road. All it takes is for the neighbours go get a shovel and dig a gutter from the road through their parapet to the drain for the water to run off, but they are not doing that, they are waiting for the city council or the government to come and do it.
You are absolutely correct GP. This issue must tackled in a multi-pronged manner. Community spirit must be rekindled as well.
Originally posted by antabanta:
Gerhard... the GPM exists as 2nd Brigade of the GDF - same people, same clothing, same operations, just different name. Up to a little while ago it was commanded by Col Terry Stuart. As for getting people in place, there are punitive measures that can be taken against people not doing their work - conversely incentives for people who actually do their work. Why not empower the people within communities to do more? That will take care of corrupt/impotent officials. My good friend Cain recommended flogging.
Indeed. But not at the flogging part Big Grin I didn't know how the GPM was absorbed either, thanks.
Originally posted by baseman: Guyana needs a total rebuild from the ground up, almost a "cultural-revolution" of sorts, I don't mean in the chairman Mao or religious way, but a nationalist way. The nation is like an artificial entity, several nations in one, each with it's own agenda. The PPP is not the poeple to do it, infact they, along with the PNC are the main culprits in the demise of national pride and sense of nationhood. The PNC did their damage but there were hopes the PPP would restore what was lost. Instead, BJ's PPP chose to exploit the deficiencies created by the PNC's mis-rule to their own advantage, thus the downward spiral.

If there ever was one glaring incident as to the nationalistic and moral decay which has taken hold in the society was the reaction of the taxi drivers to the recent plane crash. I know people like Nehru and BG_S will call it free enterprise at it's best. But they should note, even the most free of societies are bound to some basic rules, rules guided basic morality, decency and simple pride. In no society an attitude of "anything goes" should be tolerated.
Well said base.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by baseman: Guyana needs a total rebuild from the ground up, almost a "cultural-revolution" of sorts, I don't mean in the chairman Mao or religious way, but a nationalist way. The nation is like an artificial entity, several nations in one, each with it's own agenda. The PPP is not the poeple to do it, infact they, along with the PNC are the main culprits in the demise of national pride and sense of nationhood. The PNC did their damage but there were hopes the PPP would restore what was lost. Instead, BJ's PPP chose to exploit the deficiencies created by the PNC's mis-rule to their own advantage, thus the downward spiral .

If there ever was one glaring incident as to the nationalistic and moral decay which has taken hold in the society was the reaction of the taxi drivers to the recent plane crash. I know people like Nehru and BG_S will call it free enterprise at it's best. But they should note, even the most free of societies are bound to some basic rules, rules guided basic morality, decency and simple pride. In no society an attitude of "anything goes" should be tolerated.
Well said base.

Well said baseman.

We can't demand high standards from Taxi Drivers and look the other way when the political elites engage in corruption. Perhaps the Taxi Driver was "Following Da Leader".
I believe in community self-help where Guyanese must take the initiative to do something for their community. We can't sit and wait for government to do everything. Guyanese are too lazy to work, but strong to drink rum every damn day.

Frown Sadly, this appears to be true. They sit and wait for the handouts, however, we abroad are guilty for perpetuating this mindset and it has filtered in to all aspects of everyday life.
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:

Well said baseman.

We can't demand high standards from Taxi Drivers and look the other way when the political elites engage in corruption. Perhaps the Taxi Driver was "Following Da Leader".

Don't stoke this slow thinker's ego, he just shout whatever comes to his head and bashing the PPP is the order of the day. Garbage must be the responsibility of local govt and villages. They produce it via consumerism, then they must pay for its disposal. A "pay as you create garbage" plan is the solution. hahahahah
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:

Well said baseman.

We can't demand high standards from Taxi Drivers and look the other way when the political elites engage in corruption. Perhaps the Taxi Driver was "Following Da Leader".

Don't stoke this slow thinker's ego, he just shout whatever comes to his head and bashing the PPP is the order of the day. Garbage must be the responsibility of local govt and villages. They produce it via consumerism, then they must pay for its disposal. A "pay as you create garbage" plan is the solution. hahahahah
This filth accumulate because there is a lack of leadership. One cannot avoid that fact. It is the quintessential necessity for quality of life to ensure the roads are kept well, crime is curbed and sanitation is maintained. How they do it is incidental. That it is not done is telling. Accusing the man of slow thinking won't make you less of a sycophant to this corrupt and horribly inefficient government.
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by baseman: Guyana needs a total rebuild from the ground up, almost a "cultural-revolution" of sorts, I don't mean in the chairman Mao or religious way, but a nationalist way. The nation is like an artificial entity, several nations in one, each with it's own agenda. The PPP is not the poeple to do it, infact they, along with the PNC are the main culprits in the demise of national pride and sense of nationhood. The PNC did their damage but there were hopes the PPP would restore what was lost. Instead, BJ's PPP chose to exploit the deficiencies created by the PNC's mis-rule to their own advantage, thus the downward spiral .

If there ever was one glaring incident as to the nationalistic and moral decay which has taken hold in the society was the reaction of the taxi drivers to the recent plane crash. I know people like Nehru and BG_S will call it free enterprise at it's best. But they should note, even the most free of societies are bound to some basic rules, rules guided basic morality, decency and simple pride. In no society an attitude of "anything goes" should be tolerated.
Well said base.

Well said baseman.

We can't demand high standards from Taxi Drivers and look the other way when the political elites engage in corruption. Perhaps the Taxi Driver was "Following Da Leader".
I disagree. There are many valuable unique aspects of Guyanese culture that total rebuild will most likely destroy. As in corporate culture, national culture starts from the top. What Guyana needs is strong leadership with focus on the important issues and not intent on filling their pockets. As for your example about the taxi driver, if there were appropriate emergency measures in place the opportunity the taxi driver exploited would not exist.
As for other comments about the people doing more, many do. However, there is only so much an individual can do before getting frustrated and fed-up especially in face of what the country's leadership is doing.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:

Well said baseman.

We can't demand high standards from Taxi Drivers and look the other way when the political elites engage in corruption. Perhaps the Taxi Driver was "Following Da Leader".

Don't stoke this slow thinker's ego, he just shout whatever comes to his head and bashing the PPP is the order of the day. Garbage must be the responsibility of local govt and villages. They produce it via consumerism, then they must pay for its disposal. A "pay as you create garbage" plan is the solution. hahahahah
This filth accumulate because there is a lack of leadership. One cannot avoid that fact. It is the quintessential necessity for quality of life to ensure the roads are kept well, crime is curbed and sanitation is maintained. How they do it is incidental. That it is not done is telling. Accusing the man of slow thinking won't make you less of a sycophant to this corrupt and horribly inefficient government.

Come on D2 how can you state there is a lack of leadership in the PPP and in Guyana, you are not being honest with your conscience.

Lets go down the list:

His Excellency the greatest goes without saying the man is a master leader.

Then we have the honorable Sam Hinds without this man working on this project the past 19 years Guyana today would not have broadcast legislation, this is dedication this is leadership, it had to be perfect before he send it off to parliament.

Then we have Dr. Misir must I say more the man is unmatched in Guyana Tarron Khemraj cannot be him.

Then you have the collection of the creme de la creme of advisors to his excellency, The most highly professional and charismatic Gail Texiera
A man who understands how to work across party lines Mr. Odinga Lumumba a consummate professional. On environmental issues we have the illustrious Sham Nokta there is no one in Guyana and the Caribbean who knows Environment like this young man he is Mr. Environs.

Mr. Robert Persaud, this is a man who has single handedly led Guyana to become the premier rice producer in South America we have so much rice we have to give it away to Venezuela. He has single handedly also improved drainage and irrigation with a fleet of dredges dispersed along the coast and he has built more kokers since the british in Guyana.

This now brings me to our top man or main man Mr. Crime himself Mr. Rohee. This is a guy who without his leadership Guyana would be riddled in crime like America, How many serial killers do we have in Guyana? none not one. How many Pablo Escobars do we have in Guyana? thats right none, Not a single one arrested to date, you know why? there are none there he has run all 2 of them out of town to America where they belong.

Mr. Ramsammy our minister of Health, he has built more hospitals and buried the poor healthcare service of the Burnham era in Guyana, he has buried more problems in healthcare than anyone prior. He is a master, many in the Caribbean wish they had a man who knows more about HIV than this fellow. He is a star a super star, a hard worker a loyal servant and one of the most caring Doctors bar none in Guyana.

Look I could go on and on but you get the picture.
Originally posted by Horse Man:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:

Well said baseman.

We can't demand high standards from Taxi Drivers and look the other way when the political elites engage in corruption. Perhaps the Taxi Driver was "Following Da Leader".

Don't stoke this slow thinker's ego, he just shout whatever comes to his head and bashing the PPP is the order of the day. Garbage must be the responsibility of local govt and villages. They produce it via consumerism, then they must pay for its disposal. A "pay as you create garbage" plan is the solution. hahahahah
This filth accumulate because there is a lack of leadership. One cannot avoid that fact. It is the quintessential necessity for quality of life to ensure the roads are kept well, crime is curbed and sanitation is maintained. How they do it is incidental. That it is not done is telling. Accusing the man of slow thinking won't make you less of a sycophant to this corrupt and horribly inefficient government.

Come on D2 how can you state there is a lack of leadership in the PPP and in Guyana, you are not being honest with your conscience.

Lets go down the list:

His Excellency the greatest goes without saying the man is a master leader.

Then we have the honorable Sam Hinds without this man working on this project the past 19 years Guyana today would not have broadcast legislation, this is dedication this is leadership, it had to be perfect before he send it off to parliament.

Then we have Dr. Misir must I say more the man is unmatched in Guyana Tarron Khemraj cannot be him.

Then you have the collection of the creme de la creme of advisors to his excellency, The most highly professional and charismatic Gail Texiera
A man who understands how to work across party lines Mr. Odinga Lumumba a consummate professional. On environmental issues we have the illustrious Sham Nokta there is no one in Guyana and the Caribbean who knows Environment like this young man he is Mr. Environs.

Mr. Robert Persaud, this is a man who has single handedly led Guyana to become the premier rice producer in South America we have so much rice we have to give it away to Venezuela. He has single handedly also improved drainage and irrigation with a fleet of dredges dispersed along the coast and he has built more kokers since the british in Guyana.

This now brings me to our top man or main man Mr. Crime himself Mr. Rohee. This is a guy who without his leadership Guyana would be riddled in crime like America, How many serial killers do we have in Guyana? none not one. How many Pablo Escobars do we have in Guyana? thats right none, Not a single one arrested to date, you know why? there are none there he has run all 2 of them out of town to America where they belong.

Mr. Ramsammy our minister of Health, he has built more hospitals and buried the poor healthcare service of the Burnham era in Guyana, he has buried more problems in healthcare than anyone prior. He is a master, many in the Caribbean wish they had a man who knows more about HIV than this fellow. He is a star a super star, a hard worker a loyal servant and one of the most caring Doctors bar none in Guyana.

Look I could go on and on but you get the picture.
Fantastic list. When do they they plan on leading the people of Guyana out of the garbage?
Originally posted by Horse Man:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:

Well said baseman.

We can't demand high standards from Taxi Drivers and look the other way when the political elites engage in corruption. Perhaps the Taxi Driver was "Following Da Leader".

Don't stoke this slow thinker's ego, he just shout whatever comes to his head and bashing the PPP is the order of the day. Garbage must be the responsibility of local govt and villages. They produce it via consumerism, then they must pay for its disposal. A "pay as you create garbage" plan is the solution. hahahahah
This filth accumulate because there is a lack of leadership. One cannot avoid that fact. It is the quintessential necessity for quality of life to ensure the roads are kept well, crime is curbed and sanitation is maintained. How they do it is incidental. That it is not done is telling. Accusing the man of slow thinking won't make you less of a sycophant to this corrupt and horribly inefficient government.

Come on D2 how can you state there is a lack of leadership in the PPP and in Guyana, you are not being honest with your conscience.

Lets go down the list:

His Excellency the greatest goes without saying the man is a master leader.

Then we have the honorable Sam Hinds without this man working on this project the past 19 years Guyana today would not have broadcast legislation, this is dedication this is leadership, it had to be perfect before he send it off to parliament.

Then we have Dr. Misir must I say more the man is unmatched in Guyana Tarron Khemraj cannot be him.

Then you have the collection of the creme de la creme of advisors to his excellency, The most highly professional and charismatic Gail Texiera
A man who understands how to work across party lines Mr. Odinga Lumumba a consummate professional. On environmental issues we have the illustrious Sham Nokta there is no one in Guyana and the Caribbean who knows Environment like this young man he is Mr. Environs.

Mr. Robert Persaud, this is a man who has single handedly led Guyana to become the premier rice producer in South America we have so much rice we have to give it away to Venezuela. He has single handedly also improved drainage and irrigation with a fleet of dredges dispersed along the coast and he has built more kokers since the british in Guyana.

This now brings me to our top man or main man Mr. Crime himself Mr. Rohee. This is a guy who without his leadership Guyana would be riddled in crime like America, How many serial killers do we have in Guyana? none not one. How many Pablo Escobars do we have in Guyana? thats right none, Not a single one arrested to date, you know why? there are none there he has run all 2 of them out of town to America where they belong.

Mr. Ramsammy our minister of Health, he has built more hospitals and buried the poor healthcare service of the Burnham era in Guyana, he has buried more problems in healthcare than anyone prior. He is a master, many in the Caribbean wish they had a man who knows more about HIV than this fellow. He is a star a super star, a hard worker a loyal servant and one of the most caring Doctors bar none in Guyana.

Look I could go on and on but you get the picture.
My argument is simple, if you fail to provide the essential needs of a people, you fail.

Misir is indeed unmatched...for being opportunistic and for arguing the virtues and the vices of salt in the same sentence.

the rest are not worth a comment
Originally posted by Mad Max:
This filth accumulate because there is a lack of leadership.

Hehehe! There is no trash outside the president house. Guyanese people are basically dutty. Be careful where you walk. They even empty posy throught the windows.
I was once chided for by Ramharack ( or rather cussed out over three weeks serially in an NY paper) for saying that the state is in a sense like a parent ( in therms of its protective umbrella) to its citizens or it is useless. I still defend that view since it is in the state life flourishes or dies and that depends on the quality of its leaders and the foundation of its essentializing creed. We are lacking in both areas.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Why everything has to be a government issue? The people need to get off their asses and clean up their surroundings.
I wonder what the people in the US or Canada would say if garbage beings to pile up on roadways? Do you think they will think it is a lack of civic consciousness of the people who should concern themselves with cleaning it than complaining about it? In my area they bitch that the grass cutting crew did not properly shape the corners of the side walk or around the flower beds!
Guyana is different, and I remember cleaning by drains and gutter all around the yard twice weekly. I even get together with friends and clean the gutter trench which the city was responsible for in G/T. We go around with cutlasses, and weed grasses that is unattended. It used to be fun, and we do it with pleasure. Why do we have to baby Guyanese for making themselves useful? Community self-help should be enforced, and Guyana will be beautiful all around. If the government cannot do it, they should offer incentives to the communities and get the self-help project to work. It's too much complaining going in Guyana, and nobody wants to do anything about it. I don't understand how this is happening.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Why everything has to be a government issue? The people need to get off their asses and clean up their surroundings.
The people are not doing that!! Therefore, as a consequence of the people's ennui what is the govt's reaction? "Sorry.. we as the govt can only do so much. You must help yourself." The govt is saying the same thing for crime, economic development, education, and every other issue.
We should stop this garbage-dumping nonsense

Dear Editor,

The norm these days is for citizens to indiscriminately dump refuse anywhere and everywhere, and this practice has become so prevalent that the values once attached to cleanliness (Cleanliness is next to godliness‘) are now lost to most. The picture as it relates to household and business garbage disposal is very bleak.

For example, citizens dispose of garbage in front of other people’s property, and if a property is unoccupied they take upon themselves to make it a permanent disposal site. One citizen had to clean up the drain and parapet of a property, and the things found in the gutter were phenomenal, but of course there was some neglect on the part of the property owner which allowed for this build-up. This was accepted by the property owner who fortunately had good neighbors who coaxed and cajoled to get the clean-up done.

But why was this build-up so horrid? Did people just throw stuff as they went by? Or was it done by the same uncaring people who lack a notion of cleanliness? I don’t know, but, as I drive my car on the streets of our country, I observe our people and the way they do their disposal of rubbish. These are some of the habits: hiring a ‘junkie‘ to take garbage from one’s residence to anywhere; travellers/ commuters throwing food boxes, plastic receptacles, bottles, etc, out of a vehicle’s windows; dumping anything in our canals, waterways, drains etc. I have seen old fridges, dead animals, wooden planks, cloth, plastic bottles and styrofoam boxes thrown in trenches blocking the free flow of water; no wonder we have flooding as soon as the rain drizzles.

I did some clean-up as a community contribution just last week. For months canter trucks would pull up on the Eccles Flour Mill access road, and dump everything they do not have any use for; on the southern side of the road could be found old gas stoves, discarded fridges, wood, rejects no longer useful to contractors, tree branches, tyres, car parts and a host of other things too numerous to mention. Myself and two boys that I recruited with the consent of their parents (David and Jared) heaped up and burnt all that could be burnt, but what do you know, the dumping was renewed the next day.

How can citizens be so callous and uncaring; do we not value our health and that of our children? Let us stop this disposal madness, and find appropriate ways and means to dispose of our garbage and not to dump anywhere and everywhere.

Could the NDC of Eccles/Ramsburg look into the Flour Mill road dumping problem?

Yours faithfully,
Ivan John

We are drowning in garbage

Dear Editor

Now that the election is in the air we are hearing about what the politicians will do if elected or re-elected. However, I hear nothing about sanitation. All around are piles of cow dung, horse dung, pig dung and garbage, and nobody seems to care.

True, we hear about the millions spent on hospitals and health centres; however,prevention is better than cure, and the filthy state Guyana is in now provides the conditions for a disease to break out. If that happens, the hospitals and health centres won’t be of much help. We are drowning in garbage.

Yours faithfully,
E Arokium

anta, I spoke with Ramjattan on this issue and he said that the AFC will initiate a nationwide clean-up campaign immediately upon acceding to office.

He liked your idea of providing assistance from any and all available resources - prisoners, GDF, GPM, etc.

Of course, the other "long-winded" things I mentioned earlier in this thread will also be done to ensure that the country remains clean.
Gerhard... who within the AFC is responsible for the campaign? How long will the campaign last? What will happen after the campaign - that is what will the AFC in govt do to maintain some semblance of cleanliness? What penalties will be imposed and for what level of inappropriate garbage dumping?
Those are some of the factors (not long-winded but direct and relevant) that need to be addressed in a plan.
Tell Mr Ramjattan I say announcing the intent to start a clean-up campaign isn't a plan. It merely sounds like more empty political campaigning. Can the AFC identify someone to study the situation and formulate a relevant and appropriate plan?
Granted the situation isn't easy to deal with but a start in the right direction is and would go a long way.
In view of all the garbage-related comments, here and in the media, why doesn't the AFC launch community clean-up campaigns now and implement ideas in communities that would have lasting impact on the garbage situation, within communities?
Get some action going, get some movement going, and less rhetoric.
If Ivan John can start cleaning up with two youngsters why can't the AFC, or any other party, start something with more impact? That's positive political mileage. Rhetoric isn't.
Originally posted by Henry:
I agree that the trash in the trenches is disturbing, and it seems to be a recent phenomenon. I noticed it a lot this year, and not so much in previous visits.

Some of what you saw are from what was there during your previous visits with more added since. No removal, just more compilation.
City Hall struggling with garbage collection
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Monday, 12 September 2011 11:57

Regent and Hinck Streets

Garbage woes continue to plague certain sections of Georgetown, as City Hall grapples with a shortage of working garbage collection vehicles and adjusting to again getting into the business of collecting refuse. Garbage bins in some areas like Kingston have not been collected for several days now. So, too, are garbage bins like those on Camp and Main Streets. Officials of John Fernandes Limited (JFL) have also complained about the huge build-up of refuse near the wharf.

Local Government Minister, Norman Whittaker has said that eventually the city would phase out the private garbage collectors and resume its own collection as it had done decades ago. Director of the Georgetown City Council's Solid Waste Management, Hubert Urling explained that the sloth in garbage collection from some areas is due to the fact that one of the five compactor trucks is currently down. He also conceded that there have been some teething problems in the municipality taking over garbage collection from two of the 10 areas of the city. “In some areas with the change over, there has been some teething problems in us having a smooth flow,” Urling told Demerara Waves Online News (

Camp Street Avenue

Since the municipality took over the task in some areas from the two contracted garbage collection agencies, huge garbage piles are seen overflowing from the drain on to the pavement at the corner of Regent and Hinck Streets. Nearly all the garbage bins along Main and Camp Streets are overflowing. In Kingston, residents have again resorted to either leaving their garbage bins on the road for days or burning refuse on the parapet. Garbage collection is now also quite irregular and unpredictable in some areas. In at least one instance, refuse is being collected once instead of twice per week.

The Director of Solid Waste explained that if the trucks do not pass through certain areas, the street-side bins are also not emptied. He said the municipality is equipped with five compactor trucks and one tractor-trailer to collect refuse from two of the 10 zones into which the city has been divided. At the moment, Urling explained, one of the trucks is undergoing repairs due to be completed this week. “The immediate concern is being able to adequately service the areas that we serve,” he said. The municipal official again appealed to residents and businesses to cease dumping their garbage and keep them on their premises until the collection vehicles turn up.

In at least one instance, refuse is being collected once instead of twice per week.

When Toronto first started the recycling program, it was not taken well by most. The drastic change came as a shock to most of us but as time went on, we've become used to it.

In Toronto, our regular garbage is collected every other week, we put out one bag in a plastic container with a lid and if we use more than one,we pay for each bag, I believe it's about $3.00 each,kinda steep but there's no need for this much trash.

We also have recycling (packaging,cardboard/paper products/plastic/foam) every other week, again, in a plastic bin with a lid, this is usually more than regular garbage.

Each week our "wet garbage is picked up" ( foodstuff ) this is kept separate from regular garbage because of the smell bringing critters. This is placed in a green plastic bin with a lid. Cat litter is also placed in a bag and put into this green bin.

This is the reason we do not have much "regular garbage" most of it is packaging and foodstuff, most can be recycled.
Better Hope South besieged by garbage

Dear Editor,

I bring a rather troubling issue to light and hope the relevant authorities can do something about the matter.

I am living in Better Hope South, East Coast Demerara, for a couple of years now and I find the garbage dumping situation in the area very distressing, especially so, along the Vryheid Lust’s access road. Some residents living west of this road are apparently under the impression that the side of this access road is the proper place to dispose their garbage—despite sign posts stating the contrary.

Garbage is being dumped indiscriminately in front of the Catholic Recreational Centre, the Better Hope Hindu temple, Dr. Sankar’s office, the bus shed—at the head of every street that adjoins the access road. The stench from these garbage piles is overwhelming for commuters and school children who traverse that road daily. Not to mention that the children, especially, could be at risk to air borne diseases from these piles.

Also, elsewhere in the area some residents are dumping refuse on their parapets in front of their properties and when the wind blows, it scatters the stuff all over the street, making a mess of other residents’ parapets who are trying to keep their sections clean.
I wish something drastic could be done about the situation.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address supplied)


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