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Guyana, 127 other countries defy Trump in UN vote

Dec 22, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...fy-trump-in-un-vote/

Guyana is among 128 countries in the United Nations (UN) that voted against United States President, Donald Trumpโ€™s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israelโ€™s capital.

At an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly, 128 UN members voted in favor of a nonbinding resolution criticizing Trump for the move, while nine nations voted against it and 35 countries abstained.
Barbados, Granada, St Vincent, Bahamas and Dominican Republic are some of the Caribbean countries that voted, like Guyana, against Trump.

Guyanaโ€™s neighbours, Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname also voted against Trump. Richer countries like France, Norway, Japan, Qatar and Spain also voted against.

However, other Caribbean countries like Jamaica, Antigua, Bahamas, Haiti and Trinidad chose to abstain from the vote.

Trump had made threats to cut off foreign aid to countries that vote against his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israelโ€™s capital.

But in blistering speeches preceding the vote, several nations made their fury clear not only with Trumpโ€™s precedent-breaking announcement on Jerusalem earlier this month, but with threats from Trump and the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, who had tweeted that the U.S. would be โ€œtaking namesโ€ of countries backing the resolution.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu ripped those threats as โ€œunethicalโ€ and โ€œbullying.โ€

โ€œWe will not be intimidated,โ€ said Cavusoglu, whose nation was a co-sponsor of the measure, along with Yemen. โ€œYou can be strong but that does not make you right.โ€

Earlier in the day, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan hit Trump about the aid threat, addressing the president by name.
โ€œMr. Trump, you cannot buy Turkeyโ€™s democratic will with your dollars.โ€

Palestinian National Authority Foreign Minister said in the General Assembly that the Palestinians โ€œwill not be threatenedโ€. He said there could be โ€œdangerous repercussionsโ€ from Trumpโ€™s decision on Jerusalem.

South Africaโ€™s representative to the U.N. also ripped Trumpโ€™s decision โ€” which broke with decades of precedent regarding U.S policy on the status of Jerusalem โ€” as โ€œnot conducive to advancing a sustainable solutionโ€ concerning Middle East peace.

In speeches to the assembly, representatives from China, Malaysia and many other nations, also expressed their support for the resolution.

After the vote, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif took to Twitter to hit Trump and celebrate the adopted resolution.

โ€œA resounding global NO to Trump regimeโ€™s thuggish intimidation at #UN,โ€ he wrote.

Yesterdayโ€™s special session was held at the request of several Arab nations after the U.S. voted on Monday to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution requiring Trump to rescind his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel. The other 14 members on the Security Council voted in favor of the resolution.

On Tuesday, Haley had tweeted that โ€œthe U.S. will be taking namesโ€ of the countries that vote to support the resolution and that Trump had asked her to report back on the nations โ€œwho voted against us.โ€

She also penned a letter to most of the 193 U.N. member states, in which she warned the U.S. would retaliate against countries that vote in favor of the resolutions.

Trump, during a Cabinet meeting in Washington on Wednesday, said: โ€œWeโ€™re watching those votes. Let them vote against us.โ€ โ€œWeโ€™ll save a lot,โ€ he said. โ€œWe donโ€™t care.โ€

Information taken from: NBC and Quartz


Guyana, 127 other countries defy Trump in UN vote

Dec 22, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...fy-trump-in-un-vote/

On Tuesday, Haley had tweeted that โ€œthe U.S. will be taking namesโ€ of the countries that vote to support the resolution and that Trump had asked her to report back on the nations โ€œwho voted against us.โ€

She also penned a letter to most of the 193 U.N. member states, in which she warned the U.S. would retaliate against countries that vote in favor of the resolutions.

Haley's sob, sob, sob and crying uncontrollably.  


Alyuh funny.  Did you not see Abbas was told by Saudi to cooperate as a trade for US support against Iran?  The Palestinians were sold out by their Arab brothers.  This is a public show but the Arabs hood winked Trump on Jerusalem. 

That being said, the USA past stance on Jerusalem bore no fruits.  He is trying a radically different approach.  I support the Palestinians and this does not sit well, but letโ€™s see it play out. 

The positions of all the countries are that of principle. The USA is the only nation capable of engineering a solution.   

And BTW, no new embassy will be initiated until his 2nd term, which could be a new president. Trump rolled the dice!!

Demerara_Guy posted:

Guyana, 127 other countries defy Trump in UN vote

Dec 22, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...fy-trump-in-un-vote/

On Tuesday, Haley had tweeted that โ€œthe U.S. will be taking namesโ€ of the countries that vote to support the resolution and that Trump had asked her to report back on the nations โ€œwho voted against us.โ€

She also penned a letter to most of the 193 U.N. member states, in which she warned the U.S. would retaliate against countries that vote in favor of the resolutions.

Haley's sob, sob, sob and crying uncontrollably.  

Looks like Guyana's delegation will not be attending Haley's mitai, "puri and sweet rice" party.


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