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@seignet posted:

And Guyana will forever be a SHIT HOLE country. Just from their nominations. Doan matter how much oil money they have.

AND I AM NOT A PNC supporter.

Guyana is not a shithole country anymore bai. That is how it was when the Coalition was destroying it. Now it is in the governance of good leaders who will take it to the mountain top. Shuman is one of those good leaders. That is why he was elected as Deputy Speaker of the House by a majority of 34:31. An ABSOLUTE majority. If you don't believe that is an absolute majority ask Trotman and Hughes what it did to Trotman's aspirations today. And you don't even have to cut MPs into half or a quarter or even a hundred pieces. 34:31. Signed, sealed and delivered.

@seignet posted:

Shuman is the only good ting. Te ress, all fooking crooks, even the sheriff.

Lawd ah mercy, why Texas and nat Georgetown?

You have one good man in Guyana and everyone else are crooks. Trouble is that one person can't do everything so they will have to do with some crooks too. The Sheriff may be a crook but he isn't going anywhere until the next elections so the people over there will just have to live with it. Look how Trump said that he ALONE can fix things and look how everything has gone haywire.


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