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Don’t Go There: The 13 Worst Countries to Visit

2. Worst Country to Visit #2: Guyana

2. Guyana

Guyana is a small nation on the coast of Caribbean in South America. Although there’s no harm in visiting Guyana, there’s just not much to see or do in this small little country. Cities like Georgetown are dangerous for tourists, especially at night. Guyana is also known for its border disputes with Venezuela and Suriname. The country is home to some beautiful waterfalls, national parks, and wildlife habitats – but you can find these in many other South American and Caribbean destinations too.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

No wonder Kathy Hughes gave up her position as tourism minister. She just couldn't turn the tide in one year after 23 years of PNC disruption to make the country ungovernable. 


At least we still better off than that terror stricken country Somalia.

Seriously though, it is a shame that the government over the past 50 years have not been able to maintain law and order in a country with less than a million people. That is because the corruption starts at the top and trickles all the way to the bottom. Guyana desperately needs a government that properly polices itself thereby polices everyone else. But unfortunately, Burnham's crooked Constitution is standing in the way since Guyanese on their own will not police themselves. There are American that goes to their graves without as much as a speeding ticket all because Americans are generally programmed to follow the law. Guyanese are generally programmed to trick the law as in the saying "the stricter the government, the wiser the population".

Maybe, just maybe, for the benefit of Guyanese, things will improve in Guyana.

ksazma posted:

At least we still better off than that terror stricken country Somalia.

Seriously though, it is a shame that the government over the past 50 years have not been able to maintain law and order in a country with less than a million people. That is because the corruption starts at the top and trickles all the way to the bottom. Guyana desperately needs a government that properly polices itself thereby polices everyone else. But unfortunately, Burnham's crooked Constitution is standing in the way since Guyanese on their own will not police themselves. There are American that goes to their graves without as much as a speeding ticket all because Americans are generally programmed to follow the law. Guyanese are generally programmed to trick the law as in the saying "the stricter the government, the wiser the population".

Maybe, just maybe, for the benefit of Guyanese, things will improve in Guyana.

Someday Bhai,i am hoping before i expire.

Drugb posted:

Not to ruffle the feathers of the PNC crew(half of them now banned or suspended) but this ranking is a carryover from the PPP administration.

That is great you guys will talk to each other,there will be no objection to the views,that's what you call fair and balance.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Not to ruffle the feathers of the PNC crew(half of them now banned or suspended) but this ranking is a carryover from the PPP administration.

That is great you guys will talk to each other,there will be no objection to the views,that's what you call fair and balance.

We need a bipartisan approach to crime fighting.  During the PPP years this was not possible due to crime being used as a political tool by both the PNC/PPP to further their respective agenda.  Else this will go on for eternity. 

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Not to ruffle the feathers of the PNC crew(half of them now banned or suspended) but this ranking is a carryover from the PPP administration.

That is great you guys will talk to each other,there will be no objection to the views,that's what you call fair and balance.

There is always you. Caribny has been doing a good job of giving another perspective.

when time permits, I do not mind having a good discussion.  However, I object to is the crude sexual references some make. I try not to get involved in the racial arguments because I view that as an exercise in futility. The admin needs to be consistent in enforcing standards that they want to uphold.


You have terrible bad man getting the highest award in the Nation and streets named after him . Think about the effect on the youth. Kill and beat Koolie and you will be rewarded by the Granjer-greene gang. East Indians need to exit this hell hole.

Last edited by Prashad
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:

At least we still better off than that terror stricken country Somalia.


Are you fuh real?  We upstage Somalia?

By de hair of we chinny chin chin.

Nehru posted:


This was written since January 2015 and is the opinion of one travel writer who found Guyana boring. Are you referring to the PPP government of January 2015 as gadahas?

13 Worst Countries to Visit Travelversed Editors January 20, 2015

Read more at:

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:


This was written since January 2015 and is the opinion of one travel writer who found Guyana boring. Are you referring to the PPP government of January 2015 as gadahas?

13 Worst Countries to Visit Travelversed Editors January 20, 2015

Read more at:

And still the #2 under the PNC. To be fair to the PPP, the criminal reputation of Guyana was a function of PNC operatives acting on instructions from their master Hoyte et al to fulfill their promise to make the country ungovernable. Don't play stupid and quit acting like a man from mars who knows nothing of the history of the destructive PNC, mo fiah slow fiah and "we fed up ah de collie".

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:


This was written since January 2015 and is the opinion of one travel writer who found Guyana boring. Are you referring to the PPP government of January 2015 as gadahas?

13 Worst Countries to Visit Travelversed Editors January 20, 2015

Read more at:

And still the #2 under the PNC. To be fair to the PPP, the criminal reputation of Guyana was a function of PNC operatives acting on instructions from their master Hoyte et al to fulfill their promise to make the country ungovernable. Don't play stupid and quit acting like a man from mars who knows nothing of the history of the destructive PNC, mo fiah slow fiah and "we fed up ah de collie".

This crap was written in January 2015 and nothing new was written after that. It's bullshit anyway. There is not even an author's name. If the person ever went to Guyana, they must have had a boring time and came up with this blog entry. I could find many recognized travel journalists who have had positive experiences in Guyana.  

Mars posted:

PPP has the biggest tiefmen, had the most state sponsored murders and turned the country into a narco republic with gunmen everywhere. 

Ah get off the stuck record.  It's boring and lost it's appeal!  You people now sounding like hapless clowns marking time looking for the next act!!

Mars posted:

PPP has the biggest tiefmen, had the most state sponsored murders and turned the country into a narco republic with gunmen everywhere. 

If you feel that the situation has changed under the PNC to remove Guyana from that list then all you have to do to get a dose of reality is check out my crime tracker thread.  You can't argue with the facts. You folks have done nothing to increase the security of the country as we continue to see robbery and murder at an alarming rate for such a small country. The PNC supporters earn their daily bread from robbing Indians and tourists. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

PPP has the biggest tiefmen, had the most state sponsored murders and turned the country into a narco republic with gunmen everywhere. 

If you feel that the situation has changed under the PNC to remove Guyana from that list then all you have to do to get a dose of reality is check out my crime tracker thread.  You can't argue with the facts. You folks have done nothing to increase the security of the country as we continue to see robbery and murder at an alarming rate for such a small country. The PNC supporters earn their daily bread from robbing Indians and tourists. 

Crime has been reduced under the new administration. It didn't start in May 2015 either so where were your crime tracking skills before then? The PPP were earning bread for the next few generations by robbing all Guyanese taxpayers. Long rope do have an end as the old Guyanese song tells us.

Last edited by Mars
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:

PPP has the biggest tiefmen, had the most state sponsored murders and turned the country into a narco republic with gunmen everywhere. 

Ah get off the stuck record.  It's boring and lost it's appeal!  You people now sounding like hapless clowns marking time looking for the next act!!

The truth like it too much for you to handle?

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

PPP has the biggest tiefmen, had the most state sponsored murders and turned the country into a narco republic with gunmen everywhere. 

If you feel that the situation has changed under the PNC to remove Guyana from that list then all you have to do to get a dose of reality is check out my crime tracker thread.  You can't argue with the facts. You folks have done nothing to increase the security of the country as we continue to see robbery and murder at an alarming rate for such a small country. The PNC supporters earn their daily bread from robbing Indians and tourists. 

Crime has been reduced under the new administration. It didn't start in May 2015 either so where were your crime tracking skills before then? The PPP were earning bread for the next few generations by robbing all Guyanese taxpayers. Long rope do have an end as the old Guyanese song tells us.

What you neglect to state was that the PNC were the ones prior to May 2015 who were supporting criminals and crime in general. Notice that it is the same police members who are "solving" crime today.  But my crime tracker thread says otherwise.  Don't try to rewrite history, the PNC shared out guns to criminals and used their operatives in the police force to tip off criminals and keep them same so they can continue to kill, rob and maim Indians. When you dutty the water, remember that you also have to drink it. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

PPP has the biggest tiefmen, had the most state sponsored murders and turned the country into a narco republic with gunmen everywhere. 

If you feel that the situation has changed under the PNC to remove Guyana from that list then all you have to do to get a dose of reality is check out my crime tracker thread.  You can't argue with the facts. You folks have done nothing to increase the security of the country as we continue to see robbery and murder at an alarming rate for such a small country. The PNC supporters earn their daily bread from robbing Indians and tourists. 

Crime has been reduced under the new administration. It didn't start in May 2015 either so where were your crime tracking skills before then? The PPP were earning bread for the next few generations by robbing all Guyanese taxpayers. Long rope do have an end as the old Guyanese song tells us.

What you neglect to state was that the PNC were the ones prior to May 2015 who were supporting criminals and crime in general. Notice that it is the same police members who are "solving" crime today.  But my crime tracker thread says otherwise.  Don't try to rewrite history, the PNC shared out guns to criminals and used their operatives in the police force to tip off criminals and keep them same so they can continue to kill, rob and maim Indians. When you dutty the water, remember that you also have to drink it. 

The PPP were involved in crime themselves. They turned a blind eye to the drug trade and facilitated the drug barons because it was pouring large revenues into the economy and their pockets. Remember when Roger Khan was caught with illegal firearms, they let him go after the police arrested him. Same with Peter Morgan who was busted for importing a huge shipment of arms. His connections in the PPP let him go without facing any legal action. The Phantoms and the Police Force were working with the PPP and bumping off drug enforcers so they could maintain their hold on the drug economy. When George Bacchus tried to squeal, they bumped him off. They turned the country into a crime infested narco republic, the effects we are still feeling today. They also took corruption to new heights, ripping off the taxpayers with every project they managed. People finally got fed up with their corrupt ways and threw them out on their tiefin asses. Where were your crime tracking skills then?

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

The PPP were involved in crime themselves. They turned a blind eye to the drug trade and facilitated the drug barons because it was pouring large revenues into the economy and their pockets. Remember when Roger Khan was caught with illegal firearms, they let him go after the police arrested him. Same with Peter Morgan who was busted for importing a huge shipment of arms. His connections in the PPP let him go without facing any legal action. The Phantoms and the Police Force were working with the PPP and bumping off drug enforcers so they could maintain their hold on the drug economy. When George Bacchus tried to squeal, they bumped him off. They turned the country into a crime infested narco republic, the effects we are still feeling today. They also took corruption to new heights, ripping off the taxpayers with every project they managed. People finally got fed up with their corrupt ways and threw them out on their tiefin asses. Where were your crime tracking skills then?

Forgive him lil bit deh Mars, at dat time he was still bin ah study for the PPP, Krime Trakin Skiltz For The Dummy Commie, course

Last edited by cain

Tourism is down since Granger start releasing criminals. Georgetown became dangerous with a security minister who don't know anything about his job. The Marriott is going on sale since the blight running the country. This is justice if nobody ever visit Guyana against. Let granger and his thieves rotten in Guyana. He should also keep the uncleansed Indians and use them as slaves.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

PPP has the biggest tiefmen, had the most state sponsored murders and turned the country into a narco republic with gunmen everywhere. 

If you feel that the situation has changed under the PNC to remove Guyana from that list then all you have to do to get a dose of reality is check out my crime tracker thread.  You can't argue with the facts. You folks have done nothing to increase the security of the country as we continue to see robbery and murder at an alarming rate for such a small country. The PNC supporters earn their daily bread from robbing Indians and tourists. 

Crime has been reduced under the new administration. It didn't start in May 2015 either so where were your crime tracking skills before then? The PPP were earning bread for the next few generations by robbing all Guyanese taxpayers. Long rope do have an end as the old Guyanese song tells us.

What you neglect to state was that the PNC were the ones prior to May 2015 who were supporting criminals and crime in general. Notice that it is the same police members who are "solving" crime today.  But my crime tracker thread says otherwise.  Don't try to rewrite history, the PNC shared out guns to criminals and used their operatives in the police force to tip off criminals and keep them same so they can continue to kill, rob and maim Indians. When you dutty the water, remember that you also have to drink it. 

The PPP were involved in crime themselves. They turned a blind eye to the drug trade and facilitated the drug barons because it was pouring large revenues into the economy and their pockets. Remember when Roger Khan was caught with illegal firearms, they let him go after the police arrested him. Same with Peter Morgan who was busted for importing a huge shipment of arms. His connections in the PPP let him go without facing any legal action. The Phantoms and the Police Force were working with the PPP and bumping off drug enforcers so they could maintain their hold on the drug economy. When George Bacchus tried to squeal, they bumped him off. They turned the country into a crime infested narco republic, the effects we are still feeling today. They also took corruption to new heights, ripping off the taxpayers with every project they managed. People finally got fed up with their corrupt ways and threw them out on their tiefin asses. Where were your crime tracking skills then?

 There is no evidence that the PPP were involved in crime nor supporting drug lords. It was the PNC police that freed RK as they didn't have any evidence. But eventually the PPP got rid of RK after cooperating with the US. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

PPP has the biggest tiefmen, had the most state sponsored murders and turned the country into a narco republic with gunmen everywhere. 

If you feel that the situation has changed under the PNC to remove Guyana from that list then all you have to do to get a dose of reality is check out my crime tracker thread.  You can't argue with the facts. You folks have done nothing to increase the security of the country as we continue to see robbery and murder at an alarming rate for such a small country. The PNC supporters earn their daily bread from robbing Indians and tourists. 

Crime has been reduced under the new administration. It didn't start in May 2015 either so where were your crime tracking skills before then? The PPP were earning bread for the next few generations by robbing all Guyanese taxpayers. Long rope do have an end as the old Guyanese song tells us.

What you neglect to state was that the PNC were the ones prior to May 2015 who were supporting criminals and crime in general. Notice that it is the same police members who are "solving" crime today.  But my crime tracker thread says otherwise.  Don't try to rewrite history, the PNC shared out guns to criminals and used their operatives in the police force to tip off criminals and keep them same so they can continue to kill, rob and maim Indians. When you dutty the water, remember that you also have to drink it. 

The PPP were involved in crime themselves. They turned a blind eye to the drug trade and facilitated the drug barons because it was pouring large revenues into the economy and their pockets. Remember when Roger Khan was caught with illegal firearms, they let him go after the police arrested him. Same with Peter Morgan who was busted for importing a huge shipment of arms. His connections in the PPP let him go without facing any legal action. The Phantoms and the Police Force were working with the PPP and bumping off drug enforcers so they could maintain their hold on the drug economy. When George Bacchus tried to squeal, they bumped him off. They turned the country into a crime infested narco republic, the effects we are still feeling today. They also took corruption to new heights, ripping off the taxpayers with every project they managed. People finally got fed up with their corrupt ways and threw them out on their tiefin asses. Where were your crime tracking skills then?

 There is no evidence that the PPP were involved in crime nor supporting drug lords. It was the PNC police that freed RK as they didn't have any evidence. But eventually the PPP got rid of RK after cooperating with the US. 

You should audition for Amateur Night at the Improv cause you sure know how to crack jokes. Roger Khan was arrested by the Police for possession of guns and the spy equipment. The PPP ordered that he should be freed while the PNC was protesting against setting him free. When Khan was finally arrested in Surinam, it was Police Chief Felix who turned up the heat on him and forced him to flee. The PPP never cooperated with the US in Khan's arrest. They protested vehemently after he was arrested and whisked away by the US authorities.


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