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City businessman ambushed by masked gunmen

August 10, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

A 59-year city businessman narrowly escaped an ambush staged by two armed bandits in the wee hours of yesterday morning at his Christiani Street, North Ruimveldt residence. The incident occurred moments after he had closed his business doors. Businessman Clinton Anderson who was shot to his right knee during the attack is currently a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Reports are that Anderson and his wife had just arrived home when the two gunmen pounced on them. According to the businessman, he and his wife had closed their business place ‘Yellow Shop’ which the couple have been operating on Aubrey Barker Road, South Ruimveldt, Georgetown for the past fifteen years and arrived home around 01:00 hours. Anderson recounts that as his wife got out of the vehicle to open the gate for him to drive into his yard, he noticed two masked men running towards them. “This thing happened so fast. The place did dark and I deh in the car. When I look out I see them “dashing” coming and I reverse off the bridge. He said that the moving vehicle did not deter the bandits since they started banging on it with guns, demanding he stop the car. Anderson said that it was clear that he was the target since they ignored his wife and focused on him.  He said he had the day’s earnings in the vehicle. Anderson told Kaieteur News that one bandit managed to get one of the car doors open but he kept the car moving, prohibiting the bandit from entering. He said the bandit who tried holding onto the vehicle was thrown into a nearby drain. The businessman recalled that, that was when the gunman opened fire on the moving vehicle and one of the bullets which went through the car door hit him on his right knee. He said “after they ain’t get me they run back to the corner where they had a car waiting, jumped in and drove off.” Anderson made a report at the Police Outpost in Ruimveldt.  He was then taken to GPHC for treatment. The entrepreneur revealed that this is the second time that he was targeted by bandits. He said that eight years ago, five armed businessmen ran into his house and made off with millions in cash and articles.

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Originally Posted by asj:

QUOTE "He said that eight years ago, five armed businessmen ran into his house and made off with millions in cash and articles."UNQUOTE

Were these PNC businessmen?


The bloodying of Guyana…Solution anyone?

August 10, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


Countryman – Stories about life, in and out of Guyana, from a Guyanese perspective

By Dennis A. Nichols “Woman hold her head and cry” lamented Bob Marley as he pondered the plight of Jamaican youths, mothers, and street

Dennis Nichols

Dennis Nichols

violence, in his poignant hit ‘Johnny Was’. Substitute ‘Guyanese’ for Jamaican and, more to the point, alter the first six words of the sentence to read ‘Guyana hold your head and bawl’. Then let the lament be carried on a wave of despair, anger and incredulity by those lost and confused souls at whose benumbed minds are hurled daily the abuses of lawlessness, crime, and (hopefully) temporary insanity. Guyana may not be the most criminally insane country on Earth, but you and I live here, and that’s the way it seems much of the time. And to make matters worse, we tend to have a kind of perverse compulsion to wallow in the mire of sensational ‘news’ stories of crime and bloody mayhem that wax and wane, then are repeated with nauseating frequency. Some of us leave this golden Eldorado for greener climes. A few return. Some prosper. Many stay and burn, and worry if, or when, Guyana will implode. So, does anyone feel optimistic about our future? In the annals of criminal activity and lawless government, it may seem as if our country must rank near the top of the heap. Not necessarily. Read about the atrocities that happened (and may still happen) in places like Russia, China, South Africa, Somalia, Syria, Cambodia, Mexico and the good old U.S of A., and be thankful that despite our own horror stories, we’re yet to experience the kind of anarchy, genocide, and natural disasters that other countries have suffered, and survived. Yet, little of this may matter to those of us who feel marginalized and powerless. Back in the early seventies I was part of a group of young men who hung out by our front gate in South Road, and discussed world affairs, politics, and social ills as only guys can. Our ‘leader’ was a relatively young teacher and radical scholar who initiated discourse on the merits of socialism and the pitfalls of capitalism. He took us to meetings of a group called the Movement Against Oppression (MAO), in Tiger Bay where, among other things, we got the idea that we had to take a stand against criminal acts perceived to be committed by government authorities and/or the police. Still a teenager, I held and cherished an idealistic streak. Sometime in 1971 or ’72, the police shot and killed an allegedly unarmed Tiger Bay teenager named Keith Caesar. Outrage erupted over the shooting, and a few days later, after his funeral service, I hesitantly participated in my first demonstration-march, from St. George’s Cathedral to Le Repentir Cemetery, as part of the MAO crew. Caesar’s coffin was hoisted shoulder-high throughout the march, taunts were thrown at law enforcers along the way, and I was introduced to the phrase ‘extra-judicial killing’ for the first time.

A now commonplace scene in Guyana

A now commonplace scene in Guyana

Despite ongoing allegations of police misconduct, I still had a great deal of respect, (perhaps tinged with a little fear) for our local police and military. In 1972, the exploits of police officers like Hannibal, Fordyce, Chester, Sue and Crime Chief David Rose in the late 1950s were still relatively fresh in the minds of Guyanese, and even though I was a mere child then, I had heard of them. Even more recent were the heroics of some policemen on Black Friday in 1962, and the 1969 Lethem unrest in which Inspector Whittington Braithwaite and four other police officers were killed in the line of duty. After the Keith Caesar incident, deadly confrontations between the police and civilians continued sporadically, but what little militancy I possessed was waning, although I continued to be shocked and saddened whenever a life was lost in these engagements, especially if it seemed unjust or arbitrary.  Belated studies, teacher-training, marriage, family and bare survival occupied much of my time and energies over the next 25 years or so. But when Linden ‘Blackie’ London was killed in 2000, it left a sordid stench in the nostrils of many Guyanese, including me. ‘Blackie, an allegedly notorious criminal, former soldier and a wanted man, was shot and killed by members of the feared ‘Black Clothes’ police and/or the G.D.F. after an 11-hour standoff and a conditional surrender in Eccles. It was felt by many persons that the killing-after-surrender was a deliberate act to silence the bandit who may have implicated some ‘big ones’ including a U.S Embassy officer, in his nefarious acts. By then also many persons were throwing allegations of police brutality left and right against the Black Clothes; the names of whom could elicit instant apprehension and fear in some circles. Then came 2002 and the atrocious Mash’ Day jailbreak, followed by a crime caper the likes of which had not been witnessed here before, even in the ‘60s. Starting with the death of prison officer, Troy Williams, and the maiming of prison guard, Roxanne Winfield, during the getaway, dozens of Guyanese, including 12 police officers, lost their lives in violent confrontations precipitated by the prison escape over the next 10 months. Bloody corpses stained the landscape, and their images reddened the front pages of this newspaper. Some of the 2002 names that, for better or worse, Guyanese will probably never forget – Dale Moore, Shawn Browne, Andrew Douglas, Troy Dick, Mark Fraser (the prison escapees) Leon Fraser, Errol ‘Taps’ Butcher, Harry Kooseram, Shaka Blair, Vibert Inniss, Feroze Bashir, Gavin Naraine, Andy Atwell, Leyland October, Premkumar Sukraj, and the Phantom squad. These were the good, the bad and the unlucky, and the few only that I recall, having left Guyana for The Bahamas in August of that year. (A thought: Did the crime wave play any part in hastening the death of former president Desmond Hoyte in December of that year?)trail A death, whether by design or accident, means that somebody’s child, parent, relative or friend is no longer with him or her. And the sudden, brutal killing of a loved one, whether a criminal, a hero, or an everyday ‘Joe’ is usually a devastatingly psychological and enervating trauma for someone else – sometimes for an entire society or nation. And since the beginning of this year scarcely a day has passed without a report of at least one horrific killing or accident. Some are even starting to compare 2014 to 2002. Like the woman in the Bob Marley dirge, we continue to hold our heads and cry. We continue to wallow in despair and seethe in anger. Those actions in themselves won’t achieve much in changing the bloody status quo in Guyana. But other actions may. Next week I’ll tell you about a week I spent in South Africa, and how the actions of some ordinary South Africans have contributed to the evolving transformation of that country


There have been more murders committed in Guyana under the PPP in the last 22 years, than there were in Guyana during 1900 to 1991. So crime and murder is part of the PPP inheritance that we Guyanese have to put up with.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There have been more murders committed in Guyana under the PPP in the last 22 years, than there were in Guyana during 1900 to 1991. So crime and murder is part of the PPP inheritance that we Guyanese have to put up with.

PNC sponsored terrorism, known fact.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There have been more murders committed in Guyana under the PPP in the last 22 years, than there were in Guyana during 1900 to 1991. So crime and murder is part of the PPP inheritance that we Guyanese have to put up with.

PNC sponsored terrorism, known fact.

Seems like you have someone jumping up and down on your back and you are shouting quote "PNC sponsored terrorism, known fact." nasty ******

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There have been more murders committed in Guyana under the PPP in the last 22 years, than there were in Guyana during 1900 to 1991. So crime and murder is part of the PPP inheritance that we Guyanese have to put up with.

PNC sponsored terrorism, known fact.

All the gun sellers are PPP members. And the PNC is a surrogate of the PPP. So at least you admit liability for being part of the crime gang.


Woman’s bound body found in Plaisance home

August 9, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

The bound and battered body of a 57-year-old woman was discovered at around 21.00 hrs last night in her Lot 41, Prince William Street, Plaisance home. Police said that Ann Jennifer Mendonca’s son found her lying in her bed. Her hands were bound with duct-tape and a black plastic bag was tied around her head, which was covered by two pillows. Police believe that the killer (s) gained entry via Mrs. Mendonca’s back door, which she may have left open while working in her kitchen. According to reports, the victim’s son left for work at around 03.00 hrs yesterday. His mother was reportedly still alive when he called around noon. However, at around 21.00 hrs, the son reportedly received calls from neighbours, who said that all of the lights in his mother’s house were off. The son immediately hurried home and found his mother’s body. The house was ransacked and a gold chain and ring, along with a DVD player, were missing. Kaieteur News understands that police are questioning a man with whom the victim had a recent dispute, but sources said that investigators have found nothing to implicate him.


Eighty murders in seven months, armed robberies up by 16 percent

August 9, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Eighty people have been murdered within the first seven months of this year and there have been 679 reported armed

Ashmini Hariram

Ashmini Hariram

robberies, but police say that “total serious crimes” have decreased during this period. According to statistics released by the Guyana Police Force, 80 murders were recorded between January and the end of July 2014, in comparison to 73 murders for the same period in 2013, which is an increase of 10 percent. Three were execution-type murders, 16 occurred during robberies, 21 were domestic-related, 17 were of the disorderly type and 23 are so far, undetermined. At the end of July 2014, robbery under arms had increased by 16 percent, with police receiving 679 reports, compared with 585 for the same period in 2013. Recent police reports have showed a disturbing rise in the use of firearms during robberies, and this remained the case with yesterday’s release. “The police statistics indicate a 27 percent in the number of robberies involving the use of firearms; and a two percent decrease in armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators,” the Public Relations Department said. But the Force also recorded an eight percent drop in serious crimes between January to July, 2014, as against the corresponding period in 2013. Police received 2,134 reports of serious crimes between January 01 and July 31, 2014, compared with 2,317 for the same period in 2013. Police also reported an increase in road fatalities during the past seven months, with 67 road deaths from 61 accidents, as against 61 fatalities from 58 accidents for the same period in 2013. Pedestrians have been the main road users affected with 28 such persons having lost their lives at the end of July 2014.

Joyce Lewis

Joyce Lewis

In addition, eight motor cyclists, 14 pedal cyclists, six drivers and 11persons travelling in motor vehicles also lost their lives. Speeding was the cause of 37 of the 61 fatal accidents recorded at the end of July 2014. Traffic enforcement by the police resulted in 43,487 cases being made against errant motorists unto the end of July 2014. Of this total, 11,637 cases were for speeding. To date, eight persons have lost their lives from seven accidents on the roads for the month of August 2014.


Conductor critical after stabbed ‘inches’ from heart

August 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

A route 48 minibus conductor was stabbed twice in the vicinity of the heart and once to his arm by three youths around 09:00 hrs yesterday at ‘B’ Field Sophia. Up to press time, the critically wounded 34-year-old Shawn George of Lot 413 ‘A’ Field Sophia was undergoing emergency surgery at the Georgetown Public Hospital. Melissa George, one of the injured man’s cousins, said that they were informed that the man was stabbed “inches away from his heart” and his condition was listed as critical. She claimed that when the family was allowed to see George, he could not move or speak. The cousin further told this newspaper that on Wednesday, two youths entered the minibus her cousin works on but when they reached their destination, they refused to pay their bus fare. The youths and the conductor reportedly got into a heated argument and after some time, the man got into the bus and it drove away, leaving the two “verbally abusive” youths standing on the roadway in ‘B’ Field, Sophia. According to Melissa George, early yesterday morning one of the two youths approached the man at his home and threatened to injure him, forcing him to file a report at the Turkeyen Police Station. “After he made the report, he went to the bus park to work and as he was going into ‘B’ Field, Sophia, with passengers, three boys blocked the road,” the cousin explained. The youths, armed with a knife, cutlass and ice-pick reportedly attacked the man before escaping. The passengers were not injured. This publication was told that one of the three youths who attacked George is in custody assisting with information.


North Ruimveldt man shot during escape from criminals


Demerara Waves
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A man was shot and injured as he tried to escape from two men who pounced on him early Saturday morning as he was about to enter his yard.
Clifton Anderson, 50,  told police that about 1:45 Saturday morning he was about to enter his North Ruimveldt yard in his motor vehicle when he was confronted by two men.
Anderson said that as he was about to reverse the vehicle to drive away, one of the men opened fire.
Anderson said he sustained gunshot wounds to his back and right knew.
He has been admitted to a city hospital, even as police continue their investigations.
Originally Posted by asj:

North Ruimveldt man shot during escape from criminals


Demerara Waves
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A man was shot and injured as he tried to escape from two men who pounced on him early Saturday morning as he was about to enter his yard.
Clifton Anderson, 50,  told police that about 1:45 Saturday morning he was about to enter his North Ruimveldt yard in his motor vehicle when he was confronted by two men.
Anderson said that as he was about to reverse the vehicle to drive away, one of the men opened fire.
Anderson said he sustained gunshot wounds to his back and right knew.
He has been admitted to a city hospital, even as police continue their investigations.

you mean as the police continue to pick up the empty casing


BREAKING NEWS: Prisoner found dead at Camp Street prison

August 10, 2014 11:50 amCategory: latest newsA+ / A-


Camp-Street-Prison[] –  Prisoner, Victor Lalley was this morning found dead at the Camp Street Prison, Georgetown.

The details surrounding the man’s death are unclear at this time, however sources confirmed that no marks of violence were found on his body. The prisoner of Moblissa, Linden Highway was on remand for the offence of murder.

iNews will provide a more detailed story shortly.


Argument turns deadly; Suspect arrested

August 10, 2014 11:27 amCategory: latest newsA+ / A-





Fifty – three – year old Ayube Khan died at the West Demerara Regional Hospital yesterday [August 09] after he was struck to his head and body with a piece of wood by another man at his Canal Number One Polder home.

According to a police report, Gocool was imbibing at his residence when he became involved in an argument with another man, who allegedly hit him with the wood.

The suspect has been arrested and is in police custody assisting with the investigations.


Man dies days after thrashing

August 11, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

- Drinking “buddy” in police custody   

By: Romila Boodram

A 53-year-old man, who was brutally beaten with a piece of wood, allegedly by his drinking “buddy” last Wednesday, succumbed to multiple injuries at the West Demerara Regional Hospital on Saturday.

Dead: Ayube Khan

Dead: Ayube Khan

Ayube Khan, of Lot 29 Canal Number One, West Bank Demerara (EBD) died around 06:15 hrs, one day after he was discovered in a clump of bushes at the front of the suspect’s yard, where he was reportedly left to die.
His attacker, who has been identified as Derrick Gocool, was arrested on Saturday at a “rum shop”, just a stone’s throw from his Canal Number One home.
A piece of wood, which police believed was used to attack Khan, was found in the suspect’s yard, not far from where the dead man was discovered lying.
The duo lived a short distance away from each other and are said to be distant relatives.
At Khan’s home yesterday, his wife, Chanrutie (her only name) explained that her husband left home around 19:00 hrs on Wednesday to collect cigarette from Gocool, but never returned.
She explained that when Thursday passed and her husband did not return home, she did not worry, since she thought that he was under the influence of alcohol and decided to “sober up” before returning home.
“I thought the two of them drunk and sleep right there because earlier I was talking that I don’t want any drunk people here at my house, so when he didn’t come home the Thursday, I say he must be  drunk…I didn’t think something like this would happen,” Khan’s wife related.
She further explained that early on Friday, a young man who resides next to the suspect called and informed her that her spouse and Gocool were involved in an argument late Wednesday.
“He said that he hear the big argument and after sometime, the loud sounds died down. He said that he didn’t think it was anything serious, that is why he didn’t tell me earlier,” Chanrutie recalled.
She added that she immediately sent two children to the shack Gocool lived in to confirm whether the news she received was true.
It was then the shocking discovery of Khan’s body was made.

This is where Khan was found in an unconscious state

This is where Khan was found in an unconscious state

“The children come and tell me that they see him lying in the bush and he got blood all over his skin but like it was still hard to believe so I sent the man who lives at the back of me and he come back and tell me that we have to hurry up and take Khan to the hospital,” a devastated Chanrutie said.
She added that with the help of relatives, they removed an unconscious Khan from where he was lying and took him home, where they washed off the blood from his skin and later took him to the hospital.
“His head was bleeding and his whole skin had blood. He had some brands on his hands and back,” the wife said.
She added that “Derrick does come by me and eat and when he don’t come, my husband does take food over for him so for him to do something like this to my husband is cruel.”
Khan leaves to mourn his wife and four siblings.

Originally Posted by asj:

Really enjoyed your wife and your daughter batty and when you come in drunk you even got some heavy roller in your ass, bawling for more

Guys, keep this stuff out of here. If you guys insult each other, leave the family out.


It is a good gesture to keep out the insults, but if someone hurl insults at me, definately I will respond in kind manner that I think fit.


When insults are hurl at me, where are you then? never ever seen you come in with a post asking people to desist.


Even when your good buddy Rev, started an insulting thread about ASJ, where were you?


Had I started one about him, then it would not have been so good.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:

Really enjoyed your wife and your daughter batty and when you come in drunk you even got some heavy roller in your ass, bawling for more

ASj, Last night when you were watching movie in the Basement yuh wife and daughter chatay am before I put it in them!!!!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Really enjoyed your wife and your daughter batty and when you come in drunk you even got some heavy roller in your ass, bawling for more

Guys, keep this stuff out of here. If you guys insult each other, leave the family out.

Skelly thanks but I can handle the Batty Boy. I does be home at him constantly..  He got to know me as the milk man.

Originally Posted by asj:

It is a good gesture to keep out the insults, but if someone hurl insults at me, definately I will respond in kind manner that I think fit.


When insults are hurl at me, where are you then? never ever seen you come in with a post asking people to desist.


Even when your good buddy Rev, started an insulting thread about ASJ, where were you?


Had I started one about him, then it would not have been so good.

ASJ, we all hurl insults at posters who do not agree with our political views. All I am saying is to keep the sexual inuendos about a man's wife and daughter out of the insults.


Shocked by murder of Ann Mendonca, who once gave a bouquet to a Queen

August 11, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
In February 1966, the 29 year old Queen Elizabeth II of England and her husband Prince Phillip of Edinburgh paid an official two-day visit to British Guiana.  This was the first (and very probably the only time) that a reigning monarch was visiting Guyana.  It was a holiday in Guyana and the climax of months of preparation.
Georgetown was festive at night with decorative lights and during the day with flags and buntings.  People from all walks of life, near and far, thronged the streets of Georgetown in expectation of a glimpse of the Queen, to enjoy the ceremonial pomp and glamor, and to savor a moment of history.
Children from the various schools along the coastal and interior regions were selected to travel to Georgetown to see the Queen.  My brother, Chaitram Singh, was one of the lucky students selected to represent Corentyne High School.  I remember the day well because he brought back a miniature Union Jack which was my pride and joy for the next couple of days.
Upon disembarking from the Royal Yacht Britannia moored at the Sproston’s wharf, the Queen was greeted by BG’s  Governor Sir Richard and Lady Luyt, Prime Minister Mr. Forbes Burnham, and the Chief Justice Sir Joseph Luckhoo.
The Queen then inspected a Guard of Honor commanded by Sandhurst-trained Major Ramon Sattaur.  The Royal party then entered a open black Austin Princess and were driven to Parliament Buildings where on the balcony, alluding to our country’s Independence which was just three months away, she said, “Now is time to look forward with hope and resolution that all of this land, of whatever ancestry or creed, shall enjoy a shared prosperity and happiness as citizens of Guyana”.
Later that day the Queen attended a civic ceremony at the Promenade Gardens, attended the races at Durban Park, and a reception that evening at the Prime Minister’s residence.
The next day, Sunday, February 3, 1966, the Queen travelled by train to the village of Plaisance.  Plaisance lived up to its friendly reputation.  There were thousands of people waiting to see the Queen.  But it was going to be a very big day for a little Plaisance girl.  Ann Jennifer Mendonca was nine years old at the time and she was selected by the village elders to present a bouquet of flowers to the Queen.  Dressed in a dainty white frock pretty Ann Mendonca made her way to the Queen, curtsied, and offered the flowers to the smiling Queen.  Ann herself was bashful and smiling as she made three steps backward, curtsied again, then turning from the Queen’s presence.
Ann was still living in Plaisance with her son and I was planning on visiting her the next time I go to Guyana.  My hopes were dashed this morning when I read in the Kaieteur News that Ms. Ann Jennifer Mendonca was found murdered in her home last night.  According to KN, “her hands were bound with duct-tape and a black plastic bag was tied around her head, which was covered by two pillows.”
Where, oh where, is our country heading ?
O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.
Rishi Singh

Originally Posted by asj:

Shocked by murder of Ann Mendonca, who once gave a bouquet to a Queen

August 11, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
In February 1966, the 29 year old Queen Elizabeth II of England and her husband Prince Phillip of Edinburgh paid an official two-day visit to British Guiana.  This was the first (and very probably the only time) that a reigning monarch was visiting Guyana.  It was a holiday in Guyana and the climax of months of preparation.
Georgetown was festive at night with decorative lights and during the day with flags and buntings.  People from all walks of life, near and far, thronged the streets of Georgetown in expectation of a glimpse of the Queen, to enjoy the ceremonial pomp and glamor, and to savor a moment of history.
Children from the various schools along the coastal and interior regions were selected to travel to Georgetown to see the Queen.  My brother, Chaitram Singh, was one of the lucky students selected to represent Corentyne High School.  I remember the day well because he brought back a miniature Union Jack which was my pride and joy for the next couple of days.
Upon disembarking from the Royal Yacht Britannia moored at the Sproston’s wharf, the Queen was greeted by BG’s  Governor Sir Richard and Lady Luyt, Prime Minister Mr. Forbes Burnham, and the Chief Justice Sir Joseph Luckhoo.
The Queen then inspected a Guard of Honor commanded by Sandhurst-trained Major Ramon Sattaur.  The Royal party then entered a open black Austin Princess and were driven to Parliament Buildings where on the balcony, alluding to our country’s Independence which was just three months away, she said, “Now is time to look forward with hope and resolution that all of this land, of whatever ancestry or creed, shall enjoy a shared prosperity and happiness as citizens of Guyana”.
Later that day the Queen attended a civic ceremony at the Promenade Gardens, attended the races at Durban Park, and a reception that evening at the Prime Minister’s residence.
The next day, Sunday, February 3, 1966, the Queen travelled by train to the village of Plaisance.  Plaisance lived up to its friendly reputation.  There were thousands of people waiting to see the Queen.  But it was going to be a very big day for a little Plaisance girl.  Ann Jennifer Mendonca was nine years old at the time and she was selected by the village elders to present a bouquet of flowers to the Queen.  Dressed in a dainty white frock pretty Ann Mendonca made her way to the Queen, curtsied, and offered the flowers to the smiling Queen.  Ann herself was bashful and smiling as she made three steps backward, curtsied again, then turning from the Queen’s presence.
Ann was still living in Plaisance with her son and I was planning on visiting her the next time I go to Guyana.  My hopes were dashed this morning when I read in the Kaieteur News that Ms. Ann Jennifer Mendonca was found murdered in her home last night.  According to KN, “her hands were bound with duct-tape and a black plastic bag was tied around her head, which was covered by two pillows.”
Where, oh where, is our country heading ?
O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.
Rishi Singh

Queen Elizabeth II visited Guyana again in February 1994.


Very tragic what happened to Ann Mendonca.


BREAKING NEWS: Man gunned down near Sophia
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A man was Monday night gunned down on Eastern Highway, Prashad Nagar while he was riding his motorcycle.
He has been identified as Marvin Cumberbatch.
Sources said he was going to meet his girlfriend when he was shot and robbed. The assailant fled the scene and left his bicycle behind.
Cumberbatch was shot multiple times. Eyewitnesses said an ambulance was about rush the man to a hospital when police arrived and ordered that the injured man be taken out and placed on the road.
Investigators said their instructions were based on the fact that it was a crime scene.
Meanwhile, police have arrested a businessman in connection with  Monday night’s alleged shooting outside the residence of his ex wife and children at Pigeon Island, East Coast Demerara.

One gunned down, another hospitalized; one arrested in three separate shootings

August 11, 2014 11:40 pmCategory: latest newsA+ / A-


By Leroy Smith

Dead: Marvin Cumbermack

Dead: Marvin Cumbermack



Marvin Cumbermack, an employee of the Guyana Water Inc, was shot dead in North Sophia after he was robbed of his motorcycle on Monday night [August 11].

The 29 – year – old man had moments before picked up his girlfriend from classes and dropped her off at her home in ‘C’ Sophia.

iNews was informed that the bandit who approached the man wrestled with him for the motorcycle and resorted to shooting the victim and making good his escape with the bike as the man lay bleeding to death.

A Georgetown Hospital Ambulance which responded to the scene picked up the man, placed him in the vehicle but later took him out of the ambulance and left the scene. Persons in the area said that the man was still gasping for breath when the ambulance staff left him at the location.

His mother, who is a security guard, broke down in tears after seeing his body.

Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports suggested that the same man who robbed Cumbermack of his motorcycle, rode up to a car and shot one of the occupants in the neck at Eping Avenue, Bel Air.

The injured man has been identified as Kwame Smith and up to the time this article was published, he was receiving medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

And the final shooting incident at Pigeon Island, East Coast Demerara, a man was arrested after he turned up at his wife’s home and allegedly attempted to kidnap their children.

The body of Cumberbatch. [iNews' Photo]

The body of Cumberbatch. [iNews' Photo]


One dead, one critical at Hog Island after gunmen open fire

August 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A man was shot dead and another critically injured last evening by suspected bandits at Hog Island in the Essequibo River. According to reports, Randy Katwaroo, was at his house on Northern Hog Island, along with two other men when they heard a boat approaching. At this point they heard rapid gunshots and Katwaroo ran. He later called his mother Raywattie Katwaroo who informed this publication of what had transpired. She said that her son told her that he hid in the nearby bushes until he heard the boat leave. According to the woman, her son related that when he returned to the scene he found one of the men dead. The dead man was identified only as ‘Drainage’ while another man identified as ‘Elroy’ is reportedly critical. The woman said that her son informed her that if he (the injured man) did not get medical help overnight he would more than likely die. Katwaroo went into hiding whilst awaiting the arrival of the police, fearing the armed men would return. Detectives were dispatched to the island shortly before midnight.


Corentyne man shot, robbed

  • Tuesday, 12 August 2014 22:28
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A Corentyne man was shot and he and his mother and wife were robbed of cash by bandits, police said.
Thirty-two year old Jerry Babulall of Johanna South, Black Bush Polder, Corentyne was shot to his right hand and has been admitted to a hospital.
He and his wife and mother were robbed of GUY$165,000, a quantity of jewellery and cell phones before the perpetrators escaped in a motor car.
Police said Babulall and the women were attacked Tuesday afternoon at 2 O’clock on the Adventure Access Road, Corentyne while they were in his car.
Dear Editor,

In February 1966, the 29 year old Queen Elizabeth II of England and her husband Prince Phillip of Edinburgh paid an official two-day visit to British Guiana. This was the first (and very probably the only time) that a reigning monarch was visiting Guyana.  It was a holiday in Guyana and the climax of months of preparation.


Shocked by murder of Ann Mendonca, who once gave a bouquet to a Queen

August 11, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926.


In 1966, she was 40 years of age, not 29.


4 dead in interior incidents


August 11, 2014 By GuyanaTimes


The Perils of mining!



Four persons, all males, are dead following separate incidents in the interior on Sunday and Monday. According to Police, two of the men died on Sunday while the other two died on Monday.

Reports revealed that miners Clifton Rodrigues, 55, of Aishalton and Leon Mootoo, 20, of Berbice, both lost their lives after the mining pit they were working in caved in, trapping them.

The pit is located at Marudi Mountain, Aishalton, Region Nine.

The bodies of the two miners were subsequently retrieved and the Police are currently investigating the incident.

Meanwhile, around 05:30h on Monday, a man was found in an unconscious state at the Baramita Health Centre. He later succumbed while being treated at the medical institution. The Police in a release said the man is believed to be Ryan Kawall of Mosquito Hall, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara; however, they are yet to confirm these reports. Investigations are continuing.

Also on Monday, sometime around 13:00h, Richard Kanhai, 19, of Pomeroon, Essequibo, was killed after a tree fell and pinned him. This incident took place somewhere in the Arakaka Backdam, North West District. The Police are also investigation this incident.


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