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Guyana: A nation on the rise

Monday, 13 February 2012 22:26
Chronicle -

A country’s strength is usually measured by economic growth, and if we examine the Guyana case from 1992 when the incumbent PPP/C was elected to power to the present time, it is easy to conclude that we have been a nation on the rise, and the people are enjoying a better standard of living. And there are no ifs and buts about it, when President Donald Ramotar addressed the opening of the 10th Parliament last Friday, following last November’s general and regional elections which the PPP/C won with the largest bloc of votes, his message was clear that Guyana could move forward to bigger and better things as long as the opposition take their role seriously, and work in conjunction with the government to further improve the lot of the Guyanese people.

Strange, but true, between 1992 and now, there have been tremendous improvements in the standard of living, as all economic signals are pointing in that direction. Indeed,the inflation rate of a country is one of the indicators that points to the improvement or deterioration of the standard of living of the people. It is no secret that this current government has over the years, been able to keep down the inflation to manageable proportions.

In fact, today, the much dreaded inflation rate has been reduced to single digits, and this is a sure sign of an economy and people on the move.

However, we note that because of the peculiar make-up of the current National Assembly, with the ruling PPP/C winning 32 seats and APNU and the AFC 26 and 7 seats respectively, a new opportunity has been opened up to all our political leaders to use this unique situation and work in togetherness for the betterment of both our country and people.

When President Ramotar addressed the 10th Parliament Friday last, he made no qualms about his readiness to work with all the stakeholders in genuine attempts to move the country forward.
Throughout his address, President Ramotar’s sincerity was tested to the core, and poured out his heart for all the people of this country, and reminded that Guyana has come a long way since independence, and that the developmental path was not without its challenges. He also believed that another path is open which could propel the country to even greater heights. This is indeed a clear intention that the President is opening his arms to all those who are really interested in the welfare of the Guyanese people to join the train for the fulfilment of this great task in unison, and he could not have put it any better than when he said unequivocally:

“ I urge that we must not miss the opportunity and allow our country to traverse the narrow and difficult roads again. The 10th Parliament can go down in history as being the one that can see us firmly on the highways to peace, progress and prosperity.”

The foregoing are the words of a man who is genuinely interested in the wellbeing of the country’s people, and would stop at nothing, albeit in a peaceful and sound manner, in his mission to further develop this country and its people. This is reflected in the budgetary allocations in the social sector year after year since 1991 when it was eight percent.

This has grown to 30 percent in 2010. This is a clear indication of the incumbents’ earnest efforts to improve the lives of all Guyanese.
We note that the country’s economy has grown significantly over the years, and no efforts should be spared by all those who are interested in the wellbeing of the people and Guyana as a whole from both sides of the political divide to work together in fulfilment of this dream.

Although the manoeuvres by the opposition parties last Friday in Parliament during the election of the very important Selections Committee would lead one to suggest otherwise, the people are however confident that better sense would prevail and those politicians on the opposition benches would put personal political ambitions behind their backs and join with the government benches in paving the way for the continued improvement of the Guyanese people.

Last Updated on Monday, 13 February 2012 22:32

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