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Along racial lines. Yesterday in speaking with an Indo Guyanese who has not gone back to Guyana in 25 years; he said to me that Guyana is a really bad place and the government is no good. Before that I spoke to many Indo Guyanese, including relatives who felt the same way.

During the years of PPP rule many Blacks felt the same way about the PPP

On this forum the above sentiments are also reflected by many individuals, the same goes for other social media. As long as we continue to see things through our racial vernacular there is no hope for Guyana.

I do not know where the argument came from that Indos can’t do this or Blacks can’t do that but it is now deeply embedded in us and we must find a way to exorcise this demon or we will forever suffer.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Those who claim Indian cant do this and Afros cant do that are ignorant. However, what I know is the PNC Party/Govt cannot bring PROGRESS, we can even prove that, they destroyed Guyana which was somewhat rebuild by the PPP and now in just over a year, things are going downhill.

Everyone is capable of achieving their goals given the opportunity and training. The PNC still believe in the Burnham way of Party Paramountcy, Intimidation, Biases, use of Power to the extreme and CORRUPT as you can be.

Last edited by Nehru

The PNC still believe in the Burnham way of Party Paramountcy, Intimidation, Biases, use of Power to the extreme and CORRUPT as you can be.


Same goes for the PPP,to see it blinders will have to be discarded.

Guyanese will have to live with the two dinosaurs until they realize that both are no good for the future of the country,dump them most of them are there to fill their bank accounts.

Django posted:

The PNC still believe in the Burnham way of Party Paramountcy, Intimidation, Biases, use of Power to the extreme and CORRUPT as you can be.


Same goes for the PPP,to see it blinders will have to be discarded.

Guyanese will have to live with the two dinosaurs until they realize that both are no good for the future of the country,dump them most of them are there to fill their bank accounts.

Isn't that what Uncle Tom told you and you believed every word he said. He said taht the coalition will bring an end to CORRUPTION and other ills, HE IS A LYING, CHEATING, SHAMELESS ROBBER BARRON!!!

Django posted:

The PNC still believe in the Burnham way of Party Paramountcy, Intimidation, Biases, use of Power to the extreme and CORRUPT as you can be.


Same goes for the PPP,to see it blinders will have to be discarded.

Guyanese will have to live with the two dinosaurs until they realize that both are no good for the future of the country,dump them most of them are there to fill their bank accounts.

Why do you have to drag the PPP in the PNC mess? They are out of power. leave them good fellas alone. Concentrate on the govt of the day that's ruining the country for everyone.

Prince Juno posted:
Django posted:

The PNC still believe in the Burnham way of Party Paramountcy, Intimidation, Biases, use of Power to the extreme and CORRUPT as you can be.


Same goes for the PPP,to see it blinders will have to be discarded.

Guyanese will have to live with the two dinosaurs until they realize that both are no good for the future of the country,dump them most of them are there to fill their bank accounts.

Why do you have to drag thePPP in the PNC mess? They are out of power. leave them good fellas alone. Concentrate on the govt of the day that's ruining the country for everyone.

Both are peas of the same pod,the Guyanese people are against the wall and have no choice currently.

The Coalition government will be judged after their term comes to an end,if their performance is not to the expectations of the people they will decide who will be elected to run their affairs.

With regard to checks and balances of their performance to date,people are speaking out,democracy is working.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

The PNC still believe in the Burnham way of Party Paramountcy, Intimidation, Biases, use of Power to the extreme and CORRUPT as you can be.


Same goes for the PPP,to see it blinders will have to be discarded.

Guyanese will have to live with the two dinosaurs until they realize that both are no good for the future of the country,dump them most of them are there to fill their bank accounts.

Isn't that what Uncle Tom told you and you believed every word he said. He said taht the coalition will bring an end to CORRUPTION and other ills, HE IS A LYING, CHEATING, SHAMELESS ROBBER BARRON!!!

Also. I thought Ramjattan said that that the AFC will never join with another of the major parties. They sold their soul for trappings of power and in the process lied to all of those who supported them.


It was understandable that Guyana celebrated her 50th anniversary of her independence. This PNC administration appears to have lost all shame in the span of a year that has showcased the miseries of the Guyanese population. The Guyanese population was promised zero tolerance for corruption, reduced crime rate, and everything that they claimed the PPP was lacking. David Granger (possibly a serial murderer) and Moses Nagamotto should be embarrassed by the pathetic performances of their ministers they have selected to right the ship. It’s like putting a baseball farm team to perform as a major league team on the field and collecting major league prices for a ticket.

DANCING AND PARTYING when crime is out of control, people are losing their jobs, theft of millions of dollars(missing money), giving yourself 50% raises, appointing unqualified PNC card carrying members to positions that they are incapable of handling..and the list goes on. This is not what the Guyanese people voted for.


Prashad posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

East Indians have to get their own independent sovereign country and exit this Guyana nonsense.

Prash,seriously bhai when the move to attain that will be started.

It has to start soon because our numbers are rapidly decreasing and so will our political gains with it.

Maybe it will be a good thing if Guyana has no Indians left in the country. It will be worse than Haiti.

Django posted:

The PNC still believe in the Burnham way of Party Paramountcy, Intimidation, Biases, use of Power to the extreme and CORRUPT as you can be.


Same goes for the PPP,to see it blinders will have to be discarded.

Guyanese will have to live with the two dinosaurs until they realize that both are no good for the future of the country,dump them most of them are there to fill their bank accounts.

Distrust. That will forever linger on.

I had great hopes in Granger. Unfortunately, he is confident only among Blacks. Please, I am not talking about socializing.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:


You saying that because you boys got kicked out,no more henny and poke.

If you are able to use reasoning and know what FACTS are, you would not have made such a stupid statement. If you can and I doubt very much, prove me wrong.

ksazma posted:

I don't know why Granger thought that it was expedient to honor Green at his very first opportunity. Someone who is perhaps the most notorious of all PNC members and whose ineptitude turned the Garden City into garbage city. Now hat same Green is the big huncho for the CH&PA. Serves to know people in high places.

Kazc, I have to run but would have like to explain why. Many people dont have an insight of the Barbaric PNC. 


Enjoy the weekenk. Is time for Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo.

Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't know why Granger thought that it was expedient to honor Green at his very first opportunity. Someone who is perhaps the most notorious of all PNC members and whose ineptitude turned the Garden City into garbage city. Now hat same Green is the big huncho for the CH&PA. Serves to know people in high places.

Kazc, I have to run but would have like to explain why. Many people dont have an insight of the Barbaric PNC. 


Enjoy the weekenk. Is time for Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo.

You enjoy the weekend also. Be safe.


I said back in 2011 after the race-base voting continued and the AFC Indian got tricked that the entire template needs to be reinvented.  The one that came to mind back then was the post-genocide constitution of Rwanda.  All existing political parties were desolved and any party wanting to run for national elections must carry a diverse ethnic make-up in leadership and membership.  I'm sure they have other proven models to emulate.  What we can be sure of, Guyana's current model is not working, not for anyone, Indian, Black or anyone else!

ba$eman posted:

I said back in 2011 after the race-base voting continued and the AFC Indian got tricked that the entire template needs to be reinvented.  The one that came to mind back then was the post-genocide constitution of Rwanda.  All existing political parties were desolved and any party wanting to run for national elections must carry a diverse ethnic make-up in leadership and membership.  I'm sure they have other proven models to emulate.  What we can be sure of, Guyana's current model is not working, not for anyone, Indian, Black or anyone else!

What model you have in mind,also what you think may work.

ksazma posted:

I don't know why Granger thought that it was expedient to honor Green at his very first opportunity. Someone who is perhaps the most notorious of all PNC members and whose ineptitude turned the Garden City into garbage city. Now hat same Green is the big huncho for the CH&PA. Serves to know people in high places.

That's why the reluctance to distance his version of the PNC from the past one. Of course CARIBNY said he does not have to apologize as Indians bad too and should apologize first (sic!). Granger is doing more and more to lend credence to what Nehru and others are saying. Same ole same ole PNC. Please feel free to re-engage on this CARIBNY.

politikalamity posted:

reading this thread reinforces how fractured we are. Some pretend to be rational by saying PPP good, PNC bad. Indos good, Blacks bad...when you all ded out then there may be peace. You are all so messed up how do you even look at yourselfs with a clean conscience. 

You really doan know how much this government is doing to alienate the Indian population.

It really happens.

politikalamity posted:

reading this thread reinforces how fractured we are. Some pretend to be rational by saying PPP good, PNC bad. Indos good, Blacks bad...when you all ded out then there may be peace. You are all so messed up how do you even look at yourselfs with a clean conscience. 

You response is a clear indication as to what is wrong in Guyana.  PPP supporters say PPP good and PNC bad.  PNC supporters say PNC good and PPP bad.   So what's new?  But you have to see it one side without even acknowledging it goes both ways and that's the crux of the problem.

The divisions in the minds of today's generation was their in the previous generations.  2015 voting trends was similar to 1964.  So you waiting for people to "ded" out is not plan.  You are just an anti-PPP, anti-Indian hate monger!!

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:

I said back in 2011 after the race-base voting continued and the AFC Indian got tricked that the entire template needs to be reinvented.  The one that came to mind back then was the post-genocide constitution of Rwanda.  All existing political parties were desolved and any party wanting to run for national elections must carry a diverse ethnic make-up in leadership and membership.  I'm sure they have other proven models to emulate.  What we can be sure of, Guyana's current model is not working, not for anyone, Indian, Black or anyone else!

What model you have in mind,also what you think may work.

Did you read my post?  There are several ways to approach it when you recognize the core issues.  And yes, we know there is race-biased voting, that is a given so saying people should change because someone seh so, it's a non-starter.  I referenced several models over the past weeks which needs to be explored.  The likely easiest is to allow coalition formation after election and also the exiting of coalition by a member should they wish, forcing the formation of a new Govt or new election.

The current coalition is not a coalition the day after the election.  This is why Granger lavish them with promises to hop on board and now they all in the doghouse while the PNC runs the show!

I'm sure there are other models.  The crux is to address the ethnic security concerns.  Today, Blacks view the PPP as a dooms say scenario just as the Indians view the PNC.  The PNC is living up to their expectation as earning mistrust among Indians and the junior coalition is powerless to do anything.

politikalamity posted:

Along racial lines. Yesterday in speaking with an Indo Guyanese who has not gone back to Guyana in 25 years; he said to me that Guyana is a really bad place and the government is no good. Before that I spoke to many Indo Guyanese, including relatives who felt the same way.

During the years of PPP rule many Blacks felt the same way about the PPP

On this forum the above sentiments are also reflected by many individuals, the same goes for other social media. As long as we continue to see things through our racial vernacular there is no hope for Guyana.

I do not know where the argument came from that Indos can’t do this or Blacks can’t do that but it is now deeply embedded in us and we must find a way to exorcise this demon or we will forever suffer.

You think?

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:

I said back in 2011 after the race-base voting continued and the AFC Indian got tricked that the entire template needs to be reinvented.  The one that came to mind back then was the post-genocide constitution of Rwanda.  All existing political parties were desolved and any party wanting to run for national elections must carry a diverse ethnic make-up in leadership and membership.  I'm sure they have other proven models to emulate.  What we can be sure of, Guyana's current model is not working, not for anyone, Indian, Black or anyone else!

What model you have in mind,also what you think may work.

Did you read my post?  There are several ways to approach it when you recognize the core issues.  And yes, we know there is race-biased voting, that is a given so saying people should change because someone seh so, it's a non-starter.  I referenced several models over the past weeks which needs to be explored. The likely easiest is to allow coalition formation after election and also the exiting of coalition by a member should they wish, forcing the formation of a new Govt or new election.

The current coalition is not a coalition the day after the election.  This is why Granger lavish them with promises to hop on board and now they all in the doghouse while the PNC runs the show!

I'm sure there are other models.  The crux is to address the ethnic security concerns.  Today, Blacks view the PPP as a dooms say scenario just as the Indians view the PNC.  The PNC is living up to their expectation as earning mistrust among Indians and the junior coalition is powerless to do anything.

That is one of the solutions many posters presented here,the problem is i am not seeing the PPP or PNC pushing for changes in the constitution to reflect this change in the Electoral System.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:

I said back in 2011 after the race-base voting continued and the AFC Indian got tricked that the entire template needs to be reinvented.  The one that came to mind back then was the post-genocide constitution of Rwanda.  All existing political parties were desolved and any party wanting to run for national elections must carry a diverse ethnic make-up in leadership and membership.  I'm sure they have other proven models to emulate.  What we can be sure of, Guyana's current model is not working, not for anyone, Indian, Black or anyone else!

What model you have in mind,also what you think may work.

Did you read my post?  There are several ways to approach it when you recognize the core issues.  And yes, we know there is race-biased voting, that is a given so saying people should change because someone seh so, it's a non-starter.  I referenced several models over the past weeks which needs to be explored. The likely easiest is to allow coalition formation after election and also the exiting of coalition by a member should they wish, forcing the formation of a new Govt or new election.

The current coalition is not a coalition the day after the election.  This is why Granger lavish them with promises to hop on board and now they all in the doghouse while the PNC runs the show!

I'm sure there are other models.  The crux is to address the ethnic security concerns.  Today, Blacks view the PPP as a dooms say scenario just as the Indians view the PNC.  The PNC is living up to their expectation as earning mistrust among Indians and the junior coalition is powerless to do anything.

That is one of the solutions many posters presented here,the problem is i am not seeing the PPP or PNC pushing for changes in the constitution to reflect this change in the Electoral System.

And there in lies the problem in Guyana.  Each party laments the shortcomings of the system but once in power enjoys the spoils of absolute power.  We have no leader who is willing to place country first over Party.  Each party sees themselves as the solution when each is the problem, but together could be the solution.  Now the PNC got their second shot, many had expected a different tune, but they slide right back to where they left off.  I dont know why the PNC would expect a different outcome when the do the same.  

politikalamity posted:

Along racial lines. Yesterday in speaking with an Indo Guyanese who has not gone back to Guyana in 25 years; he said to me that Guyana is a really bad place and the government is no good. Before that I spoke to many Indo Guyanese, including relatives who felt the same way.

During the years of PPP rule many Blacks felt the same way about the PPP

On this forum the above sentiments are also reflected by many individuals, the same goes for other social media. As long as we continue to see things through our racial vernacular there is no hope for Guyana.

I do not know where the argument came from that Indos can’t do this or Blacks can’t do that but it is now deeply embedded in us and we must find a way to exorcise this demon or we will forever suffer.

For the last 60 years and maybe even more.  So what is new?


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